Michael Ray "Mike" Thompson [Parents] was born on 27 Feb 1955 in Grundy, Buchanan Co, VA. He died on 14 Aug 2009 in Raleigh Co, WV. He was buried in Palm Memorial Gardens, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV. He married Suzanne Ilene "Susie" Lively on 23 Jun 1974 in Big Rock, Buchanan Co, VA.
Suzanne Ilene "Susie" Lively [Parents] was born on 3 Aug 1954 in WV. She married Michael Ray "Mike" Thompson on 23 Jun 1974 in Big Rock, Buchanan Co, VA.
They had the following children:
M i Michael Shannon Thompson.
Edgar Rush Thompson was born on 14 Aug 1916 in KY. He died on 12 Mar 1968 in Grundy, Buchanan Co, VA. He married Helen Lorene Gilliam.
Helen Lorene Gilliam was born on 11 May 1922 in VA. She died on 5 Jun 2015 in Lebanon, Russell Co, VA. She married Edgar Rush Thompson.
They had the following children:
M i Michael Ray "Mike" Thompson was born on 27 Feb 1955. He died on 14 Aug 2009.
Golden Keifer Lively was born in 1911 in Fayette Co, WV. He married Ruby Valentine Gwinn on 8 Feb 1941 in Meadow Bridge, Summers Co, WV.
Ruby Valentine Gwinn was born in 1921 in Fayette Co, WV. She married Golden Keifer Lively on 8 Feb 1941 in Meadow Bridge, Summers Co, WV.
They had the following children:
F i Suzanne Ilene "Susie" Lively was born on 3 Aug 1954. M ii Leondis "Lee" Lively. M iii Roger Lively. F iv Velma Lively.
Michael Shannon Thompson [Parents].Michael married Angela.
Other marriages:, Karen
Angela.Angela married Michael Shannon Thompson.
Velma Lively [Parents].Velma married Riffe.
Michael Shannon Thompson [Parents].Michael married Karen.
Other marriages:, Angela
Karen.Karen married Michael Shannon Thompson.
Roger Lively [Parents].Roger married Brenda.
Brenda.Brenda married Roger Lively.
Leondis "Lee" Lively [Parents].Leondis married Mary.
Mary.Mary married Leondis "Lee" Lively.
Kevin Rollins [Parents].Kevin married Denise.
Denise.Denise married Kevin Rollins.
Jason Blankenship.Jason married Julie Rollins.
Julie Rollins [Parents].Julie married Jason Blankenship.