McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Amil Hatfield

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Clear Fork District, taken on 11 Apr 1930, Page 169A, Family #84.
Listed as Amel Hatfield, age 10, born in WV, in household fo father, George W. Hatfield.
2. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1936); Page 477; WV Archives Web Site.
Andy Virgil Belcher; age 28; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Christian, WV; son of George and Lily
Belcher; married on 13 Nov 1936 at Long Branch, Simon, Wyoming Co, WV; Amil Hatfield; age 16;
born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Simon, WV; daughter of George and Annie Hatfield.