McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families

Alexander Chance Jr.Alexander married Lisa Price.

Lisa Price [Parents].Lisa married Alexander Chance Jr.

Marcus Price [Parents].Marcus married Tiffini.

Tiffini.Tiffini married Marcus Price.

Darryl DeDerry.Darryl married Sheree Price.

Sheree Price [Parents].Sheree married Darryl DeDerry.

Hinton. married Sandra Hicks.

Sandra Hicks [Parents].Sandra married Hinton.

Blanche Baylor.

Other marriages:
Flower, Jay

She had the following children:

  F i Hazel Y Baylor.

Jay Flower.Jay married Blanche Baylor.

Blanche Baylor.Blanche married Jay Flower.

Other marriages:

Hall. married Amil Hatfield.

Amil Hatfield [Parents] was born in 1920 in Wyoming Co, WV. She married Hall.

Other marriages:
Belcher, Andy Virgil


They had the following children:

  M i Benny Hall.

Andy Trent [Parents].Andy married Tammy.

Tammy.Tammy married Andy Trent.

Bobby Bodenhamer.Bobby married Robin Trent.

Robin Trent [Parents].Robin married Bobby Bodenhamer.

Overby. married Michelle Trent.

Michelle Trent [Parents].Michelle married Overby.

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