Darrie Jackson Foster was born on 31 Jul 1926 in Yukon, McDowell Co, WV. He died on 16 May 2005 in War, McDowell Co, WV. He was buried in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, Tazewell Co, VA. He married Betty Jean "Pat" Ross.
Betty Jean "Pat" Ross [Parents] was born on 14 Jun 1931 in Crumpler, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 5 Aug 2016 in War, McDowell Co, WV. She was buried on 13 Aug 2016 in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, Tazewell Co, VA. She married Darrie Jackson Foster.
They had the following children:
F i Brenda Jane Foster was born on 18 Dec 1951. F ii Joyce Foster was born on 6 Feb 1953. She died on 26 Nov 2020. M iii Johnny Michael "Mike" Foster was born on 13 Mar 1954. He died on 6 Jan 2013.
John Vernon Mullins.John married Betsy Ann Marshall about 1960.
Betsy Ann Marshall [Parents] was born on 22 May 1940 in Mill Creek, WV. She died on 10 May 2019 in Bowers Hospice House, Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV. She was buried on 13 May 2019 in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV. She married John Vernon Mullins about 1960.
William B. "Jack" Marshall was born in 1899 in Raleigh Co, WV. He died in 1978. He was buried in Stewart Cemetery, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV. He married Leslie Treadway.
Leslie Treadway was born on 16 Dec 1912 in Pax, Fayette Co, WV. She died on 4 Apr 1978. She was buried in Stewart Cemetery, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV. She married William B. "Jack" Marshall.
They had the following children:
F i Betsy Ann Marshall was born on 22 May 1940. She died on 10 May 2019. F ii Melba Marshall. F iii Donna Marshall.
Tuttle. married Nellie Shepherd.
Nellie Shepherd [Parents].Nellie married Tuttle.
Lany Ray Shepherd [Parents] was born on 13 Sep 1969 in Mullens, Wyoming Co, WV. He died on 14 May 2019 in Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV. He was buried in Cremated. He married Michelle Lynn Addington.
Michelle Lynn Addington.Michelle married Lany Ray Shepherd.
They had the following children:
M i Dalton Shepherd.
Jerry Johnson.Jerry married Venita Bolen.
Venita Bolen [Parents].Venita married Jerry Johnson.
Edward "Eddie" Bolen [Parents].Edward married Shirley.
Shirley.Shirley married Edward "Eddie" Bolen.
He had the following children:
F i Lois Ann Pennington was born on 2 Sep 1970.
Neil Perry.Neil married Nadean Lane.
Nadean Lane [Parents].Nadean married Neil Perry.
Other marriages:Hurley, James "Jimmy"
They had the following children:
F i Misty Ann aka Lane Perry was born on 4 Aug 1962 in Mullens, Wyoming Co, WV. She died on 21 May 2019 in McDowell Co, WV. She was buried on 28 May 2019 in Lane Family Cemetery, Double Camp, WV. [Notes]
Jackie Jarrells [Parents].Jackie married Phyllis.