McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families

Charles Douglas Dial [Parents] was born on 27 Sep 1963 in Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV. He married Patricia Keene.


Patricia Keene [Parents] was born in Sep 1970. She married Charles Douglas Dial.


Russell Kelley Damron.Russell married Victoria Elizabeth Dial.


Victoria Elizabeth Dial [Parents] was born on 8 Apr 1969 in Welch, McDowell Co, WV. She married Russell Kelley Damron.


They had the following children:

  F i Valerie Elizabeth Damron was born on 12 Apr 1986 in Bluefield, Mercer Co, WV. [Notes]
  M ii Nathan Kelley Storm Damron was born on 9 Nov 1994 in Roanoke, VA. [Notes]

John Haskins.John married Minnie.

Minnie was born in 1901 in WV. She died on 1 Jun 1939 in Lakin State Hospital, West Columbia, Mason Co, WV. She was buried on 4 Jun 1939 in Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV. She married John Haskins.


They had the following children:

  M i Earnest Edward Haskins was born on 11 Apr 1924. He died on 16 Mar 1958.

Louis Thomas Chambers Sr [Parents] was born on 6 Jan 1911 in Newcomb, Campbell Co, TN. He died on 9 Apr 1991. He married Evelyn Letner on 29 Jun 1935 in Asco, McDowell Co, WV.

Other marriages:
Fruia, Emeline Grace "Emily"


Evelyn Letner [Parents] was born in 1914 in TN. She married Louis Thomas Chambers Sr on 29 Jun 1935 in Asco, McDowell Co, WV.


They had the following children:

  M i Louis Thomas Chambers Jr was born in 1936.

Martin Majerczyk.Martin married Lilly.

Lilly.Lilly married Martin Majerczyk.

They had the following children:

  F i Emma Majerczyk was born on 6 Nov 1918.

James Henry Fowler [Parents] was born on 21 Aug 1861 in Carroll Co, VA. He died on 7 May 1937 in Goodwill, Mercer Co, WV. He was buried on 9 May 1937 in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluefield, Mercer Co, WV.

Other marriages:
Stovall, Florence


He had the following children:

  M i McKinley J. Fowler was born in 1895 in VA. [Notes]
  F ii Gracy F. Fowler was born in 1900 in VA. [Notes]
  F iii Lola F. Fowler was born on 31 Aug 1901. She died on 15 Feb 1960.

Vernon Blackburn "Bernie" Ferrell.Vernon married Martha Jane Endicott.

Martha Jane Endicott.Martha married Vernon Blackburn "Bernie" Ferrell.

They had the following children:

  F i Pearl Ferrell was born on 9 Mar 1911. She died on 10 Jan 1997.

Letcher Belcher [Parents] was born on 8 May 1905 in Bessie, Dickenson Co, VA. He married Sarah B. Rowe.


Sarah B. Rowe [Parents] was born on 25 Mar 1903 in McDowell Co, WV. She married Letcher Belcher.

Other marriages:
Belcher, James Elbert


Fred Garland Church [Parents] was born on 18 Jul 1921 in Keystone, McDowell Co, WV. He died on 19 Apr 1991 in Bluefield, Mercer Co, WV. He married Ruby Alice Eldridge on 29 Dec 1948 in Welch, McDowell Co, WV.


Ruby Alice Eldridge [Parents] was born on 4 May 1931 in Vivian, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 11 Nov 2007. She married Fred Garland Church on 29 Dec 1948 in Welch, McDowell Co, WV.


They had the following children:

  M i James Freddy Church was born on 27 Oct 1948.
  F ii Gay Nelle Church was born on 3 Jan 1950 in Bottom Creek, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 6 Jul 1950 in Bottom Creek, McDowell Co, WV. She was buried in New Belcher Mountian Community Cemetery, Kimball, McDowell Co, WV. [Notes]
  M iii Terry Garland Church was born on 26 Dec 1954.

Allen Wesley Perry was born in 1939 in Aflex, Pike Co, KY. He married Donna Marie Rowe on 6 Feb 1961 in Jolo, McDowell Co, WV.


Donna Marie Rowe [Parents] was born in 1945 in Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV. She married Allen Wesley Perry on 6 Feb 1961 in Jolo, McDowell Co, WV.


They had the following children:

  M i Allen Perry was born on 27 Aug 1962.
  F ii Patricia Perry was born on 23 May 1968.
  F iii Irma Perry.[Notes]

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