John Francis Smith [Parents] was born on 5 Jan 1880 in Alleghany Co,VA. He died on 13 Mar 1955 in Alleghany Co,VA. He was buried in Hoke Cemetery,Alleghany Co,VA.
Other marriages:Hoke, Effie Susan
Rhodes, Flora Alice
He had the following children:
F i Francis Missouri Smith was born on 9 Jan 1921. She died on 29 May 1948.
Jackie A. Belcher.Jackie married Sharon Lee Muncy.
Sharon Lee Muncy [Parents] was born about 1951. She died on 11 May 2021. She was buried on 14 May 2021 in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co, WV. She married Jackie A. Belcher.
They had the following children:
F i Sharryn LaNelle Belcher. M ii Jackie Belcher. F iii Arlene Belcher. F iv Marlene Belcher.
Jeffery LaBarre.Jeffery married Rita Johnson.
Rita Johnson [Parents].Rita married Jeffery LaBarre.
Dickie Robinette.Dickie married Beverly Johnson.
Beverly Johnson [Parents].Beverly married Dickie Robinette.
Other marriages:Steele,
Steele. married Beverly Johnson.
Beverly Johnson [Parents].Beverly married Steele.
Other marriages:Robinette, Dickie
Carl Phillips.Carl married Mary Johnson.
Mary Johnson [Parents].Mary married Carl Phillips.
Ott Carter was born in 1915. He married Azzie Walker.
Azzie Walker was born in 1912. She married Ott Carter.
They had the following children:
M i Curtis Ott Carter was born in 1945.
James Clayton Cook was born on 30 Jan 1972 in WV. He married Carla Renee Carter.
Carla Renee Carter [Parents] was born on 22 Dec 1967 in Mullens, Wyoming Co, WV. She died on 9 May 2021. She was buried in Cremated. She married James Clayton Cook.
They had the following children:
M i James Curtis Cook.
Gerald Eugene Honaker [Parents] was born on 22 Apr 1956 in Ny. He married Sharon Gail Whitt on 2 Jul 1975 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Sharon Gail Whitt [Parents] was born on 27 Jun 1956 in WV. She married Gerald Eugene Honaker on 2 Jul 1975 in Tazewell Co, VA.
He had the following children:
F i Mary Leanner Withrow was born in 1891.