McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families

Cletis Jackson [Parents].Cletis married Chris.


Chris.Chris married Cletis Jackson.

Estil Vanover [Parents] was born in 1932 in Rockridge, McDowell Co, WV. He married Doris Jackson on 2 Jul 1953 in Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV.


Doris Jackson [Parents] was born in 1935 in Litwar, McDowell Co, WV. She married Estil Vanover on 2 Jul 1953 in Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV.


Bernie Hatfield [Parents] was born in 1937. He married Sherry.

Sherry.Sherry married Bernie Hatfield.

Forrest Gene Hooper was born on 16 Aug 1935 in WV. He married Francis Ellen Harman on 23 Jul 1971 in Richmond, VA.


Francis Ellen Harman [Parents] was born on 10 Jun 1924 in Yukon, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 28 Jul 2015 in Henrico Co, VA. She married Forrest Gene Hooper on 23 Jul 1971 in Richmond, VA.


White. married Antonia Renka.

Antonia Renka was born in Crotia. She married White.

Other marriages:
Gonzalez, Frank Sr

Phillip C. Carrington [Parents] was born on 31 Jul 1954 in Mansfield, Richland Co, OH. He died on 30 Jun 2022. He was buried on 6 Jul 2022 in Cremated. He married Vada Deel.


Vada Deel was born on 10 Jan 1953 in Man, Logan Co, WV. She died on 30 Jul 2017. She was buried on 4 Aug 2017. She married Phillip C. Carrington.


Ewing Turner Flatt.Ewing married Elaine Brewster.

Elaine Brewster.Elaine married Ewing Turner Flatt.

They had the following children:

  F i Luana Flatt was born on 9 Apr 1944. She died on 2 Apr 2019.

Herbert G. Cooper was born in 1895. He died in 1971. He was buried in Resurrection Cemetery, Clinton, PriNCe George's Co, Md. He married Mary Louise Daniels in 1918.


Mary Louise Daniels [Parents] was born in 1900. She died in 1989. She was buried in Resurrection Cemetery, Clinton, PriNCe George's Co, Md. She married Herbert G. Cooper in 1918.


They had the following children:

  M i Jack Daniel Cooper was born in 1919. He died in 1992. He was buried in Resurrection Cemetery, Clinton, PriNCe George's Co, Md. [Notes]

Henry Clay Leake.Henry married Mannie Mae Kissinger.

Mannie Mae Kissinger [Parents] was born on 12 Feb 1895 in Camp Creek, Mercer Co, WV. She died in Sep 1991 in Hospital, Princeton, Mercer Co, WV. She was buried in Kessinger Family Cemetery, Camp Creek, Mercer Co, WV. She married Henry Clay Leake.

Other marriages:
Lilly, Oswell William Dds


Butch Parker.Butch married Margaret Goodson.

Margaret Goodson [Parents].Margaret married Butch Parker.

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