James Marvin Altizer [Parents] was born on 19 Apr 1917 in McDowell Co, WV. He died on 20 Aug 1997. He was buried in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, Tazewell Co, VA. He married Hallie Marie Hubble on 5 Apr 1943 in Bishop, Tazewell Co, VA.
Hallie Marie Hubble [Parents] was born on 23 Apr 1923 in Nebo, Smyth Co, VA. She died on 8 Jul 2015 in Tazewell, Tazewell Co, VA. She was buried in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, Tazewell Co, VA. She married James Marvin Altizer on 5 Apr 1943 in Bishop, Tazewell Co, VA.
William Denver Comer.William married Marie Ellen Jackson.
Marie Ellen Jackson.Marie married William Denver Comer.
They had the following children:
M i Steven Dale Comer was born on 6 Mar 1961.
Kathy Queen.Kathy married Fox.
Other marriages:Walls, Clifton Lee "C.L."
They had the following children:
F i Tina Fox. M ii John Fox.
Other marriages:Conrad, Robert H. "Bob"
She had the following children:
F i Brookline.
William Howard Scott.William married Stella Mae.
Stella Mae.Stella married William Howard Scott.
They had the following children:
F i Peggy Deloris Scott was born in 1940.
Steven Dale Comer [Parents] was born on 6 Mar 1961 in WV. He married Amanda Sue Meadows on 23 Oct 1987 in Covington, Alleghany Co, VA.
Amanda Sue Meadows [Parents] was born on 11 Oct 1955 in Mallory, Logan Co, WV. She died on 13 May 1999. She married Steven Dale Comer on 23 Oct 1987 in Covington, Alleghany Co, VA.
Other marriages:Evans, Ira Arnorld Jr
Robert Horace McBee.Robert married Louisa Baldwin.
Louisa Baldwin.Louisa married Robert Horace McBee.
They had the following children:
F i Nannie Marie McBee was born on 23 Sep 1947.
They had the following children:
F i Ruby Marie Green was born on 14 Apr 1927. She died on 20 Nov 2000.
Anthony Wayne Campbell died on 25 Feb 1995 in Ottawa Co, OH. He married Lillie Ollivane Higgins.
Lillie Ollivane Higgins was born on 2 Aug 1909 in Walland, Blount Co, TN. She died on 31 Oct 2002 in Oregon, Lucas Co, OH. She married Anthony Wayne Campbell.
They had the following children:
M i Gordon Lynn Campbell was born on 2 Jun 1940. He died on 17 Jan 1996.
Clifford "Bud" Hagen.Clifford married Grace.
Grace.Grace married Clifford "Bud" Hagen.
They had the following children:
F i Judith Ann Hagan was born on 1 Jul 1944. She died on 11 Feb 2020.