McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


James P. Whitman

1. "Marriage Index:, KY, TN, NC, VA, WV 1728 - 1850", CD #229, Family Tree Maker.
James P. Whitman married Elizabeth P. Bean (sic, Bane) on 2 Jun 1840 in Tazewell Co, VA.
2. Web Site, Chapman A. Spotts Search, 27 Aug 2003, submittec by Debra Phillips,
"Obituary from SW Advocate
"Sometime during the Summer of 1840 it was her fate to bow to a severe dispensation of providence. She had
been married scarcely two short months to her first husband, Mr. James Whitman, when the angel of death came
and folded him gently in his dark wings, and shut out the sorrows of earth forever..."

Elizabeth P. "Betsy" Bane

1. "Marriage Index:, KY, TN, NC, VA, WV 1728 - 1850", CD #229, Family Tree Maker.
James P. Whitman married Elizabeth P. Bean (sic, Bane) on 2 Jun 1840 in Tazewell Co, VA.
2. "Marriage Index:, KY, TN, NC, VA, WV 1728 - 1850", CD #229, Family Tree Maker.
Chapman A. Spotts married Elizabeth P. (Bane) Whitman on 30 Sep 1842 in Tazewell Co, VA.
3. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 25 Sep 1850, Page 304B, Family #1223.
Listed as Betsy Spotts, age 20, born in VA, in household of husband, Chapman A. Spotts.
4. Web Site, Chapman A. Spotts Search, 27 Aug 2003, submittec by Debra Phillips,
"Obituary from SW Advocate
"At her residence of Typhod (sic) fever on the morning of the 28th Nov. MRS. ELIZABETH SPOTTS, wife of Chapman
A. Spotts, Esq. Aged 36 years. After a protracted illness the issue of which has been but too plainly foreseen by her
friends, Mrs. Spotts has left us regretted and beloved by all classes of the community.
"A person of rare excellence, having passed from our midst, it is right that we should detain our thoughts a little in the
vicinity of this sorrowful event. A laudable curiosity is excited among those who never had the pleasure of their
acquaintance, to know something of the closing scene, as well as personal history of such an individual. While
others, who have known her face to face, are just unwilling that so signal a display of Christian triumph, should pass
away without some fit memorial.
"Mrs. Spotts was a native of this county, born on Bluestone in the year 1910, where her bereaved father Mr. Howard
Bane now resides. Here by parents of staid habits and severe integrity, were engrafted on her infant mind, those
sweet lessons of morality, the substrata of that soul-elevating piety, which in after years revealed itself in her
character; and shone, "As the bright star that gilds the brow of ev'n."
"Sometime during the Summer of 1840 it was her fate to bow to a severe dispensation of providence. She had
been married scarcely two short months to her first husband, Mr. James Whitman, when the angel of death came
and folded him gently in his dark wings, and shut out the sorrows of earth forever. Oh what a calamity was this! God
had smitten her, but the stroke that blasted, consecrated her! For amid the gloom of affliction and sorrow she was
enable with the eye of faith, to behold "the lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world." Her conversion was
bright and henceforth her hopes were firmly fixed upon a blissful immortality beyond the grave. She became a
member of the Methodist church, and by her daily walk and conversation, it was manifest that she had reference to
her recompense of reward. Her religion was no dire fatalist-no gloom reservoir of morbid and unhappy feelings,
turned heavenward in the last extremity for comfort, but a meek and angelic presence in the chamber of earth,
which beautifies and yet redeems and restores by its very gentleness, righting all it wrongs, curing all its evils, and
wiping away all its tears.
"In her social intercourse, she was a fine specimen of a pure warm heart, with all the unsophisticated simplicity
and truthfulness of nature. Kind, affectionate and obliging, the wished for favour was never denied but yielded with
no air of angelic cheerfulness, that gave more pleasure that the service itself. There is a beauty in generous
actions, that charms and captivates the soul, a sweetness like that immortal love, whence it flows, shall outlive the
ravages of time.
"During her illness, she frequently spoke of the uncertainty of her recovery; assuring her friends at the same time
that if it was- - - - - - -(part of obituary cut off)- - - - - - - fell into a deep sleep, which lasted some hours, from which,
she awake perfectly rational, and requested those near, to arrange her pillows; this done to her satisfaction, she
quietly remarked, you may tell them all to come in now, I will soon be gone. After remaining perfectly still for a
brief space, and breathing hurriedly shoe slowly raised he emaciated arms, and broke forth with this
exclamation: "oh! oh! glory! honor! praise and salvation be to my Lord and redeemer!".
"These were her last words. Presenting to the church on earth, one more trophy of the immortality of the Christian
religion, and the triumphs of the gospel. Arrive on the frontier between life and life, with Jordans dark billows
rolling at her feet, it is wonderful that she broke forth into ecstasies of joy at the rapturous sight which Moses saw.
"Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood, All dressed in living green" Is it wonderful, that she smiling bid adieu to
this sin-sick clime-these causes of woe, and exulting set foot upon that peaceful shore, where there shall be no
more sickness, sorrow, pain nor death, where Enduring Spring abides And never withering glower."

James Peery

1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 511.
Thomas Peery; born on 10 Nov 1786; died on 17 Feb 1872; son of Thomas Peery; lived in Burks Garden; married
Anna Gose, daughter of David Phillip and Elizabeth Spangler Gose, on 17 May 1818.
Son, Dr. James Peery; born on 5 Oct 1833 in Burks Garden, VA; died on 22 Jan 1894 at Cedar Bluff, VA; married
Mary Letitia Spotts, daughter of Chapman A. and Elizabeth Bane Spotts, on 5 Dec 1867.

Mary Letitia Spotts

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 25 Sep 1850, Page 304B, Family #1223.
Listed as Mary L. Spotts, age 4, born in VA, in household of father, Chapman A. Spotts.
2. Web Site, Chapman A. Spotts Search, 27 Aug 2003, submittec by Debra Phillips,
Mary Letitia Spotts; born in Apr 1847; married James Peery, son of John and Debroah Kidd Peery (sic, James was
born in 1835. He could not be the child of Debroah Kidd Peery. She would have been 65 years old at his birth. he was
the son of Thomas and Anna Gose Peery).
3. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 511.
Thomas Peery; born on 10 Nov 1786; died on 17 Feb 1872; son of Thomas Peery; lived in Burks Garden; married
Anna Gose, daughter of David Phillip and Elizabeth Spangler Gose, on 17 May 1818.
Son, Dr. James Peery; born on 5 Oct 1833 in Burks Garden, VA; died on 22 Jan 1894 at Cedar Bluff, VA; married
Mary Letitia Spotts, daughter of Chapman A. and Elizabeth Bane Spotts, on 5 Dec 1867.
Mary Letitia Spotts; born on 5 Apr 1847 near Cedar Bluff, VA.
4. Web Site, Chapman A. Spotts Search, 27 Aug 2003, submittec by Debra Phillips,

"Mother of Congressman Peery Buried in Maplewood Cemetery Here Wednesday Afternoon.
"Mrs. Mary Letitia Peery, aged 78 years, passed away at her home at Cedar Bluff Tuesday morning at about 2
o'clock after a lingering illness. The funeral service was held at her late home on Wednesday. The remains were
brought to Tazewell for interment in the new cemetery.
"Mary Letitia Spotts, daughter of the late Chapman Spotts, was married to the late Dr. James Peery, December
1867. She leaves five children: Chapman H. Peery, United State Congressman from ninth District, Wade H. Peery,
North Tazewell, Mrs. Dr. W. R. Williams, Richlands, and Miss Bessie Peery, Cedar Bluff.
"Dr. James Peery was a physician of high standing in his day, enjoying a large practice, a man who stood high in
this county and wherever known. He was born and reared in Burke's Garden, brother to the late Capt. Thos. Peery,
well known and remembered in the county. An ardent Methodist, he was an officer of the church early all his live. He
married as stated, Miss Spotts, at Cedar Bluff, who through a long life gave her heart and influence to the rearing
and training of her five children, all of whom occupy honorable positions in society and business, and her influence
is felt in the halls of Congress of the United States. Could parents give a richer legacy to their children?"

Thomas Peery

1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 511.
Thomas Peery; born on 10 Nov 1786; died on 17 Feb 1872; son of Thomas Peery; lived in Burks
Garden; married Anna Gose, daughter of David Phillip and Elizabeth Spangler Gose, on 17 May 1818.
2. "Tazewell Co (VA) Marriages, 1854-1866" Register No 3, Year 1859, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Elias Foglesong, age 28, born and living in Wythe Co, VA, son of Henry and Julia Foglesong, married
on 8 Sep 1859 Sophia Peery, age 23, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of Thomas and Anne Peery.
Married by James A. Brown.

Anna Gose

1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 511.
Thomas Peery; born on 10 Nov 1786; died on 17 Feb 1872; son of Thomas Peery; lived in Burks
Garden; married Anna Gose, daughter of David Phillip and Elizabeth Spangler Gose, on 17 May 1818.
Anna Gose; born in Apr 1798; died on 23 Apr 1857.
2. "Tazewell Co (VA) Marriages, 1854-1866" Register No 3, Year 1859, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Elias Foglesong, age 28, born and living in Wythe Co, VA, son of Henry and Julia Foglesong, married
on 8 Sep 1859 Sophia Peery, age 23, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of Thomas and Anne Peery.
Married by James A. Brown.

Benjamin Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as Benjamin Prints, age 53, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
2. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol I, page 68.
Benjamin Prince married Nancy Belcher on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA, by John Perry.
3. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of
Ishamn and Martha Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.

Nancy Belcher

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as Nancy Prints, age 49, born in VA, in household of husband, Banjamin Prince.
2. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol I, page 68.
Benjamin Prince married Nancy Belcher on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA, by John Perry.
3. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter
of Ishamn and Martha Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Nancy Belcher; born in 1799 in Tazewell Co, VA; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV.

James Mack Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as James M. Prints, age 18, born in VA, in household of father, Banjamin Prince
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Son, James Mack Prince; born abt 1834 in VA; died bef 1900; married first Hannah (_______); second, Martha Jane
Marcum on 30 Mar 1865 in Lawrence Co, OH.

Martin V.B. Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as Martha V. B. Prints, age 13, born in VA, in household of father, Banjamin Prince
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Son, Martin V.B. Prince; married first Mary Ann Massey on 31 Jan 1856 in Lawrence Co, KY; second, Sarah Ann (______).

Malinda Catherine Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as Malinda C. Prints, age 8, born in VA, in household of father, Banjamin Prince
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Daughter, Malinda Catherine Prince; married James Spalding on 10 Feb 1859 in Logan Co, WV.

Rebecca R. Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as Rebecca R. Prints, age 5, born in VA, in household of father, Banjamin Prince
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Daughter, Rebecca R. Prince; married James M. Sumner on 22 Mar 1860 in Wayne Co, WV.

David M. Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 25 Sep 1850, Page 304B, Family #1223.
Listed as David Prince, age 25, born in VA, farmer, in household of Chapman A. Spotts.
2. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol I, page 151.
David Prince married Elizabeth Creed on 4 Sep 1851 in Tazewell Co, VA, by William McGuire.
3. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Son, David M. Prince; born on 2 Jun 1829 in Tazewell Co, VA; died on 26 Aug 1902, Eugene, Lane Co, OR; married
Elizabeth Creed on 4 Sep 1851 in Tazewell Co, VA.

Elizabeth "Betsy" Creed

1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol I, page 151.
David Prince married Elizabeth Creed on 4 Sep 1851 in Tazewell Co, VA, by William McGuire.
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Son, David M. Prince; born on 2 Jun 1829 in Tazewell Co, VA; died on 26 Aug 1902, Eugene, Lane Co, OR; married
Elizabeth Creed on 4 Sep 1851 in Tazewell Co, VA.
3. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 24 Sep 1850, page 302B, Family #1194.
Listed as Betsy Creed, age 18, born in VA, in household of father, Bennett Creed.

Hiram W. Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 25 Sep 1850, Page 304B, Family #1223.
Listed as Hiram Prince, age 30, born in VA, farmer, in household of Chapman A. Spotts.
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Son, Hiram W. Prince; married Elizabeth Ellen Spaulding.

Isaac Patton Tabor

1. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Daughter, Nancy Jane Prince; born in 1836 in VA; died on 21 Nov 1871; married Isaac Patton Tabor on 22 Jul 1852
in Tazewell Co, VA.

Nancy Jane Prince

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 28 Aug 1850, Page 276B, Family #836.
Listed as Nancy Prints, age 17, born in VA, in household of father, Banjamin Prince
2. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Daughter, Nancy Jane Prince; born in 1836 in VA; died on 21 Nov 1871; married Isaac Patton Tabor on 22 Jul 1852
in Tazewell Co, VA.

Harvey Belcher

1. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Daughter, Julia A. Prince; born in Apr 1825; married Harvey Belcher on 28 Dec 1848 in Tazewell Co, VA.

Julia A. Prince

1. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Daughter, Julia A. Prince; born in Apr 1825; married Harvey Belcher on 28 Dec 1848 in Tazewell Co, VA.

William Prince

1. Web Site, Benjamin Prince Search, 28 Aug 2003, submitted by Dick Prince,
Benjamin Prince; born in 1797; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, WV; married Nancy Belcher, daughter of Isham and Martha
Hodges Belcher, on 22 Nov 1821 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Son, William Green Prince; born in Mar 1825 in VA; buried in Orilla, IA; married Martha L. Tabor on 10 May 1845 in
Tazewell Co, VA.

Nathaniel Asbury Bailey

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, page 147A, Family 12.
Listed as Nathan Bailey, age 9, born in Mar 1891, in household of father,
James Bailey.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, taken on 17 Apr 1930, Page 161B, Family #232.
Listed as Nathan Bailey, age 39, born in WV, married at 26, coal miner, head of household.

Laura Marinda Harman

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, page 156A, Family 111.
Listed as Laura Harman, age 11, born in Aug 1888, in WV, in household of
step-father, James Brown.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 19 May 1910; Page 85B; Image 27 of 28;
Family #151/151.
Listed as Marinda Harman; age 13; born in WV; single; in household of father, Anderson Harman.
3. Internet Web Site, link from,
By Laura Larkin, Dillion/Harmon Surname, 21 May 2000.
Laura Marinda Harman born 22 Aug 1896; married Nathaniel Asbury Bailey 22 Aug
1917; children were: Harry Alexander, Lois Ann, Nannie Nadine, Ronnie
Nathaniel, Lonnies Asbury, and Blanche Ellen.
4. Chancery Court Records, McDowell Co, WV, Box 14, File 444.
Mary A. Harman vs Anderson Harman, filed action for a divorce on 28 Jun
1898. Six children were born to this marriage, 4 girls: Nanny Belle, born
1885; Stella May, born 1888; Sallie, born 1893; Laura, born 1896, and 2
Divorce was granted on 18 Mar 1899.
5. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, taken on 17 Apr 1930, Page 161B, Family #232.
Listed as Marinda Bailey, age 34, born in WV, married at 21, in household of husband, Nathaniel A.

Harry Bailey

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, taken on 17 Apr 1930, Page 161B, Family #232.
Listed as Harry Bailey, age 6, born in WV, in household of father, Nathaniel A. Bailey.

Lois Bailey

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, taken on 17 Apr 1930, Page 161B, Family #232.
Listed as Lois Bailey, age 6 months, born in WV, in household of father, Nathaniel A. Bailey.