McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Joseph Floyd McKinney Jr

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 193.
Listed as Joseph McKinney, age 48, head of household.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (________) McKinney, Sr.
Known children were: Samuel, James (born 1831, went to Missouri), Martha
(born 1834), Joseph F. III.
3. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA..." Harman, Vol I, page 72.
Joseph McKinney married on 26 Sep 1822 Martha Dillion in Tazewell Co, VA.
4. Web Site, James Graham serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Joesph Floyd McKinney was born in 1802 in Montgomery Co, VA; died in Fayette
Co, WV; married on 26 Sep 1822 Martha Dillion.

Milly Ellen Mills

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 201.
2. "Wyoming Co Wills 1850-1900", Haga, 1870, Will of Robert Mills.
Lists her as Millie E. McKinney oldest daughter by first wife.
3. Web Site, Floyd McKinney search, 28 Dec 2000, GEDCOM file
185947, submitted by
Joseph Floyd McKinney married second, Ellen Mills, daughter of Robert and
Rebecca Rhinehart Mills.
4. Web Site, James Graham serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Joesph Floyd McKinney was born in 1802 in Montgomery Co, VA; died in Fayette
Co, WV; married first on 26 Sep 1822 Martha Dillion; second, Ellen Mills,
in 1854. Ellen was born in 1834 and was the daughter of Robert and Rebecca
Rhinehart Mills.

Elizabeth McKinney

1. "Deaths Wyoming Co, WV 1853-1894" Haga, Year of 1856.
Elizabeth McKinney died on 20 Jun 1856 of bold hives at age 3 months,
daughter of Joseph and Milla McKinney.
2. "Wyoming County Births" 1853-1884, transcribed by Pauline A. Haga, year
Elizabeth McKinney; born on 12 Mar 1856 in Barker's Ridge; daughter of Joseph
and Milla McKinney.

Martha Jane McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 193.
2. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of Samuel P. McKinney, as a washerwoman.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
4. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 742.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 45, born in VA, in household of husband,
James W. Settle.
Martha apparenty was married previously to (________) McKinney since she has
a 15 year old daughter, W. McKinney, listed here.
This could be Martha J. McKinney, RIN 1212.
Yes, see Ref 4.
5. Web Site, 18 Sep 2000, Ira McKinney search.
Martha Jane McKinney, born abt 1834; married James Wesley Settle.
6. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #74.
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 65, born in 1834; head of household.
7. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910,
Page 207A, Family #202.
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 70, born in VA, married for 34 yrs, 7
children, 5 living, in household of son, Moses H. McKinney.

Martha McKinney

1. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of Samuel P. McKinney, with mother, Jane McKinney.

Almeda McKinney

1. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of Samuel P. McKinney, with mother, Jane McKinney.

Unnamed McKinney

1. "Births Wyoming Co...", Haga, 1859.

Wilmouth Kay McKinney

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 742.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012
Listed as W. McKinney, age 15, born in WV, in household of step-father,
James W. Settle.
Her mother, Martha J. McKinney Settle is also listed here.

James Wesley Settle

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 742.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012
Listed as James W. Settle, age 37, born in VA, head of household, a farmer.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 742.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 45, born in VA, in household of husband,
James W. Settle.
Martha apparenty was married previously to (________) McKinney since she has
a 15 year old daughter, W. McKinney, listed here.
This could be Martha J. McKinney, RIN 1212.
Yes, see Ref 3.
3. Web Site, 18 Sep 2000, Ira McKinney search.
Martha Jane McKinney, born abt 1834; married James Wesley Settle.

Martha Jane McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 193.
2. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of Samuel P. McKinney, as a washerwoman.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
4. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 742.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 45, born in VA, in household of husband,
James W. Settle.
Martha apparenty was married previously to (________) McKinney since she has
a 15 year old daughter, W. McKinney, listed here.
This could be Martha J. McKinney, RIN 1212.
Yes, see Ref 4.
5. Web Site, 18 Sep 2000, Ira McKinney search.
Martha Jane McKinney, born abt 1834; married James Wesley Settle.
6. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #74.
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 65, born in 1834; head of household.
7. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910,
Page 207A, Family #202.
Listed as Martha J. Settle, age 70, born in VA, married for 34 yrs, 7
children, 5 living, in household of son, Moses H. McKinney.

Sarah E. Settle

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 742.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012
Listed as Sarah E. Settle, age 12, in household of father, James W. Settle.

Jesse Green McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 193.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
Married Emily Miller in 1850 and moved to KY.
Believe this is Emily Mills (Miller), daughter of Robert and Rebecca Mills.
See Ref 3. Went to Kentucky.
3. "Wyoming Co Wills 1850-1900", Haga, 1870, Will of Robert Mills.
Lists her as Emily McKinney second daughter by first wife.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 56.
Jesse Green McKinney married "El." Mills, daughter of Robert and Rebecca
Mills on 28 Jun 1856.

Elizabeth Emily Mills

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 201.
2. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WY...", Vol 1, Haga, page 58.
Marriage of daughter "El" to Jesse Green McKinney on 28 Jun 1856 lists
her parents as Robert and Rebecca.
3. "Wyoming Co Wills 1850-1900", Haga, 1870, Will of Robert Mills.
Lists her as Emily McKinney second daughter by first wife.

Ira T. McKinney Rev

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 193.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
Married Rebecca Meadows. Children were: Joseph, Henry, James, Victoria,
Margaret, Annie, Martha, Mary, and Nancy.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co...", Vol 1, Haga, page 37.
There appears to be a mix-up here. This Rebecca C. Meadows, daughter of
William and Mary (_______) Meadows married Hiley Graham on 14 Oct 1858. Did
she marry two times? Reference 2 may be incorrect or there may be two
Rebecca Meadows.
4. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 44.
Rebecca did marry twice. THere are two children, Mary and Luke Graham from
her first marriage in this household.
5. "Marriage Records of Wyoming...", Vol 5, No 244, Haga, page 44.
William Lusk, age 21, son of Powell and Mary Ann Lusk, married on 1 Jan 1898
Ona McKinney, age 19, daughter of Ira T. and Rebecca C. McKinney.
Gave Ira's middle initial as T and Rebecca's as C.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 736.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 012.
Listed as Ira McKinney, age 37, head of household, a farmer.
7. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #75.
Listed as Ira T. McKinney, age 60, as head of household.
8. Web Site, 18 Sep 2000, Ira McKinney search.
Ira McKinney, born 11 Oct 1844; married Rebecca Carolyn Meadows
9. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910,
Page 207A, Family #199.
Listed as Ira T. McKinney, age 68, born in WV, married 43 yrs, farmer, head
of household.

Rebecca Carolyn Meadows

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 218.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 471.
Married Hiley Graham. Moved to Raleigh Co, WV.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV, 1854-1910", Ronald Ray Turner, 1991,
page 113. Married Rebecca Meadows, age 20, born in Raleigh Co, WV, daughter
of William and Mary Meadows, on 14 Oct 1858.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co...", Vol 1, Haga, page 37.
5. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
Rebecca Meadows married Ira McKinney.
6. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co...", Vol 1, Haga, page 37.
There appears to be a mix-up here. This Rebecca C. Meadows, daughter of
William and Mary (_______) Meadows married Hiley Graham on 14 Oct 1858. Did
she marry two times? Reference 5 may be incorrect or there may be two
Rebecca Meadows. Yes.
7. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 44.
She has two of her children from first marriage to Hiley Graham in this
8. "Marriage Records of Wyoming...", Vol 5, No 244, Haga, page 44.
William Lusk, age 21, son of Powell and Mary Ann Lusk, married on 1 Jan 1898
Ona McKinney, age 19, daughter of Ira T. and Rebecca C. McKinney.
Gave Ira's middle initial as T and Rebecca's as C.
9. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 736.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 005.
Listed as Rebecca C. McKinney, age 39, in household of husband, Ira McKinney.
10. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #75.
Listed as Rebecca C. McKinney, age 63, in household of husband, Ira T.
11. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910,
Page 207A, Family #199.
Listed as Rebecca C. McKinney, age 71, born in VA, married 43 yrs, 11
children, 9 living, in household of husband, Ira T. McKinney.

Joseph Henry McKinney

1. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 44.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 736.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 005.
Listed as Joseph H. McKinney, age 11, in household of father, Ira McKinney.
3. "Raleigh Co, WV Marriages, 1891-1901" transcribed by Pauline Haga, Year of
15 Apr 1893, Joseph Henry McKinney, age 23, born in Wyoming Co, WV, resident
of Wyoming Co, married Amanda Adaline Lilly, age 20, born in Raleigh Co, WV.
Married by Samuel McKinney at bride's father's.

James H. N. McKinney

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 736.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 005.
Listed as John H.N. McKinney, age 7, in household of father, Ira McKinney.
2. "Raleigh Co, WV Marriages, 1891-1901" transcribed by Pauline Haga, Year of
25 Jun 1892, James N. McKinney, age 20, born in Wyoming Co, WV, married
Margaret R. Lilly, age 15, born in Raleigh Co, VA.

Lampkin Franklin McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 193.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 468.
Married Mary Anne McKinney, daughter of Jordan McKinney, Sr.
Children were: Wayne, James, Lettie, and Harriet.
3. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; Joes Branch PO; taken on 10 Sep 1870;
Page 562A; Family #47/47.
Listed as Franklin McKiney; age 25; born in VA; farm worker; head of household.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 56.
Lampkin McKinney married Mary McKinney, daughter of Jordan and Nancy
McKinney on 18 May 1865.
5. 1880 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; taken on 16 Jun 1880; Page 161D; Family #97/98.
Listed as Lampkin Mc Kinney; age 36; born in WV; married; farmer; head of household.
6. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
L.M.(sic) McKinney; born on 10 Apr 1844; died on 7 Jun 1908; buried in Lusk
Cemetery, Wyoming Co, WV.

Mary Ann McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 224.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 469.
Married Lampkin McKinney.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 56.
Lampkin McKinney married Mary McKinney, daughter of Jordan and Nancy
McKinney on 18 May 1865.
4. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; Joes Branch PO; taken on 10 Sep 1870;
Page 562A; Family #47/47.
Listed as Mary McKiney; age 24; born in VA; in household of husband, Lampkin F. McKinney.
5. 1880 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; taken on 16 Jun 1880; Page 161D; Family #97/98.
Listed as Mary A. Mc Kinney; age 35; born in WV; married; in household of husband, Lampkin F.
6. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Algoma; taken on 5/6 May 1910; Page 11A;
Family #51/59.
Listed as Mary McKinney; age 67; born in WV; widow; in household of son, Wayman A. McKinney.
7. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Mary Ann McKinney; born in 1843; died in 1930; buried in Lusk Cemetery,
Wyoming Co, WV.

Nancy McKinney

1. 1880 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; taken on 16 Jun 1880; Page 161D; Family #97/98.
Listed as Nancy Mc Kinney; age 1; born in WV; in household of father, Lampkin McKinney.

Samuel Paris McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 194.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 469.
Married Elizabeth Dillon.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Head of household.
4. "Births Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1853.
Birth of son, Samuel M. McKinney.
5. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 51.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 736.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 001.
Listed as S.P. McKinney, age 56, head of household, a farmer.
7. Web Site, 18 Sep 2000, Ira McKinney search.
Samuel Paris McKinney, born on 29 Jun 1823 in Tazewell Co, VA; died 5 Feb
1898; married Mary Elizabeth Dillion.
8. Web Site, James Graham serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Samuel Paris McKinney was born on 28 Jun 1822; died on 5 Feb 1896 at
Barker's Ridge, Wyoming Co, WV.
9. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
S.P. McKinney; born on 2 Jun 1822; died on 15 Feb 1898;
buried in Willie Mills Cemetery, Basin, Wyoming Co, WV.

Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Dillon

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 194.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 469.
Married Samuel McKinney.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
In household of husband, Samuel P. McKinney.
4. "Births Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1853.
Birth of son, Samuel M. McKinney.
5. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 51.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 736.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 001.
Listed as Elizabeth McKinney, age 58, in household of husband, S.P. McKinney.
7. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #105.
Listed as Mary E. McKinney, age 77, in household of son, Luke McKinney.
8. Web Site, James Graham serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Elizabeth Dillion was born on 15 Feb 1820 in Wyoming Co, WV; died on 5 Jun
1901 in Wyoming Co, WV.

Samuel Dillon

1. Web Site, James Graham serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Samuel Dillion was born bef 1794 in Tazewell? Co, VA; married Polly
Rhinehart on 29 Mar 1818 in Tazewell Co, VA.
2. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194A, Family #634.
Listed as Samuel Dillon, age 54, born in VA, head of household.
3. Web Site, Elizabeth Huddleston search, 9 Fen 2001, submitted by
Samuel Dillion, born in 1794 was son of James and Martha Belcher Dillion.

Polly Rinehart

1. Web Site, James Graham serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Samuel Dillion was born bef 1794 in Tazewell? Co, VA; married Polly
Rhinehart on 29 Mar 1818 in Tazewell Co, VA. Polly was born bef 1798 in
Tazewell Co, VA.
2. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194A, Family #634.
Listed as Polly Dillon, age 54, born in VA, in household of husband, Samuel

Hugh J. Dillon

1. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194B, Family #634.
Listed as Hugh J. Dillon, age 23, born in VA, in household of father, Samuel
2. Web Site, Hugh Dillon search 4 Nov 2000.
Hugh J. Dillon, born in 1827 in Mercer Co, WV, marred Martha (________); one
daughter listed, Luverna: born in 1853; married Francis Marion Castro.

Sally? Dillon

1. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194B, Family #634.
Listed as Sally? Dillon, age 17, born in VA, in household of father,
Samuel Dillon.

Rhoda Dillon

1. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194B, Family #634.
Listed as Rhoda Dillon, age 16, born in VA, in household of father,
Samuel Dillon.

Molly? Dillon

1. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194B, Family #634.
Listed as Molly? Dillon, age 13, born in VA, in household of father,
Samuel Dillon.

Dora? Dillon

1. 1850 Census Mercer Co, WV, page 194B, Family #634.
Listed as Dora? Dillon, age 9, born in VA, in household of father,
Samuel Dillon.

William Harvey Little

1. 1850 Census, Mercer Co, WV, 42nd District, taken on 11 July 1850, Page 148B,
Family #13.
Listed as William H. Little, age 12, in household of father, Thomas Little, Jr.
2. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 51.
William H. Little, widowed, age 32, born and a resident of Mercer Co, WV, son
of Thomas and Ellender Little, married Nancy J. Blankenship, age 25, also
born in Mercer Co, WV, daughter of S.P. and Elizabeth Blankenship, on 5 Nov 1850.
3. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge Township, taken on 11 Jun 1880, Page 495A, Family #20.
Listed as W.H. Little, age 42, born on VA, farmer, head of household.
4. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co, WV', Bowman, page 470-471.
Col. Thomas Little married Ellen Tiller, left Mercer Co, settled on Flat Top
Mtn. Organized a squad of Union Homegaurds. Children were: Harvey (married
Nancy McKinney), Hiram (married Martha Hern), Ralph (went to Monroe Co, WV),
Thomas George, Jane (married Robert Smith), and Mary (married Hugh Green

Nancy Jane McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 194.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 469.
Married William Blankenship.
(There appears to be a mix up in families here.)
"Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 12.
Nancy J. McKinney, age 20, born in Mercer Co, WV who married on 19 Oct 1865
William Blankenship, age 22, also born in Mercer Co, WV, son of Milly
Blankenship. Nancy J. was listed as a daughter of James and Elizabeth
McKinney, not Samuel and Elizabeth.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
In household of father, Samuel P. McKinney.
4. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 51.
5. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co, WV', Bowman, page 470-471.
Col. Thomas Little married Ellen Tiller, left Mercer Co, settled on Flat Top
Mtn. Organized a squad of Union Homegaurds. Children were: Harvey (married
Nancy McKinney), Hiram (married Martha Hern), Ralph (went to Monroe Co, WV),
Thomas George, Jane (married Robert Smith), and Mary (married Hugh Green
6. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 51.
William H. Little, widowed, age 32, born and a resident of Mercer Co, WV, son
of Thomas and Ellender Little, married Nancy J. (McKinney) Blankenship, age
25, also born in Mercer Co, WV, daughter of S.P. and Elizabeth (McKinney), on
5 Nov 1850.
7. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge Township, taken on 11 Jun 1880, Page 495A, Family #20.
Listed as Nancy J. Little, age 36, in household of husband, W.H. Little.
8. "Families of Wyoming Co, WV" Vol 15, Issue #4, 2000, published by Sally
Seaman-Williams, page 141; "Births, 1888 Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge".
William D. Lyttle; born on 17 Apr 1888; parents William H. and Nancy Jane

Margaret V. Little

1. "Birth Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1879.
M.V. Little was born on 5 Jul 1879 to W.H. and N.J. Little.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge Township, taken on 11 Jun 1880, Page 495A, Family #20.
Listed as Margaret V. Little, age 2, in household of father, W.H. Little.

Viola Little

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV, Haga, 1880.
Viola Little was born 16 Jul 1880 to Harvey and Nancy J. Little.

Amanda M. Little

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1882.
Manda M. Little was born on 16 Mar 1882 to W.H. and Nancy J. Little.
2. "Marriages, Tazewell Co, VA", Vol 3, 1854-1920, Page 135.
Thomas G. White, age 24, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Arch White, married on 23 Aug 1899,
Amanda M. Little, age 17, born in Wyoming Co, WV, daughter of W.H. and Nancy Little.

Charles E. Little

1. "Wyoming County Births" 1853-1884, transcribed by Pauline A. Haga, year
Charles E. Little; born on 11 May 1883; son of W.H. and Nancy J. Little.

William D. Little

1. "Families of Wyoming Co, WV" Vol 15, Issue #4, 2000, published by Sally
Seaman-Williams, page 141; "Births, 1888 Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge".
William D. Lyttle; born on 17 Apr 1888; parents William H. and Nancy Jane

Nancy J. Little

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV", Clear Fork District 1888/1889.
Nancy J. Little; born on 5 Mar 1889 to Willaim A. and Ida A. Little.
2. "Deaths of Wyoming Co, WV", Haga, 1889.
Nancy J. Little died 15 Dec 1889 of whooping cough at age nine months and
five days, daughter of W.H. and N.J. Little.

Crockett Akers

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 196.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 471.
Married Martha E. McKinney.
3. "1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV", Annotated by James E. Richardson, 1992, page
4. Listed in 1880 Census of Mercer Co, WV.
4. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
5. "Marriages of Wyoming...", Vol 1, page 3, Haga.
Son of Jacob and Lucy (______) Akers. Born in Floyd Co, VA.
6. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 52.
7. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #108.
Listed as Crockett Akers, age 62, in household of son-in-law, Willis W. Monk.
8. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken on 4 Jun 1880, Page 61B;
Family #15.
Listed as Crockett Akers, age 42, born in VA, farmer, head of household.

Martha Ann McKinney

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 194.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 469.
3. "1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV", Annotated by James E. Richardson, 1992, page
4. Listed in 1880 Census of Mercer Co, WV.
4. "Marriages of Wyoming...", Vol 1, page 3, Haga.
Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (_______) McKinney. Born in Mercer Co, WV.
5. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
In household of father, Samuel P. McKinney.
6. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 52.
7. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken on 4 Jun 1880, Page 61B;
Family #15.
Listed as Martha A. Akers, age 34, born in VA, in household of husband,
Crockett Akers.

William B. Akers

1. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken on 4 Jun 1880, Page 61B;
Family #15.
Listed as William B. Akers, age 8, born in WV, in household of father,
Crockett Akers.