McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Ballard Green

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Center District; taken on 18 Jun 1880; Page 508A;
Family #136/136.
Listed as Ballard Green, age 5, born in WV; in household of father, Joshua Green.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 144B, Family 550.
Listed as Ballard Green, age 22, single, head of household.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #5, page 387.
Ballard Green, age 23, born in Wyoming Co, WV, son of Joshua and Katie Green, married on
8 Jul 1902 Venie Mitchem, age 22, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter of Thomas and Pricey

Lavina Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 124A, Family 87.
Listed as Louvenia Mitchem, age 16, in household of father, Thomas Mitchem.
2. Wyoming Co, Marriage Records, Vol #5, Page 213; WV Archives Website.
John Columbus Lester, age 18, born and living in Wyoming Co, WV; son of Charles and Elizabeth
Lester, married on 16 Jul 1897 Luvena Mitchem, age 16, born in McDowell Co, WV, living in
Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of Thomas and Pricy Mitchem.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #5, page 387.
Ballard Green, age 23, born in Wyoming Co, WV, son of Joshua and Katie Green, married on
8 Jul 1902 Venie Mitchem, age 22, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter of Thomas and Pricey
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1907); Page 373; WV Archives Web Site.
Hiram Lambert; age 37; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; miner; living at Eckman, WV;
son of Gary and Martha; married on 14 Feb 1907 at Eckman, WV; Louvena Green; age 26;
born in McDowell Co, WV; widow; daughter of Thomas and Pricey Mitchem.
5. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 21 Apr 1910; Page 69A; Image 23 of 25;
Family #170 219.
Listed as Luvena Lambert; age 27; born in WV; married three times; last time for 4 yrs; 3 children,
2 living; in household of husband, Hiram L. Lambert.
6. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Big Four; taken on 10/16 Jan 1920;
Page 19B; Image 37 of 53; Family #346/364.
Listed as Louvenia Lambert; age 40; born in WV; married; in household of husband, Hiram L.

Robert Boggs

1. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #1, page 70.
William Boggs, age 22, born in Franklin Co, VA, son of Robert and Olly Boggs, married on 17 Feb 1869
Martha J. Lambert, age 21, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Lambert.

Olly? Polly?

1. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #1, page 70.
William Boggs, age 22, born in Franklin Co, VA, son of Robert and Olly Boggs, married on 17 Feb 1869
Martha J. Lambert, age 21, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Lambert.

Lewis Johnson

1. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV,...", page 4.
William Johnson, age 52, married on 12 Feb 1870 Mary Belcher, age 50.
Born in Ashe Co, NC; parents were Lewis and Tersa Johnson.


1. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV,...", page 4.
William Johnson, age 52, married on 12 Feb 1870 Mary Belcher, age 50.
Born in Ashe Co, NC; parents were Lewis and Tersa Johnson.

George M. Dillon

1. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #5, page 464.
George W. Dillion, age 44, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of William A. and Ellen Dillion, married on
14 Oct 1902 Martela Mitchem, age 28, born in McDowell Co, WV, widowed, daughter of Frank
and Ellen Mitchem.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on __ May 1910; Page 80A; Image 16 of
28; Family #50/50.
Listed as George M. Dillon; age 51; born in WV; married twice; last time for 8 yrs; farmer; head
of household.

Martelia Mitchem

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 732.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 007.
Listed as Martela Mitchem, age 8, in household of father, Frances Mitchem.
2. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV,...", page 30.
Marriage Record, Book 1, 1865-1896, page 119.
William T. Mitchem, age 23, born in McDowell Co, WV, married on 1 Jan 1889
Matilda Mitchem, age 15, born in McDowell Co, WV.
Parents were not listed.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #5, page 464.
George M. Dillion, age 44, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of William A. and Ellen Dillion, married on
14 Oct 1902 Martela Mitchem, age 28, born in McDowell Co, WV, widowed, daughter of Frank
and Ellen Mitchem.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on __ May 1910; Page 80A; Image 16 of
28; Family #50/50.
Listed as Martile Dillon; age 36; born in WV; married twice; last time for 8 yrs; 1 child, 1 living;
in household of husband, George M. Dillon.

James Rose

1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek Township; taken on 16 Jun 1880; Page 316C;
Family #58/59.
Listed as James Rose; age 1; born in WV; in household of father, Jesse Rose.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, page 154B, Family 96.
Listed as James Rose, age 21, born in Aug 1878, in WV, in household of father, Jesse Rose.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #6, page 59.
James Rose, age 23, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of Jesse and Minerva Rose, married on 20 Dec
1902 Minerva Jane Mitchem, age 17, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter of John and Rosanna

Minerva Jane "Nervie" Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 99A, Family 282.
Listed as Minerva J. Mitchem, age 16, in household of father, John A.
2. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #6, page 59.
James Rose, age 23, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of Jesse and Minerva Rose, married on 20 Dec
1902 Minerva Jane Mitchem, age 17, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter of John and Rosanna
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1908); Page 49; WV Archives Web Site.
Tom Lester; age 18; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Eckman, WV; son of W.R.
and Harriet S.; married on 26 Nov 1908 at Eckman, WV; Nervie Jane Rose; age ___; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; single; daughter of John K. and Rosana Mitchem.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 014174; WV Archives Website.
Minerva Jane Lester; age 88; born 19 Jan 1884 in WV; widow; housewife; living at Kimball, WV;
daughter of John Kelly and Rosann (Lambert) Mitchem; died 31 Aug 1972 in Stevens Clinic Hospital,
Welch, WV; due to cerebro-vascular accident with cerebrial arteriosclerious; buried 4 Sep 1972 in
Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, WV.

Lewis Reason Steele

1. Web Site, Francis Marion Mitchem search, 15 Jun 2002, submitted
by Jerry Proffitt,
Mary Ann Mitchem; daughter of Francis and Christina Milam Mitchem; had
children by John Marion Sizemore Sr, son of Owen and Nancy Lambert Sizemore.
Listed children: John Marion Sizemore, Jr, born abt 1874 in McDowell Co, WV,
married America Milam on 5 Nov 1901 in McDowell Co, WV: Almedia Mitchem,
born on 11 Jun 1887 in Wyoming Co, WV; married Lewis R. Steele on 9 Mar 1903
in McDowell Co, WV.
2. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #6, page 164.
L. R. Steel, age 22, born in Wyoming Co, WV, son of D.C. and Catherine Steel, married on 9 Mar
1903 Almedia Mitchem, age 17, born in Wyoming Co, WV, daughter of John Sizemore and Mary Ann
3. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as Lewis R. Steele; age 49; born in WV; married at 23; farmer; head of household.
4. Wyoming Co, WV; Death Certificate #19710; WV Archives Web Site.
Lewis Reason Steele; age 56 yrs, 2 mons, 10 days; born 10 Oct 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV; married;
husband of Almeada Steele; jeweler; at L.R. Steele's Jewelry Shop; son of George C. and Catherine
(Bishop) Steele; died 20 dec 1936 at Barkers Ridge, Wyoming Co, WV; due to cerebral embolis;
buried 23 Dec 1936 in Wyoming Co, WV; informant, J.J. Steele, Northfork, WV.
5. FindAGrave,com Website; submitted by Shirl Denton; 13 Sep 2007.
" Lewis Reason Steele
Birth 8 Oct 1880
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA (sic, Wyoming Co, WV)
Death 20 Dec 1936 (aged 56)
Mitchem Ridge Cemetery
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 21539531"

Additional Information Posted:
"Married Almeda Mitchem, and twelve children born to this union."

Almedia aka Mitchem Sizemore

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, takem on 22 Jun 1900,
Page 224A, Family #170.
Listed as Almedia Mitchem, age 12, born in Jun 1887 in WV, in household of
mother, Mary A. Mtchem.
2. Web Site, Francis Marion Mitchem search, 15 Jun 2002, submitted
by Jerry Proffitt,
Mary Ann Mitchem; daughter of Francis and Christina Milam Mitchem; had
children by John Marion Sizemore Sr, son of Owen and Nancy Lambert Sizemore.
Listed children: John Marion Sizemore, Jr, born abt 1874 in McDowell Co, WV,
married America Milam on 5 Nov 1901 in McDowell Co, WV: Almedia Mitchem,
born on 11 Jun 1887 in Wyoming Co, WV; married Lewis R. Steele on 9 Mar 1903
in McDowell Co, WV.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #6, page 164.
L. R. Steel, age 22, born in Wyoming Co, WV, son of D.C. and Catherine Steel, married on 9 Mar
1903 Almedia Mitchem, age 17, born in Wyoming Co, WV, daughter of John Sizemore and Mary Ann
4. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as Almeda Steele; age 42; born in WV; married at 16; in household of husband, Lewis R,
5. Wyoming Co, WV; Death Certificate #1483; WV Archives Web Site.
Almeada Steele; age 54; born in 1886 in Wyoming Co, WV; widow of L.R. Steele; housewife;
daugther of J.M. and Mary (Mitchem) Sizemore; died 17 Jan 1941 in Northfork, WV (sic, Barkers
Ridge, Wyoming Co, WV); due to pericarditis; buried 20 Jan 1941 on Burke Mtn; informant, K.C.
Steele,Northfork, WV.
5.FindAGrave,com Website; submitted by Shirl Denton; 13 Sep 2007.
" Almeda Sizemore Steele
Birth 11 Jun 1887
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Death 17 Jan 1941 (aged 53)
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Mitchem Ridge Cemetery
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 21539490"

Additional Information Posted:
"Almeda is sometimes listed with maiden name of Sizemore or Mitchem. She was daughter of Mary Ann Mitchem and John Marion Sizemore. She married Lewis Reason Steele, and lived out her life on Burke Mountain. Twelve children were born of this union. Buried in this cemetery is daughter Catherine Steele Sizemore, son Lonnie Steele, and son Clarence Steele."

Ward Steele

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as Ward Steele; age 22; born in WV; single; farm laborer; in household of husband, Lewis R,

Kelley Steele

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as Kelly Steele; age 19; born in WV; single; farm laborer; in household of husband, Lewis R,

Christopher Steele

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as Christopher Steele; age 17; born in WV; single; in household of husband, Lewis R, Steele.

Elwood Steele

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as Elwood Steele; age 10; born in WV; single; in household of husband, Lewis R, Steele.

John S. Steele

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #305/305.
Listed as John S. Steele; age 6; born in WV; single; in household of husband, Lewis R, Steele.

Hiram Hopkins Sizemore

1. "Wyoming Co, WV Births", Year 1882, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Hiram Sizemore was born on 3 Jul 1882 to G.L. and Elizabeth Sizemore.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 99B, Family 286.
Listed as Hiram Sizemore, age 17, born in 1883, in household of mother,Elizabeth Sizemore.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #6, page 271.
Hiram H. Sizemore, age 22, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of George and Elizabeth Sizemore,
married on 9 Jun 1903 Vicey E. Mitchem, age 16, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter of G.C. and
Louisa Mitchem.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 10 May 1910; Page 79B; Family #36/36.
Listed as Hiram H. Sziemore; age 26; born in WV; married once for 7 yrs; coal miner; head of
5. Fayette Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #350; 12 Sep 1918; Website.
Hiram Hopkins Sizemore; age 36; born 5 (sic, 3) Jul 1882; living at Page, Fayette Co, WV; miner;
employed by Laup (sp?) Creek Colleries Co, Page, WV; nearest relative, Mrs Vysie E. Sizemore,
Page, WV; tall with slender build, light blue eyes and light brown hair.
6. Virginia, U.S., Select Marriages, 1785-1940; Website.
"Name: Hiram H. Sizemore
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Birth Date: 1884
Marriage Date: 08 Sep 1920
Marriage Place: Tazewell Co., Virginia
G. L. Sizemore
Martha L. Whitt
FHL Film Number: 34214
Reference ID: P266 L179"
7. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Website.
"Name: Hiram H Sizemore
Birth Date: 5 Jul 1884 (sic, 3 Jul 1882)
Birth Place: McDowell Co, West Virginia
Death Date: 14 Apr 1949
Claim Date: 20 May 1949
SSN: 228038394
Notes: 03 Dec 1976: Name listed as HIRAM H SIZEMORE"
8. Website; submitted by Virginia Gal; 11 Jun 2007; maintained by Find a Grave.
" Hiram Hopkins Sizemore
Birth 10 Mar 1884
Death 14 Apr 1949 (aged 65)
Richlands, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Clinch Valley Memorial Cemetery and Mausoleum
Richlands, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 19831846"

Levisa E. "Vicy" Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 101A, Family 323.
Listed as Vicey E. Mitchem, age 12, in household of father, George Mitchem.
2. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #6, page 271.
Hiram H. Sizemore, age 22, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of George and Elizabeth Sizemore,
married on 9 Jun 1903 Vicey E. Mitchem, age 16, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter of G.C. and
Louisa Mitchem.
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 10 May 1910; Page 79B; Family #36/36.
Listed as Vysie Sziemore; age 22; born in WV; married once for 7 yrs; 3 children, all living; in
household of husband, Hiram H. Sizemore.

Ethel G. Sizemore

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 10 May 1910; Page 79B; Family #36/36.
Listed as Ethel G. Sziemore; age 5; born in WV; in household of father, Hiram H. Sizemore.

Eva Sizemore

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 10 May 1910; Page 79B; Family #36/36.
Listed as Eva Sziemore; age 1; born in WV; in household of father, Hiram H. Sizemore.

Lucien Porter Lusk

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #151.
Listed as Lucien Lusk, age 16, in household of father, George P. Lusk.
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 25 Apr 1910,
Page 198A, Family #49.
Listed as Lucien P. Lusk, age 26, born in WV, married 6 years, farmer, head
of household.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #7, page 278.
L.P. Lusk, age 21, born in McDowell Co, WV, married on 3 May 1904 Victoria Mitchem, age 16,
born in McDowell Co, VA. (No parents were listed).
4. WW I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Wyoming Co, WV, Draft Board, Pineville, WV, Reg.
Card 788.
Lucien Porter Lusk; age 35; born on 23 Jun 1883; living at Crumpler, McDowell Co, WV; coal miner;
with United Pochontas Coal Co, at Crumpler, WV; nearest relative, Victoria Lusk; with slender build;
blue eyes and dark brown hair; 12 Sep 1918.
5. Wyoming Co, WV; Death Certificate #8949; WV Archives Web Site.
Lucian Porter Lusk; age 62 yrs, 11 mons, 14 days; born on 23 Jun 1883 in Wyoming Co, WV;
married; husband of Victoria Lusk; coal miner; son of George P. and Ardwlia (Bailey) Lusk; died on
7 Jun 1946 at Crumpler, WV from a stroke; buried on 10 Jun 1946 in Lusk Cemetery, Crumpler, WV;
informant, Alfred Lusk, Crumpler, WV.
6. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site; Cemeteries; Lusk-Mitchem Cemetery; Beartown, WV; as of 7 Aug 2001.
L. Porter Lusk; born on 23 Jun 1883; died on 9 (sic, 7) Jun 1946; "Father"; buried here.

Victoria Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #174.
Listed as Victoria Mitchem, age 10, in household of father, Owen Mitchem.
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 25 Apr 1910;
Page 198A, Family #49.
Listed as Victoria Lusk, age 20, born in WV, married 6 yrs, 3 children,
2 living, in household of husband, Lucian P. Lusk. (This could be Victoria
Mitchem, daughter of Owen and Louvenia Sizemore Mitchem)
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #7, page 278.
L.P. Lusk, age 21, born in McDowell Co, WV, married on 3 May 1904 Victoria Mitchem, age 16, born
in McDowell Co, VA. (No parents were listed).
4. Wyoming Co, WV; Death Certificate # '58 011466; WV Archives Web Site.
Victria Lusk; age 68; born on 1 Sep 1889 in Wyoming Co, WV; widow, living at Herndon, WV;
daughter of Owen S. and Luvenia (Sizemore) Mitchem; died on 18 Jul 1958 in Wyoming General
Hospital, Mullens, Wyoming Co, WV from heart failure with pneumonia; buried on 20 Jul 1958 in
Lusk Cemetery, Beartown, WV; informant, Alfred Lusk, Herndon, WV.
5. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site; Cemeteries; Lusk-Mitchem Cemetery; Beartown, WV; as of 7 Aug 2001.
Victoria Lusk; born on 1 Sep 1889; died on 18 Jul 1958; buried here.

Amanda E. "Mandie" Lusk

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 25 Apr 1910;
Page 198A, Family #49.
Listed as Mandie E. Lusk, age 2 yrs, 5 mons, born in WV, in household of
father, Lucian P. Lusk.

James Garfield Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 101A, Family 326.
Listed as James G. Mitchem, age 13, born in WV in 1887, in household of father, Thomas H.
2. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #9, page 73.
Garfield Mitchem, age 18, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of Thomas and Vicey Mitchem, married
on 2 Sep 1905 Nora Mitchem, age 16, born in McDowell Co, Wv, daughter of G.S. and Annie
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 16 Apr 1910; Page 60A; Family #37/51.
Listed as Garfield Mitchem, age 23, born in WV, married 5 years; in household of father-in-law;
Gideon S. Mitchem.
4. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #6472; 5 Jun 1917.
James Garfield Mitchem; age 29; born on 2 Jul 1888 in Mercer Co, WV; farmer; living at Eckman,
WV; dependent wife and 8 children; medium height and build; blue eyes and brown hair.
5. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Thorpe; taken on 18 Feb 1920; Page 228B;
Image 42 of 43; Family #406/423.
Listed as Garfield Mitchem; age 32; born in WV; married; farmer; head of household.
6. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Big Four; taken on 21 Apr 1930; Page
185A; Image 59 of 73; Family #496/541.
Listed as Garfield Mitchem; age 42; born in WV; married at 18; timberman in coal mine; head of
7. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns creek District; Big Four; E.D. 24-43; taken on 15 Apr
1940; Page 851A;
Image 45 of 48; Household #344.
Listed as Garfield Mitchem; age 52; born in WV; married; no education; lived in same place on 1
Apr 1935; W.P.A. laborer; head of household.
8. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #U-1365; 27 Apr 1942; Web Site.
James Garfield Mitchem; age 54; born 2 Jul 1887 at Herndon, WV; living at Big Four, WV;
employed by W.P.A. at Keystone, WV; person who will always know address, Mrs. Nora G.
Mitchem, Big Four, WV; 6'1" tall; 175 lbs; blue eyes; brown hair; light complexion; stiff right hand
from infection.
9. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1960); Page 149; WV Archives Web Site.
James Garfield Mitchem; age 73; born in Mercer Co, WV; widowed; living at Kimball, WV; married
on 27 Dec 1960 at Welch, WV; Bernice Day Belcher; age 54; born at Welch, WV; widow; living
at Havaco, WV.
10. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'69 015222; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
James Mitchem; age 82; born jul 1887 in WV; married; husband of Bernice Day; retired miner;
SS #233-07-9302; living at Havaco, WV; son of Thomas H. and Vicie Mitchem; died 11 Oct 1969
in Doctor's Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; from septicemia caused by gangrenous gallbladder with
diabetes; buried 13 Oct 1969 in Belcher Mtn Cemetery, near Maitland, WV.
10. Web Site; New Belcher Mountain Cemetery, Big Four, McDowell Co, WV;
submitted by Elizabeth Fisher; 31 Aug 2012.
James Garfield Mitchem; born 2 Jul 1888; died 11 Oct 1969; buried here; picture and headstone

Nora Gray Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, page 155A, Family 101.
Listed as Norah Mitchem, age 9, born in Dec 1891, in WV, in household of father,
Gideon S. Mitchem.
2. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #9, page 73.
Garfield Mitchem, age 18, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of Thomas and Vicey Mitchem, married
on 2 Sep 1905 Nora Mitchem, age 16, born in McDowell Co, Wv, daughter of G.S. and Annie
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 16 Apr 1910; Page 60A; Family #37/51.
Listed as Nora Mitchem, age 20, born in WV, married 5 years; 3 children, all living; in household
of father; Gideon S. Mitchem.
4.1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Thorpe; taken on 18 Feb 1920; Page 228B; Image
42 of 43; Family #406/423.
Listed as Norah Mitchem; age 27; born in WV; married; in household of husband, James G.
5. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Big Four; taken on 21 Apr 1930; Page
185A; Image 59 of 73; Family #496/541.
Listed as Nora Mitchem; age 40; born in WV; married at 15; in household of husband, James G.
6. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns creek District; Big Four; E.D. 24-43; taken on 15 Apr
1940; Page 851A;
Image 45 of 48; Household #344.
Listed as Nora Mitchem; age 49; born in WV; married; 2nd grade education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, James G. Mitchem.
7. Web Site; New Belcher Mountain Cemetery, Big Four, McDowell Co, WV;
submitted by Elizabeth Fisher; 31 Aug 2012.
Nora Gray Mitchem Mitchem; born 30 Nov 1891; died 14 Aug 1960; buried here; picture and
headstone shown.

Margie Leona Mitchem

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #16910; WV Archives Web Site.
Margie Leona Mitchem; age 3 yrs; born at Big Four, WV; daughter of Garfield and Nora Mitchem;
died 21 Nov 1934 at Vivian, WV; from diotherrtic (sp?) laryngitis; buried 22 Nov 1934 in Belcher
Mtn Cemetery; informant, JC. Kelley, Vivian, WV

Gabriel Riffe Mitchem

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", 1884, Haga.
Rife Mitchem was born on 16 Jun 1884 at Basin Spring to Samuel Mitchem.
2. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #172.
Listed as Gabe R. Mitchem, age 15, in household of father, Samuel Mitchem.
3. Mercer Co, WV Web Site;
Gross Cemetery, Mercer Co, WV.
Gabe Riff Mitchem; born in 1884; died in 1963; buried here.
4. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #9, page 121.
Rife Mitchem, age 21, born in Wyoming Co, WV, son of Sam and Ome Mitchem, married on
5 Oct 1905, Ome Sizemore, age 17, born in Wyoming Co, WV, daughter of Calvin and Catherine
5. Mercer Co, WV; Death Certificate #'63 019576; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
Gabe Rife Mitchem; age 79; born 16 Jun 1884 in WV; married; living at Hiawatha, WV; son of
Samuel and Omey (Sizemore) Mitchem; died 18 Dec 1963 at Hiawatha, WV; from congestive
heart failure due to arteriosclerosis and hypertension; buried 21 Dec 1963 in Gross Cemetery,
Hiawatha, WV; informant, Tommy Mitchem, Matoaka, WV.

Omi Sizemore

1. McDowell Co, WV Web Site, "McDowell Co Marriages" FTP File; Book #9, page 121.
Rife Mitchem, age 21, born in Wyoming Co, WV, son of Sam and Ome Mitchem, married on 5 Oct 1905, Ome
Sizemore, age 17, born in Wyoming Co, WV, daughter of Calvin and Catherine Sizemore.
(Note #21 identifies Omi as daughter of Calvin and Kate Huffman Sizemore).