1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
Son of William and Aley (______) Evans.
Aley was a Cherokee Indian.
Married second Nancy Green, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth Green.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
4. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
5. "Wyoming Co, WV Heritage...", "The Evans Family" article, page 106.
6. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork Township, Family 81.
7. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 714.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 006.
Listed as William Evans, age 71, head of household, a farmer.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
She was a Cherokee Indian.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
4. McDowell Co, WV Web Site at www.scioto.org/McDowell/index.html
"McDowell Co Internet Sites", Green Family Book, Judy Green
Was a Cherokee.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
Died in Civil War.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
4. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
In household of father, William Evans.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
Married Martha Ellen Mace.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
4. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
In household of father, William Evans.
1. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
William H. Evans was son of William and Aley (sic, Ollie)(______) Evans.
Ollie was a Cherokee Indian.
2. William Evans and Alcy (_____); submitted by Marty Grant; posted on Ancestry.com Web Site:
"http://www.martygrant.com/genealogy/evans/evans-william-ashe.htm"William Evans (1770/80) and Alcy (---) of Wilkes, Ashe and Alleghany County, North Carolina
"The author (Marty Grant) is not related to William Evans as far as can be proven. It is possible (but not too likely) that he is related to my ancestor William Evans (c1813).
"William Evans was born ca 1770/80 (per census analysis) presumably in North Carolina. I don't know what county he was born in, but he lived in Wilkes and Ashe County, NC from the 1790's on. He may have been born in that same region.
"I have not identified his parents, but there was a Theophilus Evans who may be his father or at least his brother. William did witness one of his deeds in Wilkes County.
"William would have been between 10 and 20 by the time of the 1790 census, but I did not find him listed as a head of household in Western North Carolina. Theophilus Evans was the only one of their surname listed in Wilkes County at that time and he did have 3 males over 16 (born before 1774) in his household, and two under 16 (born ca 1774/90). One of these five is probably William Evans.
"On 29 Jan 1796 William Evans and Theophilus Evans Jr witnessed a deed from Theophilus Evans (their father?) to Jesse Reves for land on Little Elk Creek. (Wilkes Co, NC Deed Book D page 100 from Wilkes County, North Carolina Deed Books D, F-1 & G-H 1795-1815 by Mrs. W. O. Absher.) (Note: This book can be purchased from Amazon.com)
"William Evans apparently married someone in the 1790's, presumably in Wilkes County (now Ashe County), North Carolina. I have found a widow in later records named Alcy ---, whom I believe to have been William's wife. She was born ca 1776/77 (per 1850 census) in North Carolina, perhaps Wilkes County. I don't know what her maiden name was. There is some belief that Alcy was Cherokee, but so far I've seen no proof of that. There may be some evidence though, but I don't know what it is.
"On 20 Jul 1799 Nathaniel Judd Sr sold 200 acres to William Evans Powell for 25 pounds, being on the waters of Reddis River and Lewis Fork. Witnesses were John Calloway, Rowland Judd and John Judd. At first I thought this was "William Evans", but it does say "William Evans Powell" in the published version. I have not seen the original. This is clearly not the same person as William Evans. (Wilkes Co, NC Deed Book C-1 page 116 from Wilkes County, North Carolina Deed Books A-1, B-1, C-1 1778-1803 by Mrs. W. O. Absher.) (Note: This book can be purchased from Amazon.com)
"In 1799 Ashe County was formed from Wilkes County, including the section where the William's probable brother Barnabas Evans family lived, but it does not appear that William lived in that area just yet.
"I was unable to find William Evans on the 1800 census. His supposed brother Barnabas was listed in Ashe County, but I was unable to find William, Theophilus Sr or Theophilus Jr, though all were around in the late 1790's according to Wilkes County deeds. One of William's children (John-c1807) listed his birth place as Virginia on the 1860 census. This could mean that William and family were in Virginia in 1800 and, unfortunately that census is lost.
"By 1810, William had joined his probable brother Barnabas Evans in Ashe County. They were not listed near each other in 1810 but they were near each other later on (by 1830 anyway). William was listed between A. Williams and B. Ward.
"1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
"1810 Ashe Co, NC pg 74 W. Evans 21010-30010-0-0 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 26-44 (1765-1784) William EVANS (1770/80) s/o Theophilus 1 Male(s) 10-15 (1794-1800) Son? (1794/1800) –> gone by 1830 2 Male(s) 0-9 (1800-1810) Son? (1800/10) –> gone by 1830 John EVANS (1806/07) son 1 Female(s) 26-44 (1765-1784) Alcy — Evans (1776/77) wife 3 Female(s) 0-9 (1800-1810) Daughter? (1800/10) –> gone by 1830 Daughter? (1800/10) –> gone by 1830 Daughter? (1800/10) –> gone by 1830
"William Evans was listed on the 1815 tax list for Ashe County in Captain Maxwell's Company near his brother Barnabas. He was taxed for 200 acres valued at $200, and for 1 poll (himself, presumably).
"I was unable to find William Evans in 1820 in Ashe County (or elsewhere). His brother Barnabas Evans was not found either. I don't think they moved away for I also have other "missing" relatives in 1820 Ashe County. I think the census taker just did a poor job that year and left out quite a few people.
"By 1830 William and the others were "back" in Ashe County. He was listed next to his presumed brother Barnabas Evans.
"1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
"1830 Ashe Co, NC pg 7 William Evens Sr 0111100100000-0001000100000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 50-59 (1770-1780) William EVANS (1770/80) s/o Theophilus 1 Male(s) 20-29 (1800-1810) John EVANS (1806/07) son 1 Male(s) 15-19 (1810-1815) Son? (1810/15) 1 Male(s) 10-14 (1815-1820) Son? (1815/20) 1 Male(s) 5-9 (1820-1825) Son? (1820/25) 1 Female(s) 50-59 (1770-1780) Alcy — Evans (1770/80) wife 1 Female(s) 15-19 (1810-1815) Margaret “Peggy” EVANS (1811/12) daughter
"William Evans apparently died in the 1830's in Ashe County, North Carolina.
"His widow Alcy was not listed on the 1840 census, but someone her age was living with Abraham Evans (1800/10) that year and I think that was probably Alcy but can't be totally sure.
"Alcy Evans was still in Ashe County for the 1850 census. She was head of household, but two Evans and a Hill were living with her. The two Evans were probably her children and the Hill possibly a grandchild.
"1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)"1850 ASHE CO, NC Page 288B House/Family # 732/ 732 - Twp EVANS ALCY 73 F W 200 NC 1776/1777 EVANS JOHN 43 M W FARMER NC 1806/1807 HILL CATHERINE 18 F W NC 1831/1832 EVANS PEGGY 38 F W NC 1811/1812
"I did not find Alcy Evans in 1860 so I assume she died in the 1850's or possibly moved away.
"In 1859 Alleghany County was formed from the section of Ashe County where this family resided.
Children of William and Alcy (---) Evans. William and Alcy had quite a few children per the various census records but only John and Peggy are proven (more or less, by being with her in 1850). Other researchers (mostly Charles B. Respass and Elizabeth Caulder) have shared a listing of children for William and Alcy which includes the two I already identified. Elizabeth says these children are proven, but I don't yet know the source for it. They do fit based on circumstantial evidence so the list does seem accurate to me."Unknown Son (1794/1800) James Evans (c1797)
"Unknown Son (1800/10) William Evans (c1809)
"John Evans (c1807)
"Unknown Daughter (1800/10) Elizabeth Evans (c1801)
"Unknown Daughter (1800/10) Nancy Evans (c1803)
"Unknown Daughter (1800/10) Mary Evans
"Margaret "Peggy" Evans (c1812)
"Unknown Son (1810/15)
"Unknown Son (1815/20) Barnabas Evans (c1818)
"Unknown Son (1820/25) Abram Evans (c1821)
"Unknown Son (1794/1800). William Evans had an apparent son this age. William was not found in 1800. He was home in 1810, aged 10-15 (born ca 1794/1800). William was not found in 1820. By 1830 this child was not home with William, so probably married or dead by then.
"This could be James Evans (c1797) who was listed on the 1830 census in Ashe County, though it is equally possible that James is a son of Barnabas Evans (c1769) instead. He is the only suspect I have though that fits here, but since he fits both William and Barnabas, I can't say which he belongs to. James did name a daughter "Alcy" so that me be a clue that he is William and Alcy's child.
"Other researchers show James to be a son of William and Alcy.
"Unknown Son (1800/10). William Evans had an apparent son this age. He was home in 1810, aged "under 10 (born ca 1800/10). William was not found in 1820. By 1830 this child was not home with William, so probably married or dead by then.
"This could be William Evans Jr (c1809) who was next to William Sr in 1830, in fact, I think this must be the one, but have no solid evidence, but the circumstantial evidence is strong enough.
"Other researchers do show this William (1809) to be a son of William and Alcy. I don't know the proof, but it does fit.
"John Evans was born ca 1806/07 (per 1850 census) presumably in Ashe County, NC. He was apparently with his parents in 1810 (aged "under 10", born ca 1800/10). William was not found in 1820. In 1830, John seems to be home with his parents, aged 20-29 (born ca 1800/10). I did not find him in 1840. In 1850 he was with his mother in Ashe County ("John", age 47, born NC).
"John Evans married Nancy Dickson on 1 Mar 1855 in Ashe County. She was born ca 1812/13 in North Carolina, presumably Ashe County. I don't know who her parents were. I'm not sure if Dickson was her maiden name or if she was widowed from a Mr. Dickson because in 1860 there was a young Dickson child with them, perhaps hers from a previous marriage.
"They were in Ashe County for the 1860 census. They were the only Evans left in Ashe County. All the others had moved away, though several were in Alleghany County which was formed from Ashe in 1859. This census listed John's birth place as Virginia. If true, that could explain where William Evans family was hiding in 1800.
"1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)"1860 ASHE CO, NC Page 368 House/Family # 878/ 878 -- SOUTH EASTERN Twp CHESTNUT HILL P.O. EVINS JOHN 53 M W FARMER 700 300 VA 1806/1807 EVINS NANCY 47 F W NC 1812/1813 EVINS NANCY 4 F W NC 1855/1856 DICKSON ALEXANDER 12 M W NC 1847/1848
"They were not in Ashe County for the 1870 census, but in neighboring Alleghany County with the other Evans families. In fact, they were only a few houses from the widow of Abraham Evans (c1820), a possible brother of John's.
"1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)"1870 ALLEGHANY CO, NC Page 288B House/Family # 11/ 11--PRATHERS CREEK Twp SCOTTSVILLE P.O. EVINS JOHN 63 M W FARMER 200 316 NC 1806/1807 EVINS NANCY 56 F W KEEPING HOUSE NC 1813/1814 EVINS NANCY 14 F W AT HOME NC 1855/1856 PERRY POLLY 30 F W AT HOME NC 1839/1840 PERRY JAMES 3 M W NC 1866/1867
"I was unable to locate John and Nancy in 1880. I did find a Nancy Evans, aged 58 in Ashe County in Chestnut Hill. She was by herself, but listed as married. This could be John's wife though the age is wrong. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.
"Unknown Daughter (1800/10). William Evans had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1810, aged "under 10 (born ca 1800/10). William was not found in 1820. By 1830 this child was not home with William, so probably married or dead by then.
"This is probably Elizabeth Evans, born ca 1800/01 (per 1850 census) who married John Hill. I don't have any proof that she is a child of William and Alcy, but she fits, and she did name a daughter "Alcy" and Evans researchers include her here.
"Unknown Daughter (1800/10). William Evans had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1810, aged "under 10 (born ca 1800/10). William was not found in 1820. By 1830 this child was not home with William, so probably married or dead by then.
"This is probably Nancy Evans, born ca 1802/03 (per 1850 census) who married James Pugh. I don't have any proof that she is a child of William and Alcy, but she fits, and Evans researchers include her here.
"Unknown Daughter (1800/10). William Evans had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1810, aged "under 10 (born ca 1800/10). William was not found in 1820. By 1830 this child was not home with William, so probably married or dead by then.
"This is probably Mary "Polly" Evans, who married Joseph Roop. I don't have any proof that she is a child of William and Alcy, but Evans researchers include her here. I wasn't able to find Joseph and Mary on the 1850 census.
"Margaret "Peggy" Evans was born ca 1811/12 (per 1850 census) presumably in Ashe County, NC. She was apparently with her parents in 1830, aged 15-19 (born ca 1810/15). I did not find her in 1840. In 1850 she was with her mother in Ashe County ("Peggy", age 38, born NC).
"She was not found in 1860. There is a marriage record in Ashe County dated 3 Dec 1853 for Margaret Evans and John Adams. I'm pretty sure it must be this same Margaret, but I have not yet found them on the 1860 census in order to confirm it.
"Unknown Son (1810/15). William Evans had an apparent son this age. William was not found in 1820. This child was apparently home in 1830, aged 15-19 (born ca 1810/15).
"I don't know who this might have been. None of the Evans listed in 1850 Ashe County fit this age group.
"Unknown Son (1815/20). William Evans had an apparent son this age. William was not found in 1820. This child was apparently home in 1830, aged 10-14 (born ca 1815/20).
"This could be David Evans (c1819) who was in Ashe in 1850 and Alleghany in 1860. He did name his oldest son "William." Another possible match is Barnabas Evans (c1818). Other researchers show Barnabas as this son. He does fit, but I don't know what the proof is that he does belong here.
"Unknown Son (1820/25). William Evans had an apparent son this age. This child was apparently home in 1830, aged 5-9 (born ca 1820/25).
"This could be Abram Evans (c1821) who was in Ashe in 1850 and Alleghany in 1860. Other researchers confirm that Abram does belong in this family, though I haven't seen the proof yet...."
"...1. William1 Evans, born 1770/80; died 1830/40 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC), son of Theophilus Evansand ? (---). He married in 1790/1800 in Wilkes Co, NC Alcy (---), born 1776/77 in NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
"Children of William Evans and Alcy (---) were as follows:
"+ 2 i James2 Evans, born 1796/97 in Wilkes Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Alleghany Co,NC. He married Margaret Pugh.
"+ 3 ii Elizabeth2 Evans, born 1800/01 in Ashe Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. She married John Hill.
"+ 4 iii Nancy2 Evans, born 1802/03 in Ashe Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. She married James Pugh.
"+ 5 iv John2 Evans, born 1806/07 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1870 in Alleghany Co,NC. He married Nancy Dickson.
+ 6 v William2 Evans, born 1808/09 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married (1) Mary (---); (2) Nancy (---).
7 vi Margaret "Peggy"2 Evans, born 1811/12 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC). She married on 3 Dec 1853 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC) John Adams.
8 vii Mary2 Evans, born in Ashe Co, NC. She married in Ashe Co, NC Joseph Roop.
+ 9 viii Barnabas2 Evans, born 1817/18 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married Elizabeth Bowles.
+ 10 ix Abraham2 Evans, born 1820/21 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 27 May 1862 in Civil War. He married Elizabeth Osborne.
Generation 2
2. James2 Evans(William1), born 1796/97 in Wilkes Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Alleghany Co,NC. He married in 1820/24 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC) Margaret Pugh, born 1801/02 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Alleghany Co,NC.
Children of James Evans and Margaret Pugh were as follows:
11 i Lecy3 Evans, born 1823/24 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
+ 12 ii Sanders V3 Evans, born 1829/30 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1875/80 in Alleghany Co,NC. He married Francis Krouse.
13 iii David3 Evans, born 1832/33 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1860 in Alleghany Co,NC.
14 iv Sarah3 Evans, born 1834/35 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
+ 15 v John Weaver3 Evans, born 1836/37 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1864/70 in Alleghany Co, NC or Wyoming Co, WV. He married Emily Blevins.
16 vi Mahalah Alcy3 Evans, born 1838/39 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
17 vii James A3 Evans, born 1841/42 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1860 in Alleghany Co,NC.
18 viii Annis3 Evans, born 1846/47 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
3. Elizabeth2 Evans(William1), born 1800/01 in Ashe Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. She married bef 1833 in Ashe Co, NC John Hill, born 1793/94 in NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.
Children of Elizabeth Evans and John Hill were as follows:
19 i Alcy3 Hill, born 1832/33 in Ashe Co, NC.
20 ii Sarah3 Hill, born 1834/35 in Ashe Co, NC.
21 iii Lucy3 Hill, born 1836/37 in Ashe Co, NC.
22 iv Louisa3 Hill, born 1838/39 in Ashe Co, NC.
23 v Mazy3 Hill, born 1840/41 in Ashe Co, NC.
24 vi E3 Hill, born 1846/47 in Ashe Co, NC.
4. Nancy2 Evans(William1), born 1802/03 in Ashe Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC. She married bef 1825 in Ashe Co, NC James Pugh, born 1796/97 in NC; died aft 1850 in Ashe Co, NC.
Children of Nancy Evans and James Pugh were as follows:
25 i David3 Pugh, born 1824/25 in Ashe Co, NC.
26 ii John3 Pugh, born 1826/27 in Ashe Co, NC.
27 iii William3 Pugh, born 1828/29 in Ashe Co, NC.
28 iv Belinda3 Pugh, born 1833/34 in Ashe Co, NC.
29 v Elizabeth3 Pugh, born 1835/36 in Ashe Co, NC.
30 vi Sarah3 Pugh, born 1837/38 in Ashe Co, NC.
31 vii James3 Pugh, born 1841/42 in Ashe Co, NC.
32 viii Leander3 Pugh, born 1843/44 in Ashe Co, NC.
5. John2 Evans(William1), born 1806/07 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1870 in Alleghany Co,NC. He married on 1 Mar 1855 in Ashe Co, NC Nancy Dickson, born 1812/13 in NC.
Children of John Evans and Nancy Dickson were as follows:
33 i Nancy3 Evans, born 1855/56 in Ashe Co, NC.
6. William2 Evans(William1), born 1808/09 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married (1) in 1820/30 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC) Mary (---), born 1807/08 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1850/60 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV); (2) in 1850/60 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV) Nancy (---), born 1821/22 in NC; died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV.
Children of William Evans and Mary (---) were as follows:
34 i Nancy3 Evans, born 1831/32 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1850 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
+ 35 ii John3 Evans, born 1835/36 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married Martha (---).
36 iii Mitchell3 Evans, born 1837/38 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1850 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
37 iv Elizabeth3 Evans, born 1839/40 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1850 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
38 v Malinda3 Evans, born 1840/41 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1850 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
39 vi Barnabas3 Evans, born 1841/42 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
40 vii William H3 Evans, born 1845/46 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
Children of William Evans and Nancy (---) were as follows:
41 i Emaline3 Evans, born 1853/54 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
+ 42 ii Council J3 Evans, born 1855/56 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV). He married Juda (---).
43 iii Leander3 Evans, born 1859 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
44 iv Thursey3 Evans, born 1860/61 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
9. Barnabas2 Evans(William1), born 1817/18 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married on 3 Nov 1847 in Surry Co, NC Elizabeth Bowles, born 1826/27 in Surry Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV, daughter of (---) Bowlesand Ellender "Nelly" (---).
Children of Barnabas Evans and Elizabeth Bowles were as follows:
+ 45 i Hampton3 Evans, born 1848/49 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married Jane (---).
46 ii Hartnay3 Evans, born 1850/51 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
47 iii Susan3 Evans, born 1851/52 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
48 iv Newton3 Evans, born 1857/58 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
10. Abraham2 Evans(William1), born 1820/21 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 27 May 1862 in Civil War. He married bef 1841 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC) Elizabeth Osborne, born 1809/10 in NC; died aft 1880 in Alleghany Co,NC, daughter of Elias Osborneand Sarah Sizemore.
Children of Abraham Evans and Elizabeth Osborne were as follows:
49 i Margaret3 Evans, born 1840/41 in VA; died aft 1860 in Alleghany Co,NC. She married (1) James Dixon; (2) Solomon Mabe.
50 ii Cleveland3 Evans, born 1843/44 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Alleghany Co, NC.
51 iii Mazy3 Evans, born 1848/49 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC). She married Ephraim Jackson Mabe.
Generation 3
12. Sanders V3 Evans(James2, William1), born 1829/30 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1875/80 in Alleghany Co,NC. He married on 18 Oct 1851 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC) Francis Krouse, born 1832/33 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Alleghany Co,NC, daughter of (---) Krouseand Elizabeth (---).
Children of Sanders V Evans and Francis Krouse were as follows:
52 i Susan4 Evans, born 1852/53 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
53 ii William4 Evans, born 1854/55 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
54 iii Henry4 Evans, born 1856/57 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
55 iv Sarah J4 Evans, born 1860 in Alleghany Co,NC.
56 v Martha4 Evans, born 1863/64 in Alleghany Co,NC.
57 vi Emory4 Evans, born 1874/75 in Alleghany Co,NC.
15. John Weaver3 Evans(James2, William1), born 1836/37 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1864/70 in Alleghany Co, NC or Wyoming Co, WV. He married on 5 Sep 1857 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC) Emily Blevins, born 1834/35 in NC; died aft 1880 in Alleghany Co, NC.
Children of John Weaver Evans and Emily Blevins were as follows:
58 i James William4 Evans, born 1858/59 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC).
59 ii George W4 Evans, born 1860 in Alleghany Co,NC; died aft 1880 in Alleghany Co, NC.
60 iii John Weaver4 Evans, born 1860/61 in Alleghany Co, NC.
61 iv Granville A4 Evans, born 1863/64 in Alleghany Co,NC.
35. John3 Evans(William2, William1), born 1835/36 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died 1870/80 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married in 1850/60 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV) Martha (---), born 1833/34 in NC; died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV.
Children of John Evans and Martha (---) were as follows:
62 i Ura4 Evans, born 1859/60 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV).
63 ii Mary J4 Evans, born 1862/63 in Wyoming Co, WV.
42. Council J3 Evans(William2, William1), born 1855/56 in Wyoming Co, VA (now WV). He married in 1870/75 in Wyoming Co, WV Juda (---), born 1854/55 in VA.
Children of Council J Evans and Juda (---) were as follows:
64 i William N4 Evans, born 1874/75 in Wyoming Co, WV.
65 ii Charity V4 Evans, born 1875/76 in Wyoming Co, WV.
66 iii James W4 Evans, born 1877/78 in Wyoming Co, WV.
67 iv Malinda4 Evans, born 1878/79 in Wyoming Co, WV.
45. Hampton3 Evans(Barnabas2, William1), born 1848/49 in Ashe Co, NC (now Alleghany Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV. He married in 1860/69 in Wyoming Co, WV Jane (---), born 1837/38 in VA.
Children of Hampton Evans and Jane (---) were as follows:
68 i Mary J4 Evans, born 1868/69 in Wyoming Co, WV.
69 ii Hortensia O4 Evans, born 1870 in Wyoming Co, WV.
70 iii William W4 Evans, born 1871/72 in Wyoming Co, WV.
71 iv Wiley A4 Evans, born 1873/74 in Wyoming Co, WV.
72 v Silas A4 Evans, born 1874/75 in Wyoming Co, WV.
73 vi Emily J4 Evans, born 1876/77 in Wyoming Co, WV.
74 vii Ballard P4 Evans, born 1880 in Wyoming Co, WV
BrenenMcGraw55added this on 27 Jul 2012
LaurenWillkensCrownoveroriginally submitted this to Willkens Family Tree on 10 Jun 2011"
1. 1850 Census, Ashe Co, NC; taken on 28 Sep 1850; Page 288B; Image 102 of 198; Family #732/732.
Listed as Aley Evans; age 73; born in NC; head of household.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
William H. Evans was son of William and Aley(Ollie)(______) Evans.
Ollie was a Cherokee Indian.
3. McDowell Co, WV Web Site at www.scioto.org/McDowell/index.html
"McDowell Co Internet Sites", Green Family Book, Judy Green
Was a Cherokee.
4. E-mail; 5 Aug 2013; Daniel Bingamon, Kings Mill, OH.
"...Allie (Ollie) or spelled Aley in the census, the 'e' was mistaken as a 'c',It's possible that Aley's name is handed down from her Cherokee Grandmother Nionne Ollie.It's entirely possible that she was a daughter of John "Young Tassel" Watts of the Chickamauga Lower Cherokee. Should this be verified properly, the finding of this are enclosed in a PDF file.Cherokee's focus more on maternal lineage and so this would put her in the Paint clan.If anyone has something to document this, I would surely appreciate it.BTW (By the way) -- This also brings another thing: John "Young Tassel" Watts had a nickname, "Captain John". It is entirely possible that he was involved in the Jenny Wiley captivity. There is a person in the story with such a name. John became Chief of the Cherokee a year later just after the death of Dragging Canoe.."
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
Married Martha Toliver.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV, 1854-1910", Ronald Ray Turner, 1991,
page 101. Married Martha Toliver, age 23, born in Ashe Co, NC, daughter of
Hiram and Nancy Toliver, on 26 Dec 1858.
5. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
6. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork Township, Family 80.
7. "Deaths of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1876.
Died of cramp colic.
1. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
In household of husband, John Evans.
2. "Wyoming Marriages...", Haga, Vol 1, page 33. Martha was daughter of Hyram
and Nancy Toliver, born in Ashe Co, NC. Married on 26 Dec 1856.
3. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork Township, Family 80.
4. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 713
Slab Fork Township, page 004.
Listed as Martha Evans, age 46, widow, head of household.
5. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 4, No 65, Haga, page 57.
William Short, age 67, born in Pike Co, KY, married on 5 Oct 1891 Mrs.
Martha Evans, age 65, born in Ashe Co, NC. Information was supplied by
Charles Toliver.
6. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History"; 1965; by Mary Keller Bowman; Page 480.
"...3. Martha Tolliver married John Evans..."
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 154.
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Page 106.
Married Mary Ann Workman, moved to Boone Co, WV.
3. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co", Bowman, page 474.
4. Familysearch.com Web Site, Emory Evans serach, 4 Nov 2000.
Emery F. Evans was born abt 1858 in Boone Co, WV; son of Mitchel and Mary Ann Workman Evans.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
Listed as Reuben B. Bailey, age 45, farmer, head of household.
2. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA....", Harman, Vol I, page 87.
Reubin Bailey and Polly Adkins were married on 14 Apr 1829 in Tazewell
Co, VA.
3. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
Reuben B. Bailey; son of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey; married
Polly Adkins.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
Listed as May Bailey, age 43, in household of husband, Reuben Bailey.
2. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA....", Harman, Vol I, page 87.
Reubin Bailey and Polly Adkins were married on 14 Apr 1829 in Tazewell
Co, VA.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 689.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 010.
Listed as Alum Bailey, age 45, head of household, a farmer.
He is the only on in this household.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 155.
1. "Wyoming Co, WV Heritage, page 13.
Richard Bailey, Revolutionary War soldier, had three sons: James Sr,
Archibald and Micajah.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 470.
Micajah Bailey is mentioned at some lenght in Johnston's "History of the New
River Settlements". He is said to have had a hunting camp in the upper end of
Micajah's Ridge from whence it got it's name.
3. Ancestry.com Web Site, Emerilla Neely search, 29 May 2001, submitted by
Micajah Bailey, Sr was born about 1770 in Bedford Co, VA; died before 1833
in Mercer Co, WV.
1. "Archives of the Pioneers of Tazewell Co, VA", Yantis, page 257.
Footnote 6.
"According to `The History of Middle New River Settlements', page 377,
Richard was born in England and married Annie Belcher. The former fact has
not been proven and the latter appears erronrous. All deeds and other records
in which the wife of Richard is mentioned, her name is given as Elizabeth,
(Maybe her name was Elizabeth Ann Belcher) including a sale of property in
Cherterfield County in 1763. Her last name was probably Belcher, as given,
since other references also point to the relationship through the Belcher
line; however, no marriage record has been located. The children of Richard
and Elizabeth were: John (married Nancy Davidson); James (married Margaret
Stinson); Richard, Jr (Married Isabel Ferguson); Chloe (married first David
McComas and probably second, David Lusk); Micajah (married Naomi_____);
Reuben (married first, Sarah Ferguson, second Millie Belcher); Archibald
(married Agnes _____); Sarah (married Samuel Lusk); Eli (married Agnes
"Nancy" Clark) and Henry (married Elizabeth Peters).
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Emerilla Neely search, 29 May 2001, submitted by
Naomi Shuffelbarger was born abt 1774 in Montgomery Co, VA; died on 16 Feb
1860 in Mercer Co, WV.
3. Death Records of Mercer Co, WV, transcribed by Gina Rose.
Naoma Bailey; age 86; died on 16 Feb 1860; of flux; born in Mercer Co, WV;
d/o (sic, w/o) Micajah Bailey.
4. 1850 Census, Mercer Co, WV, 42nd District, taken on 15 Aug 1850, Page 171B,
Family #312.
Listed as Nioma Bailey, age 70, born in VA, in household of son,
Micajah Bailey.
5. 1860 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Princeton P.O., taken on 25 Jun 1860, Page 353,
Family #78.
Listed as Naoma Bailey, age 82, widow, born in VA, head of household.
(If this is the same Naomi, there must be an error in her death date.)
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
John H. Bailey; son of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey; married
Anna Marshall.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
Isaac Bailey; son of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey; married
Martha Belcher.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
Sarah "Sally" Bailey; daughter of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey;
married William Blankenship.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
Alexander Bailey; son of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
Richard Bailey; son of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Clay Bailey search, 17 Sep 2001, submitted by
Nancy Bailey; daughter of Micajah and Naomi Shuffelbarger Bailey.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 215B, Family #156.
Listed as Thomas Dunford, age 38, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
2. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 109, Family #273.
Listed as Thomas Dunford, age 45, farmer, born in MD, head of household.
Hannah Adaline "Omar" Shrewsbury
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 215B, Family #156.
Listed as Omar Dunford, age 32, born in VA, in household of husband, Thomas
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Thomas Dunford Search, 24 Jul 2002, submitted by
Bonnie Hicks, inmylife64@yahoo.com.
Thomas Dunford; married Homar "Omar" Shrewsbury, daughter of Thomas and Lucy
Maxey Shrewsbury.
3. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 109, Family #273.
Listed as Honor Dunford, age 40, born in VA, in household of husband, Thomas
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 215B, Family #156.
Listed as John Dunford, age 10, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 216A, Family #156.
Listed as Margaret Dunford, age 7, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 216A, Family #156.
Listed as William Dunford, age 4, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 216A, Family #156.
Listed as Noah Dunford, age 1, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
1. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 109, Family #273.
Listed as Melvina Dunford, age 10, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
1. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 109, Family #273.
Listed as George W. Dunford, age 8, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
2. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 22 Jul 1870, Page 680A, Family
Listed as George W. Dunford, age 18, born in VA, in household of
brother-in-law, Madison Stephenson.
1. "Wyoming Co, WV Births", transcribed by Pauline Haga, Year 1854.
Thomas J. Dunford was born on 24 Jun 1854 to Thomas and Hana Dunford.
2. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 109, Family #273.
Listed as Thomas J. Dunford, age 7, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
3. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Listed as Thomas J. Dunford, age 15, born in VA, in household of uncle by
marriage, Wilburn Osborn.
1. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #273.
Listed as Rebecca J. Dunford, age 5, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
2. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Listed as Rebecca A. Dunford, age 14, born in VA, in household of uncle by
marriage, Wilburn Osborn.
1. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #273.
Listed as James Dunford, age 3, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
2. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Listed as James J. Dunford, age 12, born in VA, in household of uncle by
marriage, Wilburn Osborn.
3. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV", transcribed by Pauline Haga, Year of 1857.
James J. Dunford was born on 21 Sep 1857 to Thomas and Hanna Dunford.
1. "Wyoming Co, WV Births", transcribed by Pauline Haga, Year 1858.
Elijah Dunford was born on 29 Nov 1858 in Barker's Ridge District to Thomas and Hanna Dunford.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Robert Mills search, 5 Nov 2001; submitted by Walter
M. Bailey, baileywm@pa.net
Thomas Shrewsbury, son of Jeremiah and Mary Clay Shrewsbury; born in 1779 in
Franklin Co, VA; died aft 1824 in Mercer Co, WV; married Lucy Maxey on 7 Jan
1801 in Franklin Co, VA.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Robert Mills search, 5 Nov 2001; submitted by Walter
M. Bailey, baileywm@pa.net
Thomas Shrewsbury, son of Jeremiah and Mary Clay Shrewsbury; born in 1779 in
Franklin Co, VA; died aft 1824 in Mercer Co, WV; married Lucy Maxey on 7 Jan
1801 in Franklin Co, VA.
Lucy maxey; born in 1792 in Franklin Co, VA; died aft 1818 in Mercer Co, WV.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 226.
2. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, page 65.
Married Permelia Dunford, age 17, born in Mercer Co, WV, daughter of Thomas
and Honor Dunford. Married 28 Jul 1856.
3. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #274.
Listed as Wilburn Osborn, age 21, born in NC, in household of husband,
Wilburn Osborn.
4. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Listed as Wilburn Osburn, age 33, born in NC, Farmer, head of household.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, taken on 22 Aug 1850, Page 215B, Family #156.
Listed as Pacanda Dunford, age 12, born in VA, in household of father,
Thomas Dunford.
2. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, page 65.
Permelia Dunford, age 17, born in Mercer Co, WV, daughter of Thomas and
Honor (Omer or Oma?) Dunford, married on 28 Jul 1856 Wilburn Osborn.
3. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #274.
Listed as Permelia Osborn, age 21, born in VA, in household of husband,
Wilburn Osborn.
4. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Not listed with husband, Wilburn Osburn. Sge must have died or they
1. "Births Wyoming Co, Wv.." Haga, 1857.
2. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #274.
Listed as Martha J. Osborn, age 4, born in VA, in household of father,
Wilburn Osborn.
1. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #274.
Listed as John H. Osborn, age 2, born in VA, in household of father,
Wilburn Osborn.
2. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Listed as John W.N. Osborn, age 11, in household of father, Wilburn Osborn.
1. 1860 Census, Clay Co, WV, taken on 18 Jul 1860, Page 110, Family #274.
Listed as Adaline Osborn, age 3 months, born in VA, in household of father,
Wilburn Osborn.
2. 1870 Clay Co, WV, Henry Township, taken on 20 Jul 1870, Page 679A, Family
Listed as Honana Osborn, age 10, in household of father, Wilburn Osborn.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA; District 71; taken 23 Aug 1850; Page 216A; Image 25 of 38;
Family #157/157.
Listed as Samuel Mullins; age 35; born in KY; farmer; head of household.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA; District 71; taken 23 Aug 1850; Page 216A; Image 25 of 38;
Family #157/157.
Listed as Marshal Mullins; age 11; born in VA; in household of father, Samuel Mullins.
1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA; District 71; taken 23 Aug 1850; Page 216A; Image 25 of 38;
Family #157/157.
Listed as Elizabeth Mullins; age 6; born in VA; in household of father, Samuel Mullins.