McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Glenn Simpson

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 11 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 21; Dwelling #143.
Listed as Glenn Simpson; age 4; born in WV; in household of uncle, Everett M. Curry..

Thomas Arnold

1.1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 10 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 19 Dwelling #137.
Listed as Thomas Arnold; age 22; born in WV; seperated; coal loader in coal mine; lodger in
household of Joe T. Edwards.

Claude Sargent

1.1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 10 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 18 Dwelling #128.
Listed as Claude Sargent; age 48; born in VA; seperated; Negro; car dropper in coal mine; lodger
in household of William H. Fleshman.

Posey Saunders

1.1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 10 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 18 Dwelling #127.
Listed as Posey Saunders; age 60; born in VA; widowed; Negro; coal loader in coal mine; in
household of, Jerry Stacy.

Helen Gwinn

1.1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 10 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 18 Dwelling #126.
Listed as Helen Gwin; age 39; born in VA; seperated; Negro; maid; in household of Sean Regan.

Sean Regan

1.1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 10 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 17; Dwelling #126.
Listed as Sean Raggan; age 46; born in NC; seperated; Negro; unemployed; head of household.

Curtis McGhee

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 5 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 12; Dwelling #90.
Listed as Curtis McGhee; age 25; born in WV; never married; Negro; unloads slate for coal mine;
in household of uncle, Benjamin F. McGhee.

Emmit Snyder

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 4 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 9; Dwelling #62.
Listed as Emmit Snider; age 38; born in VA; divorced; odd jobs for coal mine; lodger in household
of John McCoy.

Thomas Ellis

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 4 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 9; Dwelling #62.
Listed as Thomas Ellis; age 44; born in NC; married; check weighman for for mine; lodger in
household of John McCoy.

Walter Miskiwicz

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 3 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 6; Dwelling #36..
Listed as Walter Miskieicz; age 61; born in Poland; widowed; timberman in coal mine; head of

Walter Brazozowski

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 3 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 6; Dwelling #36..
Listed as Walter Brazozowski; age 61; born in Poland, widowed; barber in city barber shop; lodger;
in household of Walter Miskiwicz.

Sharon Mabry

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 30 Mar 1950; Sheet Number 4; Dwelling #23.
Listed as Sharen Mabry; age 7 mons; born in Sep 1949 in WV; in household of grandfather, Edward
B. Mabry.

Ruth Dingus

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 6 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 6; Dwelling #48.
Listed as Ruth Dingus; age 19; born in KY; never married; restaurant waitress; in household of
Lula Powers, restaurant manager.

Lula Powers

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 6 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 6; Dwelling #48.
Listed as Lula Powers; age 38; born in VA; widow; restaurant manager; head of household.

Frank E. Roope

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 6 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 5; Dwelling #41.
Listed as Frank E. Roop; age 40; born in VA; married; driller in coal mine; in household of father
Wilson C. Roope, with wife and children.

Harman Sperry

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 6 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 4; Dwelling #30.
Listed as Harman Sperry; age 22; born in WV; never married; no listed occupation; in household of
uncle, Clyde W. Doss.

Nannie R. Harman

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 5 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 2; Dwelling #20.
Listed as Nannie R. Harman; age 43; born in WV; married; restaurant owner operator; "household
for roomers only"; head of househol.

Lee S. Lambert

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 5 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 2; Dwelling #17.
Listed as Lee S. lambert; age 56; born in VA; divorced; no listed occupation; roomer; in household of
Harry H. and Elizabeth Hopster.

Alma Petty

1, 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 5 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 1; Dwelling #10.
Listed as Alma Petty; age 26; born in NC; never married; maid; waitress in restaurant, in household
of Henry W. Hudson.

Henry W. Hudson

1, 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 5 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 1; Dwelling #10.
Listed as Henry W. Hudson; age 37; born in VA; divorced; restaurant operator; head of household

Cecelia Yurkovich

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 008860; WV Archives Website.
Cecelia Yurkovich; age 81; born 5 Apr 1890 in Yugislavia; widow; housewife; living at Gary, WV;
daughter of unknown parents; died 17 Jun 1971 in Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to dissecting
aortic aneurysm in abdominal; informant, John Yurkovich, Gary, WV.

Mandy Lou Gidens

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'71 007175; WV Archives Website.
Mandy Lou Gidens; age 70; born in Jun 1902 in AL; widowed; housewife; Negro; living in War, WV;
daughter of unknown parents; died 28 Apr 1971 in Doctors Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to
septicemia; buried 1 May 1971 in Excelsior Cemetery, Yukon, WV; informant, Annie Ridley, War, WV.

Earnest Lewis

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 007160; WV Archives Website.
Earnest lewis; age 68; born 3 Feb 1903 in AL; widowed; coal loader in mine; Negro; living in Lowe's
Hotel, Welch, WV; son of unknown parents; died 30 Mar 1971 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch,
WV; due to respiratory heart failure; buried 4 Apr 1971 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant,
Nathaniel Branchnan, Welch, WV.

John Dickerson

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #"71 003844; WV Archives Website.
John Dickerson; age 89; born 2 Mar 1882 in VA; widowed; caol miner; Negro; living at 19 Virginia,
Welch, WV; son of unknown parents; died 7 Mar 1971; DOA Doctors Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV;
due to acute coronary thrombosis; buried 10 Mar 1971 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV;
informant, Elsie Barksdale, Kimball, WV.

John Carmica

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 013477; WV Archives Website.
John Carmica; age 84; born 15 Jul 1887 in AL; widowed; coal miner; SS #227-05-1860; Negro;living
at Eckman, WV; served in WW I; son of unknoawn parents; died 28 Aug 1971 at Eckman, WV; due to
acute myocardial infarction with hypertensive coronary vascular disease; buried 1 Aep 1971 in
Norwood Cemetery, Kimball, WV; informant, Red Tidd, Eckman, WV.

Mary Ella Miles

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 015846; WV Archives Website.
Mary Ella Miles; age 65; born 3 May 1907 in VA; widow; Negro; living at 17 Court Str, Welch, WV;
daughter of unknown parents; died 15 Oct 1972 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; due to
heart conditions; buried 19 Oct 1972 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, Louisa Marlin,
Welch, WV.

Mark Tortella

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 004361; WV Archives Website.
Mark Tortella, age 83; born 16 Apr 1888 in Italy; never married; retired coal miner; SS# 235-10-3642;
living at Logan, WV; son of unknown parents; died 23 Mar 1972 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch,
WV; due to congestive heart failure; buried 26 Mar 1972 in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Pecks Mill, WV;
informant, Woodrow Hicks.

Joe Dobos

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 012621; WV Archives Website.
Joe Dobos; ge 73; born in May 1899 in Hungary; coal miner; SS#233-12-3434; living at Hemphill,
WV; son of unknown parents; died 25 Jul 1972 in Doctors Memoral Hospital, Welch, WV; due to
hemorrhage shock; buried 29 Jul 1972 in Mitchell Cemetery, Hensley, WV.