McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Alice Wyatt

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764A; Image 7 of 10; Household #53.
Listed as Akice Wyatt; age 54; born in VA; widow; no education; lived at same place
on 1 Apr 1935; helper; in household of, William M. Marshall.

Albert Carter

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #64.
Listed as Albert Carter; age 73; born in VA; widowed; Negro; no education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; head of household.
2.1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 7 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 14; Dwelling #117.
Listed as Albert Carter; age 55; born in VA; widowed; Negro; lodger; in household of Theodore Threatt.

Clarence R. Webb

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 26 Apr
1940; Page 765B; Image 10 of 10; Household #70.
Listed as Clarence R. Webb; age 77; born in VA; widowed; 6th grade education; lived in
same place on 1 Apr 1935; head of household.

Jack K. Cooper Dr

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 26 Apr
1940; Page 765B; Image 10 of 10; Household #74.
Listed as Jack K. Cooper; age 40; born in VA; single; 5 yrs college education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; doctor for coal company; head of single person household.

Mary Austin

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'65 19410; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
Mary Austin; age 73; born in Nov 1892 in VA; widow; Negro; living at Big Sandy, WV; daughter of
unknown parents; died 30 Jun 1965 in the Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; from
auricular fibrillation due to hypertensive cardio vascular disease; buried 4 Jul 1965 in Oak Grove
Cemetery, Bluewell, Mercer Co, WV; informant, Howard Cunningham, Maybeury, WV.

Earnest Ethan Sparks

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken 17 May 1910; Page 1B; Image 2 of 30;
Family #17/17.
Listed as Earnest Sparks; age 39; born in VA; married once for 10 yrs; coal mine laborer; head of
2. Website; submitted by Daniel Botts; 15 Mar 2016.
" Ethan Ernest Sparks
Birth 19 Jul 1880
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Death 13 May 1942 (aged 61)
McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Lomax-Yukon Cemetery
Yukon, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 159531912"

Ollie Wolfe

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1911); Page 218; Line #10; WV Archives Web Site.
Ollie Wolf; age 26; single; laborer; Colored; died 14 Feb 1911 in Elkhorn District, McDowell Co, WV;
shot; singed by J.N. McCulloch, coroner.
2. "McDowell Recorder"; Welch, WV; Friday, 14 Jul 1911; front page article, "Criminal Court Now in
"Those inditied for murder are Buster Pence, a Balwin detective who is charged with shooting
Ollie Wolf, while breaking into a Norfolk and Western car..."

Wilson Carr

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; taken on 19 May 1910; Page 7B; Image 14 of 30;
Family #135/136.
Listed as Wilson Carr; age 32; born in VA; Black; single; boarder; railroad laborer; in household of
Clara Hale.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1910); Page 30; Line #30; WV Archives Web Site.
Wilson Carr; age 31; single; brakeman; Colored; died 25 May 1910 in Adkin District, McDowell Co,
WV; shot; singed by J.N. McCulloch, coroner.
3. "McDowell Recorder"; Welch, WV; Friday, 14 Jul 1911; front page article, "Criminal Court Now in
"Those inditied for murder are ... Beuregard Fuqua is charged with the murder of a man by the
name of Wilson Carr..."

Robert "Bobby" Bishop

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Welch; E.D. 24-29; taken on 4/6 May
1940; Page 593B; Image 48 of 91; Household #513.
Listed as Bobby Bishop; age 6; born in VA; no education; lived in Big Stone Gap, Lee Co
(sic, Wise Co), VA; in household of grandfather, Monroe Bishop.
(May not be Ted's son)

Fredie W. Shields

1. Web Site; Palm Memorial Gardens, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV; submitted by
Patty Greene; 24 Jun 2008.
Fredie W. Shields; born in 1909; died 1909; Cemetery 58; Grave 19; buried here.
(This was apparently a grave that was moved when the R.D. Bailey Dam and Reservoir was built
near Baileysville, WV.

Fred Shields

1. Web Site; Palm Memorial Gardens, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV; submitted by
Patty Greene; 23 Jun 2008.
Fredi Shields; born in 1912; died 1912; Cemetery 58; Grave 14; buried here.
(This was apparently a grave that was moved when the R.D. Bailey Dam and Reservoir was built
near Baileysville, WV.

Carter Starling

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 218B; Image
52 of 75; Family #457/474.
Listed as Carter Starling; age 36; born in VA; single; Negro; boarder; coal loader in mine; in
husehold of Martha Johnson.

Marcell Cole

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 218B; Image
of 75; Family #453/470.
Listed as Macell Cole; age 20; born in WV; single; timberman in coal mine; in household of uncle,
James J. Hughes.

Frank Mitchem

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1919); Page 108; Adkins District; WV Archives Web
Frank Mitchem; age 37 yrs, 9 mons, 9 days; born in WV; single; miner; died 18 Feb 1919; no
other information.

Clarence Burchett

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Mohegan; E.D. 24-37; taken on 21 Apr
1940; Page 744A; Image 1 of 36; Household #5.
Listed as Clarence Burchett; age 32; born in VA; single; 5th grade education; loader in coal mine;
in household of father-in-law, Paul S. Paynter.
2. Social Security Death Index; Web Site.
Clarence Burchett; born 4 Jun 1907; died in Feb 1984; last residence, Roderfield, McDowell Co,
WV; SS#235-10-4743; card issued in WV before 1951.

Ruby Taylor

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Mohegan; E.D. 24-37; taken on 21 Apr
1940; Page 744B; Image 2 of 36; Household #9.
Listed as Ruby Taylor; age 18; born in WV; single; 2 yrs HS education; attending school; lived in
Williamson, Mingo Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; "sister of sister-in-law"; in household of Lawson Sloan.

J.C. Kress

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Mohegan; E.D. 24-37; taken on 5/6 Apr
1940; Page 747B; Image 8 of 35; Household #61.
Listed as J.C. Kress; age 32; born in VA; married; 1 yr HS education; lived in Wise Vo, VA
on 1 Apr 1935; loader in coal mine; in household of Eugene Mullins.

Maggie Lumpken

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Mohegan; E.D. 24-37; taken on 6 Apr
1940; Page 748B; Image 11 of 35; Household #86.
Listed as Maggie Lumpken; age 49; born in TN; widow; Negro; 3rd grade education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; head of household.

George W. Guy

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Roderfield; E.D. 24-37; taken on 18/22
Apr 1940; Page 754A; Image 22 of 35; Household #161.
Listed as George W. Guy; age 68; born in VA; single; no education; lived in Hampton Roads,
McDowell Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; laborer around house; in household of Samantha Caudill Minter.

James Allen

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Roderfield; E.D. 24-37; taken on 22 Apr
1940; Page 754B; Image 23 of 36; Household #170.
Listed as James Allen; age 44; born in VA; single; 2 yrs college; lived in Grant, Grayson Co, VA; on
1 Apr 1935; lodger; church preacher; in household of, Okey Bailey.

Edward Hardgrove

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Roderfield; E.D. 24-37; taken on 22/23
Apr 1940; Page 755A; Image 24 of 35; Household #178.
Listed as Ed Hardgrove; age 18; born in KY; 1 yr HS education; lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935;
in household of uncle, Roosevelt Hardgrove.

Ashley Belcher

1.; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 1 Dec 2013.
Ashley Belcher; born_____; died 18 Aug 2006; buried here; grave marker photo shown.

Tony Pecola

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'62 017377; WV Archives Web Site.
Tony Pecola; age 74; born in Jan 1888 in Yugoslovia; widowed retired coal miner; living at Welch, WV;
SS# 404-03-7217; son of unknown parents; died 18 Nov 1962 in Grace Hospital, Welch, Welch, WV;
due to cerebral thrombosis; cerebral arterosclerosis; diabetes mellitus; myocardial infarction; buried
21 Nov 1962 in Iaeger Memorial, Roderfield, WV.
2. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
Kenneth Bowen; 5 Jun 2012.
Tony Pecola; born in Jan 1888; died 18 Nov 1962; buried here; no grave marker photo shown.

Gilbert Johnson

1. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Gilbert Johnson; born 6 Apr 1898; died in Oct 1970; last residence, WV;
SS#232-24-7900; issued in WV or NC.
2. Morgan Cemetery, Davy, WV; Census by Rev Jime Mullins; McDowell Co, WV Genealogy Web Site.
Gilbert Johnson; born 6 Apr 1898; died 23 Oct 1970; Private form OH; 150 Infantry, WW I.