McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Patrick Neill Parker

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1964); Page 430; WV Archives Website.
Patrick Neill Parker; age 20; born in Brownsville, PA; single; living at Box 686, Keystone, WV;
married on 2 Jan 1964 in Keystone, WV; Carole Lee Buchanan; age 19; born in Superior, WV;
single; living at Switchback, WV; with consent of Charles and alice Parker, parents of Patrick Neill
Parker and Thelma Hancock, mother of Carole Lee Buchanan, father deceased.

Carole Lee Buchanan

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1964); Page 430; WV Archives Website.
Patrick Neill Parker; age 20; born in Brownsville, PA; single; living at Box 686, Keystone, WV;
married on 2 Jan 1964 in Keystone, WV; Carole Lee Buchanan; age 19; born in Superior, WV;
single; living at Switchback, WV; with consent of Charles and alice Parker, parents of Patrick Neill
Parker and Thelma Hancock, mother of Carole Lee Buchanan, father deceased.

Allen Ray Lawson

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1964); Page 431; WV Archives Website.
Allen Ray Lawson; age 19; born in Skygusty, WV; single; living at Box 191, Elkhorn, WV; married
on 4 Jan 1964 in Wilcoe, WV; Shirley Paulette Lester; age 16; born in Havaco, WV; single; living at
Wilcoe, WV; with consent of edgar and Bethel Lawson, parents of Allen Ray Lawson; and Lonnie
and Reta Lester, parents of Shirley Paulette Lester.

Shirley Paulette Lester

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1964); Page 431; WV Archives Website.
Allen Ray Lawson; age 19; born in Skygusty, WV; single; living at Box 191, Elkhorn, WV; married
on 4 Jan 1964 in Wilcoe, WV; Shirley Paulette Lester; age 16; born in Havaco, WV; single; living at
Wilcoe, WV; with consent of edgar and Bethel Lawson, parents of Allen Ray Lawson; and Lonnie
and Reta Lester, parents of Shirley Paulette Lester.