McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


George Washington Tilley

1. 1900 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken 5 Jun 1900; Page 210B; Family #70/70.
Listed as George W. Tilly; age 2; born in Jul 1897 in WV; in household of father, Lee A. Tilley.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; taken 10 May 1910; Page 252B; Family #474/475.
Listed as George Tilley; age 13; born in WV; in household of father, Lee A. Tilley.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1914); Page 357; WV Archives Website.
George W. Tilly; age 18; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; farmer; living in Switchback, WV; son of
Lee and Nancy; married on 26 Sep 1914 in Maybeury, WV; Molly Hughes; age 22; born in Pulaski
Co, VA; single; daughter of Carney and Missouri; person giving information, Lee Tilly.
4. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #4846; 12 Sep 1918; Website.
George Washington Tilley; age 20; born 18 Jul 1898; living at Switchback, WV; driver (probably
mules); for Extra Pocahontas Coal Co, Switchback, WV; nearest relative, Molly L, Tilley, Switchback,
WV; short; medium build; black eyes and brown hair.
5. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; Powhatan Village; taken 3 Jan 1920; Page 130A;
Family #59/59.
Listed as George Tilley; age 24; born in WV; married; trainee in power house; head of household.
6; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as George Tilley; age 28?; born in WV; 2nd grade education; lived in same place on 1 Apr
1935; coal loader in coal mne; head of household.
7. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card # T-2062; 16 Feb 1942; Website.
George Washington Tilley; age 42; born 14 Jul 1898 at Lick Branch, WV; living at Landgraff, WV;
employed by Vera Pocahontas Coal Co, # 3 mne, Landgraff, WV; name of person who will always
know address, Molly Tilley, Landgraff, WV; 5'2" tall; 130 lbs; gray eyes; brown hair; ruddy complexion;
ends of two middle fingers off on left hand.
8. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1952); Page 447; WV Archives Website.
George W. Tilley; age 54; born in Maybeury, WV; divorced; living at Davy, WV; married on 9 May
1952 on Peters Branch, WV; Viola McPeak; age 40; born in Northfork, WV; widow; living at Davy, WV.
9. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '63 016812; WV Archives Website.
George Washington Tilley; age 65; born 14 Jul 1898 in WV; divorced; retired coal miner; living at
Kimball, WV; son of Lee and Nancy (Taylor) Tilley; died 23 Nov 1963 in Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV;
due to cerebral anoxia with cor pulmonale and chronic pulmonary emphysema
(probably "Black Lung" disease); buried 26 Nov 1963 in Belcher Cemetery, Blizzard Mtn, WV;
informant, Mrs. Lula Taylor, Detroit, MI. (Can not locate "Blizzard Mtn"; This is probably Belcher Mtn
Cemeteries, atop moutain between Kimball and Maitland, McDowell Co, WV.

Viola Cecil

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1916); Page 419; WV Archives Website.
Hezekiah Craighead; age 22; born in Mercer Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Premier, WV; son of
James and Emma; married on 20 feb 1916 at Premier, WV; Viola Cecil; age 19; born in Mercer Co,
WV; single; daughter of D.E. and D.J.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 28; WV Archives Website.
James K. Johnson; age 36; born in Wayne Co, WV; single; miner; living at Premier, WV; son of Sim
and Emma; married on 27 Aug 1921 in Welch, WV; Viola Craighead; age 22; born in Mercer Co, WV;
single (sic, previous marriage); daughter of Dan and Lanney.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1927); Page 191; WV Archives Website.
Sam McPeak; age 42; born in Patrick Co, VA; widowed; timberman; living at Premier, WV; son of
Buford and Sarah; married on 15 Jan 1927 at Welch, WV; Viola Johnson; age 26; born in McDowell
Co, WV; widow; daughter of D.E. and D.J. Cecil.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1952); Page 447; WV Archives Website.
George W. Tilley; age 54; born in Maybeury, WV; divorced; living at Davy, WV; married on 9 May
1952 on Peters Branch, WV; Viola McPeak; age 40; born in Northfork, WV; widow; living at Davy, WV.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Deasth Certificate # '56 015911; WV Archives Website.
Viola Tilley; age 59; born 12 Jul 1897 in Premier, WV; married; living at Davy, WV; daughter of Dan
and Elaney (Thompson) Cecil; died 16 Sep 1956 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; due to
decompensated caediac insufficiency with chronic cardiac pulmonatis and probable uterin cancer;
buried 19 Sep 1956 in Big Jenny Cemetery (Davy, WV); informant, Buford H. McPeak.

Lee Andrew Tilley

1. 1900 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken 5 Jun 1900; Page 210B; Family #70/70.
Listed as L.A. Tilly; age 36; born in Jan 1864 in WV; married 6 yrs; farmer; head of household.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; taken 10 May 1910; Page 252B; Family #474/475.
Listed as Lee Tilley; age 45; born in NC; married twice (?); last time for 17 yrs; farmer; head of

Nancy Elizabeth Taylor

1. 1900 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken 5 Jun 1900; Page 210B; Family #70/70.
Listed as Nancy Tilly; age 32; born in Jun 1867 in WV; married 6 yrs; 4 children, 3 living; in household
of husband, Lee A. Tilley.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; taken 10 May 1910; Page 252B; Family #474/475.
Listed as Nancy E. Tilley; age 37; born in WV; married twice (?); last time for 17 yrs; 4 children, 3 living;
in household of husband, Lee A. Tilley.

Hattie Tilley

1. 1900 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken 5 Jun 1900; Page 210B; Family #70/70.
Listed as Hattie Tilly; age 7; born in Feb 1893 in WV; in household of father, Lee A. Tilley.

Joseph K. Tilley

1. 1900 Census, Mercer Co, WV; Rock District; taken 5 Jun 1900; Page 210B; Family #70/70.
Listed as Joseph K. Tilly; age 5; born in Feb 1895 in WV; in household of father, Lee A. Tilley.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; taken 10 May 1910; Page 252B; Family #474/475.
Listed as Joseph Tilley; age 15; born in WV; in household of father, Lee A. Tilley.

Lula Mae Tilley

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; Powhatan Village; taken 3 Jan 1920; Page 130A;
Family #59/59.
Listed as Lula M. Tilley; age 5; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Tilley.
2; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Lula Saddler; age 24; born in VA; 7th grade education; lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935;
in household of father, George W. Tilley, with 3 children.
3. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Website.
"Name Lula M. Taylor
Social Security Number 377-01-3626
Birth Date 15 Jan 1914
Issue year Before 1951
Issue State Michigan
Last Residence 48075, Southfield, Oakland, Michigan
Death Date 30 Nov 2009"
4. Website; submitted by Terry Lack; 4 Jun 2022; transcribed by J.C.
" Lula M. Taylor
Birth 1914
Death 2009 (aged 94–95)
Burial Woodlawn Cemetery
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA
Memorial ID 240333426"

Ed Saddler

1. Raleigh Co, WV; Death Certificate #2966; WV Archives Website.
Edward Saddler; born 5 Dec 1903 in Mercer Co, WV; married; living at Affinity, WV; son of Edward
Saddler and Miss M. Zissler (sp?), both born in Mercer Co, WV; died 21 Jan 1936 at Affinity, WV;
due to cardiac decompensation with enlarged heart; buried 23 Jan 1936 at Hot Coal, WV; informant,
Alfred Saddler, Affinity, WV.

Lula Mae Tilley

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; Powhatan Village; taken 3 Jan 1920; Page 130A;
Family #59/59.
Listed as Lula M. Tilley; age 5; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Tilley.
2; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Lula Saddler; age 24; born in VA; 7th grade education; lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935;
in household of father, George W. Tilley, with 3 children.
3. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Website.
"Name Lula M. Taylor
Social Security Number 377-01-3626
Birth Date 15 Jan 1914
Issue year Before 1951
Issue State Michigan
Last Residence 48075, Southfield, Oakland, Michigan
Death Date 30 Nov 2009"
4. Website; submitted by Terry Lack; 4 Jun 2022; transcribed by J.C.
" Lula M. Taylor
Birth 1914
Death 2009 (aged 94–95)
Burial Woodlawn Cemetery
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA
Memorial ID 240333426"

Paul Franklin Goodson

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Carswell; Houston Coal Co; taken on 23/24
Jan 1920; Page 161B; Family #348/391.
Listed as Paul Goodson; age 9; born in WV; in household of father, Lee Goodson.
2. 1930 Census, Wythe Co, VA; Lead Mine District; Ivanhoe; taken on 19 Apr 1930; Page 113A;
Family #244/244.
Listed as Paul Goodson; age 19; born in WV; in household of father, Lee Goodson.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1932); Page 312; WV Archives Web Site.
Paul Goodson; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; works at sub station; living at Algoma, WV;
son of Lee and Carrie; married on 31 Mar 1932 at Big Four, WV; Minnie Belcher, age 16; born in
McDowell Co, WV; single; daughter of Louis and Bettie.

Lula Mae Tilley

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Elkhorn District; Powhatan Village; taken 3 Jan 1920; Page 130A;
Family #59/59.
Listed as Lula M. Tilley; age 5; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Tilley.
2; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Lula Saddler; age 24; born in VA; 7th grade education; lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935;
in household of father, George W. Tilley, with 3 children.
3. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Website.
"Name Lula M. Taylor
Social Security Number 377-01-3626
Birth Date 15 Jan 1914
Issue year Before 1951
Issue State Michigan
Last Residence 48075, Southfield, Oakland, Michigan
Death Date 30 Nov 2009"
4. Website; submitted by Terry Lack; 4 Jun 2022; transcribed by J.C.
" Lula M. Taylor
Birth 1914
Death 2009 (aged 94–95)
Burial Woodlawn Cemetery
Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA
Memorial ID 240333426"

Admiral Dewey Bauswell

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1948); Page 390; WV Archives Website.
Admiral Dewey Bauswell; age 18; born in Nealy Ridge, VA; single; living at Marytown, WV; married on
11 Jun 1948 at Capels, WV; Virgie Octavia Saddler; age 16; born in O'Tolle, WV; single; living at
Marytown, WV; with consent of Lula Saddler, mother of Virgie Octovia Saddler.

Virgie Octavia Saddler

1; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Virgie Saddler; age 8; born in WV; 1st grade education; attending school; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of grandfather, George W. Tilley, with mother,
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1948); Page 390; WV Archives Website.
Admiral Dewey Bauswell; age 18; born in Nealy Ridge, VA; single; living at Marytown, WV; married on
11 Jun 1948 at Capels, WV; Virgie Octavia Saddler; age 16; born in O'Tolle, WV; single; living at
Marytown, WV; with consent of Lula Saddler, mother of Virgie Octovia Saddler.

Letha Luoise Saddler

1; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Lethia Saddler; age 6; born in WV; no education not attending school; in household of
grandfather, George W. Tilley, with mother,
2. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Website.
"Name Letha Phelps
Social Security Number 272-30-8600
Birth Date 2 Feb 1934
Issue year 1951
Issue State Ohio
Last Residence 37166, Smithville, Dekalb, Tennessee, USA
Death Date 15 Jan 2002"
3. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Website.
"Name Letha Louise Ball [Letha Phelps] [Letha Louise Sadler]
Gender Female
Race White
Birth Date 2 Feb 1932
Birth Place Carswell McD, West Virginia [Carsevell, West Virginia]
Death Date 15 Jan 2002
Father Edward Sadler
Mother Lula M Tilley
SSN 272308600
Notes Nov 1950: Name listed as LETHA LOUISE BALL;
19 Sep 1975: Name listed as LETHA PHELPS"

Letha Luoise Saddler

1; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Lethia Saddler; age 6; born in WV; no education not attending school; in household of
grandfather, George W. Tilley, with mother,
2. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Website.
"Name Letha Phelps
Social Security Number 272-30-8600
Birth Date 2 Feb 1934
Issue year 1951
Issue State Ohio
Last Residence 37166, Smithville, Dekalb, Tennessee, USA
Death Date 15 Jan 2002"
3. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Website.
"Name Letha Louise Ball [Letha Phelps] [Letha Louise Sadler]
Gender Female
Race White
Birth Date 2 Feb 1932
Birth Place Carswell McD, West Virginia [Carsevell, West Virginia]
Death Date 15 Jan 2002
Father Edward Sadler
Mother Lula M Tilley
SSN 272308600
Notes Nov 1950: Name listed as LETHA LOUISE BALL;
19 Sep 1975: Name listed as LETHA PHELPS"

Marlin Edward Fish

1. Tennessee, U.S., Marriage Records, 1780-2002; Website.
"Name Marlin Fish
Gender Male
Age 31
Birth Date 5 May 1924
Marriage Date 27 Dec 1955
Marriage Place Cannon, Tennessee, USA
Spouse Pauline Saddler"

Pauline Corrine aka Saddler Tilley

1; 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; McDowell; taken 15 Apr 1940; Page 1006;
Household #358.
Listed as Pauline Tilley; age 3; born in WV; in household of grandfather, George W. Tilley, with
2. Tennessee, U.S., Marriage Records, 1780-2002; Website.
"Name Pauline Saddler
Gender Female
Age 19
Birth Date 17 Dec 1936
Marriage Date 27 Dec 1955
Marriage Place Cannon, Tennessee, USA
Spouse Marlin Fish"
3. Website; submitted by Bill; 20 Apr 2015; maintained by P-C-BT.
"Pauline Corrine Saddler Fish
Birth 17 Dec 1936
Death 4 Nov 2008 (aged 71)
DeKalb County, Tennessee, USA
Burial Banks Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery
DeKalb County, Tennessee, USA
Memorial ID 145309283" ·

Terry Thomas England

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, taken on 5 Apr 1930, Page 95B, Family #136.
Listed as Terry England, age 6, born in WV, in houesehold of father, William R. England.
2. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #N 430; 30 Jun 1942; Ancestry.comebsite.
Terry Thomas England; age 19; born 28 May 1923 in Wyoming Co, WV; lving at Kimball, WV;
employed by Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates, Kimball, WV; name of person who will always know
address; W.R. England, Kimball, WV;5'10" tall; 165 lbs; hazel eyes; brown hair; light complexion;
curley hair.

Juanita Floyd

1. Hall Funeral Home; Proctorville, OH; Posted Obit.
"Juanita F. England, 97, of Proctorville, Ohio, passed away on Tuesday, December 26, 2023, at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Huntington, WV. Born on August 25, 1926, in Chesapeake, Ohio, she was the daughter of the late Roy and Mabel Hamlin Floyd. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Terry T. England; five sisters and two brothers. She was a founding member of Community Chapel Church where she was a church hostess. Juanita is survived by her daughter, Terrie Lyn (Henry) Osborne; son, Scott England; 4 grandchildren, Eric (Sheila) Fry, Todd Fry, Brittany (Nick) Snell and Ethan England; great-granddaughter, Erica Fry; step-grandchildren, Cathy (Chris) Workman and Charles (Qwinlyn) Osborne; step great-grandchildren, Caitlyn and Colt Workman, Dixie, Gus, and Alex Osborne; sister, Nancy Hail; brother, Larry Floyd and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 P.M. Saturday, December 30, 2023, at Hall Funeral Home and Crematory in Proctorville, Ohio. Visitation will be held one hour prior to services at 12:00 P.M. Burial will follow at Rome Cemetery in Proctorville, Ohio. Condolences may be expressed to the family at"