1. Russell Co, VA; Marriage License #4727; Ancestry.com Website.
Clyde Hawkins Bennettl age 38; born in Tazewell Cop, VA; single; mining engineer; living at Welch,
WV; son of William R. and Anna L, (Kinder) Bennett; married on 28 Dec 1948 in Lebanon, VA; Ada
Virginia McBinnis; maiden name, Bender; age 37; boren in Uniontown, PA; widow; one previous
marriage; housewife; living at Uniontown, PA; daughter of Thosas T. and Mary I. (Payne) Bender.
2. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 13 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 75; Dwelling #54.
Listed as Ada V. Bennett; age 43; born in PA; married; in household of husband, Clyde H. Bennett.
1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 30 jan 1920; Page 196B;
Image 4 of 16; Family #34/34.
Listed as John L. Lucas; age 5 mons; born in WV; in household of father, John L. Lucas.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier Mining Village; taken on 5 Apr
1930; Page 233B; Image 6 of 35; Family #44/44.
Listed as Loyd J. Lucas; age 10; born in WV; in household of father, John L. Lucas.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761A;
E D # 24-38; Image 1 of 10; Household #2.
Listed as Lloyd Lucas (absent); age 20; born in WV; single; 2 yrs HS education; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Lacy Lucas.
4. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 13 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 75; Dwelling #123.
Listed as John L. Lucas; age 30; born in WV; married; timber man in coal mine; head of household.
5. Marion Co, IN; Death Certificate #72-015225; Ancestry.com Website.
John Lloyd Lucas; age 52; born 4 Aug 1919 in WV; married; husband of Hazel Jedliska; inspector of
foundations for Peerless Pump; served in WW II from 14 Aug 1939 to 12 Apr 1945; living at 1718
Milburn St, Indianapolis, IN; son of John Lacy and Tamsey (Saunders) Lucas; died 14 Apr 1972 in
the VA Hospital, Indianapolis, IN; due to hepatic failure from cirrhosis of the liver; body removed for
burial in Yaeger (sic, Iaeger) Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, WV.
6. U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1861-1985; Ancestry.com Website.
John Lloyd Lucas; born 4 Aug 1919; died 14 Apr 1972; service number 27 35 06; enlisted 14 Aug
1939 in NC; discharged 12 Apr 1945; served in South Pacific; Sargent, US Marine Corps Engineer
Bat., Specialist Training Regiment; buried in Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, WV; signed by
Hazel Lucas, wife, 1425 N. Sharon AVe, Indianapolis, IN; flat bronze marker.
1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 13 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 75; Dwelling #123.
Listed as Mable K. Lucas; age 34; born in VA; married; bookkeeper for retail grocery; in household
of husband, John L. Lucas.
1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 30 jan 1920; Page 196B;
Image 4 of 16; Family #34/34.
Listed as John L. Lucas; age 5 mons; born in WV; in household of father, John L. Lucas.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier Mining Village; taken on 5 Apr
1930; Page 233B; Image 6 of 35; Family #44/44.
Listed as Loyd J. Lucas; age 10; born in WV; in household of father, John L. Lucas.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761A;
E D # 24-38; Image 1 of 10; Household #2.
Listed as Lloyd Lucas (absent); age 20; born in WV; single; 2 yrs HS education; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Lacy Lucas.
4. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 13 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 75; Dwelling #123.
Listed as John L. Lucas; age 30; born in WV; married; timber man in coal mine; head of household.
5. Marion Co, IN; Death Certificate #72-015225; Ancestry.com Website.
John Lloyd Lucas; age 52; born 4 Aug 1919 in WV; married; husband of Hazel Jedliska; inspector of
foundations for Peerless Pump; served in WW II from 14 Aug 1939 to 12 Apr 1945; living at 1718
Milburn St, Indianapolis, IN; son of John Lacy and Tamsey (Saunders) Lucas; died 14 Apr 1972 in
the VA Hospital, Indianapolis, IN; due to hepatic failure from cirrhosis of the liver; body removed for
burial in Yaeger (sic, Iaeger) Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, WV.
6. U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1861-1985; Ancestry.com Website.
John Lloyd Lucas; born 4 Aug 1919; died 14 Apr 1972; service number 27 35 06; enlisted 14 Aug
1939 in NC; discharged 12 Apr 1945; served in South Pacific; Sargent, US Marine Corps Engineer
Bat., Specialist Training Regiment; buried in Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, WV; signed by
Hazel Lucas, wife, 1425 N. Sharon AVe, Indianapolis, IN; flat bronze marker.
1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 13 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 75; Dwelling #87.
Listed as Armster Swan; age 82; born in NC; married; Negro; unemployed; head of household.
1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 13 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 75; Dwelling #87.
Listed as Katie Swan; age 65; born in NC; married; Negro; in household of husband, Armster Swan.
1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 000637; WV Archives Website.
Charles Paul Odom; age 60; born 8 Mar 1910 in AL; married; husband of Anna Burita Mitchell; coal
miner; SS# 223-12-4863; living at Hensley, WV; son of Jim and Mary (Bridgeman) Odom; died 10
Jan 1971 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; due to acute myocardial infarction with chronic
pulmonary fibrosis and silicosis; buried 12 Jan 1971 in Mitchell Cemetery, Hensley, WV; informant,
Burita Odom, Box 54, Hensley, WV.