McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Sallie Tompkins

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 010426; WV Archives Website.
Sallie T. Wright; age 77; born 28 Aug 1893 in AL; widowed; Negro; housewife; living at Box 193,
Berwind, WV; daughter of Tom and Lula (Lane) Tompkins; died 5 Apr 1971 at her home in Berwind,
WV; due to myocardial infarction; buried 8 Apr 1971 in Fairfield Cemetery, Williamson, WV; informant,
Mrs Velma Butcher, Box 193, Berwind, WV.

Juanita Mullins

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 010427; WV Archives Website.
Juanita Horne; age 21; born 3 May 1950 in WV; married; wife of Ralph Horne; housewife; living at
Litwar, WV; daughter of Hobert and Myrtle (Reed) Mullins; died 14 May 1971 in Welch Emergency
Hospital, Welch, WV; due to uterine cancer; buried 16 May 1971 in Mullins Cemetery, Paynesville, WV.

Walter Lee Jones

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1933); Page 345; WV Archives Website.
Walter L. Jones; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; truck driver; living at Northfork, WV; son of
Frank and Virginia; married on 12 Aug 1933 at Northfork, WV; Hazel F. Sullivan; age 21; born in
McDowell Co, WV; single; living at Keystone, WV; daughter of N. and Bertha.

Hazel Frances Sullivan

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1933); Page 345; WV Archives Website.
Walter L. Jones; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; truck driver; living at Northfork, WV; son of
Frank and Virginia; married on 12 Aug 1933 at Northfork, WV; Hazel F. Sullivan; age 21; born in
McDowell Co, WV; single; living at Keystone, WV; daughter of N. and Bertha.
2.. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 010428; WV Archives Website.
Hazel Frances Jones; age 57; born 2 Apr 1914 in WV; married; wife of Walter L. Jones; housewife;
living at Carswell, Kimball, WV; daughter of N. and Bertha (Elmore) Sullivan; died 4 May 1971 in
Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to probable septicemia with confluent pneumonitis; buried 6 May
1971 in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell, WV; informant, Walter L. Jones, Northfork, WV.

Navilus Eugene Sullivan

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1906); Page 285; WV Archives Website.
Navilus Sullivan; age 22; born in Smyth Co, VA; single; miner; living at Vivian, WV; son of Roger and
Joana; married on 6 Dec 1906 at Vivian, WV; Bertha Elmare; age 21; born in Giles Co, VA; single;
daughter of John F. and Rosa.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # 4871; WV Archives Website.
N.E. Sullivan; age 72; born in ____; married; living at Worth, WV; son of unknown parents; died 19
Apr 1952 in Grace Hospital, Welch, WV; due to cerebral arteriosclerosis; no burial date or place shown.

Bertha Elmore

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1906); Page 285; WV Archives Website.
Navilus Sullivan; age 22; born in Smyth Co, VA; single; miner; living at Vivian, WV; son of Roger and
Joana; married on 6 Dec 1906 at Vivian, WV; Bertha Elmare; age 21; born in Giles Co, VA; single;
daughter of John F. and Rosa.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # 1811; WV Archives Website.
Bertha e. Sullivan; age 69 yrs, 3 mons, 11 days; born 21 Oct 1886 at Kire, VA; widow; domestic; living
at Worth, WV; daughter of John FLoyd and Rosa Lee (White) Elmore; died 2 Feb 1956 at Worth, WV;
due to coronary occlusion; buried 5 Feb 1956 in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell, WV; informant,
Mrs. Walter Jones.

William Louis Carruthers Jr

1. Tazewell Co, VA; age 38; born 10 Aug 1928 in AL; widowed; this is her 2nd marriage; Negro; 3yrs
HS education; living at General Delivery, Maybeury, WV; married on 5 Jul 1968 at Pocahontas, VA;
Bernice Bryant, age 22; born 18 Oct 1945 in IL; Negro; 8th grade education; living at General Delivery,
Maybeury, WV; daughter Canyon James and Laurinda (Brown) Bryant.

Bernice Bryant

1. Tazewell Co, VA; age 38; born 10 Aug 1928 in AL; widowed; this is her 2nd marriage; Negro; 3yrs
HS education; living at General Delivery, Maybeury, WV; married on 5 Jul 1968 at Pocahontas, VA;
Bernice Bryant, age 22; born 18 Oct 1945 in IL; Negro; 8th grade education; living at General Delivery,
Maybeury, WV; daughter Canyon James and Laurinda (Brown) Bryant.

Samantha Carruthers

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 010430; WV Archives Website.
Samantha Carruthers; age 5 yrs, 11 mons, 10 days; born 31 Oct 1965 in WV; Negro; living at Maybeury,
WV; daughter of William L. and Bernice (Bryant) Carruthers; died 11 Jun 1971 at Maybeury, WV; due
to suffocation with 2nd and 3rd degree burns over entire body; caught in burning house; buried 15
Jun 1971 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, William L. Carruthers, Box 78, Maybeury,

Margaret Ann Carruthers

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 010429; WV Archives Website.
Margaret Ann Carruthers; age 2 yrs, 11 mons, 6 days; born 5 Jul 1968 in WV; Negro; living at Maybeury,
WV; daughter of William L. and Bernice (Bryant) Carruthers; died 11 Jun 1971 at Maybeury, WV; due
to suffocation with 2nd and 3rd degree burns over entire body; caught in burning house; buried 15
Jun 1971 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, William L. Carruthers, Box 78, Maybeury,