1. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA; Clear Fork District; taken on 23 Apr 1910; Page 51A; Family #59/62.
Listed as Thelma Tabor; age 5; born in VA; in household of mother, Rosa B. Taber.
2. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Wilcoe; taken on 29 Jan 1920; Page 156A;
Family #194/205.
Listed as Thelma N. Tabor; age 15; born in VA; in household of mother, Rosa B. Taber.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '57 014837; WV Archives Website.
Thelma Tabor Sironko; age 52; born 17 Dec 1904 in Falls Mills, VA; married; housewife; living at
Gary, WV; daughter of Hugh and Rosie B. (Harrison) Tabor; died 9 Nov 1957 in Grace Hospital,
Welch, WV; due to coronary thrombosis; buried 12 Nov 1957 in Roselawn Memorial Gardens,
Princeton, WV; informant, Andrew M. Sironko, Gary, WV.
1, McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 003849; WV Archives Website.
Delores Lee Lambert; age 42; born 13 Oct 1928 in WV; married; wife of Paul Lambert; housewife;
living on Stewart St, Welch, WV; doaughter of unknown parents; died 12 Mar 1971 in Stevens Clinic;
Welch, WV; due to acute congestive heart failure; buried 15 Mar 1971 in Woodlawn Memorial Park
Mausoleum, Bluewell, WV,
1. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #U-346; 27 Apr 1942; Ancestry.com Website.
Giovanni Laratta; age 49; born 9 Feb 1893 in Sangoni (sic, Sangano), Italy; living at Havaco, WV;
employed by New River & Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Co, Havaco, WV; name of person who will
always know address, Rosa Laratte, Clarkesburg, WV; 5'3" tall; 150 lbs; brown eyes; Black hair; ruddy
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 003850; WV Archives Website.
Giovanni Laratta; age 78; born 9 Feb 1893 in Italy; married; husband of Lena Thompson; retired
miner; SS# 235-07-0641; living at Havaco, WV; son of Joseph and Sally (______) Laratta; died 18
Mar 1971 at Havaco, WV; due to carbon monaxide poisoning; closed room with a stove disconnected
with fire still in it; home accident; buried 22 Mar 1971 in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, VA.
1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 003851; WV Archives Website.
Anna Lendro; age 75; born 12 Jan 1896 in Italy; widow; living at Wharcliffe, WV; daughter of Louie and
Marie Lendro; died 5 Mar 1971 in Doctors Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to pneumonia with
chronic alcoholism; buried 7 Mar 1971 in Glen Alum Cemetery, Glen Alum, WV; informant, Lowell
Mounts, Gilbert, WV.
1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 003852; WV Archives Website.
John Martinez; age 66; born 5 Sep 1904 in Brazil; married; husband of Purificacion Dirqurz;
SS# 232-12-7058; restaurant ower operator; living at Kimball, WV; son of John and Maria Martinez;
died 8 Mar 1971 in Doctors Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to acute coronary occlusion with
diabetes mellius; bured 11 Mar 1971 in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell, WV; informant, Jimmy
Martinez, Kimball, WV..