McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Johnny Huff Jr

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '72 020335; WV Archives Website.
Johnny Huff; age 53; born 1 May 1919 in AL; married; husband of Priscilla Bell; SS# 234-22-0183;
coal miner; Negro; served in WW II; living at General Delivery, Anawalt, WV; son of Johnny and
Cornelius (Huey) Huff, Sr; died 26 Dec 1972 in Doctors Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to
congestive heart failure; buried 29 Dec 1972 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, Mrs
Priscella Huff, Anawalt, WV.

Scott Albert Hughes

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '72 020336; WV Archives Website.
Scott Albert Hughes; age 77; born 16 Nov 1895 in VA; married; husband of Marilda Earls Hughes;
served in WW I; coal miner; SS# 232-18-6631; living at PO Box 33, Berwind, WV; son of unknown
father and Amanda (______) Hughes; died 26 Dec 1972; DOA Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to
acute myocardial infarction; buried 29 Dec 1972 in Hartwell Cemetery, Hartwell, WV.

Wiley M. Jones

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '72 020338; WV Archives Website.
Wiley M. Jones; age 27 Nov 1897 in NC; married Clara Frances Jones; SS# 236-05-7498; coal miner
living in Sophia, WV; son of James Watson and Mary (Glass) Jones; died 17 Dec 1972 in Welch
Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; due to cardiorespiristory failure; buried 20 Dec 1972 in Blue Ridge
Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, WV; inormant, Mrs. Chapman Jones, Sophia, WV.

William Lawrence Jones

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '72 020339; WV Archives Website.
William Lawrece Jones; age 72; born 22 Apr 1900 in TN; married; husband of Mollie Mae Lewis;
retired coal miner; living at kyle, WV; son of Isaac and Eva (Mickles) Jones; died 31 Dec 1972 in
Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to hepatic failure from Laennec's cirrhosis while in coma; buried
2 jan 1972 in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, WV.

Grace Virginia Blankenship

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '72 020341; WV Archives Website.
Grace Virginia Knox; age 27; born 22 Jul 1945 in WV; married; wife of Robert Knox; housewife; living
at Paynesville, WV; daughter of Charlie and Vada (Stacy) Blankenship; died 30 Dec 1972 at
Paynesville, WV; due to severe burns over entire body; caught in house fire; buried 3 Jan 1973 in
Family Cemetery, Paynesville, WV.

Bobby Dean Knox

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '72 020340; WV Archives Website.
Bobby Dean Knox; age 9 mons; born 13 Feb 1972 in WV; living at Paynesville, WV; son of Robert
Knox and Gracie Blankenship; died 30 Dec 1972 at Paynesville, WV from severe burns over entire
body, caught in house fire; buried 3 Jan 1973 in Family Cemetery, Paynesville, WV.

Charles Blankenship

1, 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Paynesville, WV; taken 11 Feb 1920; Page
231A; Family #302/304.
Listed as Charles Blankenship; age 6; born in WV; in household of father, William B. Blankenship.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken 3 Apr 1930; Page 201B; Family #16/16.
Listed as Charlie Blankenship; age 16; born in WV; farm laborer; in household of mother, Lou B,
3. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #326; 17 Mar 1941; Website.
Charlie Blankenship; age 27; born 11 Feb 1914 at Paynesville, WV; living at Paynesville, WV;
employed by A.C. Stacy, Blackey, Buchanan Co, VA; name of person who will always know address;
Mrs Bandy Blankenship, mother; Paynesville, WV; 6'2" tall; 184 lbs; blue eyes; blonde hair; light
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1951); Page 500; WV Archives Website.
Charlie Blankenship; age 37; born and living in Paynesville, WV; single; married on 4 Oct 1951 in
Welch, WV; Vadie Stacy; age 35; born in Blackey, VA; single; living in Paynesville, WV.

Vadie Stacy

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1951); Page 500; WV Archives Website.
Charlie Blankenship; age 37; born and living in Paynesville, WV; single; married on 4 Oct 1951 in
Welch, WV; Vadie Stacy; age 35; born in Blackey, VA; single; living in Paynesville, WV.