McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Thomas Wiley Bowman

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 002417; WV Archives Website.
Thomas Wiley Bowman; age 60; born 11 May 1911 in VA; married; husnand of Marie Puckett; coal
miner; SS# 719-07-7313; living at Coalwood, WV; son of Davis and Cynthia (Tabor) Bowman; died
16 Feb 1972 in Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to pneumonconiosis; buried 19 Feb 1972 in
Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, VA; informant, Mrs. Maria Bowman, Coalwood, WV.

Walter A. Butler

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 002418; WV Archives Website.
Walter A. Butler; age 88; born 6 Mar 1883 in VA; widowed; coal miner; SS # 235-18-2518; living at
Box 41, Anawalt, WV; son of Charles Arthur and Mary Frances (______) Butler; died 8 Feb 1972 in
Doctors Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to cardiorepiratory failure with congestive heart failure;
buried 11 Feb 1972 in Blackberry City Cemetery, Blackberry City, wV.

Walter Butler

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; Warriormines; taken on 7 Apr 1930; Page 101A;
Family #3/4.
Listed as Walter Butler; age 13; born in GA; in household of father, Cleveland Butler.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1935); Page 372; WV Archives Website.
Walter Bulter; age 21; born in GA; Black, miner; living in War, WV; son of Cleveland and Lillie; married
on 26 Oct 1935 at Faraday, WV; Bernice Spencer; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; Black;
living at Faraday, WV; daughter of Robert andJosie.

Bernice Spencer

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1935); Page 372; WV Archives Website.
Walter Bulter; age 21; born in GA; Black, miner; living in War, WV; son of Cleveland and Lillie; married
on 26 Oct 1935 at Faraday, WV; Bernice Spencer; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; Black;
living at Faraday, WV; daughter of Robert andJosie.

Melvin Frazier

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1948); Page 484; WV Archives Website.
Melvin Frazier; age 39; born in KY; widowed; living at War, WV; married on 1 Jul 1948 at Welch, WV;
Gracie Akers; age 50; born in Buchanan Co, VA; widow; living at War, WV.

Gracie Young

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1948); Page 484; WV Archives Website.
Melvin Frazier; age 39; born in KY; widowed; living at War, WV; married on 1 Jul 1948 at Welch, WV;
Gracie Akers; age 50; born in Buchanan Co, VA; widow; living at War, WV.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 002419; WV Archives Website.
Gracie Frazier; age 84; born 6 Jun 1887 in VA; married; wife of Melvin Frazier; housewife; living at
War, WV' daughter of Charley and Emma (Fuller) Young; died 17 Feb 1972 in Welch Emergency
Hospital, Welch, WV; due to congestive heart failure caused by arteriosclerosis; buried 20 Feb 2972
in Cove Cemetery, near War, WV.

Gracie Young

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1948); Page 484; WV Archives Website.
Melvin Frazier; age 39; born in KY; widowed; living at War, WV; married on 1 Jul 1948 at Welch, WV;
Gracie Akers; age 50; born in Buchanan Co, VA; widow; living at War, WV.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 002419; WV Archives Website.
Gracie Frazier; age 84; born 6 Jun 1887 in VA; married; wife of Melvin Frazier; housewife; living at
War, WV' daughter of Charley and Emma (Fuller) Young; died 17 Feb 1972 in Welch Emergency
Hospital, Welch, WV; due to congestive heart failure caused by arteriosclerosis; buried 20 Feb 2972
in Cove Cemetery, near War, WV.

James Glasco

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'7650; WV Archives Website.
James Glasco age 59; born 24 Nov 1893 in Newberry, SC; Colored; married; miner; living at
Roderfield, WV; son of unknown father and Molly Glasco; died 27 Apr 1953 at Roderfield, WV; due to
pulmonary hemorrhage; possible abscess of lung caused by rib fracture in Sep 1950; buried 3 May
1953 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, Mary Glasco,

Mary Elkins

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 002420; WV Archives Website.
Mary Glasco; age 72; born in 1900 in SC; widow; Negro; housewife; living at Roderfield, WV; daughter
of unknown father and Elizabeth Elkins; died 9 Feb 1972 at Roderfield, WV; caught in burning home;
buried 12 Feb 1972 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, Mary Owens, Roderfield, WV.