McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


John Hess

1. World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Website.
"Name John Hess
Race White
Age 40
Relationship to Draftee Self (Head)
Birth Date 10 Feb 1902
Birth Place Buckhanan, Virginia, USA
Residence Place Berwind, McDowell, West Virginia, USA
Registration Date 16 Feb 1942
Registration Place Berwind, McDowell, West Virginia, USA
Employer N R and P C C Co
Height 6
Weight 190
Complexion Light
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Gray
Next of Kin Nathan Hess
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship
John Hess 40 Self (Head)"
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1923); Page 103; WV Archives Website.
John Hess; age 21; born in Buchanan Co, VA; single; miner; living at Berwind, WV; son of Tobe and
Lear; married on 5 Mar 1923 in Welch, WV; Susie Helton; age 18; born in Washington Co, VA; single;
daughter of James and Isabel.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #10449; WV Archives Website.
John Hess; age 47 yrs, 5 mons; 18 days; born 10 Feb 1902 in Buchanan Co, VA; married; coal
miner; living at Berwind, WV; son of Tobe and Lear (Barton) Hess; died 28 Jul 1949 at Berwind, WV;
due to coronary thrombosis; buried 31 Jul 1949 in Council, VA; informant, Mrs. Susie B. Hess.

Susie B Helton

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1923); Page 103; WV Archives Website.
John Hess; age 21; born in Buchanan Co, VA; single; miner; living at Berwind, WV; son of Tobe and
Lear; married on 5 Mar 1923 in Welch, WV; Susie Helton; age 18; born in Washington Co, VA; single;
daughter of James and Isabel.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 010969; WV Archives Website.
Jusie V. (sic, Susie B.) Hess; age 64; born in VA; widow; houewife, living at Berwind, WV; daughter of
James and Isabelle (_____) Hilton (sic, Helton); died 6 Jun 1972; DOA Welch Emergency Hospital,
Welch, WV; due to acute coronary thrombosis; buried 10 Jun 1972 in Hartwell Cemetery, Hartwell, WV.

Clarence Alexander Mansfield

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1924); Page 327; WV Archives Website.
Clarence Mansfield; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; Colored; miner; living at Keystone, WV;
son of W.T. and Physes (sic, Phyllis) Mansfield; married on 20 Sep 1924 at Kyle, WV; Olander Witten;
age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; Colored; daughter of R. W. and Elizabeth Witten.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 017502; W Archive Website.
Clarence Alexander Mansfield; age 65; born 15 Dec 1906 in WV; married; husband of Olander
Witten; retired miner; SS#234-38-5984; Negro; living at PO Box 20, Keystone, WV; son of William T.
and Phillis (Sanford) Mansfield; died 25 Oct 1972 ; DOA Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to
myocardial infarction with arteriosclerosis and pneumonososis; buried; 29 Oct 1972 in Restlawn
Memorial Est, Littlesburg Rd, WV; informant, Olander Manxfield, PO Box 20, Keystone, WV.

Olander Sylvia Wiitten

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1924); Page 327; WV Archives Website.
Clarence Mansfield; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; Colored; miner; living at Keystone, WV;
son of W.T. and Physes (sic, Phyllis) Mansfield; married on 20 Sep 1924 at Kyle, WV; Olander Witten;
age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; Colored; daughter of R. W. and Elizabeth Witten.

Joseph "Joe" Perkins

1. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1943); Page 240; WV Archives Website.
Joe Perkins; age 49; born in Jellico, TN; divorced; living at Davy, WV; son of George and Sarah Perkins;
married on 8 Oct 1943 in Pineville, WV; Clara Lovett; age 39; born and living in Jellico, TN; divorced;
daughter of John Carroll and Ellen (_____) Lovett.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'72 017504; W Archive Website.
Joe Perkins; age 78; born 20 jan 1894 in USA; married; husband of Clara Lovett; SS# 233-54-6120;
miner; living at Davy, WV; son of George and Mary (Risden) Perkins; died 25 Oct 1972 in Doctors
Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to cardio respiratory failure; chronic congestive failure and diabetes
mellitis; buried 27 Oct 1972 in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, WV.

Clara Lovette

1. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1943); Page 240; WV Archives Website.
Joe Perkins; age 49; born in Jellico, TN; divorced; living at Davy, WV; son of George and Sarah Perkins;
married on 8 Oct 1943 in Pineville, WV; Clara Lovett; age 39; born and living in Jellico, TN; divorced;
daughter of John Carroll and Ellen (_____) Lovett.