1. US Public Records Index; LDS Web Site.
Buford Kyle Stinson; born 9 Feb 1946; living at HC41, Box 61, Paynesville, WV; from 22 Jul 2005
thru 20 Dec 2005; possible relatives, Barbara G. Stinson.
2. Virginia, U.S., Marriage Records, 1936-2014; Ancestry.com Website.
"Name Buford Kyle Stinson
Gender Male
Race White
Marriage Age 21
Birth Date abt 1946
Marriage Registration Place Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Marriage Date 6 Mar 1967
Marriage Place Buchanan Grundy, Virginia, USA
Father Wannis Stinson
Mother Lucinda Mullins
Spouse Virginia Bevill
Certificate Number 1967007427"
3. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Ancestry.com Website.
"Name Beuford K. Stinson
Social Security Number 236-70-6783
Birth Date 9 Feb 1946
Issue year 1962
Issue State West Virginia
Death Date 27 Oct 2011"
1. Virginia, U.S., Marriage Records, 1936-2014; Ancestry.com Website.
"Name Virginia Bevill
Gender Female
Race White
Marriage Age 20
Birth Date abt 1947
Marriage Registration Place Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Marriage Date 6 Mar 1967
Marriage Place Buchanan Grundy, Virginia, USA
Father Richard Columbus Bevill
Mother Irene Waldron
Spouse Buford Kyle Stinson
Certificate Number 1967007427"
1. Virginia, U.S., Marriage Records, 1936-2014; Ancestry.com Website.
"Name David Obart Stinson
Gender Male
Race White
Marriage Age 28
Birth Date 19 Jul 1950
Marriage Registration Place Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Marriage Date 17 Mar 1980
Marriage Place Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Father Wannis Wilburn Stinson
Mother Lucinda Mullins
Spouse Penny Gail Miller
Certificate Number 1980008549"
2. Social Security Death Index; Ancestry.com Web Site.
David O. Stinson; born 19 Jul 1950; died 16 Mar 1996; last residence, Avondale, McDowell Co, WV;
SS#232-80-4981; card issued in NC or WV in a965.
1. Virginia, U.S., Marriage Records, 1936-2014; Ancestry.com Website.
"Name Penny Gail Miller
Gender Female
Race White
Marriage Age 18
Birth Date 27 Mar 1961
Marriage Registration Place Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Marriage Date 17 Mar 1980
Marriage Place Buchanan, Virginia, USA
Father John Arnold Miller
Mother Audrey Gail Kiser
Spouse David Obart Stinson
Certificate Number 1980008549"
1. Smyth Co, VA; Marriage Registry; Vol #__(1892); Page 368; Line #55; Ancestry.com Website.
Joseph A. Swim; age 23; born in Yadkin Co, NC; single; farmer; living in Smyth Co, VA; married on
26 Jun 1892 in Smyth Co, VA; Rosa Bell Cooper; age 17; born and living in Smyth Co, VA.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Marytown; taken on 23 Apr 1910;
Page 194A; Image 5 of 33; Family #182/192.
Listed as Joe Swim; age 40; born in NC; widowed; coal miner; head of household.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1915); Page 190; WV Archives Website.
Joe Swim; age 40; born in Smyth Co, VA; widowed; miner; living at Davy, WV; son of ____ and Sarah;
married on 17 Oct 1915 at Davy, WV; Mildred Rhodes; age 37; born in Denton, KY; widow; daughter
of edward and Lizzie Stiltner.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1925); Page 183; Line#3; WV Archives Website.
Joseph Swimm; age 54; born in NC; married; miner; son of unknown parents; died 10 Feb 1925 at
Big Sandy, WV; due to nephritis.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Marytown; taken on 23 Apr 1910;
Page 194A; Image 5 of 33; Family #182/192.
Listed as Estel Swim; age 8; born in VA; in household of father, Joseph Swim.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 204; WV Archives Website.
Ester (sic, Estil) Swim; age 22; born in Smyth Co, VA; single; miner; living at Roderfield, WV; son of
Joe and Bell; married on 28 May 1921 at Big Sandy, WV; Dixie Copley; age 21; born in McDowell Co,
WV; single; daughter of Richard and Sarah.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #8151; WV Archives Website.
Henry Estil Swim; age 36 yrs, 7 mons, 20 days; born 2 Jul 1902 in VA; married; husband of Dixie
Copley; coal miner; son of Joe and Belle (Cooper) Swim; died 22 Feb 1938 at Marytown, WV; due to
hemorrhagic nephritis with cardiac decompensation; buried 24 feb 1938 at Roderfield, WV;
informant, Jesse Hopkins (his sister), Marytown, WV
1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 204; WV Archives Website.
Ester (sic, Estil) Swim; age 22; born in Smyth Co, VA; single; miner; living at Roderfield, WV; son of
Joe and Bell; married on 28 May 1921 at Big Sandy, WV; Dixie Copley; age 21; born in McDowell Co,
WV; single; daughter of Richard and Sarah.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Marytown; taken on 23 Apr 1910;
Page 194A; Image 5 of 33; Family #182/192.
Listed as Maude Swim; age 15; born in VA; in household of father, Joseph Swim.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1911); Page 158; WV Archives Website.
1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1933); Page 145; WV Archives Website.
Lawrence Bandy; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; miner; living at Berwind, WV; son of L.F.
and Amandy; married on 14 Oct 1933 at War, WV; Ruby Presit (sic, Pruitt); age 18; born in McDowell
Co, WV; single; living at Canebrake, WV; daughter of Henry and Lue.
2. Facebook PM Posting; Wayne Pruitt; 2023; taken from https://newspaperarchive,com; 13 Aug 2017."Funeral Services Held For Lawrence Bandy, Who met Instant Death When Auto Failed To Round
"Funeral services wew held yesterday at Hartwell for Lawrence Bandy, 20, of Canebrake, who was
instantly killed when is automobile turned over near Hartwell Saturday. According to officers, who
investigated the accident, Bandy's car turned over as it was rounding a curve, and from all
indications the driver must have been traveling at a fast pace. "Two other young men were riding in the car, but they escaped injury. Deputy Sheriff John Atwell
arrived at the scene of the accident shortly after it occurred. The car, it was reported, landed on its
top. Bandy received a crushed skull.
"The deceased was employed by the New River and Pocahontas Consolidated company. He is
survived by his widow, one child and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frazier Bandy of Canebrake."
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1935); Page 20; Line #17; WV Archives Website.
Lawrence Bandy; age 20 yrs, 0 mons, 2 days; born 26 Feb 1915 in VA; married coal miner; son of
Lee and Mary (Whitt) Bandy; died 2 Mar 1935 at Vallcreek, WV; due to fractured skull with a broken
neck; buried 4 Mar 1935.
1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1933); Page 145; WV Archives Website.
Lawrence Bandy; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; miner; living at Berwind, WV; son of L.F.
and Amandy; married on 14 Oct 1933 at War, WV; Ruby Presit (sic, Pruitt); age 18; born in McDowell
Co, WV; single; living at Canebrake, WV; daughter of Henry and Lue.
2. Facebook PM Posting; Wayne Pruitt; 2023; Clipped from Bluefield, West Virginia, USA.
"M'Dowell Woman Beaten, Slashed To Death in Hills
"Officials Say Pres Roberts, of Berwind, Admits Striking Mrs. Ruby Pruitt with Iron Bar, Cutting Her
Throast; Leads Officers to Scene
"Confessing that he struck Mrs.Ruby Pruitt, 23-year-old widow, over the head with an iron bar
eleven times, and the cut her throat from ear to ear, killing her almost instantly, when they argued
over money, Pres Roberts, 36-year-old Berwind miner, is being held in the McDowell county jail at
Welch, charged with first-degree murder. Prosecuting Attorney Thornton Berry announced Roberts
confession yesterday afternoon after the suspect had een questioned since Tuesday night.
"The body of Mrs. Pruitt was found in the hills above Warrior baseball park late Tuesday afternoon
after Roberts led Trooper T. A. Maupin tothe scene. Roberts was arressed almost immediately
following the finding of the body.
"The victim of the brutal slaying had been knifed many times about the body, the prosecuting
attorney's office announced.
"Roberts and Mrs. Pruitt had beer (sic, been) companions for the past two years police learned.
"The two had been together since 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, investigating officers related, and
went into the mountains. It was here the argument over the money started, resulting in McDowell's
most gruesome murder in many years. Details as to why the argument became so violent could
not be learned from the accused. Jack Marinart, assistant prosecuting attorney stated yesterday
afternoon the investigation would continue today.
"Roberts told officers he came out of the mountains, went to his home in Berwind and sent a
friend for the police.
" Mrs. Pruitt was born January 4, 1917, at Canebrake, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Pruitt. She had spent her entire life in that section.
"A widow,she was the wife of the late Lawrence Bandy.
"Survivors include her mother, three children, Betty Jo, Charles, and Mary Lou, three sisters,
Mrs. Marie Silcoa, Mrs. Irene White and Agnes Pruitt and seven brothers, Elmer, Thor, Earl, Marlyn,
Willard, Bydy and Fung.
"Funeral sevices will be held at War Baptist church this afternoon at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Mr.
Prayter officiating. Burial will take place in the Hartwell cemetery."
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #5237; WV Archives Website.
Ruby Pruitt Bandy; age 23 yrs, 2 mons, 25 days; born 14 Jan 1917 at Canebrake, WV; widow of
Lawrence Bandy; living at Warrior (Warriormine?), WV; daughter of Henry and Lula Pruitt; died 8 Apr
1941 at Warrior, WV; due to hemorrhage from lacurations of neck; cut with knife; homicide; buried
10 Apr 1941 at Hartwell, WV; informant Mrs. Henry pruitt, War, WV.