McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


William Harry Williams

1. Tazewell Co, VA; Marriage License #7131; Web Site.
William Harry Williams; age 24; born in Wilcoe, WV; single; laborer; living at Wilcoe, WV; son of
Bill and Alberta (Nicewander) Williams; married on 6 Feb 1940 in Tazewell, VA; Juanita Yvonne
Hawks; age 21; born and living at Gary, WV; single; daughter of Fred and Ila Hawks.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Gary; E.D. 24-3; taken on 15 Apr 1940;
Page 49B; Image 34 of 64; Household #282.
Listed as Harry Willaims; age 24; born in WV; married; 8th grade education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935;switchman for railroad; in household of father-in-law, Fred Hawks with wife.
3. Rockingham Co, VA; Death certificate #69 025663; Web Site.
William Harry Williams; age 54; born 16 Apr 1915 in WV; divorced; living at 335 Rogers St, Bluefield,
WV; son of William A. and Alberta (Nicewander0 Williams; died 6 Spe 1969 ; DOA Rockingham Memorial
Hospital, Harrisonburg, VA; due to single auto accident on I-81 near Mt Crawford, VA; buried in Iaeger
Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, WV
4. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 7 Apr 2014.
William H. Williams; born 29 Apr 1914; died 6 Sep 1969; buried here; grave marker photo shown; "DAD".

Juanita Yvonne Hawks

1. Tazewell Co, VA; Marriage License #7131; Web Site.
William Harry Williams; age 24; born in Wilcoe, WV; single; laborer; living at Wilcoe, WV; son of
Bill and Alberta (Nicewander) Williams; married on 6 Feb 1940 in Tazewell, VA; Juanita Yvonne
Hawks; age 21; born and living at Gary, WV; single; daughter of Fred and Ila Hawks.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Gary; E.D. 24-3; taken on 15 Apr 1940;
Page 49B; Image 34 of 64; Household #282.
Listed as Juanita Willaims; age 21; born in WV; married; 4 yrs HS education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Fred Hawks with husband.

William Aaron Williams

1. West Virginia, Deaths Index, 1853-1973; Web Site.
"Name: William Aaron Williams
Birth Date: 12 Feb 1876
Birth Place: Giles County, Virginia
Death Date: 16 Mar 1954
Death Place: Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia
Burial Date: 18 Mar 1954
Cemetery Name: Woodlawn
Death Age: 78 years 1 month 4 days
Occupation: Railroad
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Gender: Male
Father Name: James A. Williams
Mother Name: Rebecca Harliss
FHL Film Number: 804480"

Alberta R. Nicewander

1. Mercer Co, WV; Death Certificate #65 018254; WV Archives Web Site.
Alberta Nicewander Williams; age 85 yrs, 25 days; born 7 Nov 1880 in Mechanicsburg, VA;
widow; housewife, owns home; living at 335 Rogers St, Bluefield, WV; daughter of William
Harriaosn and Annie Elizabeth (______) Nicewander; died 2 Dec 1965 at her home in Bluefield,
WV; due to cardio-vascular disea with acute congestive failure; buried 4 Dec 1965 in Woodlawn
Memorial Park, Bluefield (sic, Bluewell), WV; informant, Mrs. Raymond Dakin, Bluefield, WV.

Margaret Louise Williams

1. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Margaret Louise Payne
[Margaret Lou Perdue]
[Margaret Perdue]
[Margaret Louise Williams]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 16 Feb 1918
Birth Place: Wilcoe McDow, West Virginia
Death Date: Jan 1995
Father: William A Williams
Mother: Alberta R Niswander
SSN: 234368575
Disability Status: Disability denied - no record of type.
Notes: Nov 1942: Name listed as MARGARET LOUISE PAYNE; May 1959: Name listed as MARGARET LOU PERDUE; 20 Jan 1995: Name listed as MARGARET L PERDUE"

Wanney Glen Williams

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #5500; WV Archives Web Site.
Wanney Glen Williams; age 41 yrs; 11 mons; ? days; born ? May 1893 in Topia, NC; single; track layer
in coal mine; last worjed in Jun 1934; living at Capels, WV; son of John Booker and Betty (Woody)
Williams; died 29 Apr 1935 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; due to "Gunmer of maxilla with
generalized lues" sp ????; buried 30 Apr 1935 in Roderfield, WV; informant, W.E. Vaught, Capels, WV.
2. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 17 Dec 2013
Wanney Glen Williams; born in May 1893; died 29 Apr 1935; buried here; headstone photo shown.

William A. Williams

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1910); Page 3; WV Archives Web Site.
William A. Williams; age 22; born in Jackson Co, OH; single; miner; living at Paudo, WV;
son of John and Jennie; married on 28 Dec 1910 at Welch, WV; Ida Mae Canter; age 18;
born in Jackson Co, OH; single; daughter of Wes and Katie.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #3224; WV Archives Web Site.
William A. Williams; age abt 56; born in Jackson, OH; married; husband of Bell Cantor, age 44;
miner for E & S Mine; living at Marine, WV; son of Jack Williams and _______; died 17 Mar 1943
at Mohegan, WV; due to slate fall in mine; buried 21 Mar 1943 in Iaeger Memorial, Roderfield, WV;
informant, William Payett, Mohegan, WV.
3. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 10 Mar 2014.
W.A. Williams; born in 1887; died in 1943; buried here; headstone photo shown; "His toils are past,
his work is done, he fought the fight the victory won."

Ida Mae "Belle" Canter

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1910); Page 3; WV Archives Web Site.
William A. Williams; age 22; born in Jackson Co, OH; single; miner; living at Paudo, WV;
son of John and Jennie; married on 28 Dec 1910 at Welch, WV; Ida Mae Canter; age 18;
born in Jackson Co, OH; single; daughter of Wes and Katie.

Mary Holland Simpson

1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #17027; WV Archives Web Site.
Mary Holland Williams; age 43; born in Treadway, TN; married; Colored; housewife; living at Iaeger,
WV; daughter of John and Lizzie (Green) Simpson; died 11 Dec 1947 in Grace Hospital, Welch, WV;
from a pulonary embolism following hysterctomy operation; buried 15 Dec 1947 in Cemetery,
Roderfield, WV.
2. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
Kenneth Bowen; 5 May 2010.
Mary Holland Simpsons Williams; born 1904; died 11 Dec 1947; buried here; no grave marker photo

Lee Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Lee Reeves; age 49; born in NC; married; Black; farm loborer, working out; head of


1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Mae Reeves; age 44; born in TN; married; Black;in household of husband,
Lee Reeves.

Fannie Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Faney Reeves; age 21; born in TN; single; Black; in household of father,
Lee Reeves.

Lee Roy Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Lee Roy Reeves; age 16; born in TN; Black; in household of father, Lee Reeves.

Marie Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Marie Reeves; age 13; born in TN; Black; in household of father, Lee Reeves.

Luther Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Luther Reeves; age 12; born in TN; Black; in household of father, Lee Reeves.

Mary Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Mary Reeves; age 10; born in TN; Black; in household of father, Lee Reeves.

James Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as James Reeves; age 8; born in TN; Black; in household of father, Lee Reeves.

Robert Reeves

1. 1920 Census, Johnson Co, TN; District #2; taken on 16/19 Jan 1920; Page 187B; Image
20 of 34; Family #191/200.
Listed as Robert Reeves; age 0; born in TN; Black; in household of father, Lee Reeves.

Lon Jarrell Williams

1. Webster Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1938); Page 383; WV Archives Web Site.
Lon Jarrel Williams; age 35; born in Webster Co, WV; living at Camden on Gauley, WV; son of
G.W. and Mary Williams; married on 11 May 1938 at Cowen, WV; Vernie Adkins; age 18; born
in Nicholas Co, WV; living at Camcen on Gauley, WV; daughter of John and Missouri Adkins.
2. Webster Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1942); Page 294; WV Archives Web Site.
Lon J. Williams; age 41; born in Webster Co, WV; living at Cowen, WV; son of George Washington
and Mary Elizabeth Williams; married on 26 Feb 1942 at Webster Springs, WV; Artie Williams; age
41; born in Webster Co, WV; living at Cowen, WV; daughter of Jake A. and Mart E. Wilson.
3. U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Web Site.
"Name: Lon Jaril Williams
Race: White
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Place: Camden-On-Gauley, West Virginia, USA
Birth Date: 10 Dec 1900
Residence: Cowen, Webster, West Virginia, USA
Registration Date: 17 Feb 1942
Occupation: George Miller
Weight: 140
Complexion: Light
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5 11
Next of Kin: Artie Wilson
Household Members:
Name Relationship
Lon Jaril Williams "
4. Kanawha Co, WV; Death Certificate #15614; WV Archives Web Site.
Mr. Lon J. Williams; age 51; born in WV; married coal miner; living at Cowen, Webster Co, WV; son of
George W. and Mary (Russell) Williams; died 28 Dec 1951 in Charleston General Hospital, Charleston,
Kanawha Co, WV; due to diddecting aneurysm of aorta; buried 30 Dec 1951 in I.O.O.F. Cemtery; informant,
Mrs. Artie Williams.
5. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 29 Dec 2013.
Lon "Buck" Williams; born in 1900; died 4 Jun 1951; buried here; headstone photo shown;

Artie Wilson

1. Webster Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1942); Page 294; WV Archives Web Site.
Lon J. Williams; age 41; born in Webster Co, WV; living at Cowen, WV; son of George Washington
and Mary Elizabeth Williams; married on 26 Feb 1942 at Webster Springs, WV; Artie Williams; age
41; born in Webster Co, WV; living at Cowen, WV; daughter of Jake A. and Mart E. Wilson.