McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


George Russell Slaughter

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1954); Page 211; WV Archives Web Site.
George Russell Slaughter; age 28; born in Excelsior, WV; divorced; Colored; living at Iaeger, WV;
married on 25 Dec 1954 at the brides home in Worth, WV; Martha McComas Agnew; age 28; born
and living at Worth, WV; single; Colored.

Martha McComas Agnew

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Bear Wallow; E.D. 24-3; taken 16 Apr 1940;
Page 1097A; Image 43 of 62; Household #365.
Listed as Martha Agnew; age 13; born in WV; Negro; 6th grade education; attending school; lived in
same place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, June Agnew.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1954); Page 211; WV Archives Web Site.
George Russell Slaughter; age 28; born in Excelsior, WV; divorced; Colored; living at Iaeger, WV;
married on 25 Dec 1954 at the brides home in Worth, WV; Martha McComas Agnew; age 28; born
and living at Worth, WV; single; Colored.
3. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Martha McComas Agnew
[Martha McComas Slaughter]
[Martha Slaughter]
Gender: Female
Race: Black
Birth Date: 8 Sep 1926
Birth Place: Indian Ridge, West Virginia
[Worth McDowe??, West Virginia]
Death Date: 16 Apr 1989
Father: June E Agnew
Mother: Dollie P Finney
SSN: 230306202
Notes: Sep 1944: Name listed as MARTHA MCCOMAS AGNEW;
Jan 1962: Name listed as MARTHA MCCOMAS SLAUGHTER;
26 Jun 1989: Name listed as MARTHA SLAUGHTER"
4. Ohio, Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Martha Slaughter
[Martha Agnew]
Birth Date: 8 Sep 1926
Birth Place: West Virginia, United States
Gender: Female
Race: African American (Black)
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence Place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Death Date: 16 Apr 1989
Hospital of Death: Park Medical
Death Place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USA
Certificate: 027367
Age at Death: 62
Certifier: Physician
Referred to Coroner: Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: 21 Apr 1989
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: Yes
Type Place of Injury: Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: 230-30-6202
Father's Surname: Agnew
Marital Status: Widowed
Industry of Decedent: Child day care services
Occupation of Decedent: Teachers’ aides
Census Tract: 2800
Primary Registration District: 2501"

Kent Talmadge Agnew

1. Lynchburg, VA; Marriage License #68 03562; Web Site.
Kent Talmadge Agnew; age 21; born 16 May 1947 in WV; single; this was his 1st marriage;
4 yrs HS education; living at 3555 Grandin Rd Ext, Roanoke, VA; son of Frank Talmadge and
Thelma Pauline (Thomas) Agnew; married on 1 Sep 1968 in Lynchburg, VA; Patricia Katheryn
Borsum; age 21; born 25 Jan 1947 in VA; single; this was her 1st marriage; 4 yrs HS plus 3 yrs
Nursing education; living at Nurse's Home, VA Baptist Hospital, Lynchburg, VA; daughter of
Otta Harry and Doris Oreen (Townsend) Borsum.
2. Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current; Web Site.
Kent Talmadge Agnew; born 16 May 1947; died 20 Jul 2008; buried in Evergreen Burial Park,
Roanoke, VA.

Patricia Kathryn Borsum

1. Lynchburg, VA; Marriage License #68 03562; Web Site.
Kent Talmadge Agnew; age 21; born 16 May 1947 in WV; single; this was his 1st marriage;
4 yrs HS education; living at 3555 Grandin Rd Ext, Roanoke, VA; son of Frank Talmadge and
Thelma Pauline (Thomas) Agnew; married on 1 Sep 1968 in Lynchburg, VA; Patricia Katheryn
Borsum; age 21; born 25 Jan 1947 in VA; single; this was her 1st marriage; 4 yrs HS plus 3 yrs
Nursing education; living at Nurse's Home, VA Baptist Hospital, Lynchburg, VA; daughter of
Otta Harry and Doris Oreen (Townsend) Borsum.

Glen Dorman Cornett

1. Tazewell Co, VA; Marriage License #12024; Web Site.
Glen Cornett; age 24; born in NC; single; no previous marriage; taxi driver; living at Keystone, WV;
son of Will and _______ Cornett; married on 10 Mar 1940 in Tazewell Co, VA; Sybil Agnew; age
18; born in Switchback, WV; single; no previous marriage; living at Kyle, WV; daughter of S.A. and
Clara (Asper) Agnew.

Sybil Louise Agnew

1. Tazewell Co, VA; Marriage License #12024; Web Site.
Glen Cornett; age 24; born in NC; single; no previous marriage; taxi driver; living at Keystone, WV;
son of Will and _______ Cornett; married on 10 Mar 1940 in Tazewell Co, VA; Sybil Agnew; age
18; born in Switchback, WV; single; no previous marriage; living at Kyle, WV; daughter of S.A. and
Clara (Asper) Agnew.
2. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Sybil Louise Agnew
[Sybil Louise Cornett]
[Sybil Cornett]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 29 Apr 1921
Birth Place: Switchback, West Virginia
[Switchback M??, West Virginia]
Death Date: 18 Dec 2002
Father: Samuel A Agnew
Mother: Clara V Asper
SSN: 234247535
Notes: Nov 1939: Name listed as SYBIL LOUISE AGNEW;
May 1949: Name listed as SYBIL LOUISE CORNETT;
13 Sep 2002: Name listed as SYBIL L CORNETT"
3. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Web Site.
"Name: Sybil L. Cornett
SSN: 234-24-7535
Last Residence:
24740 Princeton, Mercer, West Virginia, USA
BORN: 29 Apr 1921
Died: 18 Dec 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: West Virginia (Before 1951)"

Harry Agnew

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1947); Page 292; WV Archives Web Site.
Harry Agnew; age 33; born and living at Worth, WV; divorced; Colored; married on 15 Feb 1947
at Elkridge, WV; Luereatha Walters; age 26; born and living at Gilliam, WV; single; Colored.

Luereatha Walters

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1947); Page 292; WV Archives Web Site.
Harry Agnew; age 33; born and living at Worth, WV; divorced; Colored; married on 15 Feb 1947
at Elkridge, WV; Luereatha Walters; age 26; born and living at Gilliam, WV; single; Colored.
2. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Luereatha Agnew
[Luereatha Walters]
Gender: Female
Race: Black
Birth Date: 12 Dec 1920
Birth Place: Gilliamr Mcd, West Virginia
[Gilliam, West Virginia]
Death Date: 29 Sep 1999
Father: Glinnie Walters
Mother: Eliza McDaniel
SSN: 194449259
Notes: Apr 1969: Name listed as LUEREATHA AGNEW"
3. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Web Site.
"Name: Luereatha Agnew
SSN: 194-44-9259
Last Residence:
14208 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
BORN: 12 Dec 1920
Died: 29 Sep 1999
State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (1969)"

James Lewis Agnew

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage records; Vol #__(1941); Page 202; WV Archives Web Site.
James Lewis Agnew; age 21; born and living in Worth, WV; Colored; single; married on 18
Aug 1941 at Northfork, WV; Alice Beatrice Carter; age 16; born in Chatham, VA; Colored; single;
living in Algoma, WV; with consent of Ocie Carter, mother of Alice Beatrice Carter.
2. U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Web Site.
"Name: James Lewis Agnew
Race: Black
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Place: Worth, West VIrginia, USA
Birth Date: 16 Jul 1920
Residence Place: Worth, Mcdowell, West VIrginia, USA
Employer: United Pocahontas Coal Co
Weight: 172
Complexion: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 11
Next of Kin: Dolly Agnew
Household Members:
Name Relationship
James Lewis Agnew Self (Head)"
3. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: James Lewis Agnew
[James L Agnew]
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Birth Date: 15 Jul 1920
Birth Place: Worth, West Virginia
Death Date: 30 Nov 2003
Father: June Agnew
Mother: Dolly Finney
SSN: 233226145
Notes: Feb 1938: Name listed as JAMES LEWIS AGNEW;
13 Dec 2003: Name listed as JAMES L AGNEW"

Alice Beatrice Carter

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage records; Vol #__(1941); Page 202; WV Archives Web Site.
James Lewis Agnew; age 21; born and living in Worth, WV; Colored; single; married on 18
Aug 1941 at Northfork, WV; Alice Beatrice Carter; age 16; born in Chatham, VA; Colored; single;
living in Algoma, WV; with consent of Ocie Carter, mother of Alice Beatrice Carter.

June Agnew

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Bear Wallow; E.D. 24-3; taken 16 Apr 1940;
Page 1097A; Image 43 of 62; Household #365.
Listed as June Agnew; age 48; born in VA; married; Negro; 5th grade education; lived in smae place
on 1 Apr 1935; coal loader in mine; head of household.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '71 007192; WV Archives Website.
June Agnew; age 81; born in Jun 1889 in VA; widowed; retired miner; SS# 236-09-5046; living at
Worth, WV; Negro; son of Pleasant and Louise (Jones) Agnew; died 15 May 1971 in Doctors
Memorial Hospital, Welch, WV; due to pulmonary embolism; buried 20 May 1971 in Oak Grove
Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, Mrs. Martha Slaughter; PO Box 569, Keystone, WV.

Dolly Pearl Finney

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Bear Wallow; E.D. 24-3; taken 16 Apr 1940;
Page 1097A; Image 43 of 62; Household #365.
Listed as Dolly Agnew; age 51; born in VA; married; Negro; 6th grade education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, June Agnew.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '58 010830; WV Archives Website.
Dollie Pearl Agnew; age 69, 9 mons, 5 days; born 25 Sep 1888 in Franklin Co, VA; married; Negro;
living at McDowell, WV; daughter of Samuel and Mahalia (Adkins) Finney; died 30 Jun 1958 in
Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; due to cardiac insufficiency with diabetes mellitus; buried 3 Jul 1958 in
Oak Grove Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, June Agnew, McDowell Co, WV,

Helen Agnew

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Bear Wallow; E.D. 24-3; taken 16 Apr 1940;
Page 1097A; Image 43 of 62; Household #365.
Listed as Helen Agnew; age 19; born in WV; single; Negro; 7th grade education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, June Agnew.

Andrew Agnew

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Bear Wallow; E.D. 24-3; taken 16 Apr 1940;
Page 1097A; Image 43 of 62; Household #365.
Listed as Andrew Agnew; age 17; born in WV; single; Negro; 6th grade education; attending school;
lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, June Agnew.