McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Joseph P. O'Neal

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #52.
Listed as Joseph P. O'Neal, age 21, as head of household.
2. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 5, No 118, Haga, page 51.
Joseph O'Neal, age 20, born in Raleigh Co, WV, son of John and Nicatie
O'Neal, married on 4 Jun 1896 Charlotte P. Milam, age 17, daughter of H.M.
and Lucy A. Milam.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 6, No 63, Haga, page 51.
Joseph O'Neal, age 24, born in Raleigh Co, WV, son of John and Nicatie
O'Neal, married on 24 Nov 1899 Amy Milam, age 20, daughter of Rebecca Milam.
4. 1880 Census, Raleigh Co, WV, Slab Fork District, page 156A.
Listed as Joseph O'Neel, age 3, born in WV, in household of father, John W. O'Neal.

Amy Milam

1. "Pedigree Resource File", LDS, CD #5, 15 Sep 1999, submitted by Glenn Allen
Lester, 21211 Cupar Lane, Hunting Beach, CA 92646.
Rebecca Milam was born in 1846 in Tazewell Co, VA; never married; had 10
children: Martha Paradine, Amy, Hulda, Johnny; Bertha Bird; Craig; Roda;
and Rosa Alice Milam; lived at Hotchkiss in 1907.
1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV lists Rebecca, 61; Bertha, 26; and Rosa, 21.
Grandchildren also listed were: Della, 2; Dillard, 1; Pearl, 4 and and
unnamed grandson, age 2 months.
2. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #52.
Listed as Louemma O'Neal, age 20, born in Nov 1879, in household of husband,
Joseph P. O'Neal.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 6, No 63, Haga, page 51.
Joseph O'Neal, age 24, born in Raleigh Co, WV, son of John and Nicatie
O'Neal, married on 24 Nov 1899 Amy Milam, age 20, daughter of Rebecca Milam.

Dennis O'Neal

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #52.
Listed as Deneth O'Neal, age 2 months, born in Mar 1900, in household of
husband, Joseph P. O'Neal.

Andrew O'Neal

1. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificate #7540; WV Archives Web Site.
Andrew O'Neal, age 34 yrs, 7 mons, 20 days; born at Bud, WV; single; son of Joseph and Amy Milam O'Neal; died on
4 May 1940 in Slab Fork District, Wyoming Co, WV from heart attack; buried on 6 May 1940 in Maple Meadow Cemetery,
Lester, WV; informant, Dennis O' Neal, Slab Fork, WV.

Daniel H. O'Neal

1. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificate #11596; WV Archives Web Site.
Daniel H. O'Neal, age 25; born in WV; single; miner; son of Joe and Amy Milam O'Neal; died on 11 Jul 1938 at
Itman, Wyoming Co, WV from accidental drowning; buried on 13 Jul 1938 at Lester, WV; informant, Ennis Wood,
Itman, WV.

Robert Winton McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #83.
Listed as Robert W. McKinney, age 15, in household of father, James W.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 62.
Robert Winton McKinney; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of James W. and
Alice McKinney; married on 14 Jun 1908; Carmen Brewster; age 16.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 20 May 1910;
Page 211A, Family #264.
Listed as Robert W. McKinney, age 25, born in WV, married 1 yr, laborer,
head of household.
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #1.
Listed as Robert W. McKinney, age 34, born in WV, farmer, head of household.

Carman E. Brewster

1. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 62.
Robert Winton McKinney; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of James W. and
Alice McKinney; married on 14 Jun 1908; Carmen Brewster; age 16.
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 20 May 1910;
Page 211A, Family #264.
Listed as Carmen E. McKinney, age 18, born in WV, married 1 yr, 1 child, 1
living, in household of husband, Robert W. McKinney.
3. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #1.
Listed as Carman E. McKinney, age 27, born in VA, in household of husband,
Robert W. McKinney.

Clas Hazel McKinney

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 20 May 1910;
Page 211A, Family #264.
Listed as Clas H. McKinney, age 1yr 1 mon, born in WV, in household of
father, Robert W. McKinney.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #1.
Listed as Hazel McKinney, age 10, born in WV, in household of father,
Robert W. McKinney.

Gracie F. McKinney

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #1.
Listed as Hazel McKinney, age 9, born in WV, in household of father,
Robert W. McKinney.

Samuel Wesley McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #83.
Listed as Samuel W. McKinney, age 11, in household of father, James W.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 7, page 500.
Samuel Wesley McKinney; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of James W. and
Alice (sic? is this Alice Lavina?) McKinney; married on 1 Nov 1907 Polly
Sizemore; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of Charlotte Sizemore.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 16 May 1910;
Page 210A, Family #248.
Listed as Samuel W. McKinney, age 21, born in WV, farmer, head of household.

Mary J. "Polly" Sizemore

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; North Fork District; taken on 2 Jun 1900; Page 209B, Family #21/22.
Listed as P.J. Sizemore, age 9, born in Mar 1891 in WV, in household of father, Isaac Sizemore.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 7, page 500.
Samuel Wesley McKinney; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of James W. and
Alice (sic? is this Alice Lavina?) McKinney; married on 1 Nov 1907 Polly
Sizemore; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of Charlotte Sizemore.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 16 May 1910;
Page 210A, Family #248.
Listed as Poly J. McKinney, age 18, born in WV, married 2 yrs, 2 children, 1
living, in household of husband, Samuel W. McKinney.

Vincent McKinney

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 16 May 1910;
Page 210A, Family #248.
Listed as Vincen McKinney, age 9 months, born in WV, in household of father,
Samuel W. McKinney.

William Luther McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #83.
Listed as William L. McKinney, age 9, in household of father, James W.
2. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
William Luther McKinney; born on 5 Feb 1891; died on 14 Oct 1944; buried in
Rube Howerton Cemetery, Basin, Wyoming Co, WV.
3. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 195.
William Luther McKinney; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of James W. and
Alice L. McKinney; married on 9 Aug 1909 Julia Graham; age 17; daughter of
G.W. and Etta J. Graham.
4. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 20 May 1910;
Page 211A, Family #267.
Listed as William L. McKinney, age 19, born in WV, married 7 mon, laborer,
head of household.

Julia A. Graham

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barkers Ridge District, Family #81.
Listed as Julia A. Graham, age 5, in household of father, George
2. Web Site, George Graham search, 14 Oct 2001, submitted by Dan
George W. Graham; born in Dec 1862; married Etta (sic Henrietta) J.
(________); born in Mar 1872; children: Laura P., Victoria Virginia, Julia
A., Nancy E., John L., Thursey P. and two other living children.
3. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 195.
William Luther McKinney; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of James W. and
Alice L. McKinney; married on 9 Aug 1909 Julia Graham; age 17; daughter of
G.W. and Etta J. Graham.
4. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 20 May 1910;
Page 211A, Family #267.
Listed as Julia A. McKinney, age 16, born in WV, married 7 mon, no children,
in household of husband, William L. McKinney.

Jeptha Frazier

1. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 297.
Martha Ellen McKinney; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of James and
Alice L. McKinney; married on 31 Jul 1910 Jeptha Fraizer; age 30; born in VA.

Martha Ellen McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #83.
Listed as Martha E. McKinney, age 5, in household of father, James W.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 297.
Martha Ellen McKinney; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of James and
Alice L. McKinney; married on 31 Jul 1910 Jeptha Fraizer; age 30; born in VA.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 17 May 1910;
Page 210B, Family #249.
Listed as Martha E. McKinney, age 14, born in WV, in household of
father, James W. McKinney.

Gilbert Hoover McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #84.
Listed as Gilbert H. McKinney, age 8, in household of father, Hugh J.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 213.
Gilbert Hover McKinney; age 18; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of H.J. and
Delilah McKinney; married on 28 Oct 1909 Laura P. Graham; age 18; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of G.W. and Etta J. Graham.

Laura P. Graham

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barkers Ridge District, Family #81.
Listed as Laura P. Graham, age 8, in household of father, George
2. Web Site, George Graham search, 14 Oct 2001, submitted by Dan
George W. Graham; born in Dec 1862; married Etta (sic Henrietta) J.
(________); born in Mar 1872; children: Laura P., Victoria Virginia, Julia
A., Nancy E., John L., Thursey P. and two other living children.
3. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 8, page 213.
Gilbert Hover McKinney; age 18; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of H.J. and
Delilah McKinney; married on 28 Oct 1909 Laura P. Graham; age 18; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of G.W. and Etta J. Graham.

Lee O. McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #84.
Listed as Leeo O. McKinney, age 6, in household of father, Hugh J.
2. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Lee O. McKinney; born on 15 May 1894; died 5 May 1923; buried in
Willie Mills Cemetery, Basin, Wyoming Co, WV.
3. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 9, page 365.
Lee McKinney; age 21; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of H.J. and Delilah
McKinney; married on 30 Jun 1915 Dellie Akers; age 17; born in Wyoming
Co, WV; daughter of Lewis J. and Minerva Akers.
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #3.
Listed as Lee O. McKinney, age 25, born in WV, farmer, head of household.
5. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 16 May 1910;
Page 210A, Family #244.
Listed as Lee O. McKinney, age 16, born in WV, in household of father,
Hugh J. McKinney.
6. Mercer Co, WV Death Certificate; WV Archives Web Site; Certificate #_____.
Lee O. McKinney; son of H.J. and ______Mills McKinney; died on 4 May 1923 in Mercer Co, WV.

Della Ora Akers

1. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 9, page 365.
Lee McKinney; age 21; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of H.J. and Delilah
McKinney; married on 30 Jun 1915 Dellie Akers; age 17; born in Wyoming
Co, WV; daughter of Lewis J. and Minerva Akers.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #3.
Listed as Della McKinney, age 19, born in WV, in household of husband, Lee
O. McKinney.
3. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1925); Page 159; WV Archives Web Site.
Dewey Cromer; age 18; born in Mercer Co, WV; living at Herndon; no parents listed; married on
9 Jan 1925 at Herndon, WV; Della McKinney; age 24; born in Mercer Co, WV; living at Herndon,
WV; no parents listed; Frank Cromer, father, provided information.
4. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District; taken on 10 Apr 1930; Page 118B;
Family #160.
Listed as Della R. Cromer; age 29; born in WV; married at 15; in household of husband, Dewey T.
5. Wyoming Co, WV, Death Certificate; WV Archives Web Site; Registration #_____.
Della Ora Cromer; wife of Dewey T. Cromer; daughter of Lewis J. and Minerva Fletcher Akers;
died on 4 Jul 1939 in Wyoming Co, WV.
( Could not view image)
6. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Della Cromer; born on 19 Nov 1900; died on 4 Jul 1939; buried in Rube Howerton Cemetery, Basin,
Wyoming Co, WV.

Ivan McKinney

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, Basin, taken on 12 Jan
1920, Page 165A, Family #3.
Listed as Ivan McKinney, age 4 months, born in WV, in household of father,
Lee O. McKinney.
2. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District; taken on 10 Apr 1930; Page 118B;
Family #160.
Listed as Ivan Cromer (sic, McKinney); age 10; born in WV; in household of step-father, Dewey T.

Oliver McKinney

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District; taken on 10 Apr 1930; Page 118B;
Family #160.
Listed as Oiver Cromer (sic, McKinney); age 8; born in WV; in household of step-father, Dewey T.

Murl McKinney

1. "Independent Herald", obit notice, Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003.
Murl McKinney, 80, died Friday, June 27, 2003, in a Beckley care center following a long illness. Born
Jan. 12, 1923, at Basin, he was the son of the late Lee and Dellie Akers McKinney.
2. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District; taken on 10 Apr 1930; Page 118B;
Family #160.
Listed as Murl Cromer (sic, McKinney); age 6; born in WV; in household of step-father, Dewey T.

Reuben Whitt

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #89.
Listed as Reuben Whitt; age 14, born in 1886; in household of father, Thomas Whitt.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter; Book 7,
page 498.
Laura Alice McKinney; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of John H. and Emily F.
McKinney; married on 21 Oct 1907 Reuben Whitt; age 21; born in Wyoming Co, WV; son of Thomas
and Mary Whitt.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910, Page 206B,
Family #185.
Listed as Reubin Whitt, age 24, born in WV, married 3 yrs, timber cutter, head of household.
4. Wyoming Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #870; Pineville, WV Draft Board; 12 Sep 1918.
Reube Whitt; age 32; born on 2 Feb 1886; living at Basin, Wyoming Co, WV; farmer; nearest relative,
Laura A. Whitt; medium height with stout build; blue eyes and Black hair; "has lost right eye".
5. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; Basin; taken on 19 Jan 1920; Page 167A;
Family #46.
Listed as Reuben Whitt; age 33; born in WV; farmer; head of household.
6. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 130B; Family #404.
Listed as Reube Whitt; age 43; born in WV; married at 22; coal miner; head of household.
7. Wyoming Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #5; Page 7; WV Archives Web Site.
Rube Whitt; age 75; born on 2 Feb 1886 in WV; married; miner; son of Tom and Mary (McKinney)
Whitt; died on 27 Feb 1961 at Mullens, WV; from hypertensive cardiac vascular disease; buried on 2
Mar 1961 in Spruce Grove Cemetery, informant, Azzie Whitt, Basin, WV.

Laura Alice McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #87.
Listed as Laura A. McKinney, age 13, in household of father, John H.
2. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 7, page 498.
Laura Alice McKinney; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; daughter of John H.
and Emily F. McKinney; married on 21 Oct 1907 Reuben Whitt; age 21; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; son of Thomas and Mary Whitt.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910,
Page 206B, Family #185.
Listed as Laura A. Whitt, age 22, born in WV, married 3 yrs, 1 child, 1
living, in household of husband, Reuben Whitt.
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; Basin; taken on 19 Jan 1920; Page 167A;
Family #46.
Listed as Laura A. Whitt; age 32; born in WV; in household of husband, Reuben Whitt.
5. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 130B; Family #404.
Listed as Laura A. Whitt; age 43; born in WV; married at 22; in household of husband, Reuben Whitt.

Myrtle Whitt

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 10 May 1910,
Page 206B, Family #185.
Listed as Myrtle Whitt, age 2, born in WV, in household of father, Reuben Whitt.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; Basin; taken on 19 Jan 1920; Page 167A;
Family #46.
Listed as Myrtle Whitt, age 11, born in WV, in household of father, Reuben Whitt.
3. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 130B; Family #404.
Listed as Myrtle Whitt, age 20, born in WV, in household of father, Reuben Whitt.

Nettie Whitt

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; Basin; taken on 19 Jan 1920; Page 167A;
Family #46.
Listed as Nettie Whitt, age 10, born in WV, in household of father, Reuben Whitt.

William Riley King

1. "Marriage Register #2, Tazewell County (VA), 1845 - 1853, page 56, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
William King married Hannah Weimer on 31 Oct 1853 in Tazewell Co, VA, by John D. Vincil.
2. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 692.
Rock Township, page 033.
Listed as William R. King, age 49, head of household.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 5, No 293, Haga, page 39.
Harvey King, age 27, born in Mercer Co, WV, son of Riley and Hannah King,
married on 13 Jul 1898 Charlotte Mills, age 20, born in Mercer Co, WV,
daughter of Henry and May Ann Mills.

Hannah Wimmer

1. "Marriage Register #2, Tazewell County (VA), 1845 - 1853, page 56, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
William King married Hannah Weimer on 31 Oct 1853 in Tazewell Co, VA, by John D. Vincil.
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 30 Jul 1850, Page 274A, Family #398.
Listed as Hannah Wimmer, age 14, born in VA, in household of father, Samuel Wimmer.

Arminta C. King

1. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 692.
Rock Township, page 033.
Listed as Arminta C. King, age 20, in household of father, William R. King.
2. Mercer Co, WV Web Site;
King Cemetery, Princeton, Mercer Co, WV.
Arminta King; born on 20 May 1859; died on 13 Jul 1957; buried here.

Rebecca J. King

1. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 692.
Rock Township, page 033.
Listed as Rebecca J. King, age 14, in household of father, William R. King.

Emezella King

1. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 692.
Rock Township, page 033.
Listed as Emezella King, age 3, in household of father, William R. King.

Nancy O. King

1. 1880 Census, Mercer Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 692.
Rock Township, page 033.
Listed as Nancy O. King, age 2, in household of father, William R. King.

Martin Phillips

1. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 67.
Martin Phillips, age 44, widowed, born in Kanawha Co, WV, resident of
Raleigh Co, WV, son of William and Elizabeth Phillips, married on 8 Jan 1862,
Mary Jarrell, age 44, widowed, born in Kanawha Co, WV, resident of Boone Co,
WV, daughter of Elijah and Nan Jarrell.

Mary Jarrell

1. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 67.
Martin Phillips, age 44, widowed, born in Kanawha Co, WV, resident of
Raleigh Co, WV, son of William and Elizabeth Phillips, married on 8 Jan 1862,
Mary Jarrell, age 44, widowed, born in Kanawha Co, WV, resident of Boone Co,
WV, daughter of Elijah and Nan Jarrell.