1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 798.
Big Creek Township, page 016.
Listed as James W. Rose, age 14. in household of father, Emanuel Rose.
2. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV", page 37.
Marriage Record, Book 1, 1865-1896, page 123.
James W. Rose, age 24, born in VA, son of Emanuel and Anna Rose, married on
8 April 1891, Mary B. Baker, age 18, born in WV, daughter of Dennison and Rebecca Baker.
3. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, taken on 15 Jun 1900, Page 156A,
Family #106/106.
Listed as James W. Rose, age 32, born in Apr 1868 in WV, farmer, head of household.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 760.
Big Creek Township, page 009.
Listed as Bell Baker, age 8, in household of father, Damron Baker.
2. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV", page 37.
Marriage Record, Book 1, 1865-1896, page 123.
James W. Rose, age 24, born in VA, son of Emanuel and Anna Rose, married on
8 April 1891, Mary B. Baker, age 18, born in WV, daughter of Dennison and
Rebecca Baker.
3. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, taken on 15 Jun 1900, Page 156A, Family #106.
Listed as Mary Rose, age 26, born in Mar 1874 in WV, married 10 yrs, 6 children, 5 living, in
household of husband, James W. Rose.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #240.
Listed as Mary B. Rose, age 39, born in WV, widow, 13 children, 8 living, head of household.
1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Elkhorn District, taken on 15 Jun 1900, Page 156A, Family #106.
Listed as James Rose, age 4 months, born in Jan 1900 in WV, in household of father, James W. Rose.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #240.
Listed as Whitten Rose, age 10, born in WV, in household of mother, Mary Baker Rose.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #240.
Listed as Sarah Rose, age 9, born in WV, in household of mother, Mary Baker Rose.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #240.
Listed as Bessie Rose, age 4, born in WV, in household of mother, Mary Baker Rose.
Patton Jackson Lockhart Brewster
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Complied by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 766.
Big Creek District, page 012.
Listed as Patten I.L.Brewster, age 11, in household of father, Bird L. Brewster.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek Township, taken on 16 Jun 1900,
Page 81B, Family #157.
Listed as Patton Brewster, age 21, born in Apr 1869 in VA, head of household.
3. McDowell Co, WV Cemeteries, Big Creek III: Brewster/Click, by Ed and Phyllis
P.J.L. Brewster; born on 1 Apr 1869; died on 21 or 27 Feb 1940; buried here.
4. Ancestry.com Web Site, Patton Brewster Search, 11 May 2002, submitted by
Helen Kuelbs, omommabunny@aol.com.
Patton Jackson Lockhart Brewster; born on 1 Apr 1871 in Baptist Valley,
Tazewell Co, VA; died in 1957 at War, McDowell Co, WV; married Molly Margaret
"Maggie" Baker.
5. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #239.
Listed as Patten J.L. Brewster, age 41, born in VA, married once for 21 yrs, farmer, head of household.
6. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #2113; WV Archives Web Site.
Patton Brewster; age 70 ys, 10 mons, 20 days; born 7 Apr 1869 in VA; married; husband of Maggie Brewster;
owns farm; son of Byrd L. and Malinda (sic, Mollie Mr=argaret) Brewster; died 27 Feb 1940 at Caretta, WV;
from probably lobar pneumonia; buried 29 Feb 1940 at Berwind, WV; informant, Damon Brewster, Six, WV.
7. McDowell Co, WV Web Site; McDowell Cemeteries, "Big Creek II Cemetery",
P.J.L.Brewster; born in 1 Apr 1869; died on 21?/27? Feb 1940; buried here.
8. E-mail; 13 Sep 2015; Julia Watson.
Headstone photo shown.
Mollie Margaret "Maggie" Baker
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 760.
Big Creek Township, page 009.
Listed as Margaret Baker, age 6, in household of father, Damron Baker.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek Township, taken on 16 Jun 1900,
page 81B, Family #157.
Listed as Maggie Brewster, age 24, born in Jan 1876 in WV, married 16
years, 6 children, 5 living; in household of husband, Patton Brewster.
3. Ancestry.com Web Site, Patton Brewster Search, 11 May 2002, submitted by
Helen Kuelbs, omommabunny@aol.com.
Patton Jackson Lockhart Brewster; born on 1 Apr 1871 in Baptist Valley,
Tazewell Co, VA; died in 1957 at War, McDowell Co, WV; married Molly Margaret
"Maggie" Baker.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #239.
Listed as Margaret Brewster, age 37, born in WV, married once for 21 yrs, in household of husband,
Patten J.L. Brewster.
5. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #7950; WV Archives Web Site.
Molly Margaret Brewster; age 75; born on Jacob Fork (McDowell Co), WV; widow, wife of Patton
Brewster; daughter of Dimmon and Sarah (sic, Rebecca) Harman Baker; died on 12 May 1948 at
Jolo, McDowell Co, WV of heart failure; buried on 14 May 1948 in Big Creek Cemetery; informant,
Charles D. Bailey.
6. McDowell Co, WV Web Site; McDowell Cemeteries, "Big Creek II Cemetery",
M.M. Brewster; born on 16 Jan 1873; died on 12 May 1948; "Mother"; buried here.
1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek Township, taken on 16 Jun 1900, Page 81B, Family #157.
Listed as Mary L. Brewster, age 9, born in Dec 1890 in WV, in household of father, Patton Brewster.
1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek Township, taken on 16 Jun 1900,
page 81B, Family #157.
Listed as Sirrah Brewster, age 5, born in Jul 1894 in WV, in household of
father, Patton Brewster.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #239.
Listed as Sarah J.L. Brewster, age 15, born in WV, in household of father, Patten J.L. Brewster.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 3 May 1910, Page 200B, Family #239.
Listed as Pearl Brewster, age 9, born in WV, in household of father, Patten J.L. Brewster.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 760.
Big Creek Township, page 010.
Listed as George W. Baker, age 9, in household of father, Harman Baker.
2. Marriage Record No. 2, 1895-96, McDowell Co, WV, page 19 and page 28
George W. Baker, age 23, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Harman and Viana Baker
married on 3 Feb 1895 Ludema Victoria Criger, age 15, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter
of David and Hannah Criger.
3. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV", page 59.
George Baker, age 23, married on 3 Feb 1895 Lucinda Creger, age 15.
4. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75B, Family #54/54.
Listed as George Baker, age 28, born in May 1872, in WV, head of household.
5. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Susanna, taken on 27 May
1910, Page 185A, Family #178.
Listed as George Baker, age 40, born in WV, farmer, married once for 16 years, head of
6. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; English; taken on 10 Jan 1920; Page 6A;
Image 11 of 39; Family #93/94.
Listed as George W. Baker; age 48; born in VA; married (sic, widowed); farmer; head of
(Wife is not listed)
7. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1924); Page 242; WV Archives Web Site.
G.W. Baker; age 48; born in McDowell Co, WV (sic, Tazewell Co, VA); single (sic, widowed);
farmer; living at Yukon, WV; son of Harman and "mother dead"; married on 21 Aug 1924 at
Yukon, WV; Lillie M. Underwood; age 30; born in McDowell Co, WV; divorced; daughter of Harve
and ____.
8. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 9 Apr 1930; Page 251A; Image 21
of 51; Family #176/183.
Listed as George Baker; age 58; born in VA; married at 30; farmer; head of household.
9. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #6411; WV Archives Web Site.
George Baker; age 71; born in McDowell Co, WV (sic, Tazewell Co, VA); single (sic, married);
husband of Lillie Hagerman Baker; retired; living on Slate Creek, Raysal, WV; son of Harman and
Rachel Baker; died 4 May 1942 in Stevens Clinic, Welch, WV; from lobar pneumonia; senility;
buried 6 May 1942 in Christian Cemetery, Slate Creek, WV; informant, Clyde Baker, Newhall, WV.
Ludema Victoria "Dema" Crigger
1. Marriage Record No. 2, 1895-96, McDowell Co, WV, page 19.
George W. Baker, age 23, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Harman and Viana Baker
married on 3 Feb 1895 Ludema Victoria Criger, age 15, born in McDowell Co, WV, daughter
of David and Hannah Criger.
2. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV", page 59.
George Baker, age 23, married on 3 Feb 1895 Lucinda Creger, age 15.
3. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75B, Family #54/54.
Listed as Lucinda (sic, Ludema) Baker, age ?, born in VA, in household of husband, George Baker.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Susanna, taken on 27 May
1910, Page 185A, Family #178.
Listed as Lodema Baker, age 33, born in VA, married once of 16 years, 7
children, all living, in household of husband, George Baker.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #18; WV Archives Web Site.
Denna (or Dema) Baker; age 39; born in WV; married; housework; died 18 Nov 1919 in the
Welch No. 1 Hospital, Welch, WV; from general peritonitis probably due to ruptured appendix;
no burial or other information.
1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75A, Family #54/54.
Listed as Bertha Baker, age 3, born in Mar 1897, in WV, in household of father, George Baker.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Susanna, taken on 27 May 1910, Page 185A,
Family #178.
Listed as Bertha Baker, age 14, born in WV, in household of father, George Baker.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Susanna, taken on 27 May
1910, Page 185A, Family #178.
Listed as John H. Baker, age 10, born in WV, in household of father, George Baker.
2. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; English; taken on 10 Jan 1920; Page 6A;
Image 11 of 39; Family #93/94.
Listed as John H. Baker; age 17; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Baker.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Susanna, taken on 27 May
1910, Page 185A, Family #178.
Listed as Ida Mae Baker, age 4, born in WV, in household of father, George Baker.
2. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; English; taken on 10 Jan 1920; Page 6A;
Image 11 of 39; Family #93/94.
Listed as Ida Baker; age 13; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Baker.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Susanna, taken on 27 May
1910, Page 185B, Family #178.
Listed as Okey J. Baker, age 1 month, born in WV, in household of father, George Baker.
1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; English; taken on 10 Jan 1920; Page 6A;
Image 11 of 39; Family #93/94.
Listed as Burley Baker; age 9 mons; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Baker.
1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; English; taken on 10 Jan 1920; Page 6A;
Image 11 of 39; Family #93/94.
Listed as Worley Baker; age 9 mons; born in WV; in household of father, George W. Baker.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 760.
Big Creek Township, page 010.
Listed as John Baker, age 7, in household of father, Harman Baker.
2. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV", page 73.
Marriage Record, Book 1, 1865-1896, page 138.
John Baker, age 22, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of Harman and Viana
Baker, married on 17 Dec 1896 Cosby Baker, age 17, born in McDowell Co, WV,
daughter of Cendasa Baker.
3. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75A, Family #55/55.
Listed as John Baker, age 27, born in Apr 1873 in WV; married 3 yrs; farmer; head of household.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Slate Creek Road, taken on 26 Apr 1910.
Page 165B, Family #88.
Listed as John Baker, age 37, born in WV, married one time for 13 years, farmer, head of household.
1. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV", page 73.
Marriage Record, Book 1, 1865-1896, page 138.
John Baker, age 22, born in McDowell Co, WV, son of Harman and Viana
Baker, married on 17 Dec 1896 Cosby Baker, age 17, born in McDowell Co, WV,
daughter of Cendasa Baker.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75A, Family #55/55.
Listed as Cosby Baker, age 19, born in Dec 1880 in WV; married 3 yrs, 2 children, both living;
in household of husband, John Baker.
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Slate Creek Road, taken on
26 Apr 1910. Page 165B, Family #88.
Listed as Cosby A. Baker, age 30, born in WV, married one time for 13 years,
6 children, 5 living, in household of husband, John Baker.
4. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Ancestry.com Web Site.
"Name: Addie Baker Adams
[Addie B Adams]
[Addie Baker Baker]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 1 Apr 1912
Birth Place: Yukon McDowe, West Virginia
Death Date: 24 Dec 2000
Father: John Baker
Mother: Cosby Webb
SSN: 234763613
Notes: Aug 1964: Name listed as ADDIE BAKER ADAMS; 12 Jan 2001: Name listed as ADDIE B ADAMS"
1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75A, Family #55/55.
Listed as Lee Baker, age 2, born in Feb 1898, in WV, in household of father, John Baker.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Slate Creek Road, taken on
26 Apr 1910. Page 165B, Family #88.
Listed as Lee Baker, age 13, born in WV, in household of father, John Baker.
1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; taken 6 Jun 1900; Page 75A, Family #55/55.
Listed as Phonie Baker, age 2 months, born in Mar 1900, in WV, in household of father, John Baker.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Slate Creek Road, taken on 26 Apr 1910. Page
165B, Family #88.
Listed as Fred Baker, age 7, born in WV, in household of father, John Baker.
2. McDowell Co, WV; death Certificate #1574; WV Archives Web Site.
Fred Baker; age 18; born in 1902 in Yukon, WV; single; miner; son of John and Causby (___) Baker;
died 20 Jan 1920 due to explosion in mine; no burial information; informant, D.D. Hatfield, Yukon, WV.
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Slate Creek Road, taken on
26 Apr 1910. Page 165B, Family #88.
Listed as Lorenzo Baker, age 6, born in WV, in household of father, John
1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, Slate Creek Road, taken on
26 Apr 1910. Page 165B, Family #88.
Listed as Julia Baker, age 1, born in WV, in household of father, John
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 760.
Big Creek Township, page 020.
Listed as John Baldwin, age 21, head of household, a farmer.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
John W. Baldwin; born on 24 Jun 1858 in Tazewell Co, VA; died abt 1947 near
White Sulfur Springs (WV); married Rebecca Sparks; member of Salem Church in
Tazewell Co, VA; "Hard Shell Baptist"; owned propert in Tazewell Co, VA and
on Cumberland Road in Mercer Co, WV.
3. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, Baptist Valley P.O., taken
on 31 Jul 1860, page 160, Family #1110.
Listed as John Baldwin; age 2, born in VA, in household of father, David
4. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 16 Jun
1900, page 114A, Family #237.
Listed as John Baldwin, age 40, born in Jun 1859 in VA; married 8 years,
1 child, 1 living, head of household.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 761.
Big Creek Township, page 020.
Listed as Rebecca Baldwin, age 20, in household of husband, John Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Rebecca Sparks; born abt 1861 in VA; died abt 1891; daughter of John Henry
and Rebecca Mitchell Sparks; married John Baldwin abt 1880.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 761.
Big Creek Township, page 020.
Listed as David Baldwin, age 1, in household of father, John Baldwin.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 760.
Big Creek Township, page 020.
Listed as John Baldwin, age 21, head of household, a farmer.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
John W. Baldwin; born on 24 Jun 1858 in Tazewell Co, VA; died abt 1947 near
White Sulfur Springs (WV); married Rebecca Sparks; member of Salem Church in
Tazewell Co, VA; "Hard Shell Baptist"; owned propert in Tazewell Co, VA and
on Cumberland Road in Mercer Co, WV.
3. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, Baptist Valley P.O., taken
on 31 Jul 1860, page 160, Family #1110.
Listed as John Baldwin; age 2, born in VA, in household of father, David
4. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 16 Jun
1900, page 114A, Family #237.
Listed as John Baldwin, age 40, born in Jun 1859 in VA; married 8 years,
1 child, 1 living, head of household.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 16 Jun
1900, page 114A, Family #237.
Listed as Bettie Baldwin, age 41, born in Jun 1858 in VA; married 8 years,
1 child, 1 living, in household of husband, John Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 16 Jun
1900, page 114A, Family #237.
Listed as Mary L.E. Baldwin, age 3, born in Aug 1896 in VA; in household of
father, John Baldwin.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 30 Jun 1880, Page 323A, Family #176.
Listed as Joseph Baldwin, age 23, head of household, a farmer.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Laura M. White; born on 12 Jun 1860 in Tazewell Co, VA; died bef 1940 in
Tazewell Co, VA; married Joseph Baldwin on 1 Apr 1879 in Tazewell Co, VA.
Joseph P. Baldwin; born in Jun 1856 in Tazewell Co, VA; died bef 1940; son
of David B. and Nancy Pruwitt Baldwin; "Died in his 80's with all of his
teeth worn off to gums....".
3. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, Baptist Valley P.O., taken
on 31 Jul 1860, page 160, Family #1110.
Listed as Joseph Baldwin; age 4, born in VA, in household of father, David
4. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 113B, Family #236.
Listed as Joseph P. Baldwin, age 43, born in Jun 1856, in VA, farmer, head
of household.
5. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Joseph P. Baldwin, age 53, married 31 years, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
1. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Baptist Valley PO, taken on 13 Aug 1860, Page 884, Family #1367.
Listed as Laura M. White, age 1, born in VA, in household of father, Joseph F. White.
2. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville Township, Court House PO, taken on 8 Jul 1870, Page 377A,
Family #321.
Listed as Laura M. White, age 10, born in VA,in household of father, Joseph F. White.
3. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Laura M. White; born on 12 Jun 1860 in Tazewell Co, VA; died bef 1940 in
Tazewell Co, VA; daughter of Joseph F. and Mary? (________) White; married
Joseph Baldwin on 1 Apr 1879 in Tazewell Co, VA.
4. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 30 Jun 1880, Page 323A, Family #176.
Listed as Laura M. Baldwin, age 20, in household of husband, Joseph Baldwin.
5. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 113B, Family #236.
Listed as Laura M. Baldwin, age 40, born in Jun 1860, in VA, in household of husband, Joseph P. Baldwin.
6. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Laura M. Baldwin, age 50, married 31 years, born in VA,10 children, 8 living, in household of
husband, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 113B, Family #236.
Listed as David S.? Baldwin, (can not read other information), in
household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
David G. Baldwin; born in Mar 1882.
3. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as David G. Baldwin, age 27, born in WV, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 113B, Family #236.
Listed as John Baldwin, (can not read other information), in
household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
John M. Baldwin; born in Mar 1885; died bef 1980.
3. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as John M. Baldwin, age 25, born in WV, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 113B, Family #236.
Listed as John Baldwin, (can not read other information), in
household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Robert M. Baldwin; born on 11 Jul 1890; died in Oct 1970 at Cedar Bluff, VA.
3. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Robert M. Baldwin, age 18, born in WV, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 114A, Family #236.
Listed as Shade C. Baldwin, age 7, born in Mar 1893 in VA; in household of
father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Shade C.Baldwin; born on 28 Mar 1893; died in Aug 1971 in VA.
3. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Shade C. Baldwin, age 16, born in VA, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 114A, Family #236.
Listed as Polly M. Baldwin, age 4, born in Jul 1895 in VA, in household of
father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Polly M. Baldwin; born in Jul 1895; died bef 2000.
3. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Polly M. Baldwin, age 14, born in VA, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul
1900, page 113B, Family #236.
Listed as Nancy C. Baldwin, age 2, born in Apr 1898 in VA; in household of
father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
2. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Nanny C. Baldwin; born in Apr 1898; died bef 2000.
3. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Nancy C. Baldwin, age 11, born in VA, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Joseph Baldwin search, 22 Mar 2002, submitted by
Jerry Proffitt, jerryproffitt@hotmail.com.
Rolan L. Baldwin; born abt 1902.
2. 1910 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Apr 1910, Page 165B, Family #13.
Listed as Rolan L. Baldwin, age 8, born in VA, in household of father, Joseph P. Baldwin.
1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 14 Sep 1850, Page 295B, Family #1090.
Listed as Joseph White, age 17, born in VA, in household of John White, with his mother, Delilah White.
2. Tazewell Co, VA Marriages, "White Family Marriages", transcribed by Ron
Dawson, kinred@inetone.net.
Joseph F. White, age 27, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Delilah;
married on 18 Aug 1858 Mary White, age 19, born in Tazewell Co, VA,
daughter of Thomas and Helen (sic?, Ellen) White.
3. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Baptist Valley PO, taken on 13 Aug 1860, Page 884, Family #1367.
Listed as Joseph F. White, age 28, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
4. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville Township, Court House PO, taken on 8 Jul 1870, Page 377A,
Family #321.
Listed as Joseph F. White, age 38, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
5. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 30 Jun 1880, Page 323A, Family #183.
Listed as Joseph F. White, age 49, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
6. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 15/16 Jul 1900, page 113B, Family #229.
Listed as Joseph F. White, age 68, born in Aug 1831 VA, married 21 years, farm laborer, head of household.
7. "Tazewell County (VA) Marriages", Register #3, Year 1858, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Joseph F. White, age 27 yr, 14 days, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Delilah White, married on 18 Aug 1858
Mary White, age 19 yr, 2 mon, 5 days, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of Thomas and Helen White.
Married by William P. Linkous.
1. Tazewell Co, VA Marriages, "White Family Marriages", transcribed by Ron
Dawson, kinred@inetone.net.
Joseph F. White, age 27, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Delilah;
married on 18 Aug 1858 Mary White, age 19, born in Tazewell Co, VA,
daughter of Thomas and Helen (sic?, Ellen) White.
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 295B, Family 1093.
Listed as Polly White, age 10, born in VA, in household of father, Thomas
3. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Baptist Valley PO, taken on 13 Aug 1860, Page 884, Family #1367.
Listed as Mary White, age 20, born in VA, in household of husband, Joseph F. White.
4. "Tazewell County (VA) Marriages", Register #3, Year 1858, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Joseph F. White, age 27 yr, 14 days, born in Tazewell Co, VA, son of Delilah White, married on 18 Aug 1858
Mary White, age 19 yr, 2 mon, 5 days, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of Thomas and Helen White.
Married by William P. Linkous.
1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 30 Jun 1880, Page 323A, Family #183.
Listed as Albert White, age 16, born in VA, in household of father, Joseph F. White.
2. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville Township, Court House PO, taken on 8 Jul 1870, Page 377A,
Family #321.
Listed as Albert P. White, age 8, born in VA,in household of father, Joseph F. White.
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as William Bandy, age 34, head of household, a farmer.
3. "Compiled Tazewell Co Birth Index" "A B C D", Tazewell Co, VA Web Site
William W. Bandy, son of Thomas and Nancy Peery Bandy, was born in Tazewell
Co, VA.
4. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Maiden Spring District, Knob PO, taken on 31? Aug 1870,
Page 299A, Family #551.
Listed as William W. Bandy, age 51, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
5. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995", McDowell Co, Historical Society,
1995, page 95; "The Bandy Family"; submitted by Al Justice, Tarboro, NC.
6. FindAGrave.com Website; submitted by Ernest Meadows; 18 Nov 2009; maintained by Peabody.
" Wilson William Bandy
Birth 10 Aug 1816
Botetourt County, Virginia, USA
Death 16 Mar 1890 (aged 73)
Busthead, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Bailey Family Cemetery
Busthead, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 44534399"
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as Elenor Bandy, age 36, in household of husband, William Bandy.
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as Clarissa J. Bandy, age 7, in household of father, William Bandy.
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as Betsy Bandy, age 6, in household of father, William Bandy.
Twin of Hannah Bandy.
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as John Bandy, age 4, in household of father, William Bandy.
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as Guy Bandy, age 1, in household of father, William Bandy.
1. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 331.
William Bandy married Ella Harrison, daughter of Thomas Harrison (a justice
of the peace and Virginia Legislator).
Their children were: Thomas (married Lillie Wingo on 28 Jul 1853); James
(married first Nannie Christian, daughter of Daniel Christian, second Sallie
Whitt, daughter of Polly Brewster Whitt and granddaughter of Ablijah Whitt);
Nancy; Guy; Rebecca; Clara; Hannah; John; William (married Sarah Harrison);
and Joseph (married Linnie Beavers).
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, page 296, Family # 1098.
Listed as William Bandy, age 34, head of household, a farmer.
3. "Compiled Tazewell Co Birth Index" "A B C D", Tazewell Co, VA Web Site
William W. Bandy, son of Thomas and Nancy Peery Bandy, was born in Tazewell
Co, VA.
4. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Maiden Spring District, Knob PO, taken on 31? Aug 1870,
Page 299A, Family #551.
Listed as William W. Bandy, age 51, born in VA, farmer, head of household.
5. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995", McDowell Co, Historical Society,
1995, page 95; "The Bandy Family"; submitted by Al Justice, Tarboro, NC.
6. FindAGrave.com Website; submitted by Ernest Meadows; 18 Nov 2009; maintained by Peabody.
" Wilson William Bandy
Birth 10 Aug 1816
Botetourt County, Virginia, USA
Death 16 Mar 1890 (aged 73)
Busthead, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Bailey Family Cemetery
Busthead, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 44534399"
1. Ancestry.com Web Site, Susan Louise Bandy Search, 18 Jul 2002, submitted by
Joyce Barbett, rjbarnett@netscope.net.
Susan Louise Bandy; born on 11 Nov 1873 in Tazewell Co, VA; died in Aug
1946; daughter of William W. and Malinda Woosley Bandy.
Malinda Woosely; daughter of Hezekiah and Margaret Husk Woosley; married
William W. Bandy, son of Thomas C. and Nancy Perry Bandy, on 9 Feb 1865 in
Tazewell Co, VA. She was second wife of William's.
2. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA; Western District; taken on 3 Aug 1850; Page 248B; Image 70
of 213; Family #453/453.
Listed as Malinda Ousley (sic, Woosley); age 3; born in VA; in household of father, Hezekiah
3. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Maiden Spring District, Knob PO, taken on 31? Aug 1870,
Page 299A, Family #551.
Listed as Malinda Bandy, age 23, born in VA, in household of husband, William W. Bandy.
4. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995", McDowell Co, Historical Society,
1995, page 95; "The Bandy Family"; submitted by Al Justice, Tarboro, NC.
5. FindAGrave.com Website; submitted by Ronnie Mallory; 31 May 2020.
" Malinda Woosley Bandy
Birth 1850
Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Death 14 Feb 1928 (aged 77–78)
Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Bandy Family Cemetery
Baptist Valley, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 210649663"Additional Information Posted:
"Malinda was added to this cemetery because her certificate of death.
Father: Hezekiah Woosley 1810-1890
Mother: Margaret Husk 1819-1880
Malinda was the wife of William Wilson Bandy"
1. 1870 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Maiden Spring District, Knob PO, taken on 31? Aug 1870,
Page 299A, Family #551.
Listed as George W. Bandy, age 2, born in VA, in household of father, William W. Bandy.