McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Fredrick Trent Sr

1. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co, WV", Bowman, page 477.
Fredrick Trent of Russell Co, VA married Agnes Harper.
Children were: Humphrey (first married Martha Smith, second Arminda
Collins), Eli (married Mahala Elkins), Fredrick, Jr (married Susan Cline,
daughter of Peter Cline, Sr), Susan (married Andrew Hatfield),and Sarah
(married William Riffe).
2. "Genealogical Section of History of Logan Co", Henry Clay Ragland, 1896.
Chapter XVII, page 7. Fredrick Trent of Russell Co, VA married Agnes Horton
of Tazewell Co, VA. His sons were Humphrey (married Martha Smith), Eli
(married Mahala Elkins), and Fredrick, Jr. (married a daughter of William
Cline). His daughters were: Susan (married Andrew Hatfield), and Sarah
(married William Riffe).

Agnes Horton? Harper

1. "Reference Book of Wyoming Co, WV", Bowman, page 477.
Fredrick Trent of Russell Co, VA married Agnes Harper.
Children were: Humphrey (first married Martha Smith, second Arminda
Collins), Eli (married Mahala Elkins), Fredrick, Jr (married Susan Cline,
daughter of Peter Cline, Sr), Susan (married Andrew Hatfield),and Sarah
(married William Riffe).
2. "Genealogical Section of History of Logan Co", Henry Clay Ragland, 1896.
Chapter XVII, page 7. Fredrick Trent of Russell Co, VA married Agnes Horton
of Tazewell Co, VA. His sons were Humphrey (married Martha Smith), Eli
(married Mahala Elkins), and Fredrick, Jr. (married a daughter of William
Cline). His daughters were: Susan (married Andrew Hatfield), and Sarah
(married William Riffe).

John Wesley Collins Jr

1. 1850 Census Tazewell Co, VA, taken on 12 Sep 1850, Page 291B, Family #1035.
Listed as John Collins, age 25, born in TN, in household of father, John W. Collins, Sr.
2. Web Site, John Collins Search, 12 Sep 2002, submitted by
Kay Johnson,
John W. Collins; born on 1 Apr 1827; died on 27 Oct 1898; son of John and
Lydia Toner Collins; married Mary Riffe.
3. Annals of Tazewell...", Harman, Vol II, page 14.
John Collins married on 19 Apr 1855 Polly Riffe in Tazewell Co, VA.
4. "1855 Register of Tazewell County, (VA) Marriages", Tazewell Co, VA Genweb
John Collins, age 26, born in Granger Co, TN, son of John and Biddy
(sic Liddy/Lydia) Collins married on 19 Apr 1855 Polly Riffe, age 21, born
in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of William and Sarah (_______) Riffe.
5. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Family 83.
"First Families of McDowell Co, West Virginia", Evans, page 14.
6. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 16, Family #102.
Listed as John Collins, age 42, as head of household, a farmer.
7. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 772.
Sandy River District, page 009.
Listed as John Collins, Sr., age 53, as head of household, a farmer.
8. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; By Geneva Steel, Tom Hatcher
and Sandra Long; "Landon Collins"; article; submitted by Landon Collins; 108 Paech Orchard Lane,
Winchester, VA 22602.

Mary "Polly" Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 403.
3. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Family 83.
"First Families of McDowell Co, West Virginia", Evans, page 14.
4. Annals of Tazewell...", Harman, Vol II, page 14.
5. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 16, Family #102.
Listed as Polly Collins, age 36, in household of husband, John Collins.
6. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 772.
Sandy River District, page 009.
Listed as Polly Collins, age 46, in household of husband, John Collins, Sr.
7. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
Mary Riffe, daughter of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1834; married
John Collins on 19 Apr 1855.
8. "1855 Register of Tazewell County, (VA) Marriages", Tazewell Co, VA Genweb
John Collins, age 26, born in Granger Co, TN, son of John and Biddy Collins,
married on 19 Apr 1855 Polly Riffe, age 21, born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter
of William and Sarah Riffe.
9. "Compiled Tazewell Co Birth Index" "Q R S", Tazewell Co, VA Web Site
Polly Riffe, daughter of William and Sarah (_______) Riffe was born about
10. Web Site, Mary Riffe Search, 12 Sep 2002, submitted by
Linda C. Hinchey,
Mary Riffe; died on 8 Apr 1896 at Beartown on Rock Ridge, McDowell Co, WV.
11. Web Site, Mary Riffe Search, 12 Sep 2002, submitted by
Kay Johnson,
Mary Riffe; born on 24 Jan 1834; died on 18 Apr 1896.
12. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; By Geneva Steel, Tom
Hatcher and Sandra Long; "Landon Collins"; article; submitted by Landon Collins; 108 Peach
Orchard Lane, Winchester, VA 22602.

Benjamin Collins

1. 1850 Census Tazewell Co, VA, taken on 12 Sep 1850, Page 291B, Family #1035.
Listed as Ben Collins, age 19, born in KY, in household of father, John W. Collins, Sr.
2. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Peeryville P.O., taken 8 Jul 1860,
page #8, Family #45.
Listed as Benjamin Collins, age 27, born in KY, farmer, head of household.
3. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Family 45.
"First Families of McDowell Co, West Virginia", Evans, page 8.
Married Susan Rife, Tazewell Co, VA, 11 May 1856.
4. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 18.
Benjamin Colluns married Susan Riff on 11 May 1857.
5. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 10, Family #65.
Listed as Benjamin Collins, age 38, as head of household, a farm laborer.
6. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 771.
Sandy River Township, page 017.
Listed as Benjamin Collins, age 46, married, as head of household, a farmer.
7. "Tazewell County (VA) Marriages", Register #3, Year 1857, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Benjamin Collins, age 26, born in Knox Co, TN, son of John and Lydia Collins, married on 11 May 1857
Susan Riff, age 23, born in Logan Co, WV, daughter of William and Sarah Riff. Married by George W.

Susannah "Sookie" Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 403.
3. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA Family 1030, page 291.
Susannah is not listed in household of Gabriel Rife.
4. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Family 45.
"First Families of McDowell Co, West Virginia", Evans, page 8.
Footnote states she is daughter of Gabriel Rife. Do not believe this is
accurate because she is not listed in the 1850 Census in this family.
Married Benjamin Collins, Tazewell Co, VA, 11 May 1856.
5. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Peeryville P.O., taken 8 Jul 1860,
page #8, Family #45.
Listed as Susannah Collins, age 23, born in VA, in household of husband,
Benjamin Collins.
6. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harman, Vol II, page 18.
Benjamin Collins married Susan Riff on 11 May 1857.
7. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 10, Family #65.
Listed as Susan Collins, age 33, in household of husband, Benjamin Collins.
8. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 771.
Sandy River Township, page 017.
Listed as Susan Collins, age 44,in household of husband, Benjamin Collins.
9. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
Susan Riffe, daughter of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1835; married
Benjamin Collins on 11 May 1854
10. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Family #350, page 259A.
Listed as Susan Collins, age 54, born in Jan 1846 (sic) in WV, widow, 7
children, 5 living, in household of son Gabriel Collins.
11. "Tazewell County (VA) Marriages", Register #3, Year 1857, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Benjamin Collins, age 26, born in Knox Co, TN, son of John and Lydia Collins, married on 11 May
1857 Susan Riff, age 23, born in Logan Co, WV, daughter of William and Sarah Riff. Married by
George W. Payne.
12. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Panther; taken on 10 May 1910; Page 101B;
Family #190/191.
Listed as Sook Collins, age 80, born in WV; widow; 6 children, 4 living; head of single person
13. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 2/5 May 1920; Page 254A;
Family #25/25.
Listed as Susan Collins, age 82, born in WV; widow; in household of son, Gabriel Collins.
14. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #3239; WV Archives Web Site.
Susan Collins; age 92; born in WV in 1837; widow; daughter of William and Susan Riffe; died on
24 Jan1929 at Long Pole, McDowell Co, WV from complications; buried on 26 Jan 1929 at Long
Pole, WV; informant, G.C. Collins, Long Pole, WV.

Gabriel C. Collins

1. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 10, Family #65.
Listed as Gabriel Collins, age 6, in household of father, Benjamin Collins.
2. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 771.
Sandy River Township, page 017.
Listed as Gabriel Collins, age 15, in household of father, Benjamin Collins.
3. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Family #350, page 259A.
Listed as Gabrial Collins, age 35, born in Apr 1865 in WV, single, head of
household with his mother, Susannah.
4. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Panther; taken on 10 May 1910; Page 104B;
Family #187.
Listed as Gabe Collins; age 43; born in WV; single; farmer; head of household.
5. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 2/5 May 1920; Page 254A;
Family #25/25.
Listed as Gabe Collins, age 52, born in WV; married; farmer; head of household.
6. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #16265; WV Archives Web Site.
G.C. Collins; age 74 yrs, 7 mons, 7 days; born on 22 Apr 1866 at Sandy Huff, WV; single; farmer; son
of G.C. (marked thru) and Susie Riffe Collins; died on 29 Nov 1940 at Litwar, McDowell Co, WV from
uremia and stroke caused by heart failure; buried on 1 Dec 1940 at Litwar, WV; informant, Mrs. Grace
Lambert, Litwar, WV.

Deliliah Collins

1. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 10, Family #65.
Listed as Delila Collins, age 2, in household of father, Alexander Collins.

John H. Gibson

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Western District, taken on 11 Sep 1850, Page 290B, Family #1021.
Listed as John Gibson, age 19, born in VA, in household of father, Enoch Gibson, Sr.
2. 1870 Census Logan Co, WV, Magnolia Township, page 540, Family #85.
Listed as John Gibson, age 38, head of household.
3. 1880 Census, Logan Co, WV, Magnolia District, taken on 15 Jun 1880, Page 294A, Family #21.
Listed as John Gibson, age 47, mulatto, farmer, head of household.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 4, No 187, Haga, page 30.
Arvid Gibson, age 28, born in Pike Co, KY, married on 27 Jul 1893 Cosby Gibson, age 16, at Lewis
5. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huffs Creek District, Family #115.
Listed as John Gibson, age 65, born in KY, as head of household.
6. "Deaths of Wyoming Co, WV", Haga, 1888.
Male Gibson died 7 Jun 1889 of consumption at age 29 years, son of John and
Betty Gibson.
7. "Early Logan Co, WV Marriages" transcribed by Vicie Waskey Fowler.
John Gibson, age 24, born in KY, son of E. and Sarah Gibson, married on 9
Sep 1858 Elizabeth Riffe, age 20, born in Logan Co, WV, daughter of William
and Sarah Riffe.

Elizabeth "Betsy" Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 403.
3. 1880 Census, Logan Co, WV, Magnolia District, taken on 15 Jun 1880, Page 294A, Family #21..
Listed as Elizabeth Gibson, age 40, in household of husband, John Gibson.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 4, No 187, Haga, page 30.
Arvid Gibson, age 28, born in Pike Co, KY, married on 27 Jul 1893 Cosby
Gibson, age 16, at Lewis Riffe's.
5. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huffs Creek District, Family #115.
Listed as Elizabeth Gibson, age 50, in household of husband, John Gibson.
6. 1870 Census Logan Co, WV, Magnolia Township, page 540, Family #85.
Listed as Elizabeth Gibson, age 35, in household of husband, John Gibson.
7. "Early Logan Co, WV Marriages" transcribed by Vicie Waskey Fowler.
John Gibson, age 24, born in KY, son of E. and Sarah Gibson, married on 9
Sep 1858 Elizabeth Riffe, age 20, born in Logan Co, WV, daughter of William
and Sarah Riffe.

Malinda Aminda? Gibson

1. 1880 Census, Logan Co, WV, Magnolia District, taken on 15 Jun 1880, Page 294A, Family #21.
Listed as Aminda Gibson, age 19, in household of father, John Gibson.
2. 1870 Census Logan Co, WV, Magnolia Township, page 540, Family #85.
Listed as Malinda Gibson, age 12, in household of father, John Gibson.

Nancy Gibson

1. 1880 Census, Logan Co, WV, Magnolia District, taken on 15 Jun 1880, Page 294A, Family #21.
Listed as Nancy Gibson, age 15, in household of father, John Gibson.
2. 1870 Census Logan Co, WV, Magnolia Township, page 540, Family #85.
Listed as Nancy Gibson, age 3, in household of father, John Gibson.

Alvinus Gibson

1. 1870 Census Logan Co, WV, Magnolia Township, page 540, Family #85.
Listed as Alvionis Gibson, age 2, in household of father, John Gibson.

Jacob Collins Sr

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Westerm District, taken on 12 Sept 1850, Page 291B, Family #1036.
Listed as Jacob Collins, age 25, born in TN, farmer, head of household.
2. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Peeryville P.O., taken 7 Jul 1860, page #7, Family #40.
Listed as Jacob Collins, age 37, born in TN, farmer, head of household.
3. "First Families of McDowell Co, VA", 1860 Census, Family 40 Evans, page 7.
Footnote, Married Nancy Rife 23 July 1843, Pike Co, KY.
Son of John Collins.
4. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River Township; Tug River PO; Page 483A; Image 1 of 22;
Family #2/2.
Listed as Jocob Collins; age 47; born in TN' farmer; head of household.
5. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 772.
Sandy River Township, page 010.
Listed as Jacob Collins, Sr, age 56, as head of household, a farmer.
6. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV...", page 5.
Jacob Collins, age 50, married Christinia Whit, age 40, on 15 Jun 1871.
Marriage Record Book 1, 1865-1896, page 98 (67).
He was born in Grainger Co, TN; she in Pike Co, KY.
His parents were John and Lydia Collins.
Her parents were Daniel and Margaret Whit.

Nancy Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 404.
3. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek Dist, Family 26.
4. "Birth's of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1879.
William J. Riffe was born on 13 Nov 1879 to Nancy Riffe. Father was not
5. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 740.
Huff Creek Township, page 007.
Listed as Nancy Riffe, age 39, single, head of household.
6. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huffs Creek District, Family #101.
Listed as Nancy Riffe, age 58, widow, as head of household.
7. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
Nancy Riffe, daughter of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1842; died
in 1925.

William J. Riffe

1. "Birth's of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1879.
William J. Riffe was born on 13 Nov 1879 to Nancy Riffe. Father was not
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 740.
Huff Creek Township, page 007.
Listed as William J. Riffe, age 1, in household of mother, Nancy Riffe.
3. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huffs Creek District, Family #101.
Listed as William Riffe, age 21, in household of mother, Nancy Riffe.

William J. Riffe Jr

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 403.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of father, William Riffe.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming...", Vol 1, Haga, page 69.
Married Sarah Beverly on 18 Feb 1866, daughter of Elijah and Nancy Beverly.
5. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek Dist, Family 28.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 740.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as William Riffle, age 36, head of household, a farmer.
7. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
William Riffe, son of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1844; died in
1897; married Sarah Beverly on 18 Feb 1866. Sarah was daughter of Elijah and
Nancy Hamilton Beverly.
8. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
William Riffe; born on 6 Mar 1844; died on 8 May 1896; buried in Riffe
Cemetery, Muzzle Creek, Wyoming Co, WV.

Sarah "Sally" Beverly

1. "Marriage Records of Wyoming...", Vol 1, Haga, page 69.
William Riffe married Sarah Beverly on 18 Feb 1866, daughter of Elijah and
Nancy Beverly.
2. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek Dist, Family 28.
3. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 740.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as Sarah Riffle, age 33, in household of husband, William Riffe.
4. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
William Riffe, son of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1844; died in
1897; married Sarah Beverly on 18 Feb 1866. Sarah was daughter of Elijah and
Nancy Hamilton Beverly. Sarah was born in Feb 1845.
5. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek District, taken on 4 Jun 1900, Page 257A, Family #24.
Listed as Sarah Riffe, age 52, born in WV in Feb 1845, widow, 7 children, 5 living, in household of
son, David Riffe.
6. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Sarah Riffe; born on 10 Jun 1845; died on 23 Dec 1916; buried in Riffe
Cemetery, Muzzle Creek, Wyoming Co, WV.
7. 1850 Census, Russell Co, VA, 54 District, taken on 18 Nov 1850, page 331A,
Family #1551.
Listed as Sally Beverly, age 4, born in VA, in household of father, Elijah

Lewis Riffe

1. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek Dist, Family 28.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 740.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as Lewis Riffle, age 11, in household of father, William Riffe.
3. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Lewis Riffe; born on 18 Sep 1868; died on 12 May 1896; buried in Riffe
Cemetery, Muzzle Creek, Wyoming Co, WV.

John M. Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 403.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of father, William Riffe.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming...", Vol 1, Haga, page 69.
Married Pricy Wilson on 6 Jun 1866, daughter of Thomas and Barbara Wilson.
Per Kozee, page 177. Thomas M. Wilson married Barbara McColley on 20 July
1838 in Pike Co, KY.
5. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; Sun Hill PO; taken on 10 Aug 1870; Page
583A; Image 5 of 9; Family #27/27.
Listed as John Rife; age 24; born in VA; farmer; head of household.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; taken on 5 Jun 1880; Page 519A; Image 3
of 12; Family #22/22.
Listed as John Riffle; age 33; born in WV; married; farmer; head of household.
7. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huff Creek District, Family #55.
Not listed. His wife, Prisy Riffe, age 58, was listed as a widow, head of
8. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
John Riffe, son of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1845; died in
1900; married Pricy Wilson on 6 Jun 1866 in Pike Co, KY. She was daughter of
Thomas Wilson.
9. Web Site, John M. Riffe Search, 6 Oct 2002, submitted by
D.J. Auvil,
John M. Riffe; born on 2 Feb 1845 in Logan Co, WV; died on 20 May 1900 at
Hanover, Wyoming Co, WV; son of William and Srah Trent Riffe; married Pricey

Pricy Wilson

1. 1850 Census, Pike Co, KY, page 490A, Family #874.
Listed as Pricey Wilson, age 8, born in KY, in household of, Simeon
Justice. This is probably Simeon's wife, Barbara's, child.
2. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed as Pricey Justice (sic Wilson), age 16 (sic 18), born in KY, in
household of, Simeon Justice.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 69
John Riffe, son of William and Sarah, married Pricy Wilson, age 22,
born in Pike Co, KY, daughter of Thomas and Barbara Wilson.
Per Kozee, page 177. Thomas M. Wilson married Barbara McColley on 20 July
1838 in Pike Co, KY.
4. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; Sun Hill PO; taken on 10 Aug 1870; Page
583A; Image 5 of 9; Family #27/27.
Listed as Pricy Riffe; age 25; born in KY; in household of husband, John Riffe.
5. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; taken on 5 Jun 1880; Page 519A; Image 3
of 12; Family #22/22.
Listed as Pricy Riffle; age 34; born in KY; married; in household of husband, John Riffe.
6. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huff Creek District, Family #55.
Listed as Prisy Riffe, age 58, a widow, head of household.

Martha Riffe

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; taken on 5 Jun 1880; Page 519A; Image 3
of 12; Family #22/22.
Listed as Martha Riffle; age 7; born in WV; in household of father, John Riffe.
2. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huff Creek District, Family #55.
Listed as Martha Riffe, age 26, in household of mother, Prisy Riffe.

Monterville Blankenship

1. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV...", page 9.
Marriage Record, McDowell Co, WV, Book 1, 1865-1896, page 105.
Montur (sic Monterville) Blankenship, age 23, born in McDowell Co, WV, son
of D.C. and Mary Blankenship, married on 20 Dec 1875 Sarah Riffe, age 26,
born in Tazewell Co, VA, daughter of William and Sarah Riffe.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 695.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as Monterville Blankenship, age 26, as head of household, a farmer.

Sarah Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 404.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of father, William Riffe.
4. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek Dist, Family 26.
5. "Marriage Records of McDowell Co, WV...", page 9.
Montur (sic Monterville) Blankenship, age 23, married on 20 Dec 1875 Sarah
Riffe, age 26.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 695.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as Sallie Blankenship, age 31, in household of husband, Monterville
7. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
Sarah Riffe, daughter of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1849;
married Montraville Blankenship.

Lewis Blankenship

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1876.
Lewis Blankenship was born on 18 Aug 1876 to Motial and Sarah Blankenship.

Gabreal Blankenship

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1877.
Gabrel Blankenship was born on 13 Nov 1877 to M. and Sarah Blankenship.
2. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 695.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as Gabrel Blankenship, age 2, in household of father, Monterville

Jacob Puckett

1. 1850 Census, Logan Co, WV, taken on 18 Sep 1850, page 159B, Family #564.
Listed as Jacob Puckett, age 7, born in VA, in household of father, JessePuckett.
2. 1860 Census, McDowell Co, VA, Peeryville P.O., taken 5 Ju1 1860, Page #6, Family #37.
Listed as Jacob Evans, age 16, born in VA, in household of step-father, Ferrell Evans.
3. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 67.
James Puckett, age 21, born in Tazewell Co, VA, resident of McDowell Co, WV,
son of Jesse and Jane Puckett, married Margaret Riffe, age 19, born in
McDowell Co, WV, daughter of William and Sarah Riffe, on 14 May 1868.
Is James a brother of Jacob?
4. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 11, Family #74.
Listed as Jacob Puckett, age 26, as head of household, a farmer.
5. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Complied by William A. March, page 795.
Sandy River District, page 003.
Listed as Jacob Puckett, age 37, as head of household.
His mother Jane Puckett is also listed her.
6. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huff Creek District, Family #36.
Listed as Jacob Puckett, age 58, head of household.

Margaret "Peggy" Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 107.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 404.
Married Jacob Puckett, a Union soldier.
See Ref 4. Marriage records state she married James Puckett.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of father, William Riffe.
4. "Marriage Records of Wyoming Co, WV...", Vol 1, Haga, page 67.
James Puckett, age 21, born in Tazewell Co, VA, resident of McDowell Co, WV,
son of Jesse and Jane Puckett, married Margaret Riffe, age 19, born in
McDowell Co, WV, daughter of William and Sarah Riffe, on 14 May 1868.
5. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 11, Family #74.
Listed as Margaret Puckett, age 22, in household of husband, Jacob Puckett.
6. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Complied by William A. March, page 795.
Sandy River District, page 003.
Listed as Margaret Puckett, age 31, in household of husband, Jacob Puckett.
7. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huff Creek District, Family #36.
Listed as Margaret Puckett, age 52, in household of husband, Jacob Puckett.
8. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
Margaret Riffe, daughter of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1849; died
in 1938; married Jacob Puckett, son of Jesse and Jane Puckett on 14 May
9. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, taken on 11 May 1910, Page 105A, Family #198.
Listed as Peggy Pucket, age 60, born in WV, married once for 40 yrs, 6 children, 5 living, in household of son-in-law,
Ken Lockhart.
10. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; Ikes Fork of Muzzle; 12 Apr 1930; Page 179A;
Image 9 of 22; Family #74A/74A.
Listed as peggy Puckett; age 83; born in WV; widow; in household of son-in law, James Paris Lester.

Mary Puckett

1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Complied by William A. Marsh, page 795.
Sandy River District, page 003.
Listed as Mary Puckett, age 9, in household of father, Jacob Puckett.

Lewis Riffe

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 108.
2. "Reference Book of Wyoming County History", Mary K. Bowman, page 403.
Son of William Riffe, Sr.
3. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed as head of household with wife, Margaret, and children Lydia, Sarah
and Lewis.
4. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harmon, Vol I, page 155.
Lewis Riffe married Margaret Collins about June 1851 in Tazewell Co, VA.
5. 1870 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 5, Family #33.
Listed as Lewis Riffe, age 38, as head of household, a farmer.
6. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 739.
Huff Creek Township, page 005.
Listed as Lewis Riffe, age 47, head of household, a farmer.
7. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Huff Creek District, Family #38.
Listed as Lewis Riffe, age 67, head of household.

Margaret Collins

1. 1850 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, Family 108.
2. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of husband, Lewis Riffe.
3. "Annals of Tazewell Co, VA", Harmon, Vol I, page 155.
Lewis Riffe married Margaret Collins About June 1851 in Tazewell Co, VA.
4. Internet e-mail, 22 Dec 1999, Rodney Veitschegger, Bowling Green, KY.
Lewis Riffe, son of William and Sarah Trent Riffe, born in 1831; married
first, Margaret Collins, daughter of Jesse Collins; second, Mary Lester,
daughter of Mastin and Dicey Roberts Lester.