McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Hubert Mason Green

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1961); Page 315; WV Archives Website.
Hubert Mason Green; age 26; born in Herdon Heights, WV; single; living in Portsmouth, VA; married
on 24 Aug 1961 at Herndon Heights, WV; Lorraine Burks; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single;
living at Crumpler, WV; with consent of Virginia Burks Bailey, mother of Lorraine Burks, father Wade
Burks in deceased.

Lorraine Burks

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1961); Page 315; WV Archives Website.
Hubert Mason Green; age 26; born in Herdon Heights, WV; single; living in Portsmouth, VA; married
on 24 Aug 1961 at Herndon Heights, WV; Lorraine Burks; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single;
living at Crumpler, WV; with consent of Virginia Burks Bailey, mother of Lorraine Burks, father Wade
Burks in deceased.

Willard Lundy

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "Robert and Gale Smith, Miner";
Article; Page 240; submitted by Gale Smith, Jolo, WV 24850.

Kay Grizzel

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "Robert and Gale Smith, Miner";
Article; Page 240; submitted by Gale Smith, Jolo, WV 24850.

Tabitha Lundy

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "Robert and Gale Smith, Miner";
Article; Page 240; submitted by Gale Smith, Jolo, WV 24850.

Paul Ellis Epling

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "John C. Smith, Miner"; Article;
Page 239; submitted by Geneva Steele, HC 61, Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873.
2. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Audrey Kay Epling Kirk"; Article; Page 207; submitted by Vickie Hagerman, PO
Box 3470, Bluewell, WV 24701.

Claudette Matney

1. US Public Records Index, Vol 1; Web Site.
Claudette Smith; born 5 Apr 1938; living at RR 3, Box 207, Statesville, NC 28677 in 1993.
2. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "John C. Smith, Miner"; Article;
Page 239; submitted by Geneva Steele, HC 61, Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873.
3. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Audrey Kay Epling Kirk"; Article; Page 207; submitted by Vickie Hagerman, PO
Box 3470, Bluewell, WV 24701.

William "Bill" Hoyle

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "Robert and Gale Smith, Miner";
Article; Page 240; submitted by Gale Smith, Jolo, WV 24850.

Kay Grizzel

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "Robert and Gale Smith, Miner";
Article; Page 240; submitted by Gale Smith, Jolo, WV 24850.

Dillard Elmadore Sweeney

1. 1910 Census, Martin Co, KY; Eden Precinct; taken on 4 May 1910; Page 30A; Image 17 of 26;
Family #76/77.
Listed as Dillard Swena; age 1; born in KY; in household of father, William Sweeney.
2. 1920 Census, Martin Co, KY; Eden Precinct; taken on 17 Jan 1920; Page 172B; Image 23 of 26;
Family #114/114..
Listed as Dillard Sweeney; age 10; born in KY; in household of father, William Sweeney.
3. 1930 Census, Martin Co, KY; District #1; Blaclog; taken on 14 Apr 1930; Page 175A; Image 15 of 33;
Family #117/118.
Listed as Dillard Sweeney; age 20; born in KY; single; farm laborer; in household of father, William
4. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Raysal-Jolo; E.D. 24-60; taken on 4
May 1940; Page 1228A; Image 93 of 132; Household #731.
Listed as Dillard Sweeney; age 35; born in KY; married; 3rd grade education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; laborer on WPA project; head of household.
5. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 8 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 21; Dwelling #156.
Listed as Dillard Sweeney; age 45; born in KY; married; unable to work; head of household.
6. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1954); Page 467; WV Archives Web Site.
Dillard Sweeney; age 49; born in Martin Co, KY; single; living at Bradshaw, WV; married on
29 Jul 1954 at Lex, WV; Mary Estella Hess; age 18; born in War, WV; single; living at Bradshaw,
WV; with consent of Walter and Catherine Hess, parents of Mary Estella Hess.
7. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1962); Page 91; WV Archives Web Site.
Dillard Elmadore Swenney; age 57; born in Inez, KY; divorced; living at Jolo, WV; remarried
Sythia Viola Atwell; age 45; born in Bradshaw, WV; single; living at Jolo, WV.
8. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'70 012103; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
Dillard Sweeney; age 65; born 27 Mar 1905 in KY; married; spouse, Sythia Atwell Sweeney;
SS# 234-12-0246; miner; living in McDowell Co, WV; son of William and Susan (Unknown)
Sweeney; died 21 Jun 1970 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, WV; due to pneumonia,
maynutrition and uremia; prostatectomy 2 mons prior in Bluefield; buried 25 Jun 1970 in Lone
Oak Cemetery, Jolo, WV.
9. Web Site; Lone Oak Cemetery, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by Walter Jenny;
26 Sep 2007.
Dillard Sweeney; born 27 Mar 1905; died 17 (sic, 21) Jun 1970; buried here; headstone photo

Mary Estella Hess

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1954); Page 467; WV Archives Web Site.
Dillard Sweeney; age 49; born in Martin Co, KY; single; living at Bradshaw, WV; married on
29 Jul 1954 at Lex, WV; Mary Estella Hess; age 18; born in War, WV; single; living at Bradshaw,
WV; with consent of Walter and Catherine Hess, parents of Mary Estella Hess.

Walter Eulis Riffe

1. Buchanan Co, WV; Marriage License #13854; Website.
Walter Eulis Rife; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; never married; farmer; living at Jolo, WV;
son of Granville and Louisa (Cooper) Rife; married on 13 May 1939 at Grundy, VA; Oma Blanche
Wimmer; age 19; born in Buchanan Co, VA; single; never married; living at Witewood, VA; daughter
of Mathew and Laura (Ward) Wimmer.
2,. Virginia, U.S., Death Records, 1912-2014; Website.
"Name Walter Eulis Riffe
Gender Male
Race White
Death Age 60
Birth Date 13 Aug 1920
Death Date 7 Jul 1981
Death Place Richlands, Tazewell, Virginia, USA
Registration Date 20 Jul 1981
Father Granville W Riffe
Mother Lousia Octavia Cooper Rife
Spouse Oma Blanche Wimmer Riffe
Certificate Number 1981022749
Military Status Yes"

Oma Blanche Wimmer

1. Buchanan Co, WV; Marriage License #13854; Website.
Walter Eulis Rife; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; never married; farmer; living at Jolo, WV;
son of Granville and Louisa (Cooper) Rife; married on 13 May 1939 at Grundy, VA; Oma Blanche
Wimmer; age 19; born in Buchanan Co, VA; single; never married; living at Witewood, VA; daughter
of Mathew and Laura (Ward) Wimmer.

Brud Potter

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1917); Page 176; WV Archives Web Site.
Brud Potter; age 26; born in Franklin Co, VA; single; Black; miner; living at Anawalt, WV; son of Car
and Fannie; married on 11 Jun 1917 in Jenkinjones, WV; Missie Mae Dalton; age 21; born in
Madison Co, NC; single; Black; daughter of Bob and Sallie.

Missie Mae Dalton

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1917); Page 176; WV Archives Web Site.
Brud Potter; age 26; born in Franklin Co, VA; single; Black; miner; living at Anawalt, WV; son of Car
and Fannie; married on 11 Jun 1917 in Jenkinjones, WV; Missie Mae Dalton; age 21; born in
Madison Co, NC; single; Black; daughter of Bob and Sallie.