McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Charles William Cover

1. "News Herald"; Port Clinton, OH; Wednesday; 24 Apr 1991; Page 10; Website.
"Morgan-Cover PORT CLINTON

"Dr. and Mrs. Barry R. Cover, 1011 Grant St., are announcing the approaching wedding of their son, Charles William, to Wendy R. Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Morgan, Iaeger, W.Va.

"The wedding will take place May 25 at Bronson Memorial, Peninsula, Ohio. The Rev. Brad Price will officiate at the 1:30 p.m. ceremony.

"The bride-elect has a bachelor of arts in theater from Kent State University and attended Concord College, Athens, W. Va. She is employed at The Courtyard Cafe, Brecksville, Ohio.

"Her fiance also attended Kent State University and has a bachelor of arts in theater from there."

Wendy R. Morgan

1. "News Herald"; Port Clinton, OH; Wednesday; 24 Apr 1991; Page 10; Website.
"Morgan-Cover PORT CLINTON

"Dr. and Mrs. Barry R. Cover, 1011 Grant St., are announcing the approaching wedding of their son, Charles William, to Wendy R. Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Morgan, Iaeger, W.Va.

"The wedding will take place May 25 at Bronson Memorial, Peninsula, Ohio. The Rev. Brad Price will officiate at the 1:30 p.m. ceremony.

"The bride-elect has a bachelor of arts in theater from Kent State University and attended Concord College, Athens, W. Va. She is employed at The Courtyard Cafe, Brecksville, Ohio.

"Her fiance also attended Kent State University and has a bachelor of arts in theater from there."

Benton Luther Bingham

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1965); Page 433; WV Archives Web Site.
Benton Luther Bingham; age 21; born 8 Dec 1944 in Filbert, WV; single; living at Gary, WV; son of
Luther C. and Nellie Mae (Halsey) Bingham; married on 19 Sep 1965 at gary, WV; Sandria Glen
Munsey; age 18; born 26 Mar 1947 in Bluefield, WV; single; living at Gary, WV; daughter of
McGinnis G. and Bessie Mae (Newland) Munsey; with consent of Bessie N, and M.G. Munsey, Jr,
parents od Sandria Glen Munsey.

Sandria Glen Muncy

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1965); Page 433; WV Archives Web Site.
Benton Luther Bingham; age 21; born 8 Dec 1944 in Filbert, WV; single; living at Gary, WV; son of
Luther C. and Nellie Mae (Halsey) Bingham; married on 19 Sep 1965 at gary, WV; Sandria Glen
Munsey; age 18; born 26 Mar 1947 in Bluefield, WV; single; living at Gary, WV; daughter of
McGinnis G. and Bessie Mae (Newland) Munsey; with consent of Bessie N, and M.G. Munsey, Jr,
parents od Sandria Glen Munsey.

Henry Clay Brinkley

1. Website; submitted by kenneth bowen; 2 Mar 2010; maintained by Emily Midkiff.
" Henry Clay Brinkley
Birth 25 Nov 1877
Oakvale, Mercer County, West Virginia, USA
Death 26 Jul 1967 (aged 89)
Oakvale, Mercer County, West Virginia, USA
Brinkley Cemetery
Oakvale, Mercer County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 49070639"

Additional Information Posted:
"His parents were James H. Brinkley and Rachel Jones."

Alex Woody Jr

1. "Heritage of McDowell Co, WV 1858-1999", Vol II, "Darcus Annie Woody" article, page 257.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek, Coalwood/Six, taken on ? Apr 1930, Page 37B,
Family #220.
Listed as Junior Woody, age 5, born in WV, in household of father, Harrison Woody.
3. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "Harrison Woody, Miner"; Article;
Page 265; submitted by Loretts G. Collins, Daughter, 8046 N. 175 E, Wawaka, IN 46794.

Isabelle Mitchell

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; Coalwood Road; taken on 7 May 1930;
Page 78B; Family #34/34.
Listed as Isabelle Mitchell; age 3 yrs, 4 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Byrd Mitchell.