McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


John W. Brown

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1939); Page 199; WV Archives Web Site.
John W. Brown; born 16 Aug 1914 in Riedsville, NC; single; Colored; living at Coalwood, WV; son of
Edward and Lula; was issued a license to marry on 25 Jun 1939 in McDowell Co, WV; Fannine M.
Tipton; born 9 Sep 1917 in Charleston, WV; single; Colored; living at Welch, WV; daughter of Will
and Arcola; no return by a minister.

Fannie M. Tipton

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1939); Page 199; WV Archives Web Site.
John W. Brown; born 16 Aug 1914 in Riedsville, NC; single; Colored; living at Coalwood, WV; son of
Edward and Lula; was issued a license to marry on 25 Jun 1939 in McDowell Co, WV; Fannine M.
Tipton; born 9 Sep 1917 in Charleston, WV; single; Colored; living at Welch, WV; daughter of Will
and Arcola; no return by a minister.

Leftridge William Shrader

1. Website; submitted by Karen EAGLE Moman; 21 May 2014.
" Leftridge William “Lef” Shrader
Birth 20 Apr 1892
Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Death 2 Aug 1977 (aged 85)
Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia, USA
Burial Unknown
Plot UNKNOWN to me
Memorial ID 130143244"

Additional Information Posted:

"Leftridge Shrader was born in a small town in Tazewell Co VA that at the time was named "Crockett's Cove."

"Leftridge William 'Lef' Shrader a Twin to Margaret Sarah :"Maggie" Shrader.

"Added info to understand 1910 Census listed below:
John Fulton Shrader first married:
1. Nancy Elizabeth “Nannie” Hellmandoooar, 1861-1899, married 11 May 188
2. Married widow Mary Catherine (Edmonds) Asbury, 1861-1944 they married in May 1907 (Mary had six children with first husband James Washington Asbury, 1862-1905: Maggie Lee Asbury, Bertha Mae “Bertie” Asbury, Elizabeth R. Asbury, Pearl A. Asbury, James Little Asbury, Ollie Del Rae Asbury)

# 155, Jeffersonville, Dist 100, image 19 of 21, read 28 or 29 April by Wm Clayton (?)
John F Shrader…..50, head married twice –this time for 3 years, he and parents b. Virginia, farmer/general farm
Mary C Shrader ….48, wife, married 2 times time for 3 years, had had 6 children with 5 now alive (In this case: This means the children of her first husband-daughter Maggie Lee Asbury died in 1893), Mary born in Tennessee, her parents b. Virginia
Belle Shrader……...20, (Virginia Belle Shrader - dau of first wife), she and parents b. Virginia, cook, working out
Lefridge Shrader…..18, son (of first wife), he and parents b. Virginia, farm labor/home farm
Maggie Shrader……18, Dau (of first wife), she and her parents b. Virginia
Elizabeth Hoops…...19,ste daughter, WIDOW, dau of Mary’s first husband –Elizabeth married twice: to a Mr Hoops and a Mr. Lambert-her son, Howard, is listed below)
Pearl Asberry………16, stepdaughter, b. Virginia, dad b. Tennessee, mom b. Virginia (Incorrect mom was born in TN not her dad)
James Asberry……...13, stepson, (James Little Asbury, 1897-1938-son of Mary’s first husband-at his death his mom, Mary, wrote a poem about his death), farm laborer/home farm
Della Asberry………10, (Ollie Del Rae ‘Della” Asbury) stepdaughter. b. Virginia, dad b. Tennessee, mom b. Virginia (Incorrect mom was born in TN not her dad)
Howard Hoops………1,step grandson, he and parents b. Virginia

Typed from “Clinch Valley News” By Karen EAGLE Moman
Clinch Valley News,
Friday, March 29, 1940
A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my loving son, James Asbury, who left us 2 years ago, March 16, 1938

"The month of March is here again
It’s the saddest day in the year
For two years ago today
My loving son passed away

"Peaceful be thy rest, dear Jimmie
Tis’ sweet to just call your name
In life we loved you so dearly
In death just the same

"In our aching hearts your memory lingers
You were faithful, loving, true
There is not a day that passes
That we do not think of you

"You, were gone Jimmie
For only a little while
We will never have another
To fill your place and smile

"Little did I think the last time I saw your sweet smiling face coming up the steps with all of your loved ones, Dec. 25, to celebrate that great day with mother, that was the beginning of heart aches.

Page 264 # 85
Tazewell Co VA, 8 May 1920
L. W. Shrader 28 single, a miner, b. Taz Co VA s/o Jno., F. & Nanie Shrader.
Eliza Hankins 24 single b. Taz Co VA d/o Geo. & Belle Hankins.
Married by G. M. Mithcell.
Both parties were living at War, WV.

# 231, Main Street, BIG CREEK DIST., Town of War, Mc Dowell Co., WV, Census read April 15, 1930.
Leftridge Shrader ….38, married at 28, b. abt 1891 in VA as were his parents, Head, White, War, McDowell, WV , Track Man/Coal Mine
Eliza Shrader ……….34 , married at 24 1895 , b. VA as were her parents Wife War, McDowell, WV
All children listed as born in West Virginia
Nannie B. Shrader ..... 8 1921 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Eva Shrader ………......7 1922 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Ethel Shrader ……....…5 1924 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Blanch Shrader …...... 4Y 1M 1926 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Hazel Shrader ……......2Y 1M 1928 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Mary L Shrader …........0Y 6M 1929 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
At # 232 lived Samuel Perkins35, Viola 2345, Robert 5, Gloris 3Y 8 M, Alfred 1Y 6M
Nannie Perkins 75 MOTHER. At # 230 lived William Hinkle 59 (Lumber Man? Lumber Co), Minnie (?) 49, Floyd, 20, Frances 15, Paul 13, Eloise 8

Both were removed: e-mail me at for a copy
Work of LEFTRIDGE WILLIAM SHRADER , 1892-1977-Displayed on Two pages

"I, Karen EAGLE Moman, have taken artistic license, with the now famous,
work of
Leftridge William ‘Lef' Shrader, 1892-1977.
"Hero" Lef worked tirelessly and chronicled the history of the Shrader families of the
Tazewell, Bland, Wythe counties.
"Shero" Mary Hazel BANE Neal, born 1918. Hazel being a Mormon added greatly to our
We all owe them a debt of gratitude. THANK YOU

"Annotated by Karen EAGLE Moman, 1989
Fourteen P picture Collage

"This "Fourteen Shrader-Tabor-Day-Bandy Picture" collage was made in the 1950's for the late *Leftridge William "Lef" Shrader by Anna Ruth Bane, a professional photographer,
a sister of my Aunt Lena Mae (Bane) Shrader. (I have another collage that is
arranged in a different format with the wife of Elgan Whitley Tabor's wife, Octavia Zane
Tiller, added-They were the grandparents of Ann Ruth Bane & Mary Hazel BANE Neal).

"Pictured are six sons of :
Daniel King Shrader 1831-1887 & Jane (Brooks) Shrader,
d/o James Brooks & Mary "Polly" Asbury.

"Daniel King Shrader was the s/o James Britton Shrader b. abt 1805
Crockett's Cove, Taz., Co., VA-1889 & Mary "Polly" Day b.4 Sep 1806 Taz., Co., VA, d. 15
Apr 1879 Bishop, Taz., Co., VA.. James Britton Shrader s/o (John) Henry Shrader, Sr.,b.
abt 1767 MD-1848 Tazewell CO., VA. and second wife, Louisa Britton/Kennedy Shrader b.
abt. 1780-d. 1851 Tazewell Co., VA. Mary "Polly" Day d/o Daniel Day b. abt 1780 d. 1827 &
Christina Milam b.4 Jul 1784 Probably in Montgomery CO VA d. 2 Feb 1879. Daniel Day
s/o William Day ,Sr., b. abt. 1758 Charles City Co VA., d. 1821 Tazewell Co VA., &

*Elizabeth Margaret Waggoner b. abt Jan 1768. William Day, Sr., s/o Joshua Day b. abt
1730 & Lucy Ann Gibson b. abt 1730.

"James Russell T a b o r, Samuel Au g u s t u s Shrader, Francis Marion ‘Pet' Shrader
Thomas Richard Bandy, Elgan Whi tley T a b o r

*Elizabeth Margaret "Peggy" Waggoner d/o Adam "The Immigrant " Waggoner b. bef
1730 in Germany d. Mar 1786 Montgomery Co VA & First wife -name unknown. Elizabeth
Margaret Waggoner's marriage record gave her name as such. There was another
Elizabeth Waggoner in the same family. Middle name unknown of the second Elizabeth,
but she went by the name Elizabeth and Elizabeth Margaret "Peggy" Waggoner went by
the name "Peggy". Remember the German naming customs that were still used by
first and second generation German families. Usually all the female children, in one
family, might have the same first name which was a saints name and all the males might
have had the same first name also a saints name. These first names were usually dropped
after baptism.

"The top row, from left to right:
1. James Britton Shrader, II b. abt 1856 Tazewell Co., VA. Son of Daniel King Shrader
& Jane Brooks and grandson of James Britton Shrader, I. James Britton Shrader, II ,James Brittion Shrader, II, married Rebecca Jane Smith, b. abt. 1856, Russell Co., VA.

"2. Samuel Crockett Shrader, b. 1855 d. aft. 1920, s/o Daniel King Shrader & Jane
Brooks. Samuel married Mary Jane Davis.

"3. *Andrew Jackson Shrader, 1857, s/o Daniel King Shrader & Jane Brooks. Andrew
married Matilda Burress (sister to Cynthia Burress the wife of Geo. Frazier Shrader).
* Beware I have four Andrew Jackson Shrader's in my file and two were very close in

"4. John Fulton Shrader, 1859-1944, s/o Daniel King Shrader & Jane Brooks. John
married twice, first Nannie Elizabeth Helmandollar , second widow Mary Catherine
(Edmonds) [Asbury]. Mary's first husband was James Washington Asbury.
Picture directly under # 1, on top row:

"5. Albert Daniel Shrader, s/o Daniel King Shrader & Jane Brooks. Albert married
first Mary C. Helmandoller d/o Wm. H. Helmandollar & Virginia Cecil. Second he
married Mary "Mollie" Epperson d/o William Epperson & Frances A. Brown.
Rectangle picture in middle:

"6. John Henry Shrader, Jr., & Edith Bell/Belle Day, (John Henry Shrader, Jr.,
known as Henry Shrader, Jr., while his father, Henry Shrader was alive-perhaps after), b.
abt 1816 and d. 1889, s/o Henry Shrader, Sr. (Might have also been John Henry Shrader,
Sr., but no proof of such) & Louisa Britton/Kennedy. Edith Belle Day b. 188 d. 1886.
Picture under # 4 on top row:

"7. George Fraizer "Uncle Bud" Shrader, b. 1857, s/o Daniel King Shrader & Jane
Brooks. George married Cynthia Burress (sister of Matilda Burress-wife of Andrew
Jackson Shrader , they were the daughters of Wm. H. Burress & Sarah E. Pack,
granddaughters of John Burress & Mary and their maternal grandparents were John
Pack and his wife Matilda).
Rectangle picture, third from top-left side:

"8. William Lafayette Shrader & Anne/Annie Stowers, William L. Shrader b. 1877 ,
s/o Isaac Newton Shrader & Alpha Hounsell Lambert. (William L. Shrader was brother of
Joseph John Edward "John ED" Shrader # this picture). Isaac Newton Shrader s/o John
Lewis Shrader & Christina Epperson (Day) Shrader. No other data on Annie Stowers.
Rectangle picture -third from top right:

"9. *Joseph John Edward "John Ed" Shrader & Eva Maude Birch. "John Ed"
Shrader b. 1883. Lived in Peterstown, WV., in 1959. Eva M. Birch b. 1898.
* Not to be confused with the "John Ed" Shredder in the letter to Leftridge William "Lef"
Shrader and in the work of same. That "John Edd" Shrader was apparently Peter Shrader.

"Bottom Row-first on bottom left:
10. James Russell Tabor, b. 1834 d. 1910, s/o Richard Adam Tabor & Mildred Permelia
"Milly" Shrader, grandson of Henry Shrader, Sr., & *Louisa Britton/Kennedy., brother of
Elgin Whitley Tabor-this picture. James Russell Tabor married Martha Jane Havens d/o
Howard Havens & Dicy King.
* Older spelling Lauvisa/Louvisa
Second from left -bottom row:

"11. Samuel Augustus/August Shrader, b. 1837 d. 1920, s/o James Britton Shrader &
Mary "Polly" Day. Samuel married Sarah Angeline Brooks.
Third from left-bottom row:

"12. Francis Marion /Marion Francis "Pet" Shrader, b. 1856 d. 1919, s/o s/o John
Henry Shrader, Jr., & Edith Bell/Belle Day. "Pet" married Rachel Harmon d/o Elias
Vance "Ev" Harmon & Sarah "Sally" McGuire.
Fourth picture from left-bottom row:

"13. Thomas Richard Bandy b. abt 1829 ( I believe this to be the son of Thomas Bandy
and his first wife-he married second, Sarah "Sally" (Shrader) Woolridge , d/o Henry
Shrader Sr., & Louisa Britton/Kennedy. Thomas Richard Bandy married Eliza
Sayers/Sawyers b. abt 1843, d/o Jesse & Hannah Sayers/Sawyers.
Fifth from left -bottom row

"14. Elgan Whitley Tabor, b. 1853 d. 1933, s/o Richard Adam Tabor & Mildred Permelia
"Milly" Shrader, grandson of Henry Shrader, Sr., & Louisa Britton/Kennedy, brother of
James Russell Tabor this picture. Elgin married Octavia Zane Tiller.


Eliza Jane Hankins

1. Website; submitted by Karen EAGLE Moman; 5 Nov 2014.
" Eliza Jane “Hankins” Shrader
Birth 22 Feb 1896
Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Death 10 May 1982 (aged 86)
Bluefield, Mercer County, West Virginia, USA
Burial Cremated, Other
Memorial ID 138325952"

"Additional Information Posted:
"Eliza's place of Birth Listed as :
DIX CREEK, Tazewell Co VA. This name not listed as a choice.

"FHC Film #0034214 Film, Mormon Family History Center. 1998-1999, Tucson, AZ
Page 264 # 85
Tazewell Co VA, 8 May 1920
L. W. Shrader 28 single, a miner, b. Taz Co VA s/o Jno., F. & Nanie Shrader.
Eliza Hankins 24 single b. Taz Co VA d/o Geo. & Belle Hankins.
Married by G. M. Mithcell.
Both parties were living at War, WV.

# 231, Main Street, BIG CREEK DIST., Town of War, Mc Dowell Co., WV, Census read April 15, 1930.
Leftridge Shrader ...38, ..married at 28, b. abt 1891 in VA as were his parents, Head, White, War, McDowell, WV , Track Man/Coal Mine
Eliza Shrader ..........34 , married at 24 1895 , b. VA as were her parents Wife War, McDowell, WV
All children listed as born in West Virginia
Nannie B. Shrader ....8 1921 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Eva Shrader .............7 1922 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Ethel Shrader ......... ..5 1924 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Blanch Shrader ...... ..4Y 1M 1926 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Hazel Shrader ..........2Y 1M 1928 Daughter War, McDowell, WV
Mary L Shrader ......... 0Y 6M 1929 Daughter War, McDowell, WV

"In 1930:
At # 232 lived Samuel Perkins 35, wife Viola , Robert 5, Gloris 3Y 8 M, Alfred 1Y 6M
Nannie Perkins 75 MOTHER.
At # 230 lived William Hinkle 59 (Lumber Man? Lumber Co), Minnie (?) 49, Floyd, 20, Frances 15, Paul 13, Eloise 8

"I searched and found no find-a-grave for Eliza. If you know here she is buried .....PLEASE, share that with us, Thank you

Judith "Judy" Roe

1. Website; submitted by Jeanette; 30 May 2013.
" Judith “Judy” Roe Brooks
Birth 15 Dec 1937
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Columbia, USA
Death 19 May 2013 (aged 75)
East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois, USA
Fon du Lac Township Cemetery
East Peoria, Tazewell County, Illinois, USA
Memorial ID 111491499"

Additional Information Posted:
"Judith "Judy" Brooks, 75, of East Peoria passed away at 10:56 p.m. Sunday, May 19, 2013, at her home with her family by her side.

"She was born Dec. 15, 1937, in Washington, D.C., to Larry and Elizabeth (Youngman) Roe.

"Judy is survived by her children, Laurie Jo Hannon, Randy Hannon and Tommy Brooks, all of East Peoria; four grandchildren, Lesley (Greg) Howard, Brad (Tab) Cook, Joe (Liz) Loh-man and Dawn (Eric) Verci; five great-grandchildren, Lauren, Tobe, Jaxon, Jacie, and Xander; three brothers, Ronnie Roe, Dewey Roe and Gary Roe; two sisters, Nellie Douglas and Millie Moore; and her dear friend, Pat Eades.

"She was preceded in death by her first husband, Harold "Bud" Hannon in 1960; her second husband, Thomas "Bill" Brooks in 2005; her parents; one great-grandson, Darrien Cook; one brother, John Roe; and one sister, Dorie Sturgeon.

"Judy worked for the Midwest Kidney Center in Peoria and was a nanny for several years. She was a big supporter of the Disabled American Veterans.

"Judy enjoyed motorcycle riding, fishing, reading and anything that had to do with her family, friends and pets.

"She always had a smile for anyone she encountered.

"Burial will be at Fondulac Cemetery in East Peoria.

"Published in Peoria Journal Star on May 22, 2013"

Illona Elizabeth Hamro

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; By Geneva Steel, Tom
Hatcher, Christine C. McGuire and Sandra Long; "The William East Family"; Article; Page 141;
submitted by Angela East, Coalwood, WV 24824.
2. Tazewell Co, VA; Marriage License #78 002542; Web Site.
William Archie East age 24; born 28 Dec 1953 in VA; single; this is his 1st marriage; 4 yrs HS
education; living at Box 71, Warriormines, WV; son of Robert and Bessie (Dickerson) East; married
on 17 Jan 1977 in Tazewell, VA; Illona Elizabeth Childress; maiden name Hamro; age 25; born in
WV; divorced; this is her 2nd marriage; 2 yrs HS education; living at Box 55, Warriormines, WV;
daughter of Steve Milburn and Helen (Gall) Hamro.
3. Web Site; submitted by Rememberance; 22 Feb 2019.
"Illona Elizabeth Hamro East
Birth 14 Jul 1952
Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Death 10 Aug 2011 (aged 59)
Bluefield, Mercer County, West Virginia, USA
Burial Cremated, Specifically: No Cemetery"

Additional Information Posted:
"Illona Elizabeth East, age 59, of Baptist Valley, Virginia, passed away on August 10, 2011, at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. Born July 14, 1952, in Welch, WV she was the daughter of Helen Gall Hamro of Richlands, VA and the late Steve Hamro. Illona called West Virginia her home most of her life. She loved to decorate, plant flowers, go for long car rides and play with her grandchildren. She was always there to listen or lend a hand if needed. She will be sadly missed by all. Preceded in death in addition to her father, her beloved Uncle John Gall. Survivors include her husband of 34 years, William Archie East. Illona will be sadly missed by her four daughters, Tammy and husband, Darrin Butcher of Mount Hope, WV; Marsella and husband, Jimmy Lippert, of Myrtle Beach, SC; Tina Johnson and Jason Zeigler of Oakdale, PA and Angela and husband, Jackie Stamper of Coalwood, WV. One son: William (Boo) and wife Bernice East of Goldsboro, NC. One brother: Steve Hamro of Grundy, VA. Illona will be missed by her 11 grandchildren: Elise and Austin Butcher; Emily and Lindsey Lippert; Jordan, Noah and Illana Johnson; Brady and Tanner Stamper; and Annabella and Abram East. Memorial services will be conducted, Tuesday at 12:00 noon, August 16, 2011 from the Fanning Funeral Home Chapel in War, WV with Pastor Lawrence Hayes, officiating. Following the wishes of the deceased the body has been cremated."

Casper Doctor Cummings

1. Website; submitted by Jim Spencer; 5 Sep 2009.
" Casper Doctor “Dock” Cummings
Birth 2 Feb 1900
Virginia, USA
Death 13 Dec 1937 (aged 37)
Virginia, USA
Trent-Cummings Family Cemetery
Patrick Springs, Patrick County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 41575768"

Sallie Mae Koger

1. Website; submitted by Judy Poirier; 7 Jun 2012.
" Sallie Mae Koger Cummings
Birth 19 Mar 1900
Death 4 Oct 1990 (aged 90)
Patrick Springs, Patrick County, Virginia, USA
Trent-Cummings Family Cemetery
Patrick Springs, Patrick County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 91514297"