McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Leslie Payne Sr

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Nancy Wimmer Payne"; Article; Page 222; submitted by Geneva Steel; HC 61,
Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873.

Nancy Wimmer

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Nancy Wimmer Payne"; Article; Page 222; submitted by Geneva Steel; HC 61,
Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873.

Leslie Payne Jr

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Nancy Wimmer Payne"; Article; Page 222; submitted by Geneva Steel; HC 61,
Box 37-B, Paynesville, WV 24873.

Charlie Leander Lambert

1. Russell Co, VA; Marriage License #17648; Web Site.
Charlie Leander Lambert; age 21; born in Raven, VA; single; miner; living at Coalwood, WV; son of
J.L. amd Annie B. (Jones) Lambert; married on 2 Jun 1959 in Labanon, VA; Edith Viers Sykes;
maiden name, Viers; age 42; born in Russell Co, VA; divorced; one previous marriage; living at
Coalwood, WV; daughter of Larkin and Margaret (Ray) Viers.

Edith Lena Viars

1. Russell Co, VA; Marriage License #17648; Web Site.
Charlie Leander Lambert; age 21; born in Raven, VA; single; miner; living at Coalwood, WV; son of
J.L. amd Annie B. (Jones) Lambert; married on 2 Jun 1959 in Labanon, VA; Edith Viers Sykes;
maiden name, Viers; age 42; born in Russell Co, VA; divorced; one previous marriage; living at
Coalwood, WV; daughter of Larkin and Margaret (Ray) Viers.
2. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Edith Sykes
[Edith Lambert]
[Edith Shellenbarger]
[Edith Deck]
[Edith Viers]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 13 Jul 1916
Birth Place: Honaker Russ, Virginia
[Honaker Rus??, Virginia]
Death Date: 22 Jan 2001
Father: Larkin T Viers
Mother: Margett Ray
SSN: 234448180
Notes: Sep 1946: Name listed as EDITH SYKES;
Apr 1963: Name listed as EDITH LAMBERT;
Sep 1969: Name listed as EDITH SHELLENBARGER;
21 Apr 1982: Name listed as EDITH L DECK;
27 Mar 2001: Name listed as EDITH DECK"

Marion Gaines

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1957); Page 487; WV Archives Website.
Marion Gains; age 73; born in TN; widowed; Colored; living at Welch, WV; married on 14 Jul 1957
at Hemphill, WV; Roxie Mae Martin; age 46; born in Princeton, WV; widow; Colored; living in
Welch, WV.

Roxie Mae Martin

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1957); Page 487; WV Archives Website.
Marion Gains; age 73; born in TN; widowed; Colored; living at Welch, WV; married on 14 Jul 1957
at Hemphill, WV; Roxie Mae Martin; age 46; born in Princeton, WV; widow; Colored; living in
Welch, WV.

Shriley Couch

1. "The Heritage of McDowell Co, WV 1858-1995", Vol I, "Esley Couch"; article; Page 127; submitted
by Esley Couch, Box 642, Bradshaw, WV 24817.

George Garner

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1957); Page 12; WV Archives Website.
George Garner; age 23; born in Rockingham Co, NC; single; Colored; living at 163 Beech St, Welch,
WV; married on 17 Aug 1957 at Wilcoe, WV; Marian Elaine Graham; age 21 born and living in
Wilcoe, WV; single; collored.

Marian Elaine Graham

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1957); Page 12; WV Archives Website.
George Garner; age 23; born in Rockingham Co, NC; single; Colored; living at 163 Beech St, Welch,
WV; married on 17 Aug 1957 at Wilcoe, WV; Marian Elaine Graham; age 21 born and living in
Wilcoe, WV; single; collored.

Cora Mae Mitchell

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; taken 6 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 12; Dwelling #80.
Listed as Carmay Mitchell; age 11; born in WV; in household of father, Guy F. Mitchell.
2. Buchanan Co, Marriage License #66 032749; Website.
Curtis Brewster; age 27; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; never married; coal miner; living at Raysal,
WV; son of Frank and Kissie (Rowe) Brewster; married on 10 Sep 1966 in Grundy, VA; Cora Mae
Mitchell; age 27; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; never married; unemployed; living at Raysal, WV;
daughter of Guye Fred and Oakey Oma (Jones) Mitchell.
3. McDowell County, WV Genealogy & Family History; Facebook, Private Message; from Terry Brewster
"...My Mom Cora Mae Mitchell Brewster Blake she was born in Welch and grew up in McDowell County West Virginia as far as I know she was born December 20 1938 and died December 3 2000 her in Elkton Md and she is buried in Northeast Md beside my brother."
4, FindAGrave,com Website; submitted by Richard Wright; 22 Oct 2011; maintained by kmwebb.
" Cora Mae Mitchell Blake
Birth 20 Dec 1938
Death 3 Dec 2000 (aged 61)
Burial North East United Methodist Cemetery
North East, Cecil County, Maryland, USA
Plot Sed. 12, Lot 34
Memorial ID 79092865"

Dennis Darrell Mitchell

1, FindAGrave,com Website; submitted by Christopher Justus; 15 Nov 2015.
" Dennis D. Mitchell
Birth 11 Sep 1958
24 Jul 1987 (aged 28)
Baltimore County, Maryland, USA
Burial North East United Methodist Cemetery
North East, Cecil County, Maryland, USA Show Map
Memorial ID 155018750"

Roxie V. Moore

1. 1910 Census, Washington Co, VA; North Fork District; taken 30 Apr 1930; Page 181A; Image 17 of
18; Family #135/135.
Listed as Roxie Moore; age 4; born in VA; in household of father, William Moore.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1926); Page 256; WV Archives Web Site.
Clayton Bell; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; miner; living at Havaco, WV; son of John and
Virgie; married on __(no day listed) Jan 1926 at Havaco, WV; Roxie Moore; age 18; born in Smyth
Co, VA; single; daughter of William and Amanda, both deceased.
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Habaco; Gary/Welch Concrete Rd; taken 7 Apr 1930;
Page 9B; Image 18 of 26; Family #163/175.
Listed as Roxie Bell; age 22; born in VA; married at 17; in household of husband, Clayton Bell.
4. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Website.
"Name: Roxie V. Getz
Social Security Number: 234-32-6281
Birth Date: 6 Dec 1906
Issue Year: Before 1951
Issue State: West Virginia
Last Residence: 43068, Reynoldsburg, Franklin, Ohio, USA
Death Date: 8 Jul 1995"
5. Ohio, Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018; Website.
"Name: Roxie V Getz
[Roxie V Moore]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 88
Birth Date: 6 Dec 1906
Birth Place: Virginia, USA
Death Date: 8 Jul 1995
Death Hospital: Other/Nursing Home
Death Place: Columbus, Franklin, USA
Inquest Hospital: Long-Term Care Facilities
Registrar's Certificate Number: 061727
Father: Moore
Mother: McCracken
Inquest Questions: Time of Death: 10:55 AM
Education: 0
Military Service: No
Industry: Eating and drinking places
Occupation: Cooks"