1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #4132; WV Archives Web Site.
Lillian Harper Brown; age 42 yrs, 29 days; born 20 Mar 1903 in Chattanooga, TN; married; wife of John
Brown; Colored; daughter of Pete and ______ Harper; died 18 Apr 1945 in Welch, WV; from uremia due
to carcinoma of gastro-intestinal tract; buried 20 Apr 1945 in cemetery at Roderfield, WV; informant, Mrs.
Eva Mae Green; 650 Court Street, Welch, WV.
2. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 31 Jul 2014..
Lillian Harper Brown; born 20 Mar 1903; died 18 Apr 1945; buried here; headstone photo shown.
1. US Public Records Index, Vol #2; Ancestry.com Web Site.
Jerry Brown; born 6 Nov 1945; living at PO Box 610, Davy, WV 24828.
1. US Public Records Index, Vol #2; Ancestry.com Web Site.
Linda Brown; born 16 Nov 1947; living at PO Box 610, Davy, WV 24828.
1. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 2 Dec 2013.
Louis Manny Brown; born 14 Jan 1970; died 23 Jul 2005; buried here; triple headstone photo shown
with parents, Jerry and Linda Brown (both apparently living); "T.N.S. 24 LOVING SON AND FATHER"
1, McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '57 013189; WV Archives Web Site.
Ernest Edward Brown; age 40; born 28 Feb 1917 in Cumberland, KY; married; machine man in coal
mine; living at Coalwood, WV; SS# 404-09-6285; son of Ben and Nila (Hall) Brown; died 28 Oct 1957
in Grace Hospital, Welch, WV; from dissecting aneurysm; thoratic arota with ruptue into right pleural
cavity; buried 31 Oct 1957 in Iaeger Memorial, Roderfield, WV.
2. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 31 Dec 2013
Ernest Edward Brown; born 28 Feb 1916 (conflicts with death certificate); died 28 Oct 1957; buried here;
headstone and grave marker photos shown; "IN LOVING MEMORY".
1. Kentucky Birth Index, 1911-1999; Ancestry.com Web Site; Vol #116 (1920); Certificate #57657.
Nina E. Hatmaker; born 10 Oct 1920 in Knox Co, KY; mother, Tilda Campbell.
2. 1930 Census, Harlan Co, KY; District #2; Bailey Creek Settlement; taken on 11 Apr 1930; Page 29A;
Image 27 of 57; Family #239/252.
Listed as Nina Hatmaker; age 9; born in KY; in household of father, Perry Hatmaker.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Roderfield; E.D. 24-37; taken on 18/22
Apr 1940; Page 754A; Image 22 of 35; Household #158.
Listed as Nina Hatmaker; age 19; born in KY; single; 4 yrs HS education; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Perry Hatmaker.
4. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 31 Dec 2013.
Nina Hatmaker Brown; born 10 Oct 1920; died 15 Oct 1974; buried here; grave marker photo shown.
1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #14294; WV Archives Web Site.
Baby Girl Brown (Sara Jeanne Brown); age 19 hrs; born and died 26 Oct 1942 in Grace Hospital,
Welch, WV; parents, Ernest Brown, born in Cumberland, KY, and Nine E. Hatmaker Brown, born in
Wheeler, KY; parents living at Roderfield, WV; premature birth; buried 27 Oct 1942 in Iaeger Memorial,
1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage records; Vol #__(1934); Page 199; WV Archives Web Site.
John C. Brown; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Anawalt, WV; son of
M.F. and Minnie; married on 15 Jul 1934 at Superior, WV; Nollie England; age 18; born in McDowell
Co, WV; single; living at Hensley, WV; daughter of Thomas and Mary Jane;.
1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 12 Jan 1920; Page 218A;
Family #145/149.
Listed as Nollie S. England; age 10 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Thomas England.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Hensley; taken on 14 Apr 1930; Page 58B;
Family #393/411.
Listed as Nollie England; age 11; born in WV; in household of father, Thomas England.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage records; Vol #__(1934); Page 199; WV Archives Web Site.
John C. Brown; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Anawalt, WV; son of
M.F. and Minnie; married on 15 Jul 1934 at Superior, WV; Nollie England; age 18; born in McDowell
Co, WV; single; living at Hensley, WV; daughter of Thomas and Mary Jane;.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #7610; WV Archives Web Site.
Nollie Brown; age 30; born 6 Feb 1919 at Hensley, WV; married; housewife; living on Banks Street, Welch,
WV; daughter of Thomas and Mary Jane (Gibson) England; died 6 Jun 1949 in Welch Emergency
Hospital, Welch, WV; from static lymphaticus, circulatory collaspe, cardiac failure due to hyperttophic
diseased tonsils; buried 5 (sic, day before death) Jun (1949) in Iaeger Memorial.; informant, Mr. John Brown.
5. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 10 Dec 2013.
Nollie S. Brown; born 6 Feb 1919; died 3 Jun 1949 (conflicts with death certificate); buried here; gravemarker
photo shown; "IN LOVING MEMORY".
1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #19849; WV Aechives Web Site.
Rufus M. Brown; age 1 day; born 21 Jul 1963 and died 22 Jul 1963 in Grace Hsopital, Welch, WV;
Colored; infant child of Charles Edward and Gloria (Mitchell) Brown); torn tentorium cerrebelli with
hemorrhage, breech; term birth, living child; buried 16 (impossibel date) Jul 1963.
2. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
Kenneth Bowen; 14 Jan 2014.
Rufus M. Brown; born 21 Jul 1963; died 22 jul 1963; buried here; no photos shown.
1. Logan Co, WV; Marriage Registry; Vol #__(1898); Page 7; Line #25; WV Archives Web Site.
L.S. Browning; age 22; born in Logan Co, WV; single; farmer; living in Mingo Co, WV; son of James and
Mary (Harless) Browning; married on 23 Jun 1898 in Logan Co, WV; Ruth Johnson; age 25; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; single; living in Logan Co, WV; daughter of Chap Johnson and _____.
2. Lewis Co, WV; Death Certificate #14263; WV Archives Web Site.
Leander Scott Browning; age 76 yrs, 9 mons; bo16 feb 1876 at Verner, WV; married; retired miner and
farmer; son of unknown parents; residence formally at Ocenana, WV; died 11 Nov 1952 (sic, elswhere
on death certificate states Dr. attended until death at 3:45 pm on 16 Nov 1952); hospital stay was 5 mons,
25 days; from a cerebral hemorrhage; buried 19 Nov 1952 at Mullins, WV (sic, Iaeger Memorial, Roderfield)
3. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 14 Dec 2013.
Leander Scott Browning; born 16 Feb 1976; died 16 Nov 1952; buried here; headstone and grave marker
photos shown.
1. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Clear Fork Township, Sunhill P.O., Family 35.
Listed in household of father, Chapman Johnson.
2. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 784.
Sandy River Township, page 017.
Listed as Ruth C.L. Johnston, age 10, in household of father, Chapman L.
3. Logan Co, WV; Marriage Registry; Vol #__(1898); Page 7; Line #25; WV Archives Web Site.
L.S. Browning; age 22; born in Logan Co, WV; single; farmer; living in Mingo Co, WV; son of James and
Mary (Harless) Browning; married on 23 Jun 1898 in Logan Co, WV; Ruth Johnson; age 25; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; single; living in Logan Co, WV; daughter of Chap Johnson and _____.
4. Wyoming Co, WV; Death Certificate #12661; WV Archives Web Site.
Rutha Browning; age 66 yrs, 9 mons, 3 days; born 5 May 1870 in WV; married; wife of L.S. Browning;
living at Oceana, WV; daughter of Chapman and Elvina (Christian) Johnson (sic, Johnston); died 5 Feb
1937 at Oceana, WV; from mitral stenosis; buried 7 Feb 1937 at Roderfield, WV; informant, L.S. Browning.
5. FindAGrave .com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 16 Dec 2013.
Rutha Johnston Browning; born 5 May 1870; died 6 (sic, death certificate states 5) Feb 1937; buried here;
grave maker photo shown; "WIFE OF LEANDER SCOTT BROWNING".
1. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #12147; WV Archives Web Site.
Joe Browning; age 21 yrs, 3 mons, 9 days; born 1 Jun 1911 at Christian, WV; single; student; living at
Premier, WV; son of L.S. and Ruth (Johnston) (sic, Johnson) Browning; died 10 sep 1932 in Grace
Hospital, Welch, WV; from typhoid fever; buried 12 Sep 1932 at Roderfield, WV; informant, W.F. Woody,
Welch, WV.
2. FindAGrave.com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 14 Dec 2013.
Joe Browning; born 1 Jun 1911; died 10 Sep 1932; buried here; headstone and grave marker photos
1. 1900 Census, Claiborne Co, TN; 3rd Civil District; taken on 7 Jun 1900; Page 21A; Image 10 of 32;
Famil #89/91.
Listed as Karl E. Bruce; age 6; born in TN in May 1893; in household of maternal grandfather,
William M. Carr
2. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card # 1595; 5 Jun 1917; Ancestry.com Web Site.
Carl Bruce; age 23; born 25 Jul 1893 in Cumberland Gap, TN; miner; living at Capels, WV; employed
by Standard Poca Coal Co, Capels, WV; married; dependent wife and 2 children; tall with medium build;
brown eyes and brown hair.
3. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #U-59; 27 Apr 1942; Ancestry.com Web Site.
Carl Everett Bruce; age 48; born 25 Jul 1894 in TN; living at Roderfield, WV; Welch PO; electrician
for Kingston Poca Coal Co, Hemphill, WV; person who will always know address, Mrs. Melvina Bruce,
Welch, WV; 6' 2" tall; 225 lbs; brown eyes; brown hair; light complexion.
4. Cabell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1951); Page 10-B; WV Archives Web Site.
Carl Everett Bruce; age 58; married; electrician; unknown parents; died 28 Aug 1951 at Huntington,
WV; from a cerebral vascular accident.
5. FindAGrave .com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 1 Aug 2014.
Carl E. Bruce; born 25 Jul 1893; died 28 Aug 1951; buried here; double headstone photo shown with
wife Melvine.
1. FindAGrave .com Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 1 Aug 2014.
Melvine Bruce; born 12 May 1892; died 12 May 1954; buried here; double headstone photo shown with
husband, Carl E. Bruce.
1. Tennessee Marriages, 1796-1950; LDS Web Site.
J.M. Bruce; married on 1 Jun 1892 in Claiborne Co, TN; I. (sic, A) M. Carr.
1. Tennessee Marriages, 1796-1950; LDS Web Site.
J.M. Bruce; married on 1 Jun 1892 in Claiborne Co, TN; I. (sic, A) M. Carr.
1. 1900 Census, Claiborne Co, TN; 3rd Civil District; taken on 7 Jun 1900; Page 21A; Image 10 of 32;
Famil #89/91.
Listed as William A.. Bruce; age 5; born in TN in May 1895; in household of maternal grandfather,
William M. Carr