McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Woodrow Hall

4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol#__ (1933); Page 100; WV Archives Web Site.
Woodrow Hall; age 21; born in Wilkes Co, NC; singl;e miner; living at Algoma, WV; son of
W.M. and Maudie; married on 30 Sep 1933 at Crumpler, WV; Vida White; age 21 (sic, 18);
single; born in McDowell Co, WV; daughter of Rube and Chloe.

Vida A. White

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Cucumber; taken on 10/12 Jan 1920; Page 195A;
Family #144/155.
Listed as Vida A. White; age 5; born in WV; in household of father, Rupert R. White.
2. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 107A;
Family #316/316.
Listed as Vida White; age 14; born in WV; in household of father, Rupert R. White.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol#__ (1933); Page 100; WV Archives Web Site.
Woodrow Hall; age 21; born in Wilkes Co, NC; singl;e miner; living at Algoma, WV; son of
W.M. and Maudie; married on 30 Sep 1933 at Crumpler, WV; Vida White; age 21 (sic, 18);
single; born in McDowell Co, WV; daughter of Rube and Chloe.

Roby Bailey

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol#__ (1925); Page 299; WV Archives Web Site.
Roby Bailey; age 23; born in Mercer Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Crumpler, WV; son of
Greg? and Aggie Bailey; married on 22 Aug 1925 at Crumpler, WV; Nellie White; age 18;
born in McDowell Co, WV; single; daughter of Rupert and Cloe White.

Nellie C. White

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Cucumber; taken on 10/12 Jan 1920; Page 195A;
Family #144/155.
Listed as Nellie C. White; age 7; born in WV; in household of father, Rupert R. White.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol#__ (1925); Page 299; WV Archives Web Site.
Roby Bailey; age 23; born in Mercer Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Crumpler, WV; son of
Greg? and Aggie Bailey; married on 22 Aug 1925 at Crumpler, WV; Nellie White; age 18;
born in McDowell Co, WV; single; daughter of Rupert and Cloe White.

Charles McKinney

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #90.
Listed as Charles McKinney, age 5, born in 1894, in household of father,
William B. McKinney.
2. "Heritage of Wyoming Co, WV..." WGS, William Blackburn McKinney and Nancy
Elizabeth McKinney article, page 140.
Charles McKinney married Ollie White; was a barber in Mullens; children
were: Russell, Bulah (married _______Kingdon) and Elizabeth "Libby" (married
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 14 May 1910,
Page 209B, Family #237.
Listed as Charles McKinney, age 15, born in WV, in household of father,
William B. McKinney.
4. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Mullens; taken on 7 Apr 1930: Page 214B;
Image 24 of 34; Family #250/268.
Listed as Charles McKinney; age 35; born in WV; married at 26; barber; head of household.
5. Wyoming Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #U-964; 27 Apr 1942; Web Site.
Charles McKinney; age 47; born 7 Sep 1894 at Basin, WV; living at Mullens, Wyoming; self
employed; person who will always know address, Mrs. Ollie E. McKinney, Mullens, WV; 5'7" tall;
158 lbs; brown eyes; Black hair; dark complexion.
6. Social Security Death Index; Web Site.
Charles McKinney; born 7 Sep 1894; died in May 1987; last residence Mullens, Wyoming Co, WV;
SS# 236-52-0560; card issued in WV in 1951.

Ollie Ethel White

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 26 Apr 1910,
Page 198B, Family #53.
Listed as Ollie E. White, age 7, born in WV, in household of father, Rupert R. White.
2. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Northfork District; Cucumber; taken on 10/12 Jan 1920; Page 195A;
Family #144/155.
Listed as Ollie E. White; age 16; born in WV; in household of father, Rupert R. White.
3. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Mullens; taken on 7 Apr 1930: Page 214B;
Image 24 of 34; Family #250/268.
Listed as Ollie McKinney; age 26; born in WV; married at 17; in household of husband, Charles
4. Social Security Death Index; Web Site.
Ollie E. McKinney; born 18 Jan 1903; died 8 Apr 1993; last reseidence, Ashland, Greenup Co, KY;
SS#233-96-0458; card issued in WV in 1973.

Beulah McKinney

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Mullens; taken on 7 Apr 1930: Page 214B;
Image 24 of 34; Family #250/268.
Listed as Bula McKinney; age 8; born in WV; in household of father, Charles McKinney.

Russell McKinney

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Mullens; taken on 7 Apr 1930: Page 214B;
Image 24 of 34; Family #250/268.
Listed as Russell McKinney; age 4; born in WV; in household of father, Charles McKinney.

James Madison Miller

1. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Andrew Lewis Miller Article, page 142.
Madison Miller; born in 1881; died in 1952; married Matilda Hatfield
Among their children were: Roscoe, "Big Bill", who married Ella Mae Craig.
( I can not locate any marriege record for Matison or Madison Miller to Matilda
Jane Hatfield; however, there is a marriage to Matilda Rose in 1901, see Ref 5 below)
2. "Wyoming County Heritage" WGS, Luther Terry and Thelma Gladys Morgan
Miller Article, page 144, submitted by Josephine Miller.
Luther Terry Miller; son of Madison T. and Matilda Jane Hatfield Miller.
3. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga 1881.
Matison Miller was born on 11 Apr 1881 to A.L. and Susan Miller.
4. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Baileysville District, Family #2.
Listed as Matison Miller, age 19, in household of father, Andrew L. Miller.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1901); Page 474; WV Archives Web Site.
Madison Miller; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; farmer; living in Wyoming Co, WV;
son of Lewis and Susan; married on 30 May 1901 in McDowell Co, WV; Matilda Rose; age 20;
born in McDowell Co, WV; daughter of Albert and Emily.
6. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysvelle District, taken on 16 Apr 1910;
Page 185B, Family #42.
Listed as Matison Miller, age 27, born in WV, married 9 yrs, farmer, head of household.
7. Wyoming Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #241;Pineville, WV Draft Board; 12 Sep 1918.
Matison Miller; age 38; born on 14 Apr 1880; living at Baileysville, WV; farmer; nearest relative,
Matilda Miller, Baileysville, WV; tall with meiudm build; brown eyes and Black hair; rheumatism;
euric acid of the blood.
8. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co WV; Baileysville District; taken on 7 Jan 1920; Page 136B;
Family #35/36.
Listed as Mattison Miller; age 38; born in WV; married; farmer; head of household.
9. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Baileysville District, taken on 14 Apr 1930, Page 82B, Family #185.
Listed as Matison Miller, age 49, born in WV, married at 20, truck farmer, head of household.
10. 1940 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysville District; E.D. 55-1; taken on 30 Apr 1940; Page 12A;
Image 23 of 45; Household #163.
Listed as Madison Miller; age 59; born in WV; married; 5th grade education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935; farmer; head of household.
11. Wyoming Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #1449; Apr 1942.
Matison Miller; age 61; born on 14 Apr 1881 in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville, WV;
employed by Marianna Coal Co, Marianna, Wyoming Co, WV; person who will always know
address, Matilda Miller, Baileysville, WV.
12. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1943); Page 64; WV Archives Web Site.
Matison Millerage 62; born in Wyoming Co, WV; widowed; living at Baileysville, WV;
son of A.L. and Susan Miller; married on 16 Jan 1943 ay Mill Creek, Wyoming Co, WV;
Sarah Rife; age 21; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; living at Hanover, WV; daughter of
Dave and Martha Riffe.

Sarah Alico Riffe

1. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1943); Page 64; WV Archives Web Site.
Matison Millerage 62; born in Wyoming Co, WV; widowed; living at Baileysville, WV;
son of A.L. and Susan Miller; married on 16 Jan 1943 ay Mill Creek, Wyoming Co, WV;
Sarah Rife; age 21; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; living at Hanover, WV; daughter of
Dave and Martha Riffe.

Chloe Neely

1. 1930 Census, Harlan Co, KY; District #2; Frozen; taken on 2 Apr 1930; Page 16A; Image 1 of 58;
Family #2/2.
Listed as Chloie Nelly; age 3 yrs, 3 mons; born in KY; in household of father, Roy Neely.
2. 1940 Census, Lee Co, VA; Rocky Station District; Bonny Blue Mining Camp; E.D. 53-9; taken on 24
1940; Page 140A; Image 31 of 145; Household #240.
Listed as Chloe Neely; age 13; born in KY; 3rd grade education; attending school; lived in Hazard
KY on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Roy Neely.
3. Wise Co, VA; Marriage License #40508; Web Site.
Lawrence B. Wells; age 31; born in KY; miner; living at Stonega, VA; son of William and Alvie
(Weaver) Wells; married on 5 Dec 1947 at Appalachia, VA; Chloe Neely; age 20; born in KY; single;
living at Stonega, VA; daughter of Roy and Ruby (Shepherd) Neely.
4. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Chloe Neeley
[Chloe Wells]
[Chloe Brewer]
[Chloe Adams]
[Chloe Neely]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 10 Feb 1927
Birth Place: Evarts Harla, Kentucky
[Everts Harla??, Kentucky]
Death Date: 9 Feb 1994
Father: Roy Neely
Mother: Ruby Shepherd
SSN: 225322975
Notes: Jan 1945: Name listed as CHLOE NEELEY; Sep 1959: Name listed as CHLOE WELLS; Jun 1962: Name listed as CHLOE NEELEY BREWER; 01 Jul 1976: Name listed as CHLOE ADAMS"

Wilson Alexander Paynter

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, Oceana District, taken on 19 Apr 1910, Page 263A, Family #69.
Listed as Wilson Paynter, age 7, born in WV, in household of father, James N. Painter.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, Oceana District, taken on 25/26 Jan 1920, Page 241A, Family #277.
Listed as Wilson Paynter, age 18, born in WV, in household of father, James N. Painter.
3. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1922); Page 251; WV Archives Web Site.
Wilson Paynter; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Hanover, WV; son of J.N. Paynter;
married on 9 Jul 1922 at residence of J.H.E. Ellis; Elsie Lester; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV;
living at Hanover, WV; daughter of J.A.J. and India Lester.
4. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, Huff Creek District, taken on 18 Apr 1930, Page 181B, Family #118.
Listed as Wilson Paynter, age 27, born in WV, married at 19, coal miner, head of household.
5. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1947); Page 497; WV Archives Web Site.
Wilson Paynter; age 44; born in Cyclone, WV; widowed; living at Hanover, WV; son of James M.
(sic, N.) and Cordelia Paynter; married on 6 Sep 1947 at Big Four, WV; Pearl Day; age 44; born in
McDowell Co, WV; widow; living at Marianna, WV; daughter of Matison and Matilda Miller.
6. Website; submitted by Patty Greene; 27 May 2008.
"Wilson Alexander Paynter
Birth 2 Dec 1902
Wyoming County, West Virginia, USA
Death 20 Apr 1980 (aged 77)
Volusia County, Florida, USA
Burial Palm Memorial Gardens
Matheny, Wyoming County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 27127633"

Additional Information Posted:
"Son of James Nelson Paynter (1868-Deceased) & Cordella J. Bailey-Paynter (1871-1909) (per WV Register of Births, Wyoming County, WV, 1902, Page 57, Record 739).

"Brother of Lorenzo Dow Paynter (1887-1963), Calhoun Paynter (1888-1944), Ella M. Paynter (1892-Deceased), Elery Paynter (1894-Deceased), Wayne Paynter (1896-1985), Nelson Paynter (1899-Deceased), Lacy Paynter (1906-Deceased), & Kenna Creed Paynter (1908-Deceased).

"Married to Elsie Lester-Paynter (1902-1947) on July 9, 1922 in Wyoming County, WV (per WV Marriage License Register, Wyoming County, WV, 1922, Page 251, Application Date: July 5, 1922).

"Father of Luna Pearl Paynter-Cline (1923-2012), James "Jim" Paynter (1924-Deceased), Trula Bea Paynter-Riffe (1926-Deceased), Theodore Paynter (1929-1951), Eunice Paynter (1933-1948), Betty Ann Paynter (1934-2008), Agnes Adelene "Addie" Paynter-Riffe (1937-2013), & Rev. Alton W. Paynter (1939-1991).

"Also married to LouEmma "Pearl" Miller-Day-Paynter (1903-1965) on September 6, 1947 in Big Four, Wyoming County, WV (per WV Marriage License Register, Wyoming County, WV, 1947, Page 497, Application Date: September 2, 1947).

"Also married to Ada Frances Adams-Paynter (1901-Deceased) on February 11, 1966 in Baileysville, Wyoming County, WV (per WV Marriage License Register, Wyoming County, WV, 1966, Page 347, Application Date: February 1, 1966)."

Louemma Pearl Miller

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysvelle District, taken on 16 Apr 1910; Page 185B, Family #42.
Listed as Veacher Miller, age 7, born in WV, in household of father,Madison Miller.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co WV; Baileysville District; taken on 7 Jan 1920; Page 136B;
Family #35/36.
Listed as Pearl Miller; age 16; born in WV; in household of father, Matison T. Miller.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1922); Page 352; WV Archives Web Site.
Alex Day; age 20; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; guard; living at Kimball, WV; son of M.M. and C.J.;
married on 26 Jul 1922 at Welch, WV; Louemma Pearl Miller; age 19; born in Wyoming Co, WV;
single; daughter of Madison and Matilda.
4. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 22 Apr 1930; Page 117A;
Family #542/561.
Listed as Pearl Day; age 27; born in WV; married at 19; in household of husband, Alexander D. Day.
5. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Maitland; E.D. 24-41; Page 813B; Image 30
of 36; Household #9.
Listed as Pearl Day; age 37; born in WV; widow; 8th grade education; lived in same house on 1 Apr
1935; farmer; owns farm; head of household.
6. Web Site, Narcissa Cole search, 21 Sep 2001, submitted by
Alexander Day; born in 1902 in McDowell Co, WV; died on 12 Sep 1937 in
McDowell Co, WV; married (________) Miller.
7. Web Site, Alexander Day search, 6 Dec 2002, submitted by
Gerland Hay,
Alexander Dewey Day; born on26 Feb 1902 in McDowell Co, WV; died on 15 Sep 1937
in McDowell Co, WV; son of Malcolm Malachai and Charlotte Jane Milam Day;
married Louennua (sic, Louemma?)Pearl Miller on 26 Jul 1922 at Welch, McDowell Co, WV.
8. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1947); Page 497; WV Archives Web Site.
Wilson Paynter; age 44; born in Cyclone, WV; widowed; living at Hanover, WV; son of James M. (sic, N.)
and Cordelia Paynter; married on 6 Sep 1947 at Big Four, WV; Pearl Day; age 44; born in McDowell Co, WV;
widow; living at Marianna, WV; daughter of Matison and Matilda Miller.
9. Florida Death Index, 1877-1998;
Pearl Louemma Paynter; died in Nov 1965 in Bevard Co, FL.

William Roscoe "Bill" Miller

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co WV; Baileysville District; taken on 7 Jan 1920; Page 137A;
Family #35/36.
Listed as Roscoe Miller; age 4 yrs, 11 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Matison T. Miller.
2. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Baileysville District, taken on 14 Apr 1930, Page 82B, Family #185.
Listed as Roscoe Miller, age 14, born in WV, in household of father, Madison T. Miller.
3. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1934); Page 215; WV Archives Web Site.
Roscoe Miller; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville, WV; son of Mattison and
Matilda Miller; was issued a license to marry on 6 Jan 1934 in Wyoming Co, WV; Bessie Allen;
age 22; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville, WV; daughter of Lee and Emma Allen;
no return by minister.
4. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1935); Page 63; WV Archives Web Site.
Bill Miller; age 21; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living in Baileysville, WV; son of Mattison and
Matilda Miller; married on 26 May 1935 at Baileysville, WV; May Craigs; age 21; born in Wyoming
Co, WV; living at Baileysville, WV; daughter of Anna Craig.
5. 1940 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysville District; E.D. 55-1; taken on 30 Apr 1940; Page 12A;
Image 23 of 45; Household #164.
Listed as Roscoe Miller; age 24; born in WV; married; 8th grade education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935; coal miner; head of household.
6. Raleigh Co, WV; Death Certificate #'68 003017; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
Roscoe Miller; age 51; born 20 Feb 1916 in WV; married; husband of Mae Craig; retired coal miner;
living at Brenton, WV; son of Madison and Matilda Jane (Hatfield) Miller; died 13 Feb 1968 in the
Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital, Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV; from a cerebral thrombosis or embolis
due to acute myocardial infarction with coronary artery disease; diabetes millitus; buried 15 Feb 1968 in
Miller Cemetery, Brenton, WV; informant, Mrs. Mae Miller, Brenton, WV.
7. Social Security Death Index; Web Site.
Roscoe Miller; born on 20 Feb 1916 ; died in Feb 1968; living at Brenton, Wyoming Co, WV at death;
card issued in WV before 1951.

Bessie Allen

1. Web Site, George Morgan Search, 8 Jun 2002, submitted by
Joel Hager,
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Baileysville District, taken on 5/6 Jan 1920, Page 136A, Family #24.
Listed as Bessie Allen, age 3 yrs, born in WV, in household of father, Andrew Lee Allen.
3. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Baileysville District, taken on 12 Apr 1930, Page 81A, Family #166.
Listed as Bessie Allen, age 14, born in WV, in household of father, Andrew Lee Allen.
4. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1934); Page 215; WV Archives Web Site.
Roscoe Miller; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville, WV; son of Mattison and
Matilda Miller; was issued a license to marry on 6 Jan 1934 in Wyoming Co, WV; Bessie Allen;
age 22; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville, WV; daughter of Lee and Emma Allen;
no return by minister.
5. 1940 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysville District; E.D. 55-1; taken on 2 May 1940; Page 15B;
Image 30 of 45; Household #221.
Listed as Bessie Allen; age 23; born in WV; single; 8th grade education; lived in same house on
1 Apr 1935; waitress in boarding house; in household of father, Andrew Lee Allen.
6. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Bessie R. Omer; born on 21 Jun 1916; died on 2 Oct 1916; living at Liberty Park, Spokane Co, WA at death.

Okey Marvin Miller

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysvelle District, taken on 16 Apr 1910;
Page 186A, Family #49.
Listed as Okey Miller, age 5, born in WV, in household of father, Peter
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Baileysville District, taken 9 Jan 1920, Page 137A, Family #39.
Listed as Okey Miller, age 13, born in WV, in household of father, Peter Miller.
3. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Okey M. Miller; born on 25 Dec 1906; died on 1 Nov 1987; buried in Miller Cemetery, Brenton,
Wyoming Co, WV.
4. Web Site; Miller Cemetery, Brenton, Wyoming Co, WV; submitted by Patty Greene;
13 Apr 2006.
Okey M. Miller; born 25 Dec 1906; died 1 Nov 1987; buried here; headstone shown.
"Son of Peter "Pete" Miller (1876-1930) & Nancy "Nannie" Morgan Miller (1879-1941).

"Brother of Charles Miller (1902-1923), Bud Miller (1904-1984), Icy Miller (1909-Deceased), Lawrence Miller (1914-Deceased), Clarence Miller (1916-1968), Myrtle Miller (1920-2003), & Ruby Miller (B. 1922).

"Married to Gladys "Belle" Webb-Miller (1908-1973) on May 28, 1925 in Baileysville, Wyoming County, WV (per WV Marriage License Register, Wyoming County, WV, 1925, Page 213, Application Date: May 28, 1925).

"Father of Paul Junior Miller (1927-1953).

"Family links:
Peter Miller (1876 - 1930)
Nancy Morgan Miller (1879 - 1941)

Gladys Belle Webb Miller (1908 - 1973)

Paul Junior Miller (1927 - 1953)*

Charles Miller (1902 - 1923)*
Okey M. Miller (1906 - 1987)
Clarence Miller (1916 - 1968)*..."

Gladys Belle Webb

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Center District, taken on 13/14/15 Jan 1920,
Page 189A, Family #5.
Listed as Glayds B.? Webb, age 10, born in WV, in household of father, J.
Frank Webb.
2. Web Site; Miller Cemetery, Brenton, Wyoming Co, WV; submitted by Patty Greene;
7 Apr 2006.
Gladys Belle Webb Miller; born 22 Aug 1908; died 12 Nov 1973; buried here; headstone shown.
"Daughter of Frank Miller (sic, Webb) (Deceased)

"Married to Okey Miller (1906-1987) on May 28, 1925 in Baileysville, Wyoming County, WV (per WV Marriage License Register, Wyoming County, WV, 1925, Page 213, Application Date: May 28, 1925).

"Father (sic, mother) of Paul Junior Miller (1927-1953).

"Family links:
Okey M. Miller (1906 - 1987)*

Paul Junior Miller (1927 - 1953)*..."

Floyd Bartley

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Center District; taken on 26 Jun 1900; Page 238A; Family #205/208.
Listed as Floyd Bartley; age 16; born in May 1884 in WV; boarder; farm laborer; in household of
Ballard Byrd.
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 5 may 1910; Page 291B, Family # 218.
Listed as Floyd Bartley, age 24, born in WV, married less than one yr, laborer, head of household.
3. Wyoming Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #641; Pineville, WV Draft Board; 12 Sep 1918.
Floyd Bartley; age 32; born on 20 Apr 1886; living at Pineville, Wyoming Co, WV; farmer; self employed
nearest relative, Viola Bartley, Pineville, WV; medium height and build; gray eyes and Black hair.
4. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1926); Page 428; WV Archives Web Site.
Floyd Bartley; age 40; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Tipple, WV; son of_______; married
on 17 Aug 1926 at Mullens, WV; Eliza Miller; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville,
WV; daughter of ________>

Eliza M. Miller

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysvelle District, taken on 16 Apr 1910;
Page 186A, Family #48.
Listed as Eliza Miller, age 5, born in WV, in household of grandfather,
Andrew L. Miller, with parents.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Baileysville District, taken on 9 Jan 1920, page 137A, Family #38.
Listed as Lizze M. Miller, age 14, born in WV, in household of mother, Jane Rose Lester Miller.
3. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1926); Page 428; WV Archives Web Site.
Floyd Bartley; age 40; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Tipple, WV; son of_______; married
on 17 Aug 1926 at Mullens, WV; Eliza Miller; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Baileysville,
WV; daughter of ________>

James Edward Collins

1. 1930 Census, Boone Co, WV, Crook District, taken on ?? Apr 1930, Page 9A, Family #9.
Listed as James E. Collins, age 1 yr, 2 months, born in WV, in household of father, Snoden Collins.
2. 1940 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Baileysville District; Double Camp of Bartley; E.D. 55-1; taken on 2
May 1940; Page 15A; Image 29 of 45; Household #217.
Listed as Edard Collins; age 10; born in WV; 3rd grade education; lived in McDowell Co,
WV on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Snowden Collins.
3. Monroe Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1949); Page 262; WV Archives Web Site.
James Collins; age 22; born at Whorton, WV; living at Gap Mills, WV; son of Snoden and
Ila Collins; married on 19 May 1949 at Union, WV; Ora Virginia Angle; age 21; born at
Herndon, WV; living at Gap Mills, WV; daughter of Hugh and Mary Angle.
4. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries;
James E. Collins; born in 1929; died in 1995; buried in Beavers Cemetery, Baileysville, Wyoming Co,
5. Social Security Death Index.
James E. Collins; born on 7 Feb 1929; died on 4 Mar 1995; living at Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV at

Ora Virginia Angle

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 9 Apr 1930; Page 116B;
Image 12 of 56; Family #110/110.
Listed as Ora Angle; age 8 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Hugh D. Angle.
2. 1940 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; E.D. 55-4; taken on 9 May 1940; Page
91B; Image 40 of 54; Household #330.
Listed as Ora Angle; age 11; born in WV; 3rd grade education; attending school; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Hugh D. Angle.
3. Monroe Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1949); Page 262; WV Archives Web Site.
James Collins; age 22; born at Whorton, WV; living at Gap Mills, WV; son of Snoden and
Ila Collins; married on 19 May 1949 at Union, WV; Ora Virginia Angle; age 21; born at
Herndon, WV; living at Gap Mills, WV; daughter of Hugh and Mary Angle.