McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Jsoeph M. Storto

1. US Public Records Index, Vol 1; Web Site.
Joseph M. Stroto; born 3 Feb 1920; living at 4 Roberts Path, Glencoe, MD 21152 in 1993.

Hannah M. Baldridge

1. 1940 Census, Fayette Co, WV; Fayetteville District; E.D. 10-19; taken on 7 May 1940; Page 434A;
Image 7 of 14; Household #52.
Listed as Hannah Baldridge; age 9; born in WV; 3rd grade education; attending school; lived in
same place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Herbert Baldridge.
2. US Public Records Index, Vol 1; Web Site.
Hannah M. Stroto; born 16 Dec 1930; living at 4 Roberts Path, Glencoe, MD 21152.

Herbert Baldridge

1. 1910 Census, Carter Co, KY; District 7; Geigerville; taken on 18 Apr 1910; Page 154A; Image 3 of
26; Family #21/21.
Listed as Herbert Baldridge; age 6; born in KY; in household of father Jack Baldridge.
2. 1920 Census, Carter Co, KY; District 7; Rush Precinct; taken on 21 Jan 1920; Page 212B; Image
14 of 22; Family #131.
Listed as Hubbard Baldridge; age 17; born in KY; farm laborer in household of father, Jack
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 24 Apr 1930; Page 218A; Image
51 of 75; Family #452/469.
Listed as Herbert Baldridge; age 26; born in KY; married at 16; machine man in coal mine; head of
4. 1940 Census, Fayette Co, WV; Fayetteville District; E.D. 10-19; taken on 7 May 1940; Page 433B;
Image 6 of 14; Household #52.
Listed as Herbert Baldridge; age 36; born in KY; married; 8th grade education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; coal miner; head of household.
5. Ashland, KY Newspaper; Herbert Baldridge Obituary; July 1998.
"Herbert Baldridge, 94 of Baltimore, Md, formaly of Ashland, widower of Talitha Reeves Baldridge,
and Ruby Reeves Burton Baldridge died Saturday in Baltimore. Survivors include two daughters,
Hannah Storto and Juanita Connell, both of Baltimore; one son, Clyde Baldridge of Baltimore; one
sister, Grace Valentine of Ashland; and two step-daughters, Beulah Holbrook of Flatwoods and
Phyllis Parsons of Ashlands. Funeral 11 a.m. Tuesday at Miller Funeral Home; burial in Rose Hil Burial
6. Social Security Death Index; Ancestry.som Web Site.
Herbert Baldridge; born 2 Nov 1903; died 4 Jul 1998; last residence, Baltimore, Baltimore Co, MD;
SS #235-09-5685; card issued in WV before 1951.
7. Web Site; Rose Hill Burial Park and Mausoleum; Ashland, Boyd Co, KY; submitted
by Emily; 15 Oct 2011.
Herbert Baldridge; born in 1903; died in 1998; buried here.

Andrew Jackson "Jack" Baldridge

1. Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979; LDS Web Site.
Jackson Baldridge; age 20; married on 30 Sep 1895 in Carter Co, KY; Susan Pink; age 21.
2. 1900 Census, Cater Co, KY; District 7; taken on 11 Jun 1900; Page 184B; Image 36 of 68;
Family #307/313.
Listed as Andrew J. Baldridge; age 23; born in Feb 1877 in KY; married 4 yrs; farmer; head of
3. 1910 Census, Carter Co, KY; District 7; Geigerville; taken on 18 Apr 1910; Page 154A; Image 3 of
26; Family #21/21.
Listed as Jack Baldridge; age 35; born in KY; married once for 14 yrs; farmer; head of household.
4. 1920 Census, Carter Co, KY; District 7; Rush Precinct; taken on 21 Jan 1920; Page 212B; Image
14 of 22; Family #131.
Listed as Jack Baldridge; age 47; born in KY; married; farmer; head of household.

Susan Pink

1. Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979; LDS Web Site.
Jackson Baldridge; age 20; married on 30 Sep 1895 in Carter Co, KY; Susan Pink; age 21.
2. 1900 Census, Cater Co, KY; District 7; taken on 11 Jun 1900; Page 184B; Image 36 of 68;
Family #307/313.
Listed as Susan Baldridge; age 21; born in Mar 1879 in KY; married 4 yrs; 2 children, both living;
in household of husband, Andrew J. Baldridge.
3. 1910 Census, Carter Co, KY; District 7; Geigerville; taken on 18 Apr 1910; Page 154A; Image 3 of
26; Family #21/21.
Listed as Susan Baldridge; age 35; born in KY; married once for 14 yrs; 5 children, all living;
washer woman; in household of husband, Jack Baldridge.
4. 1920 Census, Carter Co, KY; District 7; Rush Precinct; taken on 21 Jan 1920; Page 212B; Image
14 of 22; Family #131.
Listed as Susan Baldridge; age 45; born in KY; married; in household of husband, Jack Baldridge.

Alden Reeves

1. Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979; LDS Web Site.
Alden Rwwvws; age 23; son of E.S, and Esther (Williams) Reeves; married on 17 Jun 1903 in
Carter Co, KY; Olga Holbrooks; age 17; daughter of daughter of Cornielus holbrooks and ____
2. 1910 Census, Boyd Co, KY; District 4; Lower Ashland; taken on 12 May 1910; Page 158B; Image
47 of 49; Family #451/457.
Listed as Alden Reeves; age 30; born in KY; married once for 7 yrs; laborer in steel plant; head of

Olga Holbrook

1. Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979; LDS Web Site.
Alden Rwwvws; age 23; son of E.S, and Esther (Williams) Reeves; married on 17 Jun 1903 in
Carter Co, KY; Olga Holbrooks; age 17; daughter of daughter of Cornielus holbrooks and ____
2. 1910 Census, Boyd Co, KY; District 4; Lower Ashland; taken on 12 May 1910; Page 158B; Image
47 of 49; Family #451/457.
Listed as Olgie Reeves; age 28; born in KY; married once for 7 yrs; 4 children, all living; in household
of husband, Alden Reeves.

Sarah Mary Riffe

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek District, taken on 27 Apr 1910, Page 254B, Family #81.
Listed as Mary Riffe, age 7, born in WV, in household of father, Moses C. Riffe.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huff Creek District, taken on 2 Jan 1920, Page 216A , Family #7.
Listed as Sarah M. Riffe, age 17, born in WV, in household of father, Moses C. Riffe.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 21; WV Archives Web Site.
Charlie Walker; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; lumberman; living at Iaeger, WV; son of
Lon and Vinie; married on 29 Mar 1921 at Iaeger, WV; Sarah Riffe; age 21; born in Wyoming Co,
WV; single; daughter of Mose and Alice.