McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Charles B. Dixon

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Marytown; taken on 24 Jan 1920; Page
227B; Image 11 of 11; Family #298/301.
Listed as Charley Dixon; age 16; born in WV; in household of father, John B. Dixon.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #--(1925); Page 357; WV Archives Web Site.
Charlie Dixon; age 21; born in Mercer Co, WV; single; miner; living at Roderfield, WV; son of
John and Lou; married on 17 Sep 1925 at Roderfield, WV; annie Dye; age 16; born in Russell
Co, VA; single; daughter of W.E. and Mollie.
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 29 Apr 1930; Page 224A;
Image 63 of 75; Family #561.
Listed as Charley Dixon; age 23; born in WV; married at 18; loader in coal mine; head of
4. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764A; Image 7 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Charles B. Dickson; age 36; born in WV; married; 6th garde education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; runs motor in coal mine; in household of brother, Herbert L. Dixon, with
5. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'57 003306; WV Archives Web Site.
Charles Dixon; age 52; born 1 Feb 1905 at Bluefield, WV; married; living at Hensley, WV; son of
John B. and Lou (Craft) Dixon; died 24 Feb 1957 in Grace Hospital, Welch, WV; from acute
coronary occlusion with myocardial infarction due to coronary arteriosclerosis; buried 26 Feb 1957
in Iaeger Memorial , Roderfield, WV.
6. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
B. Walls; 24 Feb 2014.
Charles B. Dixon; born in 1904 (sic 1 Feb 1905 per death certificate; died in 1957; buried here; headstone
photo shown.

Anna Dye

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #--(1925); Page 357; WV Archives Web Site.
Charlie Dixon; age 21; born in Mercer Co, WV; single; miner; living at Roderfield, WV; son of John
and Lou; married on 17 Sep 1925 at Roderfield, WV; annie Dye; age 16; born in Russell Co, VA;
single; daughter of W.E. and Mollie.
2. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 29 Apr 1930; Page 224B;
Image 64 of 75; Family #561.
Listed as Anna Dixon; age 19; born in VA; married at 14; father born in Montana, mother in
Oklahoma; in household of husband, Charles B. Dixon.

Charles B. Dixon Jr

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 29 Apr 1930; Page 224B;
Image 64 of 75; Family #561.
Listed as Charles Dixon, Jr; age 2 yrs, 5 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Charles B. Dixon.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764A; Image 7 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Charles Dickson, Jr; age 14; born in WV; 7th garde education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of uncle, Herbert L. Dixon, with father, Charles B. Dixon.

Everett Gene Dixon

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 29 Apr 1930; Page 224B;
Image 64 of 75; Family #561.
Listed as Evertt J. Dixon; age 1; born in WV; in household of father, Charles B. Dixon.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Everett Gene Dickson; age 12; born in WV; 5th garde education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of uncle, Herbert L. Dixon, with father, Charles B. Dixon.

Greta Lou Dixon

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Greta Lou Dickson; age 10; born in WV; 4th garde education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of uncle, Herbert L. Dixon, with father, Charles B. Dixon.

Waverly Jane Dixon

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Waverly Jane Dickson; age 7; born in WV; 2nd garde education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of uncle, Herbert L. Dixon, with father, Charles B. Dixon.

Janice Sue Dixon

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Janice Sue Dickson; age 5; born in WV; no education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of uncle, Herbert L. Dixon, with father, Charles B. Dixon.

Jesse Alderson Blankenship

1. McDowell Co, WV; Birth Registry; Vol #__(1906); Page 9; Line 38; WV Archives Web Site.
Jesse A. Blankenship; born 28 May 1906 in McDowell Co, WC; to Moses and E. A. reported by
Moses Blankenship, father.
2. 1930 Census, Perry Co, KY; Hazard District; Harlburly; taken on 7 Apr 1930; Page 181A; Image 14
of 38; Family #132/141.
Listed as Alderson Blankenship; age 23; born in WV; married at 19; trackman in coal mine; head of

Allie Fuller

1. 1930 Census, Perry Co, KY; Hazard District; Harlburly; taken on 7 Apr 1930; Page 181A; Image 14
of 38; Family #132/141.
Listed as Allie Blankenship; age 23; born in WV; married at 19; in household of husband, Jesse
A. Blankenship.

James Leslie Daugherty

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records, Vol #__(1952); Page 8; WV Archives Web Site.
James Leslie Dority; age 21; born in Sterns, KY; single; living at Roderfield, WV; married on 7 Jun
1952 at Hatcher, WV; Joyce Lee Dixon; age 18; born in Premier, WV; single; living at Oceana, WV.

Joyce Lee Dixon

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764A; Image 7 of 10; Household #54.
Listed as Joyce Lee Dickson; age 6; born in WV; no education; lived at same place
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Herbert L. Dixon.
2. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 4 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 9; Dwelling #65.
Listed as Joyce Lee Dickson; age 16; born in WV; in household of father, Herbert Lee Dixon.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records, Vol #__(1952); Page 8; WV Archives Web Site.
James Leslie Dority; age 21; born in Sterns, KY; single; living at Roderfield, WV; married on 7 Jun
1952 at Hatcher, WV; Joyce Lee Dixon; age 18; born in Premier, WV; single; living at Oceana, WV.

Warren Davy Clay

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; Coalwood; taken on 13 Jan 1920; Page 9B;
Image 17 of 39; Family #49/153.
Listed as Warren Clay; age 12; born in KY; in household of father, Forrest Clay.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1927); Page 5; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Clay; age 21; born in Carter Co, KY; single; miner; living at Premier, WV; son of Forest and
Essie; married on 25 Apr 1927 at Welch, WV; Bertha Smith; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV;
single; living at Maitland, WV; daughter of J.B. and Martha Smith.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #55.
Listed as Warren Clay; age 31; born in KY; married; 1 yr HS education; lived in same place on 1 Apr
1935; loader in coal mine; head of household.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1945); Page 197; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Clay; age 36; born in Kilgore, KY; divorced; living at Premier, WV; married on 25 Jan 1945
at Kimball, WV; Dora Burke; age 41; born in McDowell Co, WV; divorced; living at Big Four, WV.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #11658; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Davy Clay; age 44 yrs, 6 mons, 6 days; born 2 Mar 1908 at Rush, KY; married; coal miner;
living at Big Four, WV; SS #234-09-5578; son of Forest and Essie (Gilliam) Clay; died 8 Sep 1952 in
Grace Hospital, Welch, WV; from rheumatic valvulitisdue to chronic aortic and mitral decompensated
heart disease; buried 13 Sep 1952 in Iaeger Memorial Cemetery.

Bertha Smith

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1927); Page 5; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Clay; age 21; born in Carter Co, KY; single; miner; living at Premier, WV; son of Forest and
Essie; married on 25 Apr 1927 at Welch, WV; Bertha Smith; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV;
single; living at Maitland, WV; daughter of J.B. and Martha Smith.

Edith Clay

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #55.
Listed as Edith Clay; age 13; born in WV; 4th grade education; lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935;
in household of father, Warren Clay.

Glenn Clay

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #55.
Listed as Glenn Clay; age 11; born in WV; 4th grade education; lived in same place on 1 Apr 1935;
in household of father, Warren Clay.

Warren Davy Clay

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; Coalwood; taken on 13 Jan 1920; Page 9B;
Image 17 of 39; Family #49/153.
Listed as Warren Clay; age 12; born in KY; in household of father, Forrest Clay.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1927); Page 5; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Clay; age 21; born in Carter Co, KY; single; miner; living at Premier, WV; son of Forest and
Essie; married on 25 Apr 1927 at Welch, WV; Bertha Smith; age 19; born in McDowell Co, WV;
single; living at Maitland, WV; daughter of J.B. and Martha Smith.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #55.
Listed as Warren Clay; age 31; born in KY; married; 1 yr HS education; lived in same place on 1 Apr
1935; loader in coal mine; head of household.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1945); Page 197; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Clay; age 36; born in Kilgore, KY; divorced; living at Premier, WV; married on 25 Jan 1945
at Kimball, WV; Dora Burke; age 41; born in McDowell Co, WV; divorced; living at Big Four, WV.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #11658; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Davy Clay; age 44 yrs, 6 mons, 6 days; born 2 Mar 1908 at Rush, KY; married; coal miner;
living at Big Four, WV; SS #234-09-5578; son of Forest and Essie (Gilliam) Clay; died 8 Sep 1952 in
Grace Hospital, Welch, WV; from rheumatic valvulitisdue to chronic aortic and mitral decompensated
heart disease; buried 13 Sep 1952 in Iaeger Memorial Cemetery.

Dora Jane Burks

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1945); Page 197; WV Archives Web Site.
Warren Clay; age 36; born in Kilgore, KY; divorced; living at Premier, WV; married on 25 Jan 1945
at Kimball, WV; Dora Burke; age 41; born in McDowell Co, WV; divorced; living at Big Four, WV.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'65 011885; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
Dora Jane Clay; age 63; born 1 Mar 1902 in WV; widow; living at Big Four, WV; daughter of Mose
and Palestine (Lane) Burks; died 18 Aug 1965 at Big Four, WV; from acute heart failure due to
chronic congestive heart failure and hypertensive cardio vascular disease; buried 21 Aug 1965 in
Belcher Mtn Cemetery, Kimball, WV; informant, Mrs. Mary King, Kimball, WV.

Palestine Lane

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 124B, Family 94.
Listed as Palestine Lane, age 18, in household of father, Alexander Lane.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 356; WV Archives Website.
George Workman; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Kimball, WV; son of
Riley and Polly; married on 18 Jul 1921 at Sandy Huff, WV; Palestine Burks; age 35; born in McDowell
Co, WV; single (sic, previously married); daughter of Alex and Mariah.

Joseph V. "Joe" Mather

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as Joseph Mathers; age 1 yr, 9 mons; born in WV; in household of father, William Mather.
2. 1920 Census, Allegany Co, MD; Frostburg; taken on 26/27 Jan 1920; Page 251B; Image 22 of 38;
Family #240/253.
Listed as Joseph Mather; age 11; born in WV; in household of father, William Mather.
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Welch; taken on 4 Apr 1930; Page 250A;
Image 7 of 21; Family #47/68.
Listed as Joseph Mather; age 21; born in WV; coal mine engineer; in household of father, William
4. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #56.
Listed as Joe V. Mather; age 31; born in WV; married; 3 yrs college education; lived at Coalwood,
McDowell Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; engineer for coal company; head of household.
5. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Web Site.
"Name: Joseph V Mather
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 32
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Date: 8 Jul 1908
Birth Place: Raleigh, West Virginia, USA
Residence Place: Premier, Mcdowell, West Virginia, USA
Registration Date: 26 Oct 1940
Registration Place: Premier, Mcdowell, West Virginia, USA
Employer: Premier Pocahontas Coll Co
Complexion: Light
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Next of Kin: Joseph V Mather
Household Members:
Name Relationship
Joseph V Mather Self (Head)
Joseph V Mather Wife"
6. Philadelphia PA Death Certificate #46570; Web Site.
Joseph Mather; age 48; born 8 Jul 1908 in WV; married; husband of Sara; mining engineer; living at
420 Warren Ave, Kingston, PA; son of William and Cecelia (Parry) Mather; died 15 May 1957 in
Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; due to Reumatic thrombosis with H.C.V.D.; buried 17
May 1957 in Fern Knoll Cemetery, Luzerne Co, PA; informant, Sara Mather.
7. Web Site; Fern Knoll Cemetery, Dallas, Luzerne Co, PA; submitted by Beth;
22 Dec 2010.
Joseph V. Mather; born in 1908; died in 1957; buried here; grave marker photo shown.

Sarah Celia Kelley

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #56.
Listed as Sara Mather; age 26; born in TX; married; 1 yr college education; lived at Coalwood,
McDowell Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, Joseph V. Mather.

Kelley Joe Mather

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; E.D. 24-38; taken on 25 Apr
1940; Page 764B; Image 8 of 10; Household #56.
Listed as Kelly Joe Mather; age 1; born in WV; no education; in household of father, Joseph V.

William Thomas Mather

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as William Mathers; age 30; born in England; married once for 10 yrs; immigrated to US in
1905; naturalized citizen; coal miner; head of household.
2. 1920 Census, Allegany Co, MD; Frostburg; taken on 26/27 Jan 1920; Page 251B; Image 22 of 38;
Family #240/253.
Listed as William Mather; age 40; born in Farnworth, England; married; immigrated to US in 1905;
naturalized citizen; foreman in coal mine; head of household.
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Welch; taken on 4 Apr 1930; Page 250A;
Image 7 of 21; Family #47/68.
Listed as William Mather; age 49; born in England; married at 21; immigrated to US in 1907;
naturalized citizen; mine inspector; head of household.
4. 1940 Census, Fayette Co, WV; Fayetteville District; Kilsyth; E.D. 10-25; taken on 11 Apr 1940;
Page 561B; Image 10 of 66; Household #90.
Listed as William Mathers; age 58; born in England; married; 4 yrs HS education; naturalized citizen;
lived in Raleigh Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; foreman in coal mine; head of household.
5. Fayette Co, WV; WW II Draft registration Card #U-1364; 27 Apr 1942; Web Site.
William Thomas Mather; age 59; born 12 Mar 1882 in Lascashire Co, England; living at Kilsyth,
Fayette Co, WV; employed by New River Co, Mt. Hope, WV; person who will always know address,
Mrs. William T. Mather, Kilsyth, WV; 5'7 1/2" tall; 170 lbs; brown eyes; gray hair and ruddy

Cecelia Parry

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as Cecelia Mathers; age 31; born in England; married once for 10 yrs; 4 children, all living;
immigrated to US in 1906; in household of husband, William Mather.
2. 1920 Census, Allegany Co, MD; Frostburg; taken on 26/27 Jan 1920; Page 251B; Image 22 of 38;
Family #240/253.
Listed as Cecilia Mather; age 42; born in Wales; married; immigrated to US in 1905; alien; in
household of husband, William Mather.
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Welch; taken on 4 Apr 1930; Page 250A;
Image 7 of 21; Family #47/68.
Listed as Cecilia Mather; age 50; born in England; married at 22; immigrated to US in 1907;
naturalized citizen; in household of husband, William Mather.
4. 1940 Census, Fayette Co, WV; Fayetteville District; Kilsyth; E.D. 10-25; taken on 11 Apr 1940;
Page 561B; Image 10 of 66; Household #90.
Listed as Cecelia Mathers; age 59; born in England; married; 4 yrs HS education; lived in Raleigh Co,
WV on 1 Apr 1935; naturalized citizen; in household of husband, William T. Mather.

John B. Mather

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as John Mathers; age 9; born in England; immigrated to US in 1906; in household of father,
William Mather.
2. 1920 Census, Allegany Co, MD; Frostburg; taken on 26/27 Jan 1920; Page 251B; Image 22 of 38;
Family #240/253.
Listed as John B. Mather; age 18; born in Northumberland, England; immigrated to US in 1905;
alien; clerk in mine office; in household of father, William Mather.

Cecelia Mather

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as Cecelia Mathers; age 6; born in England; immigrated to US in 1906; in household of father,
William Mather.
2. 1920 Census, Allegany Co, MD; Frostburg; taken on 26/27 Jan 1920; Page 251B; Image 22 of 38;
Family #240/253.
Listed as Cecelia Mather; age 16; born in Northumberland, England; immigrated to US in 1905;
alien; in household of father, William Mather.

Thomas William Mather

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as Thomas W. Mathers; age 5; born in England; immigrated to US in 1906; in household of
father, William Mather.
2. 1920 Census, Allegany Co, MD; Frostburg; taken on 26/27 Jan 1920; Page 251B; Image 22 of 38;
Family #240/253.
Listed as Thomas W. Mather; age 14; born in Northumberland, England; immigrated to US in 1905;
alien; in household of father, William Mather.
3. Mercer Co, WV; Death Certificate #'57 003483; WV Archives Web Site.
Thomas William Mather; age 51; born 23 Jul 1905 in Ashington, England; married; miner; living at
Blackwolf, WV; son of William and Cecelia (Parry) Mather; died 15 Mar 1957 in the Bluefield
Sanitarium, Bluefield, WV; from bronchopneumonia due to aspiration of foreign substance, due to
hemorrhage of stomach due to ulcer with pyelonephritis; buried 17 Mar 1957 in Woodlawn
Cemetery, Bluewell, WV; informant, Mr. Dan Zaccagnini, Welch, WV.

Daniel Parry

1. 1910 Census, Grant Co, WV; Union District; taken on 6 May 1910; Page 271A; Image 37 of 47;
Family #326/332.
Listed as Daniel Perry; age 68; born in England; married once for 45 yrs; immigrated to US in 1908;
aliencoal miner; boarder; in household of son-in-law, William Mather.