McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


James Brooks

1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA; Western District; taken on 7 Jul 1850; Page 220B; Image 14 of
213; Family #90/90.
Listed as James Brooks; age 22; born in VA; in household of mother, Mary Asbury Brooks, with
wife, Ruth Brooks.


1. 1850 Census, Tazewell Co, VA; Western District; taken on 7 Jul 1850; Page 220B; Image 14 of
213; Family #90/90.
Listed as Ruth Brooks, age 23, born in VA, in household of mother-in-law, Mary Asbury Brooks,
with husband, James Brooks.
2. 1860 Census, Tazewell Co, VA; Western District; Thompson Valley PO; taken on 20 Jul 1860; Page
812; Image 16 of 99; Family #856/841.
Listed as Ruth Brooks; age 34; born in VA; in household of mother-in-law, Mary Asbury Brooks.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1904); Page 8; Line 11; WV Archives Web Site.
Rutha Brooks; age 77; died 17 Sep 1904 in Sandy River District, McDowell Co, WV from unknown
cause; informant, Maggie Brooks.

Flora Long

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 6 Apr 1940; Page 784B;
E D # 24-40; Image 9 of 36; Household #51.
Listed as Flora Long; age 18; born in WV; Negro; married; 7th grade education; lived in Raleigh Co,
WV on 1 Apr 1935; in household of grandfather, George Thomas, with child.

Martha Long

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 6 Apr 1940; Page 784B;
E D # 24-40; Image 9 of 36; Household #51.
Listed as Martha Long; age 6 mons; born in WV; Negro; iin household of great grandfather, George
Thomas, with mother.

Frank Verdiglione

1. 1920 Census, Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 31 Jan 1920; Page 197A; Image 5 of 16;
Family #44/44.
Listed as Frank Verdiglione; age 2 yrs, 1 mon; born in WV; in household of father, Guieseppe
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 6 Apr 1940; Page 784B;
E D # 24-40; Image 9 of 36; Household #52.
Listed as Frank Verdiglione; age 23; born in WV; married; 2 yrs HS education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; truck driver for company store; head of household.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761B;
E D # 24-38; Image 2 of 10; Household #13.
Listed as Frank Velteglioni; age 22; born in WV; single; 4 yrs HS education; lived in same place on
1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Guieseppe Verdiglione.
4. US WWII Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946; Web Site.
Frank Verdiglione; born in 1917; native state, New Hampshire; living in McDowell Co, WV; enlisted
4 Jan 1942 at Ft Thomas, Newport, KY; in Air Corps as a Private; 2 yr HS; semi-skilled mechanic
and repairman of motor vehicles; married; 65" tall, 159 lbs.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Marruage Records; Vol #__(1950); Page 264; WV Archives Web Site.
Frank Verdiglione; age 32; born at Premier, WV; divorced; living at Roderfield, WV; married on
17 Mar 1950 in the Methodist Parsonage, Anawalt, McDowell Co, WV; Katherine Ardella Smith;
age 36; born in Gates City, VA; divorced; living at Thorpe, WV.

Eula Gray Austin

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 6 Apr 1940; Page 784B;
E D # 24-40; Image 9 of 36; Household #52.
Listed as Eula Grey Verdiglione; age 23; born in NC; married; 4 yrs HS education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, Frank Verdiglione.
2. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 3 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 7; Dwelling #46.
Listed as Eula Verdegliany (sp?); age 33; born in WV; divorced; in household of father, John M.

Barbara Verdiglione

1. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 3 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 7; Dwelling #46.
Listed as Barbara Verdegliany (sp?); age 9; born in WV; in household of grandfather, John M.
Austin; with mother.

Guieseppe "Joe Sepp" Verdiglione

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1917); Page 369; WV Archives Web Site.
Joe Verdigilone; age 26; born in Italy; single; machine runner; living at Premier, WV; son of Roco
and Rapaelle; married on 4 Aug 1917 at Welch, WV; Guiseppina Caneddee; age 36; born in Italy;
single; daughter of Dix Giovanne and Domenica.
2. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #2905; 5 Jun 1917; Web Site.
Guseppi Verdiglione; age 26; born in Kanpoli?, Kdibi?, Italy; alien; living at Premier, WV; miner;
employed by Premier Poca Coal Co, Premier, WV; married; dependent wife and 2 children;
short with stout build; brown eyes and Black hair.
3. 1920 Census, Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 31 Jan 1920; Page 197A; Image 5 of 16;
Family #44/44.
Listed as Guieseppe Verdiglione; age 29; born in Italy; married; immigrated to US in 1906; alien;
coal miner; head of household.
4. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761B;
E D # 24-38; Image 2 of 10; Household #13.
Listed as Joseph Velteglioni; age 46; born in Italy; married; no education; lived in same place on
1 Apr 1935; truck driver; head of household.
5. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #U-304; 27 Apt 1942; Web Site.
Giuseppi Verdiglione; age 51; born 4 May 1891 in Italy; living at Premier, WV; self employed;
person who will always know address, Malina Verdiglione, Grace Hospital, Welch, WV; 5'5" tall;
160 lbs; brown eyes; Black hair; ruddy complexion.
6. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'59 010883; WV Archive Web Site.
Joe Sepp Verdiglione; age 69; born 4 May 1890 in Calaboria, Italy; widowed; retired coal sales
operator; living at Roderfield, WV; son of unknown parents; died 27 Jun 1959 in Welch
Emergency Hospital, from adeno carcinoma of prostate with pelvic metastasis; operated in Grace
Hospital, Welch with tissue diagnosis; buried 30 Jun 1960 in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell,
WV; informant, Mrs. Tony Verdiglione, Welch.

Guiseppena "Josephine" Correddo

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1917); Page 369; WV Archives Web Site.
Joe Verdigilone; age 26; born in Italy; single; machine runner; living at Premier, WV; son of Roco
and Rapaelle; married on 4 Aug 1917 at Welch, WV; Guiseppina Caneddee; age 36; born in Italy;
single; daughter of Dix Giovanne and Domenica.
2. 1920 Census, Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 31 Jan 1920; Page 197A; Image 5 of 16;
Family #44/44.
Listed as Guieseppena Verdiglione; age 40; born in Italy; married; immigrated to US in 1915; alien;
in household of husband, Guieseppe Virdiglione.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761B;
E D # 24-38; Image 2 of 10; Household #13.
Listed as Josephine Velteglioni; age 41; born in Italy; married; no education; lived in same place on
1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, Guieseppe Verdiglione.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'58 001999; WV Archives Web Site.
Josephine Verdiglione; age 81; born 19 Apr 1876 in Bortigoli, Sardinia, Italy; married; housewife;
living at Premier, WV; daughter of John and Zendo Correddo; died 21 Jan 1958 in Grace Hospital,
Welch, WV; from arteriosclerotic heart disease with congestive heart failure due to old
myocardial infarction with heart wall aneurysm since 1951; buried 24 Jan 1954 at Woodlawn
Memorial Park, Bluewell, WV.

Malina "Lenna" Verdiglione

1. 1920 Census, Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 31 Jan 1920; Page 197A; Image 5 of 16;
Family #44/44.
Listed as Lenna Verdiglione; age 1 mon; born in WV; in household of father, Guieseppe Verdiglione.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761B;
E D # 24-38; Image 2 of 10; Household #13.
Listed as Malena Velteglioni, absent; age 34; born in WV; single; 4 yrs HS education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Guieseppe Verdiglione.

Frank Verdiglione

1. 1920 Census, Browns Creek District; Premier; taken on 31 Jan 1920; Page 197A; Image 5 of 16;
Family #44/44.
Listed as Frank Verdiglione; age 2 yrs, 1 mon; born in WV; in household of father, Guieseppe
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 6 Apr 1940; Page 784B;
E D # 24-40; Image 9 of 36; Household #52.
Listed as Frank Verdiglione; age 23; born in WV; married; 2 yrs HS education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; truck driver for company store; head of household.
3. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761B;
E D # 24-38; Image 2 of 10; Household #13.
Listed as Frank Velteglioni; age 22; born in WV; single; 4 yrs HS education; lived in same place on
1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Guieseppe Verdiglione.
4. US WWII Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946; Web Site.
Frank Verdiglione; born in 1917; native state, New Hampshire; living in McDowell Co, WV; enlisted
4 Jan 1942 at Ft Thomas, Newport, KY; in Air Corps as a Private; 2 yr HS; semi-skilled mechanic
and repairman of motor vehicles; married; 65" tall, 159 lbs.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Marruage Records; Vol #__(1950); Page 264; WV Archives Web Site.
Frank Verdiglione; age 32; born at Premier, WV; divorced; living at Roderfield, WV; married on
17 Mar 1950 in the Methodist Parsonage, Anawalt, McDowell Co, WV; Katherine Ardella Smith;
age 36; born in Gates City, VA; divorced; living at Thorpe, WV.

Katherine Ardella Smith

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marruage Records; Vol #__(1950); Page 264; WV Archives Web Site.
Frank Verdiglione; age 32; born at Premier, WV; divorced; living at Roderfield, WV; married on
17 Mar 1950 in the Methodist Parsonage, Anawalt, McDowell Co, WV; Katherine Ardella Smith;
age 36; born in Gates City, VA; divorced; living at Thorpe, WV.

Tony Verdiglione

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 25 Apr 1940; Page 761B;
E D # 24-38; Image 2 of 10; Household #13.
Listed as Tony Velteglioni; age 16; born in WV; single; 7th grade education; lived in same
place on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Guieseppe Verdiglione.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1943); Page 451; WV Archives Web Site.
Tony Verdiglione; age 21; born and living at Premier, WV; single; married on 16 May 1943 at Davy,
WV; Maxine McGraw; age 21; born in KY; single; living at Premier, WV.
3. WW II Young American Patriots, 1941-1945; Web Site; McDowell Co, WV; Page 428.
Tony Verdiglione; Tech Sargent/5; US Army; born 5 Dec 1922; entered srevice 20 May 1943;
served at Camp Roberts, Desert Training Center, CA; Ft Bragg, NC; Camp Shanks, NY; England;
France; Germany; Ardennes; Rhineland; Central Europe; Camp Kilmer, NJ; Ft Meade, MD; awarded
4 Bronze Stars; Good Conduct Medal; VM; Amer; EAME; attended Welch HS; Catholic; son of M/M
Joe Vergigilone, Welch, WV; husband of Mrs. Maxine McGraw Verdiglione, Welch.

Maxine McGraw

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1943); Page 451; WV Archives Web Site.
Tony Verdiglione; age 21; born and living at Premier, WV; single; married on 16 May 1943 at Davy,
WV; Maxine McGraw; age 21; born in KY; single; living at Premier, WV.

Archell A. Verdiglione Sr

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; Premier; taken 6 Apr 1940; Page 784B;
E D # 24-40; Image 9 of 36; Household #52.
Listed as Archell Verdiglione; age 1; born in WV; no education; in household of father, Frank
2. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Premier; taken 3 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 7; Dwelling #46.
Listed as Archell Verdegliany (sp?); age 11; born in WV; in household of grandfather, John M.
Austin; with mother.
3. US Public Records Index, Vol #1; Web Site.
Archell A. Verdiglione, Sr; born 17 Nov 1938; living at PO Box 92, La Plata, MD 20646 in 1993.

Ellen M.

1. US Public Records Index, Vol #1; Web Site.
Ellen M. Verdiglione; born 24 Feb 1943; living at PO Box 92, La Plata, MD 20646 in 1993.