McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Harrison Wesley Henry Roach

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1881.
H.W.H. Roach was born on 26 Oct 1881 to William H. and Christina Roach.
2. Web Site, William Roach search, 5 Nov 2001, submitted by
James W. Blankenship,
Harrison Wesley Henry Roach; born on 26 Oct 1881; died about 1910; buried in
Lewis Graham Cemetery, Basin WV; married Ida Alice Blankenship on 26 Apr
1900 in Raleigh Co, WV.
3. "Raleigh Co, WV; Marriages 1850-1911; Ronald R. Turner.
Ida Alice Blankenship; age 17; married on 26 Apr 1900 in Raleigh Co, WV; H.W.H. Roach; age 18;
born in Wyoming Co, WV.

Jesse L. Graham

1. 1910 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; taken on 12 May 1910; Page 129B; Family #450.
Listed as Jesse Graham; age 6; born in WV; in household of father, William R. Graham.
2. 1920 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Tommies Creek Precinct; taken on 28 Jan 1920; Page 167B;
Family #45.
Listed as Jesse L. Graham; age 14; born in WV; in household of father, William R. Graham.
3. 1930 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; taken on 9 Apr 1930; Page 237B; Family #208.
Listed as Jesse Graham; age 26; born in WV; tipple man in coal mine; in household of mother, Mary
Roach Graham.

George Wesley McKinney

1., LDS Web Site, Samuel McKinney search 8 Sep 2001, submitted
by Macie Birchfield Wilken, P.O. Box 56, Paisley, FL 32767.
George Wesley McKinney; born in 7 May 1885 at Basin, Wyoming Co, WV;
died in 1969; married Charlotte Ashworth on 7 Jun 1911.
2. Raleigh Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1911); Page 80; WV Archives Web Site.
George W. McKinney; age 26; born and living in Raleigh Co, WV; married on 7 Jun 1911 at T.S.
McKinney's; Charlotte May Ashworth; age 21; born and living in Raleigh Co, WB; information
provided by John A. Ashworth.

Charlotte May Ashworth

1. Raleigh Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1911); Page 80; WV Archives Web Site.
George W. McKinney; age 26; born and living in Raleigh Co, WV; married on 7 Jun 1911 at T.S.
McKinney's; Charlotte May Ashworth; age 21; born and living in Raleigh Co, WB; information
provided by John A. Ashworth.

Isom H. Muncy

1. 1870 Census, Buchanan Co, VA, Grundy Township, taken on 16 Jul 1870, page 189B, Family #47.
Listed as Isom Muncey, age 9, born in VA, in household of father, Moses Muncey.
2. 1880 Census, Buchanan Co, VA; Garden District; taken on 12 Jun 1880; Page 339D;
Family #125/125.
Listed as Isom Muncey; age 19; born in VA; in household of father, Moses Muncey.

Henry Stanly Muncy

1. 1870 Census, Buchanan Co, VA, Grundy Township, taken on 16 Jul 1870, page
189B, Family #47.
Listed as Henry Muncey, age 5, born in VA, in household of father, Moses Muncey.
2. 1880 Census, Buchanan Co, VA; Garden District; taken on 12 Jun 1880; Page 339D;
Family #125/125.
Listed as Henry Muncey; age 16; born in VA; in household of father, Moses Muncey.
3. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 13 Jun 1900; Page 245A;
Family #110/110.
Listed as Henry Muncy; age 36; born in VA in May 1864; married 13 yrs; farmer; head of household.

Arminta Jane Horn

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 13 Jun 1900; Page 245A;
Family #110/110.
Listed as Arminda Muncy; age 32; born in VA in Oct 1867; married 13 yrs; 4 children, all living; in
household of husband, Henry Muncy.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District, Bradshaw; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 71B;
Family #109/109
Listed as Arminda J. Muncy; age 41; born in VA; widow; 4 children, all living; head of household.
3. 1950 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Bradshaw; taken 10 Apr 1950; Sheet Number 11; Dwelling #89.
Listed as Arminda Collins; age 82; born in VA; widow; in household of grandson, William H. Asbury.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '59 001993; WV Archives Website.
Mrs Arminta Collins; age 90; born 14 Nov 1868n in Buchanan Co, VA; widow; living at Bradshaw, WV;
daughter of Henry and Millie Jane (Church) Horn; died 15 Feb 1959 in Grace Hospital, Welch, WV;
due to adeus carcimoma of upper rectum with intestinal obstruction in large bowel; buried 18 Feb
1959 in Asbury Cemetery, Jolo, WV.
5. Website; submitted by Patty Greene; 13 Jul 2018.
"Arminta Horn Collins
BIRTH 14 Nov 1868
Buchanan County, Virginia, USA
DEATH 15 Feb 1959 (aged 90)
Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
BURIAL Tom Sparks Cemetery
Paynesville, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
MEMORIAL ID 191340404"
(Death Certificate states she was buried in Asbury Cemetery, Jolo, WV. FindAGrave has no such

Sarah L. Muncy

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 13 Jun 1900; Page 245A;
Family #110/110.
Listed as Sarah L. Muncy; age 10; born in VA in Jun 1889; in household of father, Henry Muncy.

Ida L. Muncy

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 13 Jun 1900; Page 245A;
Family #110/110.
Listed as Ida Muncy; age 7; born in VA in Mar 1894; in household of father, Henry Muncy.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District, Bradshaw; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 71B;
Family #109/109
Listed as Ida L. Muncy; age 17; born in WV; in household of mother, Arminta J. (Horn) Muncy.

Mary E. Muncy

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 13 Jun 1900; Page 245A;
Family #110/110.
Listed as Mary E. Muncy; age 4; born in VA in Nov 1895; in household of father, Henry Muncy.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District, Bradshaw; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 71B;
Family #109/109
Listed as Mary E. Muncy; age 14; born in WV; in household of mother, Arminta J. (Horn) Muncy.

Vester L. Graham

1. 1910 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; taken on 12 May 1910; Page 129B; Family #450.
Listed as Vester Graham; age 8; born in WV; in household of father, William R. Graham.
2. 1920 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Tommies Creek Precinct; taken on 28 Jan 1920; Page 167B;
Family #45.
Listed as Vesker L. Graham; age 19; born in WV; in household of father, William R. Graham.
3. Raleigh Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 329; WV Archives Web Site.
Vescar Graham; age 19; born in Raleigh Co, WV; living at Basin, WV; married on 18 May 1921;
Lura Lilly; age 21; born in Raleigh Co, WV; living at Basin, WV.

Lura Lilly

1. Raleigh Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1921); Page 329; WV Archives Web Site.
Vescar Graham; age 19; born in Raleigh Co, WV; living at Basin, WV; married on 18 May 1921;
Lura Lilly; age 21; born in Raleigh Co, WV; living at Basin, WV.

Ruth Lester

1. Wyoming Co, WV Marriage Registery; Book #_____(1937); Page 241; WV Archives Web Site.
Roy Lee Hall; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; living at Wyco, WV; single; son of M.L. and Ethel Hall;
married on 19 Oct 1937 at Mullins, WV; Ruth Lester; age 19; born at Bud, WV; single; living at Mellens,
WV; daughter of R.B. and Martha Lester.

Roy Lee Hall

1. Wyoming Co, WV Marriage Registery; Book #_____(1937); Page 241; WV Archives Web Site.
Roy Lee Hall; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; living at Wyco, WV; single; son of M.L. and Ethel Hall;
married on 19 Oct 1937 at Mullins, WV; Ruth Lester; age 19; born at Bud, WV; single; living at Mellens,
WV; daughter of R.B. and Martha Lester.

Ruth Lester

1. Wyoming Co, WV Marriage Registery; Book #_____(1937); Page 241; WV Archives Web Site.
Roy Lee Hall; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; living at Wyco, WV; single; son of M.L. and Ethel Hall;
married on 19 Oct 1937 at Mullins, WV; Ruth Lester; age 19; born at Bud, WV; single; living at Mellens,
WV; daughter of R.B. and Martha Lester.

Henry Lee Cadle

1. 1930 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Rhodell; taken on 2 Apr 1930; Page198A; Image
3 of 58; Family #17/30.
Listed as Henry L. Cadle; age 46; born in WV; married at 19; general carpenter; head of household.

Mary Alice Graham

1. 1930 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Rhodell; taken on 2 Apr 1930; Page198A; Image
3 of 58; Family #17/30.
Listed as Mary A. Cadle; age 45; born in WV; married at 18; in husehold of husband, Henry L.

Elmer Cadle

1. 1930 Census, Raleigh Co, WV; Slab Fork District; Rhodell; taken on 2 Apr 1930; Page198A; Image
3 of 58; Family #17/30.
Listed as Elmer Cadle; age 12; born in WV; in household of father, Henry L. Cadle.