McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Floyd Welch Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #172.
Listed as Floyd W. Mitchem, age 13, in household of father, Samuel Mitchem.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1909); Page 228; WV Archives Web Site.
Welch Mitchem; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Algoma, WV; son of
Samuel and Oma; married on 3 Apr 1909; Barbara Milam; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV;
single; daughter of William and Lucinda.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 26 Apr 1910, Page 199A,
Family #66/66.
Listed as Floyd W. Mitchem, age 22, born in WV, married once for 1 year, farmer, head of
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 2 Jan 1920; Page 146B;
Family #13/13.
Listed as Floyd W. Mitchum; age 33; born in WV; lumber for lumber company; head of
5. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1937); Page 86; WV Archives Web Site.
Welch Mitchem; age 47; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Northfork, WV; son of Samuel and
Oma Mitchem; married on 7 Apr 1937 in Wyoming Co, WV; Mrs. Fannie Lambert; age ?; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; living at Herndon, WV; daughter of _____.
6. Raleigh Co, WV Draft Board; WW II Draft Registration Card #2828; 27 Apr 1942.
Floyd Welch Mitchem; age 54; born on 25 Dec 1888 in Wyoming Co, WV; living on Burke Mtn
near Keystone, McDowell Co, WV; self employed farmer; person who will always know address,
Mrs Fannie Mitchem.
7. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #551; WV Archives Web Site.
Floyd Welch Mitchem; age 67 yrs, 8 mons, 8 days; born on 2 May 1886 in WV; married; retired
timberman; son of Sam and Omia Sizemore Mitchem; died on 10 Jan 1954 at his home on
Burke Mtn near Keystone, McDowell Co, WV; of hypertensive heart disease; buried on 13 Jan
1954 in Mitchem Ridge Cemetery; informant, Fannie Mitchem.
8. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Website.
"Name: Welch Mitchem
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 26 Sep 1891
Birth Place: Algoma, West Virginia
Sam Mitchem
Omie Sizemore
SSN: 232124558
Notes: Dec 1936: Name listed as WELCH MITCHEM "

Fannie Lambert

1. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1937); Page 86; WV Archives Web Site.
Welch Mitchem; age 47; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Northfork, WV; son of Samuel and Oma
Mitchem; married on 7 Apr 1937 in Wyoming Co, WV; Mrs. Fannie Lambert; age ?; born in Wyoming
Co, WV; living at Herndon, WV; daughter of _____.

Floyd Welch Mitchem

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Barker's Ridge District, Family #172.
Listed as Floyd W. Mitchem, age 13, in household of father, Samuel Mitchem.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1909); Page 228; WV Archives Web Site.
Welch Mitchem; age 23; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Algoma, WV; son of
Samuel and Oma; married on 3 Apr 1909; Barbara Milam; age 22; born in McDowell Co, WV;
single; daughter of William and Lucinda.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 26 Apr 1910, Page 199A,
Family #66/66.
Listed as Floyd W. Mitchem, age 22, born in WV, married once for 1 year, farmer, head of
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 2 Jan 1920; Page 146B;
Family #13/13.
Listed as Floyd W. Mitchum; age 33; born in WV; lumber for lumber company; head of
5. Wyoming Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1937); Page 86; WV Archives Web Site.
Welch Mitchem; age 47; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living at Northfork, WV; son of Samuel and
Oma Mitchem; married on 7 Apr 1937 in Wyoming Co, WV; Mrs. Fannie Lambert; age ?; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; living at Herndon, WV; daughter of _____.
6. Raleigh Co, WV Draft Board; WW II Draft Registration Card #2828; 27 Apr 1942.
Floyd Welch Mitchem; age 54; born on 25 Dec 1888 in Wyoming Co, WV; living on Burke Mtn
near Keystone, McDowell Co, WV; self employed farmer; person who will always know address,
Mrs Fannie Mitchem.
7. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #551; WV Archives Web Site.
Floyd Welch Mitchem; age 67 yrs, 8 mons, 8 days; born on 2 May 1886 in WV; married; retired
timberman; son of Sam and Omia Sizemore Mitchem; died on 10 Jan 1954 at his home on
Burke Mtn near Keystone, McDowell Co, WV; of hypertensive heart disease; buried on 13 Jan
1954 in Mitchem Ridge Cemetery; informant, Fannie Mitchem.
8. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Website.
"Name: Welch Mitchem
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 26 Sep 1891
Birth Place: Algoma, West Virginia
Sam Mitchem
Omie Sizemore
SSN: 232124558
Notes: Dec 1936: Name listed as WELCH MITCHEM "

Charity Sizemore

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 2 Jan 1920; Page 146B;
Family #13/13.
Listed as Charity Mitchum; age 17; born in WV; in household of husband, Floyd W. Mitchem.

Samuel P. Lambert

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #71/71.
Listed as Samuel Lambert; age 45; born in WV; married 8 yrs; farmer; head of household.

Elvira M.

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #71/71.
Listed as Elvira Lambert; age 24; born in WV; married 8 yrs; in household of husband, Samuel

Willie Lambert

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #71/71.
Listed as Willie Lambert; age 5; born in WV; in household of father, Samuel Lambert.

Ida J. Lambert

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #71/71.
Listed as Ida J. Lambert; age 3; born in WV; in household of father, Samuel Lambert.

Edwin G. Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 2 Sep 1850; Page 412B; Family #621/612.
Listed as Edward Lambert; age 17; born in VA; farmer; in household of John M. and Martha Neel.
2. 1860 Census, Giles Co, VA; Kimberling PO; taken on 11 Sep 1860; Page 908; Family #958/879.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 27; born in VA; farm laborer; head of household.
3. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 37; born in WV; laborer; head of household.
4. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #72/72.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 77; born in VA; married 3 times; last time for 15 yrs; farmer; head
of household.


1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #72/72.
Listed as Milly Lambert; age 55; born in VA; married once for 15 yrs; no children; in household of
husband, Edwin S. Lambert.

Edwin G. Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 2 Sep 1850; Page 412B; Family #621/612.
Listed as Edward Lambert; age 17; born in VA; farmer; in household of John M. and Martha Neel.
2. 1860 Census, Giles Co, VA; Kimberling PO; taken on 11 Sep 1860; Page 908; Family #958/879.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 27; born in VA; farm laborer; head of household.
3. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 37; born in WV; laborer; head of household.
4. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #72/72.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 77; born in VA; married 3 times; last time for 15 yrs; farmer; head
of household.

Mary A. Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Mary A. Lambert; age 14; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.
2. 1860 Census, Giles Co, VA; Kimberling PO; taken on 11 Sep 1860; Page 908; Family #958/879.
Listed as Mary Lambert; age 23; born in VA; in household of husband, Edwin S. Lambert.
3. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Mary Lambert; age 34; born in WV; in household of husband, Edwin S. Lambert.
4. 1880 Census, Meigs Co, OH; lebanon Township; taken on 5 Jun 1880; Page 48C; Family #63/66.
Listed as Mary A. Lambert; age 44; born in OH; works for board; has rheumatism; in household of
Charles Powell.

Olive C. Lambert

1. LDS Web Site; no reference fro data listed.
Olive C. Lambert; daughter of Edwin S. and Mary A. Lambert; born on 6 Jun 1854 on Wolf Creek,
Tazewell Co, VA.
2. 1860 Census, Giles Co, VA; Kimberling PO; taken on 11 Sep 1860; Page 908; Family #958/879.
Listed as Olive Lambert; age 5; born in VA; in household of husband, Edwin S. Lambert.
3. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Olive Lambert; age 15; born in WV; in household of father, Edwin S. Lambert.

Nancy Lambert

1. 1860 Census, Giles Co, VA; Kimberling PO; taken on 11 Sep 1860; Page 908; Family #958/879.
Listed as Nancy Lambert; age 2; born in VA; in household of husband, Edwin S. Lambert.
2. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Nancy Lambert; age 12; born in WV; in household of father, Edwin S. Lambert.

Hester G. Lambert

1. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Hester G. Lambert; age 9; born in WV; in household of father, Edwin S. Lambert.

Benjamin F. Lambert

1. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Benjamin F. Lambert; age 5; born in OH; in household of father, Edwin S. Lambert.

Asa Lambert

1. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Asa Gary? Lambert; age 8 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Edwin S. Lambert.

Edwin G. Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 2 Sep 1850; Page 412B; Family #621/612.
Listed as Edward Lambert; age 17; born in VA; farmer; in household of John M. and Martha Neel.
2. 1860 Census, Giles Co, VA; Kimberling PO; taken on 11 Sep 1860; Page 908; Family #958/879.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 27; born in VA; farm laborer; head of household.
3. 1870 Census, Meigs Co, OH; Lebanon Township; Portland PO; taken on 15 Jun 1870; Page 76B;
Family #233.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 37; born in WV; laborer; head of household.
4. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 199B;
Family #72/72.
Listed as Edwin S. Lambert; age 77; born in VA; married 3 times; last time for 15 yrs; farmer; head
of household.

John F. Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as John Lambert; age 44; born in VA; farmer; head of household.

Emily Stowers

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Emily Lambert; age 39; born in VA; in household of husband,

Hiram D. Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Hiram Lambert; age 21; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.

Alpha Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Alpha Lambert; age 10; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.

John Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as John Lambert; age 8; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.

Emily Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Emily Lambert; age 6; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.

Elizabeth Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Elizabeth Lambert; age 4; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.

Samuel Lambert

1. 1850 Census, Giles Co, VA; taken on 29 Aug 1850; Page 409B; Family #538/572.
Listed as Samuel Lambert; age 2; born in VA; in household of father, John F. Lambert.

George Washington Howerton

1. 1860 Census, Wyoming Co, VA, transcribed by Pauline Haga.
Listed in household of father, Reuben Howerton.
2. "Births Wyoming Co, Wv.." Haga, 1858.
3. 1870 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge, Family 45.
4. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 722.
Barkers Ridge Township, page 001.
Listed as George W. Howerton, age 22, in household of father, R. Howerton.
5. Web Site; George Howerton search; 28 Oct 2001; submitted by
Lee Taylor;
Chloe Jane Blankenship; daughter of Eli Harrison and Elizabeth Bailey
Blankenship; born abt 1868; married George Washington Howerton on 2 Jul
1885 in Mercer Co, WV.
6. 1900 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Rock District, taken on 28 Jun 1900, Page 203A, Family #305.
Listed as George W. Howerton, age 40, born in WV in May 1860, married 4 yrs (to Sarah), farmer,
head of household.
7. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 29 Apr 1910,
Page 200A, Family #80.
Listed as George W. Howerton, age 51, born in WV, married twice, last time
for 13 yrs, farmer, head of household.
8. Web Site, George Howerton Search, 3 Oct 2002, submitted by
Thomas G. Untiedt,
George Washington Howerton; married first, Jane Blankenship; married second,
Sarah Elizabeth Tilley.

Charlotte Akers

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 4, page 687.
Barkers Ridge Township, Family 2.
Listed in household of father, Luke Akers, age 9.
2. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 18 Jun 1900; Page 221B;
Family #132/132.
Listed as Charlotte Akers, age 23, born in WV in Dec 1876; in household of father, Luke Akers.
3. USGENWEB PROJECT, Wyoming Co, WV, "Marriage Records", by Doris Slaughter.
Book 7, page 340.
E.F. Derringer, age 28, married on 17 Apr 1906 Charlotte Akers, age 34.
4., Emery Akers search, 25 Feb 2002, submitted by Dan Betts,
Charlotte Akers; born in Dec 1876.
5. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 3 May 1910,
Page 200B, Family #84.
Listed as Charlotte Derringer, age 38, born in WV, married 4 yrs, 2
children, both living, in household of husband, Edward F. Derringer.
6. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 15 Jan 1920; Page 166A;
Family #21/21.
Listed as Charlotte Derringer; age 47; born in WV; married; in household of husband, Edward F.

William Edward Howerton

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 18 Jun 1900; Page 221B;
Family #132/132.
Listed as William E. Howerton; age 4; born in WV in Apr 1896; servant; in household of Like Akers.
(Believe this is child of Charlotte Akers, age 23,also in this household)
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 3 May 1910; Pagr 200B;
Family #84/84.
Listed as William E. Howerton; age 14; born in WV; in household of Edward and Charlotte Akers
3. Wyoming Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #1185; 5 Jun 1917.
William Edward Howerton; age 21; born on 20 Jan 1896 in WV; living at Herndon; secton hand for
Virginian Railroad; single; short with medium build; gray eyes and light hair.
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 15 Jan 1920; Page 166A;
Family #21/21.
Listed as William E. Howerton; age 24; born in WV; single; laborer for coal company; in household
of Edward and Charlotte Akers Derringer.
5. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Apr 1930; Page 97B;
Family #153/153.
Listed as William E. Howerton, age 35; born in WV; married at 29; coal miner; head of household.
6. Kanawha Co, WV Draft Board; WW II Draft Registration Card #1093; 27 Apr 1942.
William Edward Howerton; age 45; born on 20 Jan 1896 at Lamar, WV; living at Lamar, Mercer Co,
WV; employed by Lamar Colleries; perosn who will always know address, E.F. Derringer, Covel WV,
"close friend"; 5' 5" tall; 135 lbs; blue eyes and gray hair; light complexion.
7. Raleigh Co, WV Death Certifciate #16270; WV Archives Web Site.
William E. Howerton; age 57 yrs, 1 mon; born in Nov 1894 in WV; living at Herndon, Wyoming Co,
WV; son of Wash Howerton and unknown mother; coal miner; married; died on 30 Dec 1951 in the
VA Hospital, Beckley, Raleigh Co, WV of a brain tumor; buried on 1 Jan 1952 in Tilley Cemetery,
Garwood (WV?).


1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Apr 1930; Page 97B;
Family #153/153.
Listed as Nellie Howerton, age 22; born in NC; married at 16; in household of husband, William E.