McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Howard Bishop

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Brown's Creek District, Davy Precinct, taken on
12 Jan 1920, Page 243B, Family #314.
Listed as Howard Bishop, age 7, born in WV, in household of father, William Bishop.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1936); Page 36; WV Archives Web Site.
Howard Bishop; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; farmer; living at Hensley, WV; son of H.A.
and Julia; married on 24 Dec 1936 at Hanover, WV; Mae Riffe; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV;
single; daughter of Fred and Ida.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1959); Page 208; WV Archives Web Site.
Howard Bishop; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; miner; living at Asco, WV; son of William
and Lizzie; married on 19 Aug 1928 at Welch, WV; Goldie McGinnis; age 22; born in McDowell Co,
WV; single; daughter of William and Synthia.

Mae B. Riffe

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huff Creek District; taken on 15/16 Jan 1920; Page 221A;
Family #87/87.
Listed as Mae B. Riffe; age 6 mons; born in WV; in household of father, General F. Riffe.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1936); Page 36; WV Archives Web Site.
Howard Bishop; age 20; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; farmer; living at Hensley, WV; son of H.A.
and Julia; married on 24 Dec 1936 at Hanover, WV; Mae Riffe; age 17; born in Wyoming Co, WV;
single; daughter of Fred and Ida.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Book #__(1962); Browns Creek District; WV Archives Web Site.
Mae Bishop; age 42; born in Jul 1919 in WV; married; living at Hanover, Wyoming Co, WV; daughter
of Fred and Ida (Barnes) Riffe; died on 25 Apr 1962 in the Grace Hospital, Welch, McDowell Co, WV
from coronary artery disease; buried on 27 Apr 1962 in Dave Riffe Cemetery, Hanover, WV.

Howard Irvin Bishop

1. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificiate #17631; WV Archives Web Site.
Howard Irvin Bishop; age 4 mons; born on 27 Jun 1940; son of Howard and May Riffe Bishop;
died on 21 Oct 1940 at RFD Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV (located) in Huff Creek District of Wyoming
Co, WV of "suffocation, accidental, found dead in bed"; buried on 22 Oct 1940 at Hanover, WV;
informant, father.

John C. Knuckles

1. 1880 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge Township, taken on 16 Jun 1880; Page 497D;
Family #59.
Listed John C. Nuckles, age 9, born in WV; in household of father, John W. Knuckles.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, pace 115B, Family 701.
Listed as John C. Knuckles, age 29, head of household with wife Rosabel, age19, married less
than a year.
3. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 15 Apr 1910, Page 280A, Family #1.
Listed as John C. Knuckles, age 39, born in WV, married twice, last time for 10 yrs, coal miner, head
of household.
4. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Feb 1920; Page 158A;
Family #253.
Listed as John C. Knuckles; age 49; born in WV; farmer; head of household.
5. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #306.
Listed as John C. Knuckles; age 59; born in WV; married at 30; retired president of U.S. F? Bureau;
head of household.
6. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificate #9435; WV Archives Web Site.
John C. Knuckles; age 62 yrs, 2 mons, 29 days; born on 2 Jan 1871 in WV; retired mine foreman;
married, husband of Rosa B. Belcher; son of John N. and Nancy Belcher Knuckles; died on 31 Mar
1933 at Bud, Wyoming Co, WV of TB; buried on 2 Apr 1933 at Bud, WV; informant, W.B. Belcher, Bud
7. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
John C. Knuckles; no birth or death dates; "Co E 2nd WV Infantry
Spanish American War"; buried in Lusk Cemetery, Wyoming Co, WV.

Rosa Belle Belcher

1. "Births of Wyoming Co, WV...", Haga, 1882.
Rosa Belle Belcher was born on 1 Sep 1882 to John and Barbara Belcher.
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 15 Apr 1910, Page 280A, Family #1.
Listed as Rosa B. Knuckles, age 28, born in WV, married once for 10 yrs, 5 children, 4 living, in
household of husband, John C. Knuckles.
3. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Feb 1920; Page 158A;
Family #253.
Listed as Rosa B. Knuckles; age 39; born in WV; in household of husband, John C. Knuckles.
4. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Rosa Knuckles; born on 24 Sep 1880; died in Jan 1972; living at Athalia, Lawrence Co, OH at death.
5. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries
Rosa B. Knuckles; born on 24 Sep 1881; died on 10 Jan 1972; buried in Lusk Cemetery, Wyoming
Co, WV.

Paul C. Knuckles

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 15 Apr 1910, Page 280A, Family #1.
Listed as Paul C. Knuckles, age 5, born in WV, in household of father, John C. Knuckles.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Feb 1920; Page 158A;
Family #253.
Listed as Paul C. Knuckles; age 16; born in WV; in household of father, John C. Knuckles.
3. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries;
Paul C. Knuckles; born on 27 Sep 1903 (sic?, 1905?); died on 28 Sep 1967; buried in Lusk Cemetery,
Wyoming Co, WV.

Golda M. Knuckles

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 15 Apr 1910, Page 280A, Family #1.
Listed as Golda N. Knuckles, age 3, born in WV, in household of father, John C. Knuckles.
2. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Feb 1920; Page 158A;
Family #253.
Listed as Golda M. Knuckles; age 14; born in WV; in household of father, John C. Knuckles.

Flossie Knuckles

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 15 Apr 1910, Page 280A, Family #1.
Listed as Flosie Knuckles, age 1, born in WV, in household of father, John C. Knuckles.

Churchill Knuckles

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Feb 1920; Page 158A;
Family #253.
Listed as Churchill Knuckles; age 9; born in WV; in household of father, John C. Knuckles.

Roby Knuckles

1. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 4 Feb 1920; Page 158A;
Family #253.
Listed as Roby Knuckles; age 3 yrs, 4 mons; born in WV; in household of father, John C. Knuckles.
2. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #306.
Listed as Roby Knuckles; age 13; born in WV; in household of father, John C. Knuckles.

Denny Knuckles

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District; taken on 23 Apr 1930; Page 106A;
Family #306.
Listed as Denny Knuckles; age 8; born in WV; in household of father, John C. Knuckles.

Ray Bogle Bishop

1. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barker's Ridge District, page 214B, Family 18.
Listed as Ray B. Bishop, age 10, born in Jan 1890, in household of father,
John Bishop.
2. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Barkers Ridge District, taken on 23 May 1910;
Page 212B, Family #289.
Listed as Ralph B. Bishop, age 20, born in WV, in household of father,
John T. Bishop.
3. Wyoming Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #176; Pineville, WV Draft Board; 5 Jun 1917.
Ray Bogle Bishop; age 27; born on 1 Jan 1890 at Bud, WV; miner for Thermo Pocahontas Coal Co;
at Bud, WV; single; tall with medium build; ____eyes and dark hair; "clubbed right hand".
4. Wyoming Co, WV Marriage Registry Book#_____(1919); Page 407; WV Archives Web Site.
Ray B. Bishop; age 26; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living in Bud; son of D.C. and J.T.Bishop; married
on 26 Apr 1919 at residence of bridegroom; Bertha Knuckles; age 16; born in Wyoming Co, WV;
living at Bud; daughter of J.C. Knuckles.
5. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 25 Feb 1920, Page 163B,
Family #378.
Listed as Ray B. Bishop, age 28, born in WV, coal miner, head of household.
6. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 11 Apr 1930, Page 101A,
Family #218.
Listed as Ray B. Bishop, age 38, born in WV, married at 27, mine electrician, head of household.
7. Web Site, Lewis Belcher Search, 3 Nov 2002, submitted by
Dan Betts,
Lewis Belcher: married Cora Lusk, daughter of William and Ona McKinney Lusk, in 1919.
Cora Lusk married second, Ray Bogle Bishop in 1942 (sic, after 1944).
8. Wyoming Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #1009.
Ray Bogle Bishop; age 52; born on 1 Jan 1890 (birth place not listed); living at Alpoca, Wyoming Co,
WV; person who will always know address, Mrs. Bertha Bishop, wife; employed by Gaston Coal
Co, Alpoca, WV.
9. Wyoming Co, WV Marriage Registry; Book #_____(1951); Page 80; WV Archives Web Site.
R.B. Bishop; age 61; born in living at Bud, WV; widowed; son of J.T. and Charlotte Bishop; married
on 1 Jan 1951 at Herndon Heights, WV; Cora Belcher; age 47; born at Herndon, WV; living at Bud,
WV; widow; daughter of William and Ona Lusk.
10. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries;
Ray B. Bishop; born on 1 Jan 1890; died on 10 Nov 1983; buried in Lusk Cemetery, Wyoming Co,
11. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Ray Bishop; born on 1 Jan 1890; died in Nov 1983; living at New Richmond, Wyoming Co, WV at

Bertha E. Knuckles

1. 1910 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Slab Fork District, taken on 15 Apr 1910, Page 280A, Family #1.
Listed as Bertha E. Knuckles, age 7, born in WV, in household of father, John C. Knuckles.
2. Wyoming Co, WV Marriage Registry Book#_____(1919); Page 407; WV Archives Web Site.
Ray B. Bishop; age 26; born in Wyoming Co, WV; living in Bud; son of D.C. and J.T.Bishop; married
on 26 Apr 1919 at residence of bridegroom; Bertha Knuckles; age 16; born in Wyoming Co, WV;
living at Bud; daughter of J.C. Knuckles.
3. 1920 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 25 Feb 1920, Page 163B,
Family #378.
Listed as Bertha E. Bishop, age 17, born in WV, in household of husband, Ray B. Bishop.
4. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 11 Apr 1930, Page 101A,
Family #218.
Listed as Bertha Bishop, age 27, born in WV, married at 16, in household of husband, Ray B. Bishop.
5. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificate #9108; WV Archives Web Site.
Bertha E. Bishop; age 40 yrs, 5 mons, 26 days; born on 29 Jan ____(no yr given) in McDowell Co,
WV; married, wife of Ray Bishop; daughter of John C. and Rosabelle Belcher Knuckles; died on
25 Jul 1944 at Bud, Wyoming Co, WV of "post partum hemorhage"; buried on 28 Jul 1944 in Lusk
Cemetery, Bud, Wyoming Co, WV.
6. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries;
Bertha E. Bishop; born on 1903; died in 1944; buried in Lusk Cemetery, Wyoming Co, WV, with infant

William M. Bishop

1. 1930 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Barkers Ridge District, taken on 11 Apr 1930, Page 101A,
Family #218.
Listed as William Bishop, age 6, born in WV, in household of father, Ray B. Bishop.
2. Wyoming Co, WV Web Site, Cemeteries;
Sgt William M. Bishop; born in 1924; died in 1945; "Bronze memorial, 15 Inf, Co. E, plaque, no
remains, He died for his country"; in Lusk Cemetery, Wyoming Co, WV.
(Killed in WW II in the Battle of the Bulge)

George Bishop

1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 764.
Elkhorn Township, page 001.
Listed as George Bishop, age 6, in household of father, Elisha Bishop.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1898); Page 226; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 23; born and living in McDowell Co, WV; son of Elisha and Rebecca; married
on 23 Nov 1898 in McDowell Co, WV; Mary Shannon Sansom; age 30; born in Lincoln Co, WV;
daughter of Gordon and ____.
3. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huffs Creek District, taken on 15 Jun 1900, Page 262B,
Family #130.
Listed as George Bishop, age 23, born in WV in Jun 1876, married 2 yrs, day laborer,
head of household.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1931); Page 109; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 47; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; miner; living at Hensley, WV; son of
Elisha and Rebecca; married on 12 Jun 1931 at Hensley, WV; Lena Green; age 22; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; single; daughter of M. A.and Mary.
5. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: George Bishop
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 15 Jun 1876
Birth Place: Welch, West Virginia
Father: Elisia Bishop
Mother: Rebecca Harris
SSN: 234141167
Notes: Jun 1937: Name listed as GEORGE BISHOP"
6. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificate #14023; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 62; born in WV; married, husband of Lena Bishop; son of Elise and Rebecca
Harris Bishop; died on 12 Sep 1945 at Hanover, Wyoming Co, WV; buried on Huff Creek, Wyoming
Co, WV.
7. website; submitted by Patty Greene; 29 Aug 2018.
"George Bishop
Birth 1876
West Virginia, USA
Death 12 Sep 1945 (aged 68–69)
Hanover, Wyoming County, West Virginia, USA
Burial Huff Creek Cemetery
Roderfield, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 192664662"

Mary Shannon

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1898); Page 226; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 23; born and living in McDowell Co, WV; son of Elisha and Rebecca; married on
23 Nov 1898 in McDowell Co, WV; Mary Shannon Sansom; age 30; born in Lincoln Co, WV; daughter
of Gordon and ____.
2. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huffs Creek District, taken on 15 Jun 1900, Page 262B, Family #130.
Listed as Molie Bishop, age 30, born in WV in May 1870, married 2 yrs, no children, in household of
husband, George Bishop.

George Bishop

1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, Vol 9, page 764.
Elkhorn Township, page 001.
Listed as George Bishop, age 6, in household of father, Elisha Bishop.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1898); Page 226; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 23; born and living in McDowell Co, WV; son of Elisha and Rebecca; married
on 23 Nov 1898 in McDowell Co, WV; Mary Shannon Sansom; age 30; born in Lincoln Co, WV;
daughter of Gordon and ____.
3. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV, Huffs Creek District, taken on 15 Jun 1900, Page 262B,
Family #130.
Listed as George Bishop, age 23, born in WV in Jun 1876, married 2 yrs, day laborer,
head of household.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1931); Page 109; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 47; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; miner; living at Hensley, WV; son of
Elisha and Rebecca; married on 12 Jun 1931 at Hensley, WV; Lena Green; age 22; born in
Wyoming Co, WV; single; daughter of M. A.and Mary.
5. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: George Bishop
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 15 Jun 1876
Birth Place: Welch, West Virginia
Father: Elisia Bishop
Mother: Rebecca Harris
SSN: 234141167
Notes: Jun 1937: Name listed as GEORGE BISHOP"
6. Wyoming Co, WV Death Certificate #14023; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 62; born in WV; married, husband of Lena Bishop; son of Elise and Rebecca
Harris Bishop; died on 12 Sep 1945 at Hanover, Wyoming Co, WV; buried on Huff Creek, Wyoming
Co, WV.
7. website; submitted by Patty Greene; 29 Aug 2018.
"George Bishop
Birth 1876
West Virginia, USA
Death 12 Sep 1945 (aged 68–69)
Hanover, Wyoming County, West Virginia, USA
Burial Huff Creek Cemetery
Roderfield, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 192664662"

Lena Green

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1931); Page 109; WV Archives Web Site.
George Bishop; age 47; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; miner; living at Hensley, WV; son of
Elisha and Rebecca; married on 12 Jun 1931 at Hensley, WV; Lena Green; age 22; born in Wyoming
Co, WV; single; daughter of M. A .and Mary.

Willard Kelley Bishop

1. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Willard Kelley Bishop
[Willard Bishop]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 22 Apr 1932
Birth Place: Hensley, West Virginia
Death Date: 7 Nov 1993
Claim Date: 28 Feb 1967
Father: George Bishop
Mother: Lenia Green
SSN: 234449991
Citizenship or Alien Status: U.S. citizen.
Type of Claim: Duplicate request; evidence of identity only submitted.
Notes: 20 Nov 1989: Name listed as WILLARD KELLEY BISHOP;
11 Feb 1967: Name listed as WILLARD BISHOP;
26 Nov 1993: Name listed as WILLARD K BISHOP"
2. Ohio, Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Willard K Bishop
Birth Date: 22 Apr 1932
Birth Place: West Virginia, United States
Gender: Male
Race: White
Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: 7 Nov 1993
Death Time: 02:17 PM
Hospital of Death: Clermont County Mercy Hospital
Death Place: Clermont, Ohio, USA
Certificate: 082168
Age at Death: 61
Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: 234-44-9991
Father's Surname: Bishop
Mother's Maiden Name: Green
Marital Status: Never Married (Single)
Education: 4
Industry of Decedent: Construction
Occupation of Decedent: Construction laborers
Primary Registration District: 1300"
3. Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current; Web Site.
"Name: Willard K. Bishop
Birth Date: 22 Aug 1932
Death Date: 7 Nov 1993
Cemetery: Batavia Union Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Batavia, Clermont County, Ohio, United States of America
Has Bio?: N

Clarence Bishop

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Page 213A, Family #51.
Listed as Clarence Bishop, age 4, born in WV, in household of father, William R. Bishop.
2. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Brown's Creek District, Davy Precinct, taken on
12 Jan 1920, Page 243B, Family #314.
Listed as Clarence Bishop, age 14, born in WV, in household of father, William Bishop.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1936); Page 26; WV Archives Web Site.
Clarence Bishop; age 31; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; miner; living at Davy, WV;
son of William and Mary E.; married on 24 Dec 1936 at Welch, WV; Mae Corder; age 23;
born in McDowell Co, WV; single; daughter of J. M. and Ida.

Louvina Atwell

1. 1910 Census, Russell Co, VA; Johnson Precinct; taken on 20 Apr 1910; Page 123B; Family #50/50.
Listed as Luvena Atwell; age 2; born in VA; in household of father, Charles F. Atwell.
2. McDowell Co, WV Co, WV Death Certificate #673; WV Archives Web Site.
Louvena Bishop; age 19 yrs, 8 mons, 26 days; born on 15 Apr 1906 in Lebanon, VA; married, wife of
Clarence Bishop; daughter of C.F., born in Tow Hill, VA, and Ida Taylor, born in Washington Co, VA,
Atwell; died on 11 Jan 1926 at Asco, McDowell Co, WV of child birth complications; buried on 13 Jan
1926 at Asco, McDowell Co, WV.

Charles Franklin Atwell

1. 1900 Census, Washington Co, VA; Brumley Gap and Worley's Precincts; taken on 6 Jun 1900; Page
240B; Family #78/86.
Listed as Charlie F. Atwell; age 28; born in Feb 1872 in VA; married 12 yrs; farm laborer; head of
2. 1910 Census, Russell Co, VA; Johnson Precinct; taken on 20 Apr 1910; Page 123B; Family #50/50.
Listed as Charley Atwell; age 35; born in VA; married once for 17 yrs; laborer in sawmill; head of

Ida Jane Taylor

1. 1900 Census, Washington Co, VA; Brumley Gap and Worley's Precincts; taken on 6 Jun 1900; Page
240B; Family #78/86.
Listed as Ida J. Atwell; age 21; born in Jun 1878 in VA; married 12 yrs; 4 children, 3 living;
in household of husband, Charles F. Atwell.
(There is an error in birth date, she would have only been 9 yrs old at their marriage)
2. 1910 Census, Russell Co, VA; Johnson Precinct; taken on 20 Apr 1910; Page 123B; Family #50/50.
Listed as Ida Atwell; age 32; born in VA; married once for 17 yrs; 8 children, 7 living; in household of
husband, Charles F. Atwell.

Cora D. Atwell

1. 1900 Census, Washington Co, VA; Brumley Gap and Worley's Precincts; taken on 6 Jun 1900; Page
240B; Family #78/86.
Listed as Cora D. Atwell; age 8; born in Oct 1891 in VA; in household of father, Charles F. Atwell.

Willie M. Atwell

1. 1900 Census, Washington Co, VA; Brumley Gap and Worley's Precincts; taken on 6 Jun 1900; Page
240B; Family #78/86.
Listed as Willie M. Atwell; age 4; born in Feb 1896 in VA; in household of father, Charles F. Atwell.
2. 1910 Census, Russell Co, VA; Johnson Precinct; taken on 20 Apr 1910; Page 123B; Family #50/50.
Listed as Willie Atwell; age 13; born in VA; in household of father, Charles F. Atwell.

Loulalar Atwell

1. 1910 Census, Russell Co, VA; Johnson Precinct; taken on 20 Apr 1910; Page 123B; Family #50/50.
Listed as Loulalar Atwell; age 7; born in VA; in household of father, Charles F. Atwell.

Lewis Lee Bishop

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1917); Page 368; WV Archives Web Site.
Lewis L. Bishop; age 22; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; farmer; living at Havaco, WV; son
of John and Sarah; married on 15 Feb 1917 at Havaco, WV; Josie Baker; age 22; born in
McDowell Co, WV; widow; daughter of P. and Delia.
2. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #3141; Welch, WV Draft Board; 5 Jun 1917.
Lewis L. Bishop; age 22; born on 8 May 1895 at Mayking?, WV; employed at Havaco; dependents,
wife and 3 children; served as private in infantry for "State of WV"; medium height and build; brown
eyes and dark brown hair.
3. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, Havaco, taken on 2 Feb 1920, Page 168A,
Family #389.
Listed as Lewis L. Bishop, age 24, born in WV, coal miner, head of household.
4. 1930 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Rock District, taken on 13 Apr 1930, Page 232B, Family #276.
Listed as Lewis Bishop, age 35, born in WV, married at 16, bondsman in coal mine, head of
5. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Havaco; E.D. 24-4; taken on 7 May 1940; Page
72B; Image 16 of 30; Household #122.
Listed as Lewis L. Bishop; age 42; born in WV; married; 8th grade education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935; electrician in coal mine; head of household.
6. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Lewis L Bishop
Birth Date: 18 May 1885
Birth Place: Maben, West Virginia
Claim Date: 15 Oct 1951
SSN: 232127353
Notes: 15 Oct 1951: Name listed as LEWIS L BISHOP'

Josephine "Josie" Cameron

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken 18th of June 1900,
page 82A, Family #161.
Listed as Josie Cameron, age 9, born in Mar 1891, in WV, in household of
father, Calvin Cameron.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Big Creek District, taken on 14 May 1910, Page 210B, Family #422.
Listed as Josie F. Baker, age 19, born in WV, widow, head of household.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1917); Page 368; WV Archives Web Site.
Lewis L. Bishop; age 22; born in Wyoming Co, WV; single; farmer; living at Havaco, WV; son
of John and Sarah; married on 15 Feb 1917 at Havaco, WV; Josie Baker; age 22; born in
McDowell Co, WV; widow; daughter of P. and Delia.
4. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, Havaco, taken on 2 Feb 1920, Page 168A,
Family #389.
Listed as Josie Bishop, age 26, born in WV, in household of husband, Lewis L. Bishop.
5. 1930 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Rock District, taken on 13 Apr 1930, Page 232B, Family #276.
Listed as Josie Bishop, age 36, born in WV, married at 17, in household of husband, Lewis L. Bishop.
6. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Havaco; E.D. 24-4; taken on 7 May 1940; Page
72B; Image 16 of 30; Household #122.
Listed as Josephine Bishop; age 42; born in WV; married; 7th grade education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935;in household of husband, Lewis L. Bishop.
7. E-mail message 30 Sep 2002, by Sandy Peps2000,
Her grandmother, Josephine Cameron, married first Wade Baker, son of Dimmon
and (Rebecca Jane Harman) Baker; married second, Lewis Bishop.
8. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014; Web Site.
"Name: Josephine Bishop
SSN: 526-31-9212
Last Residence:
85719 Tucson, Pima, Arizona, USA
BORN: 24 Mar 1890
Died: Mar 1983
State (Year) SSN issued: Arizona (1973)"

Hester Lewis Bishop

1. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Adkin District, Havaco, taken on 2 Feb 1920, Page 168A,
Family #389.
Listed as Hester Bishop, age 3 yrs, 0 mons, born in WV, in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.
2. 1930 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Rock District, taken on 13 Apr 1930, Page 232B, Family #276.
Listed as Hester Bishop, age 13, born in WV, in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.
3. U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Web Site.
"Name: Hester Lewis Bishop
Race: White
Age: 28
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Place: Havaco, West Virginia, USA
Birth Date: 13 Jan 1917
Residence Place: Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia, USA
Registration Date: 31 Aug 1945
Occupation: Unemployed
Weight: 150
Complexion: Ruddy
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5 9
Next of Kin: Lewis L Bishop
Household Members:
Name Relationship
Hester Lewis Bishop Self (Head)
Lewis L Bishop Father"

Robert Bishop

1. 1930 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Rock District, taken on 13 Apr 1930, Page 232B, Family #276.
Listed as Robert Bishop, age 8, born in WV, in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Havaco; E.D. 24-4; taken on 7 May 1940; Page
72B; Image 16 of 30; Household #122.
Listed as Robert Bishop; age 18; born in WV; single 8th grade education; lived in same house
on 1 Apr 1935; new worker; in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.

Violet M. Bishop

1. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #12372; WV Archives Web Site.
Violet M. Bishop, age 7 mons; born on 22 Mar 1924 at Havaco, WV; daughter of L.L. and Josie
Cameron Bishop; died on 21 Oct 1924 at Havaco, WV of colitis; buried on 22 Oct 1924 at Town

Ted Hartley Bishop

1. 1930 Census, Mercer Co, WV, Rock District, taken on 13 Apr 1930, Page 232B, Family #276.
Listed as Ted Bishop, age 1 yr, 10 mons, born in WV, in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Havaco; E.D. 24-4; taken on 7 May 1940; Page
73A; Image 17 of 30; Household #122.
Listed as Ted Bishop; age 11; born in WV; 4th grade education; attending school; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.
2. U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Web Site.
"Name: Ted Hartley Bishop
Race: White
Age: 18
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Place: Havaco, West Virginia, USA
Birth Date: 6 May 1928
Residence Place: Princeton, Mercer, West Virginia, USA
Registration Date: 8 May 1946
Occupation: Unemployed
Weight: 140
Complexion: Ruddy
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5 9
Next of Kin: Lewis Lee Bishop
Household Members:
Name Relationship
Ted Hartley Bishop Self (Head)
Lewis Lee Bishop Father"
3. Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959; Web Site.
"Name: Mr Ted H Bishop
Departure Age: 27
Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1928
Port of Departure: Hickam Air Force Base, Honolulu, Hawaii
Departure Date: 7 Dec 1955"
US AF, MATS; Passenger Manifest; Destination Eniwetok Atoll, M.I.; Destination Airport KWX; Kiwai
Island Airport. Papua, New Guina. (Probably to take part in A-Bomb Test)
4. Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959; Web Site.
"Name: Mr Ted H Bishop
Arrival Age: 28
Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1928
Port of Departure: Tokyo
Port of Arrival: Travis Air Force Base (California)
Arrival Date: 3 May 1956
Race: American"
5. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Ted Hartley Bishop
[Ted H Bishop]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 6 May 1928
Birth Place: Havaco McDow, West Virginia
Death Date: 20 May 2004
Father: Lewis L Bishop
Mother: Josephine Cameron
SSN: 234408799
Notes: May 1944: Name listed as TED HARTLEY BISHOP;
03 Jun 2004: Name listed as TED H BISHOP"
6. Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014: Web Site.
"Name: Ted H. Bishop
SSN: 234-40-8799
Last Residence:
85719 Tucson, Pima, Arizona, USA
BORN: 6 May 1928
Died: 20 May 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: West Virginia (Before 1951)"

Marvin L. Bishop

1. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #12763; WV Archives Web Site.
Marvin L. Bishop, age 5 mons, 12 days; born on 23 Mar 1929 in WV; son of L.L. and Josie Cameron
Bishop; died on 5 Sep 1929 of colitis; buried on 8 Sep1929 at Welch, WV; informant, L.L Bishop
(father), Caples, WV.

Margaret Sylvia Bishop

1. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #12772; WV Archives Web Site.
Margaret Sylvia Bishop, age 5 mons, 19 days; born on 23 Mar 1929 in WV; daughter of L.L. and Josie
Cameron Bishop; died on 12 Sep 1929 of colitis; buried on 14 Sep1929 at Welch, WV; informant, L.L
Bishop (father), Caples, WV.

Louise Bishop

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Havaco; E.D. 24-4; taken on 7 May 1940; Page
73A; Image 17 of 30; Household #122.
Listed as Louise Bishop; age 10; born in WV; 3rd grade education; attending school; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.

Geraldine Bishop

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Adkin District; Havaco; E.D. 24-4; taken on 7 May 1940; Page
73A; Image 17 of 30; Household #122.
Listed as Geraldine Bishop; age 7; born in WV; no education; attending school; lived in same
house on 1 Apr 1935; in household of father, Lewis L. Bishop.

Aldie Curtis Bishop

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Brown's Creek District, page 122A, Family 47.
Listed as Aldie Bishop, age 2, in household of father, William Bishop.
2. web site, GEDCOM file 185947, 10 Dec 2000, submitted by
Aldie Curtis Bishop was born on 25 Jan 1897 at Davy, McDowell Co, WV; died 8
Aug 1982 at Albany, Clinton Co, KY; buried 11 Aug 1982 at Bluefield, Tazewell
Co, VA; married first, Elizabeth Bishop; second, Elizabeth Cynthia Bishop;
third, Ida Belle Keaton Peregoy.
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Page 213A, Family #51.
Listed as Auldie Curtis Bishop, age 12, born in WV, in household of father, William R. Bishop.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1917); Page 73; WV Archives Web Site.
A.C. Bishop; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Davy, WV; son of William
and Elizabeth; married on 18 Apr 1917 at Capels, WV; Elizabeth England; age 17; born in
McDowell Co, WV; single; daughter of Noah and Matilda.
5. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #3550; Welch, WV Draft Board; 5 Jun 1917.
Aldie Bishop; age 21; born on 5 Jan 1896 at Davy, WV; miner for Superior Pocahontas Coal Co at
Davy, WV; dependents, wife; short with slender build; blue eyes and brown hair.
6. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Brown's Creek District, Davy Precinct, taken on
12 Jan 1920, Page 243B, Family #314.
Listed as Aeldie C. Bishop, age 22, born in WV, in household of father, William Bishop.
7. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 17 Apr 1930; Page 76B; Image
24 of 47; Family #214/220.
Listed as Oley Bishop; age 31; born in WV; married at 19; coal miner; head of household.
8. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; E.D. 24-59; taken on 1 May 1940; Page
1167B; Image 36 of 64; Household #310.
Listed as Aldie Bishop; age 45; born in WV; married; 7th grade education; lived in same place on
1 Apr 1935; laborer on W.P.A. road project; head of household.
9. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card # 2745; Apr 1942.
Aldie (No Middle Name) Bishop; age 47; born on 10 Jan 1896 at Davy, WV; living at Asco,
McDowell Co, WV; employed by Atlantic Smokeless Coal Co, Asco, WV; person who will always
know address, Mrs. Aldie Bishop, Asco, WV.
10. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1964); Page 44; WV Archives Web Site.
Aldie Curtis Bishop; age 70; born 10 Jan 1894 in Davy, WV; wodowed; one previous marriage; living
at Box 793, Kimball, WV; son of William M. and Lizzie (Short) Bishop; married on 11 Apr 1964 at
Kimball, WV; Elizabeth Cynthia Bishop Burks; age 61; boen 24 May 1903 in Carswell, WV; widow;
one previous marriage; living at Box 534, Kimball, WV; daughter of George and Sarah (Lester)

Elizabeth "Lizzie" England

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 2 May 1910; Page 119A;
Family #296/325.
Listed as Elizabeth England; age 9; born in WV; in household of uncle, Boyd England, with parents.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1917); Page 73; WV Archives Web Site.
A.C. Bishop; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; single; laborer; living at Davy, WV; son of William
and Elizabeth; married on 18 Apr 1917 at Capels, WV; Elizabeth England; age 17; born in McDowell
Co, WV; single; daughter of Noah and Matilda.
3. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 17 Apr 1930; Page 76B; Image
24 of 47; Family #214/220.
Listed as Lizzie Bishop; age 30; born in WV; married at 18; in household of husband, Aldie C.
4. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; E.D. 24-59; taken on 1 May 1940; Page
1167B; Image 36 of 64; Household #310.
Listed as Elizabeth Bishop; age 41; born in WV; married; 2nd grade education; lived in same place
on 1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, Aldie C. Bishop.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Book #__ (1963); Browns Creek District; WV Archives Web Site.
Lizzie Bishop; age 64; born on 18 Apr 1899 at Capels, WV; married; living at Carswell, WV; daughter
of Noah and Tillis (Bishop) England; died on 15 Aug 1963 in the Stevens Clinic, Welch, McDowell
Co, WV from infraction of myocardium with coronary sclerosis; buried on 17 Aug 1963 in Grandview
Memorial Gardens, Bluefield, (Tazewell Co) VA; informant, Aldie Bishop, Carswell, WV.
6. Website; submitted by Family Ties That Bind; 18 Feb 2019.
"Elizabeth “Lizzie” England Bishop
Birth 18 Apr 1899
Capels, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Death 15 Aug 1963 (aged 64)
Burial Grandview Memory Gardens
Bluefield, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 196950597"

Additional Information Posted:
"Daughter of Noah and Matilda England
Spouse Aldie C. Bishop
Details from death certificate and obituary
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Bluefield, West Virginia
Saturday, August 17, 1963 – Page 6"

Ester Magdalene Bishop

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 17 Apr 1930; Page 76B; Image
24 of 47; Family #214/220.
Listed as Madeline Bishop; age 10 mons; born in WV; in household of father, Aldie C. Bishop.
2. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #13875; WV Archives Web Site.
Baby Ester Bishop; age 1 yr, 6 mons, 7 days; born on 30 Mar 1929 at Asco, WV; daughter of Aldie
and Lizzie England Bishop; died on 7 Oct 1930 at Grace Hospital, Welch, McDowell Co, WV; buried
on 10 Oct 1930 at Ox, WV; informant Aldie Bishop (father), Hemphill, WV.

Troy Bishop

1. 1910 Census, Monroe Co, WV, Springfield District, taken on 25 Apr 1910, Page 227A, Family #104.
Listed as Troy Bishop, age 2, born in WV, in household of father, David C. Bishop
2. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, taken o 21/22 Jan 1920, Page 270A,
Family #344.
Listed as Troy Bishop, age 10, born in WV, in household of father, David C. Bishop.
3. 1930 Census, Mingo Co, WV, Stafford District, Glen Alum, taken on 9 Apr 1930, Page 133A,
Family #181.
Listed as Troy Bishop, age 22, born in WV, married at 21, motorman in coal mine, head of household.
4. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #3578; WV Archives Web Site.
Troy Bishop; age 25 yrs, 11 mons, 28 days; born on 7 Mar 1907 at Caples, WV; married, husband of
Fannie Dotson; brakeman on motor in coal mine; son of D.C. and S.J. Rose Bishop; died on 5 Mar
1933 at Grace Hospital, Welch, McDowell Co, WV from a slate fall in mine at Panther, WV on 28 Feb
1933; buried on 8 Mar 1933 at Wharncliffe, WV; informant, D.C. Bishop (father), Panther, WV.

Fannie Dotson

1. 1930 Census, Mingo Co, WV, Stafford District, Glen Alum, taken on 9 Apr 1930, Page 133A,
Family #181.
Listed as Fannie Bishop, age 18, born in WV, married at 17, in household of husband, Troy Bishop.

Thelma C. Bishop

1. 1930 Census, Mingo Co, WV, Stafford District, Glen Alum, taken on 9 Apr 1930, Page 133A,
Family #181.
Listed as Thelma C. Bishop, age 1, born in WV, in household of father, Troy Bishop.