McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families


Everett Bailey

1. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Panther Precinct, taken on 12 May 1910,
Page 106A, Family #209.
Listed as Evert Bailey, age 2, born in WV, in household of father, Adam Bailey.
2. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", Vol I, 1995, MCHS, "Everett Bailey" article, page 93.
3. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Mohawk, taken on 15 Jan 1920, Page 267A,
Family #235.
Listed as Evert Bailey, age 12, born in WV, in household of father, Adam Bailey.
4. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1938); Page 198; WV Archives Web Site.
Everett Bailey; born 7 Dec 1907 in Panther, WV; living in Panther, WV; son of Adam and Jurash;
married on 18 Oct 1938 at Iaeger, WV; Bertha E. Steele; born 8 Nov 1915 in Iaeger, WV; livig in
Iaeger, WV; daughter of Lee and Edith.
5. Web Site; submitted by Cora Lee Mallette; 4 Dec 2018.
" Everett Bailey
Birth 21 Dec 1907
Death 9 Jul 1945 (aged 37)
Adam Bailey Cemetery
Panther, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA "

Bertha E. Steele

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 14 Apr 1930; Page 234B; Image
23 of 33; Family #196/197.
Listed as Bertha Steel; age 14; born in WV; single; farming; in household of father, Leander Steele.
2. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", Vol I, 1995, MCHS, "Everett Bailey" article, page 93.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1938); Page 198; WV Archives Web Site.
Everett Bailey; born 7 Dec 1907 in Panther, WV; living in Panther, WV; son of Adam and Jurash;
married on 18 Oct 1938 at Iaeger, WV; Bertha E. Steele; born 8 Nov 1915 in Iaeger, WV; livig in
Iaeger, WV; daughter of Lee and Edith.

Ralph Bailey

1. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", Vol I, 1995, MCHS, "Everett Bailey" article, page 93.

Roy Lee Bailey

1. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", Vol I, 1995, MCHS, "Everett Bailey" article, page 93.

Glenn Bailey

1. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", Vol I, 1995, MCHS, "Everett Bailey" article, page 93.

Adam Bailey

1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, taken on 25 Jun 1880, Page 342B,
Family # 94.
Listed as Adam Roberts, age 1month, born in WV, in household of father, Archibald Bailey.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 7 Jul 1900; Page 26_A; Family #410.
Lised as Adam Bailey; age 21; born in WV in May 1879; married 1 yr; day laborer; head of
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Panther Precinct, taken on 12 May 1910,
Page 105B, Family #209.
Listed as Adam Bailey, age 31, born in WV, married once for 11 years, farmer, head of household.
4. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #1615; McDowell Co Draft Board; 12 Sep 1918.
Adam Bailey; age 39; born on 15 May 1879 ; living at Panther, McDowell Co, WV; car repairer at
Iaeger, WV for N&W Railway; nearest relative, Mrs Jersha Bailey, wife; medium height and build;
brown eyes and dark hair.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1919); Page 153; WV Archives Web Site.
Adam Bailey; age 40; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; farmer; living at Panther, WV; son of Arch
and Rachel; married on 20 Sep 1919 at Panther, WV; Sallie Shader; age 25; born in Tazewell Co,
VA; single; daughter of Green and Belle.
6. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Mohawk, taken on 15 Jan 1920, Page 267A,
Family #235.
Listed as Adam Bailey, age 40, born in WV, farmer, head of household.
7. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, taken on 8 Apr 1930, Page 203A, Family #25.
Listed as Adam Bailey, age 52, born in WV, married at 20, farmer, head of household.
8. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Panther; E.D. 24-58; taken 27 Jul 1940; Page
1136A; Image 33 of 60; Household #246.
Listed as Adam Bailey; age 62; born in WV; married; 5th grade education; lived in same place on
1 Apr 1935; partner in mine timber business; head of household.
9. Web Site; submitted by cora lee mallette; 4 Dec 2018.
" Adam Bailey
Birth 12 May 1877
Death 27 Dec 1957 (aged 80)
Adam Bailey Cemetery
Panther, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA "

Sarah J. "Sallie" Shrader

1. 1900 Census, Tazewell Co, VA, Jeffersonville District, taken on 9/10 Jun
1900, Page 107B, Family #121.
Listed as Sarah J. Shrader, age 5, born in Nov 1894 in VA, in household of
father, Greenville Shrader.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1919); Page 153; WV Archives Web Site.
Adam Bailey; age 40; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; farmer; living at Panther, WV; son of Arch
and Rachel; married on 20 Sep 1919 at Panther, WV; Sallie Shader; age 25; born in Tazewell Co,
VA; single; daughter of Green and Belle.
3. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Mohawk, taken on 15 Jan 1920, Page 267A,
Family #235.
Listed as Sallie Bailey, age 25, born in WV, in household of husband, Adam Bailey.
4. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, taken on 8 Apr 1930, Page 203A, Family #25.
Listed as Sarah Bailey, age 35, born in VA, married at 24, in household of husband, Adam Bailey.
5. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Panther; E.D. 24-58; taken 27 Jul 1940; Page
1136A; Image 33 of 60; Household #246.
Listed as Sallie Bailey; age 45; born in VA; married; 6th grade education; in household of husband,
Adam Bailey.

Calloway Bailey

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 259B, Family #365.
Listed as Caloway Bailey, age 4, born in Oct 1895, in WV, in household of father, Melvin Bailey.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Panther Precinct, taken on 12 May 1910,
Page 105B, Family #200.
Listed as Caloway Bailey, age 15, born in WV, in household of father, Melvin Bailey.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1916); Page 77; WV Archives Web Site.
Calloway Bailey; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; miner; living at Panther, WV; son of Melvin and
Mary; married on 6 Apr 1916 at Welch, WV; Cosby Cline; age 18; born in McDowell Co, WV; single;
daughter of Harper and Mary Ann.
4. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #4139; 5 Jun 1917; Web Site.
Calloway Bailey; age 21; born 6 Oct 1895 at Mohawk, WV; married; living at Mohawk, WV;
employed by Mohawk Coal Co, Mohawk, WV; dependent wife; tall with medium build; gray
eyes and red hair.
5. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken 25 Apr 1930; Page 198B; Image 52
of 56; Family #423/442.
Listed as Cal Bailey; age 35; born in WV; married at 31 (sic, 21); farmer; head of household.
6. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; E.D. 24-57; taken on 6 Apr 1940; Page
1087B; Image 10 of 74; Household #90.
Listed as Calloway Bailey; age 44; born in WV; married; 2nd grade education; lived in McDowell
Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; coal miner; head of household.
7. McDowell Co, WV; WW II Draft Registration Card #U-474; 27 Apr 1942; Web Site.
Calloway Bailey; age 46; born 6 Oct 1896 in Mohawk, WV; living in Mohawk, WV; unemployed;
person who will always know address, Causby Bailey, Mohawk, WV; 6' 1" tall; 218 lbs; blue eyes;
red hair; light brown complexion.
8. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #'69 007477; WV Archives Web Site via LDS Web Site.
Calloway Bailey; age 73; born in WV; married; husband of Cosby Cline; miner; SS# 236-05-5328;
served in WW I; son of Melvin and Mary (Blankenship) Bailey; died 6 May 1969 at home in Panther,
WV; from an acute coronary thrombosis; buried 9 May 1969 in Bailey Cemetery, Panther, WV;
informant, Cosby Bailey, Panther, WV.
9. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Calloway Bailey; born on 6 Oct 1895; died in May 1969; last residence, Mohawk, McDowell Co, WV.

Cosby Cline

1. 1900 Census, Mingo Co, WV; Stafford District; taken on 20 Jun 1900; Page 239B; Family #142.
Listed as Cosby Cline; age 1; born in WV in Mar 1899; in household of father, Peter H. Cline.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Panther; taken on 29 Apr 1910; Page 100B;
Family #109.
Listed as Cosby Cline; age 10; born in WV; in household of father, Peter H. Cline.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1916); Page 77; WV Archives Web Site.
Calloway Bailey; age 21; born in McDowell Co, WV; miner; living at Panther, WV; son of Melvin and
Mary; married on 6 Apr 1916 at Welch, WV; Cosby Cline; age 18; born in McDowell Co, WV; single;
daughter of Harper and Mary Ann.
4. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken 25 Apr 1930; Page 198B; Image 52
of 56; Family #423/442.
Listed as Cosby Bailey; age 31; born in WV; married at 17; in household of husband, Calloway Bailey.
5. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; E.D. 24-57; taken on 6 Apr 1940; Page
1087B; Image 10 of 74; Household #90.
Listed as Cosby Bailey; age 40; born in WV; married; 6th grade education; lived in McDowell
Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; in household of husband, Calloway Bailey.
6. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Cosby Bailey; born on 5 Mar 1899; died in Nov 1981; last residence, Iaeger, McDowell Co, WV.

Hazel Bailey

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken 25 Apr 1930; Page 198B; Image 52
of 56; Family #423/442.
Listed as Hazel Bailey; age 10; born in WV; in household of father, Calloway Bailey.

Lorn Elmer Bailey

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken 25 Apr 1930; Page 198B; Image 52
of 56; Family #423/442.
Listed as Elmer Bailey, age 5; born in WV; in household of father, Calloway Bailey.
2. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; E.D. 24-57; taken on 6 Apr 1940; Page
1087B; Image 10 of 74; Household #90.
Listed as Elmer Bailey; age 15; born in WV; 6th grade education; lived in McDowell
Co, WV on 1 Apr 1935; farm laborer; in household of father, Calloway Bailey.
3. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947; Web Site.
"Name: Elmer Bailey
Race: White
Age: 18
Relationship to Draftee: Self (Head)
Birth Place: Mohawk, West Virginia, USA
Birth Date: 18 Jul 1924
Residence Place: Mohawk, Mcdowell, West Virginia, USA
Registration Date: 11 Dec 1942
Employer: Unemployed
Weight: 140
Complexion: Light
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5 8
Next of Kin: Calloway Bailey
Household Members:
Name Relationship
Elmer Bailey Self (Head)
Calloway Bailey Father"
4. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007; Web Site.
"Name: Lorn Elmer Bailey
[Elmer Bailey]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 18 Jul 1924
Birth Place: Mohawk McDow, West Virginia
Death Date: 3 Oct 1998
Father: Caloway Bailey
Mother: Cosby Cline
SSN: 233348068
Notes: Jul 1941: Name listed as LORN ELMER BAILEY;
Jan 1942: Name listed as ELMER BAILEY"
5. Social Security Death Index; Web Site.
Elmer Bailey; born 18 Jul 1924; died 3 Oct 1998; last residence, Iaeger, WV 248844;
SS# 233-34-8068; card issued in WV before 1951.
6. Web Site; Bailey Cemetery, Panther, McDowell Co, WV; submitted by
David A, Swiger; 24 Feb 2012.
Elmer Bailey; born 18 Jul 1924; died 3 Oct 1998; buried here; "US Army World War II".

Teddy R. Bailey

1. 1940 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; E.D. 24-57; taken on 6 Apr 1940; Page
1087B; Image 10 of 74; Household #90.
Listed as Teddy Bailey; age 1; born in WV; in household of father, Calloway Bailey.

Addison Conrad Christian

1. 1880 Census, McDowell Co, WV, compiled by William A. Marsh, age 769.
Big Creek Township, page 006.
Listed as Addison Christian, age 10 months, in household of father, Mastin Christian.
2. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, page 88B, Family 33.
Listed as Atterson Christian, age 23, born in Jul 1878, in household of father, Mastin Christian.
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Browns Creek District; taken on 2 May 1910; Page 205B;
Family #406/423.
Listed as Addy Christian; age 30; born in WV; boarder; house carpenter, in household of A.E. Minter.
4. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Princess, taken on 19 Apr 1930, Page 243A,
Family #193.
Listed as Addison Christian, age 53, born in WV, married at 38, farm manager, head of household.
5. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1949); Page 70; WV Archives Web Site.
Addison Christian; age 70; born in McDowell Co, WV; widowed; living at Roderfield, WV; married on 19 Feb 1949
at Roderfield, WV; Willie Mae Dove; age 21; born at Pageton, WV; single; living at Roderfield, WV.
6. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # '59 012279; WV Archives Web Site.
Addison C. Christian; age 82; born on 18 Jul 1878 at Coalwood, WV; married; living at Roderfield, WV;
son of Maston and Hanna (Trent) Christian; died on 24 Aug 1959 at Roderfield, McDowel Co, WV from
a heart attack; buried on 27 Aug 1959 in Family Cemetery on Christian Mtn, WV; informant, Tom
Christian, Roderfield, WV.
7. McDowell Co, WV Cemeteries, "Addison-Christian Cemetery", Christian Mountain, McDowell Co, WV.
Addison Christian; born Jul 1818 (sic, 1878); died Aug ??
8. Web Site; submitted by Liz Olmstead; 30 Nov 2010.
" Addison C. Christian
Birth 18 Jul 1878
Coalwood, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Death 24 Aug 1959 (aged 81)
Roderfield, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Addison Christian Cemetery
Roderfield, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 62382370"

Gladys Flippen

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Princess, taken on 19 Apr 1930, Page 243A,
Family #193.
Listed as Gladys Christian, age 47, born in WV, in household of husband, Addsion Christian.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate # 3694; WV Archives Web Site.
Gladys Christian; age 45 yrs, 6 mons, 11 days; born on 20 Sep 1894 (sic?, 1884?) at Bristol, TN;
married; wife of A.C. Christian; living at Roderfield, WV; daughter of _____ and Bell Flippen; died on
31 Mar 1940 in Welch Emergency Hospital, Welch, McDowell Co, WV from pneumonia; buried on 2
Apr 1940 at Roderfield, WV; informant, A.C. Christian, Roderfield, WV.
3. McDowell Co, WV Cemeteries, "Addison-Christian Cemetery", Christian Mountain, McDowell Co, WV.
Gladys Christian; "concrete stone, can't read dates"
4. Web Site; submitted by Liz Olmstead; 30 Nov 2010.
" Gladys Flippin Christian
Birth 20 Sep 1894
Bristol, Sullivan County, Tennessee, USA
Death 31 Mar 1940 (aged 45)
Welch, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Addison Christian Cemetery
Roderfield, McDowell County, West Virginia, USA
Memorial ID 62382359"

Robert Christian

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Princess, taken on 19 Apr 1930, Page 243A, Family #193.
Listed as Robert Christian, age 13, born in WV, in household of father, Addsion Christian.

Thomas Christian

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Princess, taken on 19 Apr 1930, Page 243A, Family #193.
Listed as Thomas Christian, age 5 yrs 1 month, born in WV, in household of father, Addsion Christian.

George Franklin Christian

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River Township, page 256A, Family 304.
Listed as George F. Christian, age 1, born in Apr 1899 in WV, in household of
father, John Christian.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; taken on 23 Apr 1910; Page 83B; Image 10 of 31;
Family #92/94.
Listed as George Christian; age 11; born in WV; in household of father, John Christian.
3. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Sandy River District; Iaeger; taken on 2 Feb 1920; Page 235B; Image
2 of 35; Family #10/11.
Listed as George Christian; age 19; born in WV; single; in household of father, John Christian.
4. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "George Franklin Christian
Family"; Page 118; submitted by Loretta Long, Box 31, Iaeger, WV 24844.
Picture of George and sister, Florence Christian, shown.
5. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Rob and Carol Steele"; Article; Page 246; submitted by Carrol Steele, PO Box
147, Iaeger, WV 24844.

Gertrude Miller

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "George Franklin Christian
Family"; Page 118; submitted by Loretta Long, Box 31, Iaeger, WV 24844.
2, McDowell Co, WV; Death Registry; Vol #__(1932); Page 36; Line #8; WV Archives Web Site.
Gertrude Christian; age 29; born 20 Jan 1902 in KY; living at Iaeger, WV; housewife; daughter of
Ashby and Mandy (Harp) Miller; died 5 Mar 1932 during childbirth; with other condition of TB; buried
at Iaeger, WV; informant, John Christian.
3. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1999"; 1999; Geneva Steel, Sandra Long,
and Tom Hatcher; "Rob and Carol Steele"; Article; Page 246; submitted by Carrol Steele, PO Box
147, Iaeger, WV 24844.

Stanley Harvey Christian

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "George Franklin Christian
Family"; Page 118; submitted by Loretta Long, Box 31, Iaeger, WV 24844.

Mary Margaret Christian

1. "The Heritage of McDowell County, West Virginia, 1858-1995"; 1995; Edited by Dr, Thomas C.
Hatcher; Geneva Steele; Sandra Long and Christine Carr McGuire; "George Franklin Christian
Family"; Page 118; submitted by Loretta Long, Box 31, Iaeger, WV 24844.

William Thompson Cline

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 259B, Family #358.
Listed as William T. Cline, age 5, born in Apr 1895 in WV, in household of
father, Mastin Cline.
1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
"Thompson Cline and Myrtle Bailey were mar-
ried by J. H. Viser on the 28th day of June in
1913. Sixteen children were born to this union.
From the oldest to the youngest were Velvia -
born on February 15, 1915, Johnny - born June
19, 1917, Gladys - born March 28, 1919, Ethel -
born July 23, 1920, Paul Thompson born
September 24, 1922, Martha - born December
28, 1924, Oscar - born February 22, 1926,
Elmer born on July 7, 1928, Inez - born June
23, 1930, James - born on August 13, 1932,
Evelyn Geraldine - born on August 25, 1934,
Phyllis > born on June 24, 1936, Roy - born on
November 15, 1937, Ronald - born on July 28,
1939, Betty < born on September 28, 1940, and
George bom on February 21, 1942.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cline are both deceased and
also nine of their children- Velvia, Johnny,
Gladys, Paul, Martha, Oscar, Elmer, Inez, and
Evelyn Geraldine. Of the seven children living,
four currently live in W. V. George Cline and his
family live at Panther in McDowell County. Roy
lives in Pineville, James in Oceana, and Betty
at Hichwood. Ronnie lives in South Carolina,
Ethel in Term., and Phyllis in Georgia.
"Thompson, better known as Tom, was а coal
miner and a very strong Union man. Myrtle was
a home maker and loved to home can the many
vegetables from the garden that she and her
husband grew. Many of the vegetables that they
grew were shared with neighbors and friends.
a'They lived in the Sandy River District at Pan-
ther, W. V. most of their lives where they farmed,
had fruit trees, and raised their family. They also
owned and operated а small grocery store at
Panther. They attended the Baptist Church.
"Tom’s hobby was growing flowers in his gar-
den and yard. ln the fall, he would have bas-
kets and baskets of bulbs that he would dig
from the ground to plant for the following year.
Myrtle’s hobby was cooking and the children
enjoyed stealing what they could from mom's
favorite dishes and sneaking off to hide and
enjoy their treats.
"Tom was the son of Maston and Mollie Trent
Cline. He was born on April 16, 1895 and died
on July 17, 1965. He had four brothers ー Harve,
Reece, Compton, and Johnny. Three sisters -
Della (called Dill), Chloe, and Elsie, He is
buried on Greenbriar Road in Panther in the
family cemetery.
"Myrtle was the daughter of Adam Bailey and
Alsie Lester Bailey. Her birth date was October
14, 7898. She died on September 3, 1.972. She
is also buried on Greenbriar Road in Panther/'n
the family cemetely. She had one brother -
Noah Bailey and three sisters - Lydia, Amanda,
and Martha Bailey. Submitted by: George and Lera
Grace Cline, Box 275, Panther, WV24872
3. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Panther, taken on 16 Apr 1910, Page 95B, Family #18.
Listed as Thompson Cline, age 15, born in WV, in household of father, Mastin Cline.

Myrtle Bailey

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
"Thompson Cline and Myrtle Bailey were mar-
ried by J. H. Viser on the 28th day of June in
1913. Sixteen children were born to this union.
From the oldest to the youngest were Velvia -
born on February 15, 1915, Johnny - born June
19, 1917, Gladys - born March 28, 1919, Ethel -
born July 23, 1920, Paul Thompson born
September 24, 1922, Martha - born December
28, 1924, Oscar - born February 22, 1926,
Elmer born on July 7, 1928, Inez - born June
23, 1930, James - born on August 13, 1932,
Evelyn Geraldine - born on August 25, 1934,
Phyllis > born on June 24, 1936, Roy - born on
November 15, 1937, Ronald - born on July 28,
1939, Betty < born on September 28, 1940, and
George bom on February 21, 1942.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cline are both deceased and
also nine of their children- Velvia, Johnny,
Gladys, Paul, Martha, Oscar, Elmer, Inez, and
Evelyn Geraldine. Of the seven children living,
four currently live in W. V. George Cline and his
family live at Panther in McDowell County. Roy
lives in Pineville, James in Oceana, and Betty
at Hichwood. Ronnie lives in South Carolina,
Ethel in Term., and Phyllis in Georgia.
"Thompson, better known as Tom, was а coal
miner and a very strong Union man. Myrtle was
a home maker and loved to home can the many
vegetables from the garden that she and her
husband grew. Many of the vegetables that they
grew were shared with neighbors and friends.
a'They lived in the Sandy River District at Pan-
ther, W. V. most of their lives where they farmed,
had fruit trees, and raised their family. They also
owned and operated а small grocery store at
Panther. They attended the Baptist Church.
"Tom’s hobby was growing flowers in his gar-
den and yard. ln the fall, he would have bas-
kets and baskets of bulbs that he would dig
from the ground to plant for the following year.
Myrtle’s hobby was cooking and the children
enjoyed stealing what they could from mom's
favorite dishes and sneaking off to hide and
enjoy their treats.
"Tom was the son of Maston and Mollie Trent
Cline. He was born on April 16, 1895 and died
on July 17, 1965. He had four brothers ー Harve,
Reece, Compton, and Johnny. Three sisters -
Della (called Dill), Chloe, and Elsie, He is
buried on Greenbriar Road in Panther in the
family cemetery.
"Myrtle was the daughter of Adam Bailey and
Alsie Lester Bailey. Her birth date was October
14, 7898. She died on September 3, 1.972. She
is also buried on Greenbriar Road in Panther/'n
the family cemetely. She had one brother -
Noah Bailey and three sisters - Lydia, Amanda,
and Martha Bailey. Submitted by: George and Lera
Grace Cline, Box 275, Panther, WV24872"

Velvia Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.

Johnny Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.

Gladys Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.

Ethel Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
2. "The Register Herald", Beckley, WV, Sunday 14 Aug 2005, Newspaper Obit.
"MATHENY -- James R. Cline, 72, passed away at his residence Friday, Aug. 12, 2005... "Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Hazel Stewart Cline; three daughters, Teresa Shumate and
husband, Mark, of Locust Grove, Va., Tammy Stafford and husband, Dewight, of Kopperston and
Kimberly Osborne and husband, Doug, of Fredericksburg, Va.; two brothers, Roy Cline of Pineville and
Ronnie Cline of Pelzer, S.C.; three sisters, Ethel Erdely of Kingsport, Tenn., Phyllis Cline of Newman,
Ga., and Betty Stacey of Kenova; and two grandchildren, Joshua Caleb Stafford of Kopperston and
Emily Kate Osborne of Fredericksburg, Va..."

Paul Thompson Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.

Oscar Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.

Elmer Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
2. Social Security Death Index; LDS Web Site.
Elmer Cline; born on 7 Jul 1928; died in Apr 1974.

Inez Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.

Evelyn Geraldine Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
2. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #18357; WV Archives Web Site.
Evaline Gerald Cline; age 1; born on 25 Aug 1934 at Panther, WV; daughter of Tom and Myrtle Bailey
Cline; died on 3 Sep 1935 at Panther, McDowell Co, WV of dysentery; buried on 4 Sep 1935 at
Panther, WV; informan, Pearl Fife, Williamson, WV.

Phyllis Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
2. "The Register Herald", Beckley, WV, Sunday 14 Aug 2005, Newspaper Obit.
"MATHENY -- James R. Cline, 72, passed away at his residence Friday, Aug. 12, 2005... "Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Hazel Stewart Cline; three daughters, Teresa Shumate and
husband, Mark, of Locust Grove, Va., Tammy Stafford and husband, Dewight, of Kopperston and
Kimberly Osborne and husband, Doug, of Fredericksburg, Va.; two brothers, Roy Cline of Pineville and
Ronnie Cline of Pelzer, S.C.; three sisters, Ethel Erdely of Kingsport, Tenn., Phyllis Cline of Newman,
Ga., and Betty Stacey of Kenova; and two grandchildren, Joshua Caleb Stafford of Kopperston and
Emily Kate Osborne of Fredericksburg, Va..."

Roy Cline

1. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol I, "Thompson and Myrtle B. Cline" article, page 121.
2. "The Register Herald", Beckley, WV, Sunday 14 Aug 2005, Newspaper Obit.
"MATHENY -- James R. Cline, 72, passed away at his residence Friday, Aug. 12, 2005... "Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Hazel Stewart Cline; three daughters, Teresa Shumate and
husband, Mark, of Locust Grove, Va., Tammy Stafford and husband, Dewight, of Kopperston and
Kimberly Osborne and husband, Doug, of Fredericksburg, Va.; two brothers, Roy Cline of Pineville and
Ronnie Cline of Pelzer, S.C.; three sisters, Ethel Erdely of Kingsport, Tenn., Phyllis Cline of Newman,
Ga., and Betty Stacey of Kenova; and two grandchildren, Joshua Caleb Stafford of Kopperston and
Emily Kate Osborne of Fredericksburg, Va..."

Amos Bailey

1. Wyoming Co, WV; Birth Registry; Vol #__(1894); Page 102; Line 32; WV Archives Web Site.
Amos Bailey; born on 10 Aug 1894 at Hanover, WV to H. and Usley Bailey; reported by Usley Bailey,
2. 1900 Census, Wyoming Co, WV; Huffs Creek District; taken on 6 Jun 1900; Page 259A; Image 7 of
16; Family # 65/68.
Listed as Armor Bailey, age 5; born in WV in Jul 1894; in household of mother, Alcy Lester Bailey.
3. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1914); Page 294; WV Archives Web Site.
Amos Bailey; age 22; born in McDowell (sic, Wyoming) Co, WV; single, miner; living at Hensley, WV;
son of Ussley and Henderson; married on 14 Jul 1914 at Hensley, WV; Katie Rowe; age 17; born in
Wyoming (sic, McDowell) Co, WV; single; daughter of Jane and W.M.
4. McDowell Co, WV; WW I Draft Registration Card #4224; 5 Jun 1917; Web Site.
Amos Bailey; age 22; born on 20 Jul 1895; in Wyoming Co, WV; Living at English, WV; miner for
Bartley Creek Coal Co, Bartley, WV; married; dependent wife and one child; medium height and
build; brown eyes and brown hair.
5. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, taken on 12 Jan 1920, Page 217A,
Family #146.
Listed as Amos Bailey, age 24,born in WV, miner, head of household.
6. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; Bartley; taken on 29 Apr 1930; Page 125B;
Image 51 of 53; 428/432.
Listed as Amos Bailey; age 34; born in VA; married at 18; both parents born in GA; coal miner; head
of household.
7. McDowell Co, WV; Death Certificate #13221; WV Archives Web Site.
Amos Bailey; age 54; born on 20 Jul 1896 (sic, 1894) in Wyoming Co, WV; married; retired miner;
living at Premier Cut; son of unknown parents; died on 28 Sep 1950 in Stevens Clinic, Wlech, WV
from bronchopneumonia due to pulmonary emphysema due to silicosis; buried on 30 Sep 1950
in Iaeger Memorial; informant, Mrs. Kate Bailey.
8. Web Site; Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV;
submitted by Rick: 29 Oct 2009.
Amos Bailey; born on 20 Jul 1896 (sic, birth record states 1894); died on 28 Aug (sic, Sept)1950; " Son of Adam
Henderson and Alcey Ussley (Lester) Bailey; husband of Katie Rowe..."; buried here.

Catherine "Katie" Rowe

1. 1900 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, page 246B, Family #133.
Listed as Katie Rowe, age 7, born in Jul 1897, in WV, in household of grandfather, Archibald
Muncey, with parents William and Ara Jane Muncey Rowe.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Vol #__(1914); Page 294; WV Archives Web Site.
Amos Bailey; age 22; born in McDowell (sic, Wyoming) Co, WV; single, miner; living at Hensley, WV;
son of Ussley and Henderson; married on 14 Jul 1914 at Hensley, WV; Katie Rowe; age 17; born in
Wyoming (sic, McDowell) Co, WV; single; daughter of Jane and W.M.
3. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, taken on 12 Jan 1920, Page 217A,
Family #146.
Listed as Kate Bailey, age 22, born in WV, in household of husband, Amos Bailey.
4. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV; Big Creek District; Bartley; taken on 29 Apr 1930; Page 125B;
Image 51 of 53; 428/432.
Listed as Katie Bailey; age 32; born in VA; married at 16; in household of husband, Amos Bailey.

Walter James England

1., LDS Web Site, Burks search, 29 Jul 2001; submitted by
Sandy J. Blankenship, P.O. Box 1044, Fieldale, VA
Walter James England, son of William Varner and Minerva Milam England,
was born on 17 Jul 1900 (sic) at Maitland, WV; died on 26 Sep 1939 (sic); buried in
Belcher's Mtn Cemetery, McDowell Co, WV; married in 1930 Eula Copeland; born
abt 1900 at Maitland, WV.
2. 1910 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Huger, taken on 25/26 Apr 1910,
Page 236A, Family #160.
Listed as Walter J. England, age 9, born in WV, in household of father, William V. England.
3. 1920 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Crrk District, taken on 5/7 Jan 1920, Page 6A, Family #509.
Listed as Walter England, age 18, born in WV, in household of father, William V. England.
4. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Browns Creek Road, taken on 26 Apr 1930,
Page 119A, Family #584.
Listed as Walter England, age 28, born in WV, married at 18, divorced, in household of father,
William V. England.
5. McDowell Co, WV Death Certificate #12073; WV Archives Web Site.
Walter James England; age 79 yr, 2 mons, 7 days; born on 17 Jul 1911 (sic, 1901) McDowell Co,
WV; coal miner; living in rural Superior, McDowell Co, WV; married; husband of Eula England, age
32; son of William and Minerva Milam England; died on 26 Sep 1940 in Welech Emergency
Hospital; from cerebreal apoplexy; buried on 29 Sep 1940 in cemetery on Belcher Mtn (McDowell
Co), WV; informant, I.E. England, Maitland, WV.
6. "Area Cemeteries" WV, McDowell Co, WV Web Site, Belcher Cemetery, Belcher Mt, McDowell Co,
Walter J. England; born on 17 Jul 1901; died on 26 Sep 1940; buried here.

Bertha England

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Browns Creek Road, taken on 26 Apr 1930, Page 119A, Family
Listed as Bertha England, age 8, born in WV, in household of grandfather, William V. England, with father, Walter James

Robert "Bob" England

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Browns Creek District, Browns Creek Road, taken on 26 Apr 1930,
Page 119A, Family #584.
Listed as Bob England, age 6, born in WV, in household of grandfather, William V. England, with father,
Walter James England.

Howard Shuler Addair

1. 1930 Census, McDowell Co, WV, Sandy River District, Iaeger, taken on 4 Apr 1930, Page 165B,
Family #70..
Listed as Howard S. Adair, age 5, born in WV, in household of father, Lee Wallace Adair.
2. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1950); Page 450; WV Archives Web Site.
Howard Shuler Addair; age 26; born and living at Lex, WV; single; married on 8 Jun 1950 at Iaeger,
WV; Mary Margaret Christian; age 21; born in Freeburn, KY; single; living at Avondale, WV.
3. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", MCHS, Vol II, "Howard S. Adair" article, Page 155.
4. "McDowell County WV Heritage", MCHS, 1995, Vol I, "Young American Patriots", WW II Veterans",
Page 14.
Howard Shuler Addair; Pvt. US Army; born 29 Mar 1924; entered service 21 Apr 1943; Ft. Thomas,
KY; served in Europe; awarded Purple Heart, two Battle Stars; attended Iaeger, WV high school; son
of M/M Wallace Addair of Lex, WV.
5.; Obituries Published by Henry Kelley.
"ADDAIR, HOWARD S. - Howard S. Addair, 85, of Carlos, near Avondale, W.Va., died Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at his residence.

"Howard was born March 29, 1924, in Lex, W.Va., a son of the late Lee Wallace and Roxie Addair.

"He was retired from Norfolk and Western Railroad after 40 years of service. He was a veteran of the United States Army having served during World War II, where he earned a purple heart and a bronze service star. He did a tour with the European Theater beginning September 14, 1944. Howard was a member of the American Legion Post #175 and the VFW Post #1144 and was of the Primitive Baptist faith.

"In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Mary M. Addair; three sons, Dexter Lee Addair, Mark Jeff Addair, and Rex Allen Addair.

"Survivors include one son, Jerry Addair and wife Brenda of Carlos near Avondale; one brother, Earl Addair and wife Alice of Bland, Va.; one sister, Helen Spears of Lerona, W.Va.; ten grandchildren, Sheila Ann, Jera Gayetta, Ruty Deann, Cara Leeann, Carla Krisann, Bryna Marla, Rex Allen II (Allen), Charles Dennis (Charlie), Dexter Lee, and Mark Wilson; and ten great-grandchildren, Emilie Brook, Kristen Jolee, Brianna Rose, Cambria Beth, Ethan Troy, Rex Allen III (Trey), Peyton Dean, Elijah Blake, Kolten Jay and Baleigh.

"Funeral services will be conducted Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 12 o’clock with Elder Elzie Mullins, Elder Darrell Mullins and Elder Harold Thornsbury officiating at the chapel of Fanning Funeral Home in Iaeger. Burial will follow in the Short Ridge Cemetery on Short ridge near Garland, W.Va., where military graveside services will be conducted by the American Legion Post #175 and the VFW Post #1144. Pallbearers will be Brian Delong, Charlie Auville, Chris and Scott Addair, Donnie Chadwell, Ricky Lester, Rex Allen Addair, Jr., Dustin, Brandon, Dewayne and Rodney Bishop.

"Friends may visit with the family at the funeral home Friday evening March 19, 2010 from 6 to 9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Legion Post #175 of Bradshaw, or the VFW Post #1144 of Iaeger. Fanning Funeral Home in Iaeger is assisting the Addair family."

Mary Margaret Christian

1. McDowell Co, WV; Marriage Records; Book #__(1950); Page 450; WV Archives Web Site.
Howard Shuler Addair; age 26; born and living at Lex, WV; single; married on 8 Jun 1950 at Iaeger,
WV; Mary Margaret Christian; age 21; born in Freeburn, KY; single; living at Avondale, WV.
2. "McDowell County WV Heritage", Vol II, 1999, "Mary Margaret C. Addair" article, page 156.
Mary Margaret Christian; born on 11 Apr 1929 at Freeburn, KY; married Howard S. Addair.
3. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", MCHS, Vol II, "Howard S. Adair" article, Page 155.

Rex Allen Addair

1. "McDowell County WV Hertiage", MCHS, Vol II, "Howard S. Adair" article, Page 155.