Coy Daniels [Parents].Coy married Melanie.
Melanie.Melanie married Coy Daniels.
Robert Lee Repass [Parents] was born about 1958. He married Tammy Marie Toler.
Tammy Marie Toler [Parents] was born about 1960. She married Robert Lee Repass.
Virgil Alvah Cook Jr [Parents] was born in 1930 in Pineville, Wyoming Co, WV. He married Deanna Belcher on 26 May 1960 in Superior, McDowell Co, WV.
Deanna Belcher [Parents] was born in 1941 in Superior, McDowell Co, WV. She married Virgil Alvah Cook Jr on 26 May 1960 in Superior, McDowell Co, WV.
Other marriages:Hannah, Rufus
John Maynor [Parents].John married Misty.
Misty.Misty married John Maynor.
Eddie Bee Aliff Jr.Eddie married Beverly Roberts.
Beverly Roberts [Parents].Beverly married Eddie Bee Aliff Jr.
William M "Bill" Anderson was born in 1885 in KY. He married Annie Simmons.
Annie Simmons [Parents] was born on 1 Jan 1898 in Keystone, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 15 Dec 1967. She married William M "Bill" Anderson.
Rakes. married Vinnie Marie Belcher.
Vinnie Marie Belcher [Parents] was born on 25 Aug 1933 in Oceana, Wyoming Co, WV. She died on 8 Feb 2005. She married Rakes.
Cecil Garland Nelson.Cecil married Oreta Faye Green.
Oreta Faye Green.Oreta married Cecil Garland Nelson.
They had the following children:
F i Dianna Lynn Nelson was born on 13 May 1956. She died on 26 Jun 2018. M ii James Austin Nelson.
Ronald Lee "Boe" Belcher [Parents] was born on 30 Sep 1954 in Clearfork, Wyoming Co, WV. He died on 15 Jul 2005 in Clearfork, Wyoming Co, WV. He was buried in Palm Memorial Gardens, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV. He married Dianna Lynn Nelson.
Dianna Lynn Nelson [Parents] was born on 13 May 1956 in IndependeNCe, Doniphan Co, Ks. She died on 26 Jun 2018 in Clearfork, Wyoming Co, WV. She was buried on 2 Jul 2018 in Palm Memorial Gardens, Matheny, Wyoming Co, WV. She married Ronald Lee "Boe" Belcher.
They had the following children:
M i James Austin Belcher. M ii Derrick Lee Belcher. F iii Christine Marie Belcher. F iv Darmi Belcher.
John William "Johnnie" Anders [Parents] was born on 5 Aug 1945 in Leckie, McDowell Co, WV. He died on 17 Sep 1989 in Archdale, Randolph Co, NC. He was buried in Floral Garden Memorial Park, High Point, Guilford Co, NC.
He had the following children:
F i Paula Renee Anders was born on 7 Jun 1974 in NC. She died on 9 Feb 2014 in NC. She was buried in Floral Garden Memorial Park, High Point, Guilford Co, NC. [Notes]