McDowell and Wyoming Co, WV Families

Gary Price.Gary married Lisa Lusk.

Lisa Lusk [Parents].Lisa married Gary Price.

Michael Lusk [Parents].Michael married Judy.

Judy.Judy married Michael Lusk.

Junior Harrison.Junior married Teresa Lusk.

Teresa Lusk [Parents].Teresa married Junior Harrison.

Brian Christian [Parents].Brian married Alisa.

Alisa.Alisa married Brian Christian.

Kevin Christian [Parents].Kevin married Lisa.

Lisa.Lisa married Kevin Christian.

William Noah Stewart was born on 14 Jul 1891 in Pike Co, KY. He died on 19 May 1954 in Grundy, Buchanan Co, VA. He was buried in Noah Stewart Cemetery, Compton Mt, Paynesville, McDowell Co, WV. He married Louvina Riffe.


Louvina Riffe [Parents] was born on 27 Apr 1895 in KY. She died on 5 Jan 1975 in VA. She was buried in Noah Stewart Cemetery, Buchanan Co, VA. She married William Noah Stewart.


They had the following children:

  F i Bertha Estella Stewart was born on 14 Feb 1924. She died on 15 Mar 1997.

Larry Dean Herron [Parents] was born on 12 Mar 1951. He died on 20 Oct 2019 in Bristol Regional Medical Center, Bristol, SulliVAn Co, TN. He was buried on 25 Oct 2019 in Greenhills Memory Gardens Mausoleum, Claypool Hill, Tazewell Co, VA. He married Sally Stacy on 9 Jan 1971.


Sally Stacy [Parents].Sally married Larry Dean Herron on 9 Jan 1971.

They had the following children:

  M i Larry Dewayne Herron.
  F ii Sarah Herron.

Jeff Johnson.Jeff married Sarah Herron.

Sarah Herron [Parents].Sarah married Jeff Johnson.

Paul Claude Stacy [Parents] was born on 13 Sep 1914 in Perry Co, KY. He died on 8 Jun 1997 in Buchanan Co, VA. He was buried in Tom Sparks Cemetery,Paynesville, McDowell Co, WV. He married Sarah Jane "Belle" Thornsbury in 1950 in McDowell Co, WV.

Other marriages:
Collis, Verdie Jeanette


Sarah Jane "Belle" Thornsbury [Parents] was born on 11 May 1928 in Paynesville, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 30 Aug 1988 in Grundy, Buchanan Co, VA. She was buried in Tom Sparks Cemetery,Paynesville, McDowell Co, WV. She married Paul Claude Stacy in 1950 in McDowell Co, WV.


They had the following children:

  F i Sally Stacy.
  M ii Thomas Ezra Stacy was born on 22 Sep 1952.

Gary Tilley.Gary married Jessica Lafferty.

Jessica Lafferty [Parents].Jessica married Gary Tilley.

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