James Brooks.James married Louise.
Louise.Louise married James Brooks.
They had the following children:
M i John Brooks was born on 19 Jan 1918.
John Richard Null.John married Sarah Fortner.
Sarah Fortner.Sarah married John Richard Null.
They had the following children:
F i Myrtle Null was born on 25 Dec 1889. She died on 12 Nov 1954.
Charles Scott Smith [Parents] was born on 6 Apr 1967 in NC. He married Melissa Ann Murphy on 24 Jul 1988 in Henry Co, VA.
Melissa Ann Murphy [Parents] was born on 5 Mar 1970 in WV. She married Charles Scott Smith on 24 Jul 1988 in Henry Co, VA.
William "Bill" Akers.William married Betty Dale.
Betty Dale [Parents].Betty married William "Bill" Akers.
Ron Pentz.Ron married Jill Richardson.
Jill Richardson [Parents].Jill married Ron Pentz.
Robbie Smith.Robbie married Linda Sue Dale.
Linda Sue Dale [Parents].Linda married Robbie Smith.
William Conley.William married Helen Dale.
Helen Dale [Parents].Helen married William Conley.
Roberts. married Loretta Shrewsbury.
Loretta Shrewsbury [Parents].Loretta married Roberts.
Cecil Barker.Cecil married Janet Hartsock.
Janet Hartsock [Parents].Janet married Cecil Barker.
Joseph "Joe" Riffe.Joseph married Anne Hartsock.
Anne Hartsock [Parents].Anne married Joseph "Joe" Riffe.
Other marriages:Bauguess,