Roy Day [Parents].Roy married Gloria.
Gloria.Gloria married Roy Day.
Pete Day [Parents].Pete married Guyna.
Dolly Scott [Parents].Dolly married Stanley.
Swanson Kennedy [Parents] was born on 23 May 1944 in McDowell Co, WV. He married Jean Autry Day on 12 Apr 1965 in Buchanan Co, VA.
Jean Autry Day [Parents] was born in 1947 in Buchanan Co, VA. She married Swanson Kennedy on 12 Apr 1965 in Buchanan Co, VA.
Patricia Ann "Patti" Hairston [Parents] was born on 4 Mar 1940 in Welch, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 22 Oct 2020 in Charleston, Kanawha Co, WV. She was buried in Oct 2020.
Other marriages:Shoats,
Easley, George Sr
She had the following children:
M i Tyrone Hairston.
Gene Addair [Parents].Gene married Kim.
Larry Golden.Larry married Dawn Addair.
Dawn Addair [Parents].Dawn married Larry Golden.
Hoye Muncy [Parents].Hoye married Loretta.
Loretta.Loretta married Hoye Muncy.
Dock Foley [Parents] was born on 31 May 1910 in Mercer Co, WV. He married Hazel L. Trent on 15 Oct 1937 in Crumpler, McDowell Co, WV.
Hazel L. Trent [Parents] was born on 19 Feb 1916 in McDowell Co, WV. She married Dock Foley on 15 Oct 1937 in Crumpler, McDowell Co, WV.
Roy Caldwell.Roy married Mildred Gormley.
Mildred Gormley.Mildred married Roy Caldwell.
They had the following children:
F i Jerri Doris Caldwell was born about 1934.