John Benton Ward [Parents] was born on 10 Feb 1972 in Welch, McDowell Co, WV. He died on 15 Nov 2020 in Yukon, McDowell Co, WV. He was buried on 19 Nov 2020 in Ward Family Cemetery, White MTN, Jewel Ridge, Tazewell Co, VA.
He had the following children:
F i Amber Ward. F ii Allison Ward. F iii Casee Ward.
Harper. married Maxine Kenneda.
Maxine Kenneda [Parents].Maxine married Harper.
Mike Sandy.Mike married Tammy L. Tilley.
Tammy L. Tilley [Parents] was born on 2 Jan 1963. She married Mike Sandy.
Frank Blevins [Parents] was born in 1884 in Ashe Co, NC. He married Rosa Burns on 1 Nov 1902 in Washington Co, VA.
Other marriages:Frost, Mae
Rosa Burns [Parents] was born in Apr 1885 in Washington Co, VA. She married Frank Blevins on 1 Nov 1902 in Washington Co, VA.
They had the following children:
M i Carson Lacy Blevins was born in 1907. M ii Raymond Coulon "Ray" Blevins was born on 12 Dec 1927.
James Short.James married Mary Jones.
Mary Jones.Mary married James Short.
Other marriages:Mullins, Steve
They had the following children:
F i Tamara Alycia "Brookie" Short was born on 2 Mar 1967. She died on 21 Dec 2021. F ii Elaine Short. M iii "Tinker" Short.
Marvin Eugene Stinson Jr [Parents] was born on 26 Apr 1970. He married Suzanne.
Other marriages:, Betty
Suzanne.Suzanne married Marvin Eugene Stinson Jr.
Pauline Bailey [Parents] was born on 2 Jul 1940 in Mohawk, McDowell Co, WV. She died on 6 Dec 2021. She was buried on 10 Dec 2021 in Iaeger Memorial Cemetery, Roderfield, McDowell Co, WV.
She had the following children:
F i Alice Bailey. F ii Billie Jean Bailey. M iii Charles Bailey. M iv Eddie Ray Bailey. M v James Bailey.
Sammy Miano.Sammy married Kathy S. Steele.
Kathy S. Steele [Parents].Kathy married Sammy Miano.
James E."Buddy" Ball [Parents] was born in 1939 in WV. He married Sue.
Sue.Sue married James E."Buddy" Ball.
Andy Somosky.Andy married Susan Bmo.?.
Susan Bmo.?.Susan married Andy Somosky.
They had the following children:
M i Henry Somosky was born on 6 Apr 1914. He died on 18 Mar 1944.